
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter II: The Vast Port Of Dovaria II

1­9 Degrees Central Britannica, morning.

Claire Elford, 27th February 1894, Port Dovaria;

We continued, through a path near the beaches, zeppelins soared throughout the sky, as ships embarked on their adventures. The streets were filled with life and joy; market talk from local goods and fisheries to the diverse amount of foreigners selling their unique goods and spices. Spectacles of spells as elves and humans alike cast fireworks in the sky. Near them were the alchemists and artificers, selling their various artefacts and catalysts, all bizarre in shape and likely questionable in quality. Sophie continued to escort us around the various different crowds until we finally stood in front of a strange vehicle. The wheels were made of metal rather than wood, and the carriage itself was moulded around the wheels, short and long in design. Gold linings encased around the exterior of the vehicle, bringing about this sense of luxury. A symbol of true artistry as well as engineering in the likes of it. The gold matched well with the crimson-red paint of the machine.

"Ah, madam Sofie and Claire, your ride is right here." Accompanying the automobile was an elf, who had a strong Republique accent. He was tall with grey eyes, wearing an elegant dark blue suit matching that of his hair. People gazed in awe at the sight of us, mostly at the automobile thankfully.

"Oh it looks quite wonderful, don't you think Claire?" I look amazed, not only at how fascinating it looked but one other thing...

"Sophie, while it does look amazing." I pause, the itching feeling of regret already waiting in anticipation.

"It looks well, well quite expensive. How much would you estimate exactly?" She warps a devious smile nearing close to my ear. Dear Irene why did I ask.

"Oh it's around ten-thousand ducats, but my father does own this brand new automobile company, so we are simply testing the prototype."

There it was, an entire lifetime's worth of money encased in that machine, would sitting in it reduce its value? I look at her astounded. I would need five whole lifetimes to be able to afford that... The man gestures towards me, opening one of the doors into the machine.

"Thank you for riding with us, the Astonian Martly automobile Company." I gesture a nod, heading in. A flicker of excitement as well as fear danced within me.

The Elf enters the front of the vehicle, tampering with the machine as a spark of light comes from the front, and a roar almost like thunder ignites. The automobile accelerates forward. I briefly hold on tightly, a flood of anxiety cartels within me but Sophie reassures me to loosen up. Comforting me once again, with her usual warming sheepish grins.

"Thank you Sophie for everything again, and you didn't have to do this..." She chuckles;

"Nonsense Claire, we're not having this conversation yet again, we're on important business. You must be accompanied professionally, after all, you're the figurehead for all of my Dad's companies. My job is to ensure your safety and chaperone you. Don't ever forget that, alright?"

Her vibrant blond hair catches a tide as the automobile drives ever so faster. She almost looked unworldly in a way, with an aura of power and confidence coinciding with one another. Still, I felt undeserving of this treatment. If it weren't for Sophie, I wouldn't be the person I am today...

"Claire you're my best friend as well after all. I'll always be there for you, and I know you will always be there for me as well too." She thrusts her hands in the air. I take comfort in her words, catching a view above, crystal clear.

"If it rains madam, we can apply a roof for the automobile." Looking back down, I notice his gaze through the wing mirror. "Oh I was just looking at the sky, but thank you for telling me, uh?"

"Ah, my name is Silver Dreyfus, apologies for not introducing myself earlier. Starting today I am officially your chauffeur."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Silver." He turns back to the road, focusing on the way ahead of us. We slowly distance ourselves away from Dovaria, with its vast ports fading away as the sight of factory fumes pass us. The once lively crowds turn into the peace and serenity of the rural plains. From this view, the locomotives rush out of the city, chugging away as they animate the vast plains that lie ahead. The beauty never gets old.

"Claire, have you fixed the mistakes I listed when reviewing your speech?" She brings out her spectacles, having trouble with the turbulent winds.

"Ah, yeah I've been on top of that not to worry. It's been really helpful and I've taken all of the tips that you suggested. Thank you again." She proudly smirks.

"Oh, you're too kind Claire. I just added the extra cherry on top to polish it. You did all the work here after all but I'll graciously accept your compliment!" Sophie then continues on with one of her classical maniacal laughs, one that leaves me bewildered more than anything...

"How fast are we going, Silver?" I ask out of curiosity and partly to distract me from Sophie's hysterical behaviour.

"Well, with the newly developed double-core magic-infused engine we can reach up to a speed of sixty miles per hour. The fastest in terrarium recorded history for automobiles, which is the current speed we are cruising as of right now." I could sense the passion and pride coming from him. Although I didn't quite catch what he had said completely, the one thing that did catch my attention was the last part.

"Wait, did I hear that right? Sixty miles!? That'll take us just about an hour to get to Londinium!" This thing might even be able to compete against locomotives.

"Of course, I would like to take partial credit considering I was the head of design for this beauty." She smirks again. Her ego might start slowing us down at this rate with how large it's grown... I take a moment to ignore her antiques and take in the scenery once more, the fresh air brushing against me gave me a sense of freedom I haven't felt in a while. Even I throw my hands in the air. Sophie joins me eagerly too.

"You know we should still be reciting your speech, right Claire?" Sophie confronts the topic in a bubbly mood.

"Let me just enjoy this a little longer, it's been too long since I felt this free." All the world's problems can wait for this one good feeling, it's okay for me to feel selfish at least once in a while. The moment goes by like a shooting star in the night sky. Until I finally feel the urge to get back to business.

"Yeah, I'm ready now." We continue with our steady ride. Working diligently whilst having the beauty of the Brittanian rural plains to accompany us. Taking moments to count the amount of GroundWork Steam factories we come across by. The pattern soon came to an abrupt pause.

"Hey, I wanted to apologise if I made you worry back on the ice-breaker when we experienced hurricane Hiemalia. I-I noticed the strange weather, partly why I stayed up at the bridge the whole time. I didn't mean to make you worry. So don't put yourself in danger like that again, going on deck wasn't the smartest of choices, alright?" I almost felt taken aback. I thought I was the overthinker, but I suppose even Sophie has her moments. I can't help but flash back to see the storm, having that dread when reading the telegram. It was all so fast, but at least it's over now.

"It's honestly okay Sophie. In the end, we are still here and that's what matters most." I let out a vibrant grin.

"Oh, that was the seventh factory we passed. I still kept count." Sophie took a second to gaze, turning back to me with a child-like pout. I'll take the victories I can get.

We continue our ride to the capital, Londinian, as our pattern clocked back into motion.