
A brewing Storm

March 8 20XX, The day the United States declared war on China. It started when the sudden scarcity of recourses hit majority of North America. Apparently the great liberty city didn't have everything, guess they weren't so "Independent" after all. After China refused to give America the recourses they needed, due to classified information, Their President declared war on China, in an attempt to gain their resources by force. It was a battle between to Titans of the world. Good thing Russia wasn't involved. Majority of Asia was affected by this little "Cold war." Fathers taken from their families to be put in the front line of battle. I was 19 when the battle finally started showing it's colors in my country, Japan. I moved from the Philippines hoping for a better life. Japan's army was deployed not too long after the US army decided to bomb almost half of China's warships docked near our harbors. My dad was never afraid of a fight, despite him refusing to use a weapon. He served his country, and he died a hero. Now it's my turn to carry on his legacy. My name is Kibo Toishi, and I'm fighting for what this world needs.

I can barely recognize the world anymore. It turned in to such a Wasteland. Homes destroyed, families forced to live out in the streets, and morals have become Satan's play things now a days. China decided to unite all parts of Asia. Japan is now being called C"ity V" for it's service. I'm not sure if they've been driven mad by power, or that's just how they want things to get more organized. The black market has taken over our subdivisions, where a pack of instant noodles can be enough to get you a roof to sleep under. I promised dad I'd make things better, I intend to keep that. Me and my Family live on top of the remains of Nagasaki. Surprisingly, it's a good place to settle down in times like this. I brought home some meat I got from the near by marketplace the Chinese government built for the middle class people. Kind of them if you ask me. " 'Evening Private!" a military officer saluted as I walked passed the entrance of the gate to our community. "It's still Kibo, Chang. No need to be so formal." we both chuckled as I walked home. You could still feel the radiation from the ground, but we all got used to it. I took off my shoes as I entered my house, my Little sister greeted me. "Oni - Chan! Did you fight more bad guys today?! Did you hit them so hard, they couldn't get back up?!" she asked enthusiastically. I gave her a pat on the head and smiled, "I'm off duty today Monika, no bad guys to fight." She pouted, but saw what I brought home. I made sure to bring home some Pocky from the convenient store down the road. Yes, they still exist. "YES! I LOVE THESE! THAN YOU BIG BRO!" She game me a hug like there wasn't a tomorrow.

I rested the bag of meat and veggies on the counter top, and greeted my Mom a good evening. "You didn't have to get her that, Kibo." she told me as she looked at what I had brought home. "Hey, cheer up Mom! At least we get to see that little brat do something else than chase mice around the house." I laughed. "You know, back in my day, we used to play on out phones, computers, and our tablets. It was called 'gamming' back then." she went on to explain how her years of being young was fun, and how much she thought she was living in the future. "Well now we can play on our rings now Mom. Less space consuming, and more 'Mobile' than a mobile phone, don't you think." That joke made her chuckle. At least I know her sense of humor didn't die out. We ate our dinner, and had our usual night of story telling. My mom then proceeded to tell us a story about her friend. "My friend was always so obsessed with power. Always claiming that he was right, made sure he was always the strongest in our occasional role-plays. But He never went too far. He was still so fun to be with, but there will always be those asshole moments with him." She chuckled. "What was he like growing up?" My little sister asked out of curiosity. "Oh he was a lot like your father. Except he could be such a pessimist sometimes." The thought of Dad must have hit Mom hard, as a tear rolled down her cheek, she laughed it off and ushered my sister to bed. "Will you be staying the night, Kibo?" She asked me as she had my sister in her arms. "Nah, I'll be heading back to my camp in a few minutes." I nodded to her. She sighed, but smiled. "Okay, just lock the doors on your way out please. And be safe." she closed the doors to my sister's room, and turned off the living room lights.

I stood there in the dimly lit room by the moonlight. A picture of my father in my hands. "I promise I'll keep them safe dad, I promise." His silver hair was shined in the room. His smile, comforting, as thunder roared. I walked back to the camp with my jacket over my head. I didn't mind getting wet in the rain that much. Then in the middle of the street, I saw a tall figure. He was wearing a top hat to make himself taller. As if he wasn't tall enough. He approached me and said, "Excuse me, you must be freezing. Care for an umbrella?" the tall man asked. He was at least 7 feet tall, that was freakish enough. I accepted his offer and walked back to camp with him. "You don't seem to be a local here sir. Where are you from?" I asked the gentleman. "I'm a foreigner, neither from Asia nor from the United States." That got me in a pickle. "So where ARE you from?" I asked again, politely of course. "Why I'm from Alterra, Old sport." He said as he glared at me. It might have just been me, but I'm sure his eye twinkled as he did. "I come to view if this world is still worth protecting. Despite it's many flaws." He chuckled as he finished his statement. "Worth protecting? Are you some kind of Super hero, or anime character or something, sir?" we both laughed at my joke. It's a good thing this man had a sense of humor. "Heavens no, I'm a God!" he smiled down at me, with A very wide grin. "There's only one God, sir. And I don't think he wears a suit." I stated. He then went on to say that yes, that God does exist. He's just the "number one" player of the the game. "Game?" I asked, "What game are you talking about?" "Why, all of this! The very reality you're living, is a mere simulation that we created! Written down as a program to run for others!" He couldn't be crazier. "Sorry, sir. But I don't think life is this game we play. And it most certainly isn't for entertainment." I told the tall man. He bent down to my height with a grin on his face. "I assure you, Kibo; It is." I never told him my name. "Oh how rude of me! Let me introduce myself." He took off his top hat and bowed "Takiuchi Yuko. At your service." "How did you know my name?" I exclaimed. "There are a lot of things I know, Kibo. Like that bomb set in your camp!" He opened his left eye, to reveal a golden clock. No blood, no signs of force, it was naturally there. I froze, then the Lightning blinded me. I woke up in my camp's infirmary. The medic said I passed out in the rain, talking to myself. That was Weird. I walked back to my cabin as soon as o got cleared. I was greeted with a barrage of pillows. "Intruder! Take him down boys!" my cabin mate yelled. "Oh haha, very funny, Han." I lunged through the pillows and tackled him to the ground. "Man down! man down!" the rookie yelled, as I blocked the two incoming pillows towards me. "Kang, Hanzo. Down men, down!" after a few minutes of all that, we settled down. "I was only gone for moments! How fast did you have to plan that?" I asked as I laughed in exhaustion. "Han has always been the fastest planner out of all of us, sir. You know that." Hanzo said as he threw a can of beer to Kang. "That's a well deserved clap from me Han." we all applauded Han for his quick thinking. Then Kang asked the question. "Sir, who were you talking to out there. Were you on something? If so, can you share some with us?" We laughed like a bunch of high schoolers after doing something stupid. "You all know I don't drink nor smoke. I was talking to this self proclaimed 'God' in the streets. He said he new everything." I chuckled it off as I took a sip of my water. "But you froze sir, you never freeze. What made you?" Han asked, as everyone bent closer. "I'm not sure. I think it was the fact that he knew my name? The funny thing is, he claimed there was a bomb here at camp." as I said that, the entire cabin shook violently. We stood up and ran out of there. Then we saw it, one of your Armouries have been blow from bits to pieces.