The Title, Bitch XD
I appeared in what appears to be a cinema that was advertising the war, i checked how much time i can stay in the movie, and jackpot the luck worked.
Now i know what you're probably thinking why choose Captain America in specific? What? You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
Ok joking aside my imaginary friends i made up to not go crazy while on time stop is that Captain America has the longest timeframe inside the movie thanks to its post-credit scene he starts in 1942 and end's waking up in 2011 giving me 69 (nice) long years to do whatever the hell i want
Now, my plan was simple before i knew how to create the omnitrix, learn how to make my own race version of the super soldier serum, because the normal one is useless to me, then go to asgard and try to get the life line tablet to evolve myself and spend the rest of time trying to learn Magic from this verse while scavenging for materials
Now i can do all of that and more, now, because of my Superior morphing magic i dont technically need the Omnitrix to change race, but this time I'll do it because of childhood dreams
"It's hero time"
(Now because this is a book i can't give you the animated scene with the green background of me transforming but it was lit, you'll have to imagine it)
"Echo Echo"
Finally i duplicated myself 5 times (5 clone and me)
Each one has its own objective
And then we'll be reunited and get the most of this verse
(Clone 1 Pov)
I had the easiest but the hardest job
Create a SSS formula for my own race
I already knew were to go, so i waited to the stark expo to begin, went there, abandoned my fleshy body and followed steve when he went to enlist himself, that's were i met my target Dr Abraham Erskine and so i went and semi-possessed him, this time i didn't take control of his mind or body, i just tagged along, slowly reading his mind, analyzing his thoughts, i went full memory town on him, i basically entered his subconscious…
He was actually pretty boring man besides you know creating the sss
Basically he realized he was smart very fast, but he became arrogant and not feeling enough superior he wanted to archive the way to become the perfect human possible, he pitched his idea in a lot of places, till it hit, but they didn't want the perfect human, they wanted the perfect soldier
He didn't hesitate, he agreed easily, and i saw all his experiments till he found the "perfect" formula
Only for it to make Schmidt into Red Skrull
Thats when he realized what he had done and traveled to America, and well you already knows what happened
I analyze and review the process of creating the serum, I analyze the ingredients, the method, the experiments etc… countless times when i was suddenly spelled, and apparently he died, I Saw his final memories to know if he changed something at last minute and finally was time to start my experiments
I started by going to my dimension, where i created a cloning machine based on the dna sequencer, because unlike last time i don't know the final product compared to the nzt, i need lab rat and then analyze them, so i made souless clones of me to experiment on
Thankfully Clone 2 already started his mission (Gather a bunch of resources that aren't in my universe)
And i started experiments
(Scavenger "clone 2" Pov)
Me when uhmmm ummm Stealing Steañing Theft, I like Pilfering, I'm a sneaky poacher, i like taking things that do not belong to me
(Clone 3 Pov)
I quickly grabbed a space ship and then used almost a hundred divination blocking spells on it, then i basically went to explore space till i meet a society that knew Asgard's location, then basically got caught by them before i could really approach them, so i had to pretend that i was a warrior that heard tales about the mighty asgardians and came to challenge them, from the weakest to the strongest and I'll wouldn't leave till i beat all of them
Thankfully Thor heard about it and accepted my challenge, and accepted, we then became sparing partners a lot, after 20 years fighting Asgardians i finally was given something akin a "friendship" to Asgard
(Odin did later told me that he only had given me that because he can feel that my magic and demonic powers are strong but never broke the rules on the challenges, or used them against them was what won me over him, he even admitted that if he losed against thor he wouldn't be above cursing him to fight worse the next time)
I basically learned a lot, mostly things about fighting or partying but their tech and magic was also awesome
By year 50 i had a main plan and a secondary one ready,
My main plan was asking straight up Odin…
I actually became better friends with him that i thought i would be, and what was supposed to be my main plan became secondary
My secondary is tricking loki into stealing it for me in exchange of a way for him to become king (i then was going to make him get in a Freaky Friday situation, where he experienced being Thor and Thor being Loki)
