
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Giovanni's Daughter!?

Galan heard that Robin was on the Straw Hat's ship and Olvia cried tears of joy! Galan told the Buzzards around Robin that it was enough, no need to watch her anymore. They all left, even the Vulture behind them left, but there was an old man who was already watching Luffy's entire crew.

He stayed and watched them all. He liked traveling, his name was Giovanni.

Giovanni followed them and said that Teach was in Mock Town, making Galan remember to call Whitebeard.

That night he really did call him.

He questioned Whitebeard as to why Teach was in Paradise, making noise. Whitebeard told him that it wasn't his place and Galan directly blew up on him, not afraid of him at all, saying that Teach had no place in paradise being such a strong pirate. He should be in the New World like a good boy, so he questioned as to what Whitebeard's intentions were.

Whitebeard told him that Teach had actually killed a crewmate for a Devil Fruit and Galan was shocked, this was unbelievable, on Whitebeard's ship no less! Galan told him to be careful, Roger already died, and Galan didn't want another one of his friends dying.

He didn't have many in the first place.

He continued saying that he warned Whitebeard that if any of his crewmembers were evil, he would kill them himself! Even though Whitebeard saved his life, he wouldn't let them go! Then added that Whitebeard also had Roger's son on his ship and if he was captured then it would really be a catastrophe!

Whitebeard told him that he was the Fleet Admiral and Galan retorted that he was the Fleet Admiral but he wasn't the World Government! He wasn't strong enough to take on the Government yet! He still needed more time, although it was close.

Whitebeard reminded him that it was a dangerous way of thinking and that he might not even know who killed him one day, Gala told him that he was right but until that day came he would continue! He directly used Whitebeard's first name saying that he better keep his sons in check otherwise he would take action!

Whitebeard gave him a warning that what happened in his family was his problem and Galan got angry, telling him that he couldn't stop him! He was too weak! Galan even went on to say that Edward had given up just like Roger so he didn't want to hear any of this prideful bullshit from him.

Adding that he didn't want Whitebeard to tell him how to do his job when he clearly gave up on his own! Then he hung up with an angry face.

Galan didn't care who it was, he felt that if someone had the strength, they should put it towards a higher purpose not sit around and die like a coward! If someone told him to die without doing something meaningful, he couldn't do it!

If he was really suicidal, he would rush into Mariejois and kill as many scum as he could before blowing himself up and taking as many pieces of shit with him to hell!

Whitebeard looked at the screen as he sailed underwater, sighing to himself. His crew looked at him and he laughed "What are you bastards looking at!? Guarrararara!" Marco pointed at the screen and asked "Pops… Is he really your friend?"

Whitebeard fell silent, but smiled fondly, nodding.

The Pirates were shocked and Juzo asked in confusion "Why doesn't he just let Ace go?" Marco rolled his eyes, saying "Idiot-yoi! What do you think?! If he wants to take down the Government the best way is to climb up and strike at the last second!"

Then he froze and realized something, his entire body turning cold as he turned to Whitebeard stiffly. Whitebeard looked at him and sighed, Marco's face turned pale at that and couldn't believe the thought in his mind!

[Morgans: This is… is… BIG NEWS!]

[Bartolomeo: You talked to Whitebeard like that?!? Holy shit! Hahahah!]

[Koby: Cool!]

[Ace: Bastard!]

The world was severely shocked, there was too much information! And as far as they knew, Ace was indeed captured! So that means that Whitebeard ignored him?!

Then Ace is… Roger's son!?

[Ichigo: Someone please explain.]

[Hina: Whitebeard is the Strongest Man in the World.]

[Ichigo: Hah????????]

[Hina: You'll see. Hina wasn't lying. If Hina is correct… then the Fleet Admiral is worthy of this grand Universal title.]

[Aizen: Oh? Am I correct?]

[Hina: Hina is not saying anything.]

[Smoker: Basically, what she's saying is, there isn't a single innocent soul on Marineford right now and Ace has been captured for a while now. What do you think is gonna happen? God damn it!]

[Aizen: How many is that?]

[Nico Olvia: Around 50,000.]

Everyone sucked in a cold breath of air.

[Bruce Wayne: You're going to kill 50,000 people?! Are you insane?!]

[Frank Castle: Do it, kid! I have faith!]

[Bruce Wayne: Shut up! Don't you realize what he's going to do?! Do you not care at all?!]

[Frank Castle: All I know is 50,000 pieces of shit will be gone from the world. That's enough for a new Holiday. I wish I was there!]

[Bruce Wayne: You're psychotic!]

Everyone else was deathly silent and pale.

[Nico Olvia: Hehe~ By the way! Everyone on Marineford, it's a shame! All the ships have sailed away on their own! Aiya! You're stranded here! Hahahahaha!]

[Clark Kent: Crazy woman! You're nuts!]

[Nico Olvia: Ha. If you saw what I saw, you wouldn't say such a thing… These people- No not people, these animals are not human. You can't even imagine what they've done. It starts with a death sentence and it only gets worse from there… I like to consider myself someone with a strong stomach, but I threw up when I saw what they've done.]

[Nico Olvia: You'll see.]

The scene went on.

Giovanni told Galan that the Straw Hats went to a Sky Island and said that he was very pleased with the cuteness of the children. Most of them were very scared but the Captain only laughed happily.

They went via Knock up stream, and Giovanni added that the navigator was incredible, using the wind currents to literally sail the sky, flying up! He was disappointed that it wasn't his own daughter, adding that she was very disappointing.

[Giovanni's daughter: …]

[Nami: …]


The screen went on.