
Chapter 108

I checked the location on my phone then put it away. I then checked it again and made sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me.

"Hello Kenji." He smiled and waved at me. I almost turned around and went back home. "Its just for tonight. Please.." He begged me and I nodded.

A love hotel isnt exactly the best place to meet at. Or stay at for that matter. "If you love me then say it now. We might have left together but we wont always be together." I looked over at him and saw him blushing.

"Kenji.." He looked at me and I stared at him. "I...Want to go inside. Its cold." I laughed a bit and rubbed the back of my head. I then started walking and he followed behind me.

We both got inside and man...It was bright. Pink was all over and there were some pretty questionable ads aswell. "Welcome..." The lady looked at the both of us. "Is it just...You two?" Me and izuku looked at each other then looked back.

"Yep! This is my lover! Arent we cute!" I pulled him in close and the lady nodded. "You have a good road ahead of you boy. Good luck..." She was talking to izuku which made him flinch. The height different between us made us look like an average yaoi couple.

I payed for a room and she gave me a key. We then walked down the hallways while hearing gasping noise all around us. "Why would you say that kenji?"

He pouted at me. "We get a discount for being two dudes getting it on together that's why." I wasnt lying actually. Our food is half price off now.

"...I see." I laughed a bit and we got to our rooms. I used the key that the lady gave us and unlocked the door. We both then went inside and sat our stuff down.

"Kenji?...What room did you get?" He looked at me and I stared at him. "The biggest one of course." The room was really big to be honest. There was a huge heart shaped bed in it aswell.

It had a waterfall behind it and their was also a balcony. The room was red and pink and had various...Items all over it. "How did you get so much momey?.." He looked at me and I laughed. "Dont you have alot? From hero work?"

He shook his head then then said "I donate most of it to the poor tho. I only keep a small sum for myself." I nodded at his statement and went up to the bed.

I sunk in a bit as I sat down and grabbed the remote. I turned the TV on to a cooking channel and watched it. Izuku picked up my stuff and his with black whip and walked over to me. He sat down my stuff besides me then sat down himself.

"What is it?" He had a serious look on his face. "Do you still think that they'll go after them even if were gone?" He looked at me and nodded a bit. I laughed at this and patted his head. "Its fine. They wont risk doing that. Both of our sides are weakened right now so there'll

be no point."

He looked up at me and stared. "Okay..." I looked away but he kept starring. "Hey kenji...Why do you wear a mask? You never wore one before you left so why now?" I kept watching tv and said "Identity. You should wear one aswell since we'll need to hide them."

He thought for a moment then shook his head. He then opened his luggage and took out his hero costume. He started tinkering with it while asking me for suggestions.

I told him some things and got up. "I'm going to go take a shower. Join me if you want." I waved him off and he nodded. I dont think he was paying attention to me tho.

I got into the shower room and looked around. It was very huge and had candles everywhere. Rose's and other flowers were all over aswell. I turned the water on and started taking my clothes off.

I then picked up a phone that was by the sink and dialed a number. "Hello. May I place an order?" The lady on the phone said sure and I told her what I wanted.

She asked how I was doing aswell and I told her some things that made her squeale. I hung the phone up and started getting into the bath tub. It felt nice on my skin and I let out a long sigh.

"We need to talk." I couldnt even be surprised anymore about these visits. "About what?" I looked at her and she frowned. "You went too far that day. You have to undo what you did right now."

I frowned at her and nodded. I then snapped my fingers and she sighed. "You released too much power that day. It caused multiple universes to die out and we had to..." She kept explaining things and I just nodded along.

Shes talking about when I released a percent of my power by the way. I forgot to undo the things I caused so the gods had to step up and take over things. "It wont happen again." She nodded at that and disappeared.

After she did, the door opened. I looked over and stared at him. "What is it?" He walked up to me and showed me his notebook. "Do you think this works?" I grabbed the notebook and looked at it.

He had these boots that were torn at the end. A yellow scarf with a backpack. He also had this weird mask but it looked cool. "Looks great." I handed the notebook back and he smiled. "Wait. Can I see that back. I'm going to change mine up too."

He nodded and handed me the notebook back. He also handed me a pen and walked back a bit. He started stripping down and I opened my mouth. "What is you doing mane."

What I said earlier was a joke. "You can show me your ideas while we're in together." I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I guess it's fine in the end. His costume was sick so I guess that he can point out some stuff in my designs.

He soon got into the bath tub and melted aswell. "Too bad we're staying for one night huh?" I nodded at him while writing some thing down. He then stretched his foot out and hit the back of my notebook.