But all that was Unnecessary because i just talked to Odin about the Tablet and how i think it was my answer to be able to get children (i had given a lie before that i was a quimera made of hundreds of creatures, and my dream was being able to have children, then i used my power to casually make myself shoot blanks, that just looked wrong, either too weak or way to strong enough to basically kill everyone pregnant by me) then when they obviously tried to fix me and failed he let me take a look and analyze the table
I made it look like i was investigating the healing part of the formula while in my mind i was multitasking and learning the causes of evolution of the the serum, finally I with the help of Odin made my "cure" and took it, "healing" me
Leaving me enough time to analyze divinity and modifying the omnitrix to be ablo to scan it…
Making the perfect omnitrix able to scan everything considered alive, technically it should also be able to scan Cosmic Entities, because now it can scan Energy based organisms and divinities
"After healing me" it also boosted my power and all that constantly fighting made me able to beat everyone in Asgard (even loki in Sorcery) the only one i didn't fight were Odin a Frigga (who even wanted to adopt me) finally i left asgard saying i would go in search of someone to have children with and would come back
I then spend tyhe last 5 years that were left helping clone 1 to perfect the Serum
(Clone 4 PoV)
I went and became full Human, it was hard but the Transformation was done, oh how i hate my human body, sweating, so delicate, i had forgot how itchy you get
Then went and became a sorcerer, i went to learn everything i could in kamar-taj, everything was boring because i had to pretend to be average, but i slowly learned everything i could, till finally the ancient one gave me the defender of a sanctum, and it was actually New York's one, giving me Access to the Eye of Agamoto
Giving me the chance to actually analyze the Time Stone… i almost accidentally ascended just by reading the knowledge of time i got because of Analyze (my op version of Observe) the stone
I then spent the rest of my time learning everything i could about dimensions…
(Clone 5 Pov)
I became a Master Craftsman in Nidavellir, i went and Learned everything i could from the Dwarves and oof their mastery on Runes is Amazing, i probably could create weapons that make Frostbourne look like a tooth pick
I also learned how to take a drink because if you aren't crafting you are drinking
(Main Pov)
I followed Captain America Journey and when he got iced i grabbed the Tesseract, and was able to Analyze the Space Stone and then went on Artifact Hunting, finally when i got the Darkhold was i able to crack my sub objective, of learning a way to travel the Multiverse without needing my System (it's not that useful, but it's not supposed to be for me)
At the end of the 69 Years (Nice) we each six of us transformed into Echo Echo and fused together (and then the system take us out the Movie)
I made a Palpatine Smile "Good Good"
Only One Objetives Left and Project Osiris is Complete
I Crafted an Omnitrix but not just Any Omnitrix but one that is so Overpowered that it's stupid,
It was made technology, Magic, and will improve itself as time goes on, maybe it will learn Fuuinjutsu when it goes to Naruto to improve itself
And then i Enchanted it,
Basically it will search for Heroes to connect to and when they die it will travel to anothe universe in the search of the next one, from now on till the end of time, here and there Analyzing every single race posible, but not only that it will secretly try to archive the user memories thus gaining also all the technology that the user of the Omnitrix understands
Using this technology it will update itself as well
And finally i enchanted it with Time magic, so it can travel through time so it has a chance to scan species that in the present are considered extinct…
Then when it has scanned every single organism and it's variants in the omniverse it will come back 5 seconds after i send it
But before sending it…
I had to make a new potion, this is basically a super charged Luck Potion but this one required a sacrifice big enough, because i don't want it to after being sent being stopped by any ROB
This potion will boost my luck by trillions of times for five minutes (i tried to reduce the time to reduce the cost but couldn't do it,
The cost is that i will lose my good luck for 3 trillion years,
Yep no good luck for me only bad and neutral luck, after taking this potion
So i went and drank it, then casted the spell that sent the Omnitrix on it's journey
Then i created a huge amount of clones of me and everyone started doing things
Some had huge successes improving the soldier Serum
Others created an evolution serum
We made perfect genetic modifications
Some even improved on the Nzt-69 (my name for the magical version)
But those were my clones,
Me? I waited the five seconds and then It appeared, from a crack on reality itself,
What 5 seconds was a watch now looked like a Black little truth seeking ball from Naruto…
I quickly grabbed it and Connected it to my Alteran Super Computer
And who, the amount of data ready for me to harves-