
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter II: The Vast Port Of Dovaria I

1­9 Degrees Central Britannica, morning.

Claire Elford, 27th February 1894, Port Dovaria;

"All passengers aboard, we have now officially landed in the port of Dovaria. Please disembark and take your luggage with you. We are happy for you to use the Royal Frost Company to sail the northern seas." I take one last look around my quarters, sparsely populated with organised furniture. The desk was suited with a brand new mirror, the prior one being smashed due to the storm had integrated itself with the room as a light layer of dust sat atop it. The reflection of me, father's old satchel around my shoulder along with a briefcase and adventurers backpack. At least I brushed my hair before I put my brush away. Satisfied with the state of my room and myself I fight the inclination of wanting to stay and procrastinate. Come on Claire, you've got everything. I make my way to the iron door, with one hand empty I exit, double-checking whether or not I locked the door tightly.

"Finally back home." I couldn't help but feel relief, the uneasy tension of being out at sea was beginning to make me feel restless. I walk across the empty corridors, the sound of steam hissing from the walls. I reach for the familiar hatch. It took a little more strength and grunting but once relenting a bright light casts itself back inside. I'm finally met with the open wide sky. The treacherous seagulls chirped ghastly in response, a somewhat comforting welcome, further reminding me of home. I take a breath of the fresh air. Home, after long toils and adventure out at sea you'll always have something to go back to, a place to rest and to speak of your travels. My father's words, the one and only time he took me to one of his many voyages. Although not too far, it was only across the Northern Sea, the Kingdom of Hollandia. I got to see many things, the windmills and poulders they'd have. The capitals is just as grand as the cities of Britannia, we had visited one. Amstelerdam, father had little time to spare but when he did we'd explore the city. Cycling past the many canals across the city, at the time they'd begun the works of dedicated bike lanes. I wonder, how many have they built since then?

"Claire!" A loud familiar voice rings from the background. Snuffing out the thoughts I sunk myself into.

"Good morning, slept well in your quarters?" She joyfully jumps straight for me dropping her bags only to give me a hug.

"Quite well as a matter of fact! I did tell you my quarters were far superior compared to yours, you should've joined me. Madeline wouldn't have minded swapping with you." I tried responding but considering my whole waste had shrunk twofold it was quite the challenge.

"S-sophie, could you let me g-go please..." She lets go finally, sheepishly smiling at me. With her release, I gasp in for that well-acquainted breath of fresh air.

"Well I didn't want to bother Madeline, after all, she would've been further away from the sick bay." She sighs, frowning at me. Who knows how many injuries there might of been from the time of the storm. If she were farther away from the sick bay that'd be precious time taken away from her. Considering she was the only medical professional on the ship.

"Claire, she said she didn't mind at all. I'm sure a couple more minutes of walking wouldn't have harmed her."

"But what if on the off chance, there was a medical emergen-" She planted her fingers on my lips before I could continue.

"Let's just head on out now, shall we?" I look back at her disgruntled, she pulls her hand away subtly ignoring me as she takes a glance around us.

"Looks as busy as ever I see, come on Claire let's disembark, I've already ordered an automobile to collect us, and oh it's the most advanced automobile you've ever seen!" Her eyes glimmered with passion, where is she getting all this energy from...

"I'll take your word for it."

Both of us walk side by side down the bridge to get off the ship. The majority of the passengers had already left with the last few waving goodbye at the staff awaiting patiently outside.

"Claire Elford." I jump at the call of my name, my line of sight heading straight for the source of that voice.

"I humbly thank you for notifying us of Hurricane Hiemalia's arrival. You've helped prevent the many possible casualties, we are indeed in your debt. As captain of this ship, we salute you!" The crew follow in sync, saluting. Although the captain was a Dwarf, he emanated a strangely strong presence, well-mannered and finely dressed. Befitting of his title, his blonde hair journeyed all the way down to his beard reminiscent of a lion's mane.

"You should be thanking Blossom-Fall Outpost's team. I just simply sent the message around." He lets out a warm smile, nodding in appreciation. It's a rare sight to see a dwarf be considered a captain from a Britannian-led company. Usually, they'd stick to their own kind or if given a better opportunity work as engineers or researchers. Rarely are they given a title requiring such high reputation and prestige. Either way, he must have worked hard to get to the position he is today. Even with his intimidating presence I still felt a sense of comfort around him, a sense of tranquillity rare to me.

"May Irene be with you."

The fresh open sky was exhilarating, with the vast port of Dovaria as jewels to my eyes.

"It never seems to change, doesn't it?"

Sophie glanced back at me, looking blatantly surprised at the fact that I could usher a couple of words of my own. Including of course her exaggerated expressions, I'm sure she'd be a great actor. I couldn't tell whether or not I should be insulted. I can start my own conversations too you know! She willfully ignores my own expression and finally responds.

"Yeah, still as busy as ever. Heard there is a lot of trade going to and from La Plata nowadays. Rumours talk of the neighbouring country of Brasilia, which is where the majority of the elf trafficking network is located. Quite scary isn't it?" There had been gossip of elves disappearing throughout Europa at an unconventionally high rate, especially in the Grand Republique.

"We did hear back in Blossom-Fall Outpost that there have been many Elves missing, do you think that's the sole reason?"

"Some theories blame the Troubonists did it. Some go as far as to blame that famous serial killer in the Jing Dynasty. The ring killer was it? I can't quite remember." It did bring about a sense of uneasiness, probably made worse if humans were the ones being trafficked. A dark comfort I could say.

"I pray for an end of it then, may Irene be with them." Seemed like the world was still instilled in its various amounts of dramas, I couldn't help but lose some amount of faith in the world...