
Chapter 107

"Do you really think he'll be okay?" Nejire asked while they were all running away. Endeavor heard this and gritted his teeth. "He's stronger than all of us...I hate to admit it but its true.."

He bawled his fist and shoto sighed. "He'll be fine. We should focus on getting out of here.." As he said that, someone crashed into a near by mattress. They all looked at each other and ran towards the person.

"M-Midoriya!?" They all looked at izuku who was lying on the mattress. "We have to go save kenji!" He immediately shot up but was stopped by everyone. "Stop it." Endeavor grabbed izuku but he still tried to get free.

"We have to get you some help aswell. Dont worry about him." Izuku was over endeavor shoulders with his hand out. "Kenji.." He cried out some more and passed out.


I heard their laughter and smiled. "Hes just one man....This is over kill but I like it!" A blue skinned man licked his lips at me. There were similar comments to this which made me smile even more.

I then walked forward a bit. I heard more laughter and screams. I picked up my speed and they started running towards me.

I started running at full speed and came close to the first guy. I ran passed him and multiple people were shot up in the air. There laughter soon turned into screams when I did.

I got up to this one guy and kicked him in the stomach. He flew back and fell on another group of people. I then ducked and jumped back. I held onto this person shoulders and spun around.

The person's body twisted and I jumped off him. I landed on the ground which knocked some people over from the force. I punched this one guy then immediately moved to the side. I caught the fist that went passed my face and flipped him over.

His arm broke and I kept going. A guy with a pole swung down at me and I grabbed it. I then started spinning him around and released him at a group of some more people.

Someone threw a ninja star at me and I caught it. I then spun around a bit and threw it at someone else. Someone then rushed up to me and threw a punch at my head then kicked at my leg. I dodged both and kicked him in the stomach.

"I-Impossible!" There were words like that spreading around the field. Someone then came from my sides and from under me. I jumped up and kicked the people at my sides while the guy under me grabbed air.

I then landed back on the guy in the ground and his head exploded. I started running towards more people and picked up a sword. I got up to someone and slicked his arm off.

He fell to the ground and I went up to another person. His hand transformed into a gun and he shot at me. Time slowed down as the bullet came at me. I then put the sword out and the bullet collided.

The bullet split in half and I proceeded to slice him. More gun shots went off and and I grabbed his limp body. I used it as a sheild and crouched down. 'Damn this is a lot of people.'

1000 at the start and now there was around 900. The other guy did it better but I'll still try. The bullets stopped for a moment and I launched out. They shot at me but they soon realized that it wasnt me.

I appeared behind the group of shooters and cut all of their hands off. I then blitzed passed them and went to another group. One guy pucnhed at me and I blocked with my sword. It shattered instantly and I slid by him.

I them pucnhed at his back and it exploded. I quickly turned my head around and kicked someone in the knee cap. They kneeled down and I uppercuted him. He flew back and I blitz in front of someone else.

They reacted quickly and swung down on me. I went past him and my hand got into his face. I then brought him down and looked around. A guy then ran up to me and jumped at me.

I heard a ticking noise and he exploded. I jumped out of the explosions but when I did, I got hit by something. It was... Dust? I flew back towards a broken down building and waited.

I then looked at the person who did it and they smiled. "Not as tough huh?" She stared at me and I smiled. I then turned around and lifted up a huge block on concrete. It was about 100000 inches from one corner to the other so calling it huge was an understatement.

I picked it up with ease and smiled. I saw the people become even more terrified. "Let's see if your as tough." I spun around which caused a massive wind storm. I then released it at the battle filed and they could only watch.

The massive block of concrete landed on them and blood splattered. My arms then gave out a bit as it was very, very heavy. "Your a monster! Why dont you join up with us!?" I looked over and saw him.

He had blue flames coming out of his hand. "I'm not evil like you people. I'm just defending myself here." Dabi started laughing and I got into position.

He immediately sent out a sea of flames at me and I disappeared. Dabi looked all over for me but it was too late. I appeared behind him and stared at him. His whole existence shook and he fell down onto his knees.

"W-What are you!?" He screamed out and I laughed. I then went around him and came infront if him. I squated down to his level and touched his head. "I'm a hero. Your a villian. Pretty simple right?" I moved his head around a bit and laughed.

He forced out a laugh and I punched him in the side of his face. "Should have stayed down. Dont even know how you got up to be honest." I clapped my hands together to get ride of the dust.

I then started running again and fought the villians who survived. There was about 10 people now so it was fine. Two of these were that lizard and that masked guy.