He laughed for a bit and I plashed some water onto him. I laughed aswell and we started going back and forth for a while. "Okay, Okay..You win!.." He laughed out and I slowly stopped.

I started writing some more and eventually showed him a design. "Well?" I handed it to him and he grabbed it. "Hmmm...Looks good!" He smiled at me and put his thumb up.

I also nodded and took the notebook back. I wrote down some more stuff and stopped. I got up from the bath and looked at him. "Are you done or are you staying in here longer?" He flicnhed then said "You want to take a shower right?"

He stood up himself and got out. I undid the cork in the bath and got out. Izuku then stood infront of the mirror and I sighed. He was looking at his scars while making a serious face. "Stop thinking about it."

I tried to distract him by playing around with him but it didnt work. Shigiraki always comes back to his head and the things that happened in the war aswell. While I was fighting against those 1000 people, he had to battle shigiraki again.

He was unconscious but the users woke him up and...Yeah. Shiggy said some words to him which made him have a culture shock. "I'm trying to but...I just cant..." I walked up to him and patted his shoulders. "Just don't let it bring you down too much. Okay?"

I understand the pressure that he has on him. I just hope that it doesnt force him to do things that he doesn't want to do. "Okay." I nodded at him and walked over to the shower. It was huge aswell.

I turned that on and turned back around. "Someone should be knocking on the door in a couple of minutes." He nodded and said "I'll take a shower later then." You shouldnt do that. You sat in both of our dirt. You need to wash it off.

"Okay." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. He waved at me and closed the door. I got into the shower and sighed. I thought back to what the users said to me and what they did.

They gave me some type of power that could basically tell me his location no matter where hes at. I thought it was overkill but they forced me to accept it.

"Promise to protect him." Those words floated around in my head.


I walked out the bathroom with a towel on and saw izuku. "Did you order all of this?" There was food all over the room. "Yep. We need to celebrate my return right?" He laughed a bit and nodded.

I grabbed some clothes from my suitcases and changed into them. I put on some pajamas which made izuku snicker. "And you make fun of my pajamas." He held his mouth and laughed.

"These are fire tho right?" They had shrimps all over them. "Better than your all might ones." I walked over to a plate of food and got some. Izuku did the same and I sat down. "So uh..I think we should finally bring the topic up."

Izuku got serious and nodded. "Who ever loses right?" I nodded and smile. "Of course." We both sat our plates down and walked up to each other. We stared at each other for a while then put our hands out.

I put out scissors and he put down paper. "I win." I smiled at him and he clenched his shirt He fell to his knees and said "Lucky..." I laughed and he got back up while laughing aswell. "I get the bed and you get the couch huh." He nodded at me.

"Well maybe I'll let you since you chose the place..." His face lit up. He checked the couch earlier and noticed that it was hard. Like brick hard.

It wasnt ment for sleeping on tho so I guess that's...Why? "Really?.." I smiled a bit and patted his head.

We continued eating for a while. He asked me questions like, "What happened to your arm by the way?" and I answered by saying "It was blown off in a fight." He frowned a bit and I continued. "I'm fine tho. It didnt hurt too much."

He kind of accepted this answer and I got up. I went to the side of the bed and pulled the covers back. I got inside and he looked at me. "Come get in." He rapidly nodded and jumped into the bed.

He sunk into the covers and sighed. He then got under them and sunk in even more. "It sure is comfy." I nodded at that and we continued watching Tv. It was around 2 am in the morning right now I think.

We both were getting pretty tired and we soon doze off.


"Im going to go design my costume. I'll be back later." I was putting my clothes on while he was laying in bed.

"Let me go with you!" He shot out of the bed and used black whip. He grabbed his clothes and started changing. I nodded at his statement and continued getting dressed.

I put a hat on and he told me that he was done. He looked even more feminine now. I thought it would be impossible for him to look like that with his abs but I guess I was wrong. "Let's go then." He nodded and we walked out of the door.

We immediately got stares from people who were in the hallways. Well izuku did, as he does look pretty good. "Uhm kenji? Why are they all looking at me?" He looked up at me and I smiled. "I dont...know?.."

He kept starring at me and we continued walking. We got to the lobby and thay lady started speaking to us. "Will you be staying here for another night?" I looked at izuku and he did the same. We both then looked at her.

"Yes. You can just keep charging us for the next few nights." She nodded and we left. I pulled my hat down a bit and I called my car. I had them fix it because it was kinda wrecked during the war and they told me it was ready this morning.