Shiggy and that huge monster already left. I got up to the green guy and he swung his sword at me. I punched at it and it broke into pieces. "What!?" I then grabbed both of his arms and twisted them. He fell to the floor while screaming in pain.

The compressed guy appeared out of his pockets and swung a cane down on me. It hit me and broke instantly. "Wait! Maybe we can!-" I kicked him in his knee caps and he fell unconcious.

I fought the other 8 people and sighed. "My work here is done.." I slowly sat down and stared. My hair blew around in the wind and I looked down. "I really cant go back now huh?" After the incident, I never had the thought of going back to U.A. I have to stay away now as they might target the people at school.

I guess this is how izuku felt huh? I stared at the battle field of the dead and unconscious bodies. I laughed a bit when I thought about it all but I soon shrugged it off. I kept looking around the battle field then I saw something. "I really can't go back."

A helicopter for a news channel was floating above the scene. I didnt notice it as I was fighting a 1000 people. Some could have a helicopter type quirk right? I sighed at the thought and got up.

"Might aswell right?" I walked over onto the huge slab of concrete and started dancing. It was lowkey fun now that I've realized. I slid around the slab with the light following me.

I had my blindfold on so they shouldnt know who my identity is but still, the league knows and that's what matters. After a while, the helicopter flew away and I stopped.

I checked my watch and sighed. 'Time for me to go huh?'


"So you finally talked with them yourself huh?" I was talking with a green haired boy inside of a hospital bathroom. "Yes. They told me if I had the resolve to tshigaraki kill after what hes done."

I looked at him threw the mirror. "And?" I saw him clenching his shirt. "I told them that I could but...." He paused for a moment then continued. "I dont want too. Remember when I said that I saw him in the paths?" I nodded at him and he did aswell.

"I saw an afraid little boy inside of him. Maybe we can.." I turned around at him and stared at him. "So you want to save him basically?" He walked up to me and nodded.

I thought for a moment then said "You cant stay here then.." He tilted his head and stared at me. "They know who you are now. Hell, they even know who I am so we both cant stay here." I could already see izuku wanting to go with me if I left.

This Is the only plausible thing that i can think of right now. "Leave huh?.." He clenched onto his shirt tighter. "If we both leave then.." He went silent and the room stayed like that for a while. "We have to do it to protect everyone." I walked up to him and patted his head.

"To protect everyone.." He nodded and smiled. We're both leaving huh? It might be a good idea or it might be a bad one. I guess I'll have to wait to see it all go down.

The bathroom door opened and I turned around. Bakugo saw me and him close together and smirked. "Guess I interrupted..." He closed the door and left. Izuku seemed flustered and I laughed a bit.

It was nice seeing this face again. I patted his head more and walked way. As I did, I appeared in this floating...Room? " Sorry to call you back again." I stared at the man and sighed.

I was able to move around now so I went to the edge of the floating platform. I looked over it and saw nothing but darkness. "Get your ass over here." I looked back and walked over to them.

They were all sitting on thrones with all mights ghost in the middle. "Did the kid tell you?" I looked over at her and nodded. "So what will you do?" I walked over to her and bent down infront of her.

"I'm his guardian. If he goes across the world then I'll have to follow him wont I?" She stood up and I bent back up aswell. She stared at me for a moment and nodded.

"He's going to need our powers and yours aswell. We'll help him from the inside while you help him from the outside." I nodded at the first user and he nodded back.

"You have our trust Kenji." They held their hands out at me and I looked around. I saw a certain user and stared at him. Kinda looked like someone I know but I just shrugged it off.

"Good luck. Hes in your hands." They all surrounded me and placed their hand onto my body. I then came back into the bathroom with a sweat mark going down my face. "Did you just?..." I turned around and nodded at him. "I'll protect you izuku so you can count on me okay?" I patted his head and he nodded.

I then walked out of the bathroom and said "I'll be going now. Call me when your ready." He nodded and I left.

"Thank you kenji.." He blushed a bit while rubbing his head.


I had some flowers in my hand. I shouldnt do this as I'm going to go away again but it's fine.

Its not fine is it.

I ringed the door bell and heard foot steps. "Who is it?" My body flinched a bit and I stammered back a bit. I didnt say anything and I heard the door unlock.

It soon opened and I saw her. The cutest thing in the world appeared infront of me and I held my mouth. "Who are you? Is that for me?" She pointed at the flowers in my hand I dropped them.

I then pulled my mask off with my head down. "Hey eri.." I looked at her. She had a blank stare and then her face became red. She then jumped onto me and I fell back.

"Papa!!..." She cried out and clenched onto my shirt. A huge smile formed onto my face and I held her tighter. "I missed you so much eri.." I held her tighter and she did the same.

"Me...Too..." Her voice was breaking down and I rubbed her back. "You've gotten taller huh?" I got back up and she giggled. She rubbed her eyes a bit and she nodded.

"I missed you so much papa...I really do..." She went back into my chest and I laughed a bit.


It's been about 10 minutes and she hasn't came out yet. She still in my chest weeping. I didnt care however as it made me happy. I sat up against the small step on my front door and kept rubbing her back.

"So...How was it papa." She finally showed her cute face and I smiled. "Your so cute eri.." I pinched her cheek and she giggled. "Stop it papa..." Her face got redder and I laughed a bit.

"It was fun eri. I met a lot of different people and did a lot of different things." I told her about my adventure while leaving out a few details. "So.. Hes my new...Dad?"

I even told her about Gasper. "I...Dont know...?" I also tilted my head at her question. Mom? Dad? It doesnt matter to me anymore. "Let's just keep this a secret-" I was cut off as someone jumped on me.

Her blonde hair tickled my face and I looked up at her. "I'm home...Toga." She heard this and started crying. "It really is you..." She squeezed me tighly.

I patted her back and looked at eri. She managed to not get crushed so I guess she was ready for this. "I...I missed you soo much..." She bawled her eyes out even more and tighter her gripped on me more.

"I missed you soo much aswell toga..." I kissed her forehead and she smiled. Eri then scooted over to me and sat down by my head. "I love you papa." She held onto my head and I laughed a bit.

"Let's go inside. The bugs are killing me." They both nodded and got up. Eri wanted me to carry her some more and so I did. Toga slouched on me but I didn't mind at all.

We walked into my house and I sighed. "I'm so glad to be back home." I kissed them both on the foreheads and the smiled. They both kissed me back aswell which surprised me.

I got into the living room and sat eri down. "Home.." It looked the exact same which was perfect to me. Well almost the same. I saw pictures of everyone together all around.

"So tell us about your adventure." I nodded and sat down. Eri climbed into my lap and faced me. She smiled at me and I rubbed her head. Toga then layed down on my shoulder and looked up at me.

"So, I got off of my plane..."


It was about 10:30 pm when I finished talking to them. They fell asleep however after I told them about the part where I saved the dude from the tall building which was around 8.

Toga also asked about Gasper since I kept saying his name but I managed to avoid giving her an answer.

I stared at them both. Eri fell asleep into my chest with a wide smile. Toga aswell. "Papa~" She put her thumb into her mouth and started sucking.

(AN: Okay. Just went back to check my grammar mistakes and I relized how off that sentence sounds.)

I smiled at that and looked up. "I'm actually home.." I rubbed both of their backs which made them smile even more. As I was doing that, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I teleported the phone out of it and put it up to my ear. "You already decided?" I heard him stutter a bit before speaking. "Y-Yes. Your still going to join me right?" I smiled a bit and looked at eri.

My face then turned into a frown and I said "Yes." I then hung the phone up and it floated away. I then carefully got up and layed toga down. "I'm sorry. I know I just got back home but I have to leave already." I kissed her forehead and looked at eri.

She was still sleeping in my arms and my face frowned even more. "And I'll be leaving you again huh?" I started breathing faster but stopped immediately. "I'm...Sorry..." I sat her down and grabbed my phone from the air.

I placed it into my back pocket and made a pen with a sheet of paper. I then wrote on it and left it on the table. I teleported my clothes outside on the front porch and started walking away.

"Papa?~" My eyes widened and I looked back at her. "Where...Are you going?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned. I gritted my teeth at the scene and I bawled my fist. "Papa?"

She stared at me and I walked over to her. I bent down a bit and placed my hand on her head. "Please...forgive me eri. I love you." I pressed my fingers down a bit and she fell back asleep.

I floated her over to her mom and placed her on her chest. I then got up and stared at the scene. "I'm...Not a good father or husband huh? Abandoning you both for a promise even though I said that I didnt want to be in the drama....I truly am..an idiot.."

I kissed their foreheads and walked out of the house. I closed the door softly and stared at it. "I'm doing this for you. Eri, Toga, Momo, Mina, Jiro, Tsuyu, Toru, Uraraka, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Sado, Ida, Todoroki, Sero, Koda, Aoyoma, Shoji, Ojiro, Aizawa."

I'll protect all of you. The whole school for that matter...

I couldn't protect midnight and now shes disabled for the rest of her life. My face went blank and I looked up at the sky. "Eri. You'll be an amazing hero one day. I really do love you and I hope that you'll forgive me in time." I grabbed my suitcase and went to go meet up with izuku.