It soon pulled up to us and izuku eyes sparkled. "Is this your car!?" He then started checking all around it. "Yep." I then pressed another button and the doors opened. Izuku then got into the passenger side and started checking it out.

I got into the drive seat and paused. My smile slowly turned into a frown as I started at the pen. "Kenji?" He looked at me and I continued getting into the car.

"Whats...Wrong?" He looked at where I was looking at and saw the pen. "Is it this?" He proceeded to pick it up and I stared at him. "Put that down." He flicnhed hard and accidentally dropped the pen. I caught it mid air and sat it back down.

"W-W-Whats wrong!?" He stared at me and I shook my head. "Sorry. Somebody important gave that to me and I..." I rubbed the back of my head and izuku nodded slowly. I sighed at this and started my car.

I then started driving in silence. Izuku was talking to me about some things and I only answered him by nodding. We passed by multiple stores and soon stopped. I parked into the parking lot and said "I'll be back. Test the car out if you want."

I patted his head and got out of the car. I walked towards the store while getting stares. "Is he famous or something?" I get that off of how I'm dressed? I then walked into the store.

A bell went off and I heard someone talk. "Hello mister. What can I help you with?" I looked around to try and find the voice. "I'm done here." I looked down and saw a small child.

We stared at each other and her face became red. "Your so cute!" I picked her up from under her armpits and swung her around. She kept telling me to put her down and I laughed.

"I'll like to make a costume. Can you help me with that?" I sat her down and she stammered a bit. "Y-Yes. Please follow me.." She slowly turned around and stammered towards the back of the room.

I followed behind her and walked into a back room. "Oh hello." A red haired woman waved at me. "I'm mary. I see you found my daughter." She picked her up and walked over to me.

"I can't see your face...Hmmm..." She stared at me with her hand on her face. I laughed awkwardly then said "Can you make an outfit for me?" She kept starring at me and nodded.

"Sure. Do you have a design in mind already or...?" I nodded and pulled out a piece of paper. Her daughter took it and they both examined it. They kept looking up at me from time to time and I eventually looked away. "This is...A pretty cool design mister!" I looked at her and nodded.

"We can do it by today actually." I was surprised a bit but I stilled nodded. "Its so simple yet...Perfect? You already did everything in detail so..." I nodded and said "How much will it be?"

They both made thinking faces then mary spoke. "Since my daughter Isabella likes you then I'll make it..200. Is that fair?" I nodded and Isabella spoke out. "I-I dont like him...Hes just nice..." She looked away with a red face.

"Well its settled. Come back in about an hour and it'll be done. We don't need your measurements as you already wrote them on here." I nodded and waved at them.

I then left the store and looked around. "Can he even drive?" I sighed and sat down. I then concentrated a bit and used the power that the users gave me. I soon got a clear image of where he was at.

"Pretty nice to be honest." I could see him from any angle I wanted too. How did the users even get this kind of power?...

I shrugged the thought off and got up. Izuku came flying into the drive way with the tires folded out. He was using the hover featured which I've never used.

He then pulled up to me and stopped. The windows rolled down and I bent down. "That...Was amazing!" I laughed a bit and opened the door. I got into the car and pressed a button. The wheels then went back in and the car was back to normal.

It's not like I didnt like it in the hover mode but.....Yeah...Vehicle mode is better. I made the hover option for... Saftey reason? Or maybe I made it because it seemed like a good idea at first.

"So? How long until its ready?" I looked over at him and said "An hour actually." He nodded and started driving away.

How did he make his hero costume by the way? Did he just do it himself or something? I shrugged the though away and looked out the window.


"Here you go mister." She smiled and handed me my costume inside of a bag. "Thanks." I patted her head and walked passed her. I went up to the counter and reached into my pocket.

I pulled out some money and gave it to her. "No. You dont need too." She stopped me and I slowly nodded. "Just promise to come here again. Okay?" She placed her finger on her lip and winked at me. I smiled a bit and nodded.

"Come back again mister!" I nodded at her and walked out of the store. Izuku was standing againt my car. "Want to check it out?" He looked up at me and rapidly nodded.

I placed my costume in the trunk and got into the driver seat. "I'll show you when we go back to the hotel." He nodded at me with a sad expression and got in. We them drove off only to be seen a couple of weeks later.


(AN: By my own logic, everyone should have left U.A. I think...

Meh...Mc is a bigger threat than izuku right?

Shiggy ain't notice it was him until the end of the fight. Shiggy will now get revenge on mc for killing him and Master.)