
The Mole

The entire camp tried to search through the remains of the barracks, but all we could find we're the ashes of our equipment. "Did one of the bombs go off by accident?" Han asked me. I bent down to see a pin, buried under all the ashes. "It wasn't an accident." I showed the pin to the soldiers that gathered around the remains of our barracks. "It seems like we have a mole on our mits, ladies!" A loud, and deep voice yelled from the crowd. Our general stepped out, and analysed the pin in my hands. "What's your Analysis on it, Captain?" he asked me. "Did I just get promoted up the ranks, sir?" I asked as I looked back to my squadran in confusion. "No shit, Sherlock. Now who do you think did this?" he whispered quite loudly this time. The pin was obviously pulled from a standard grenade, but we didn't leave any hand help explosives in those barracks. They all stayed at B-4 near the Clinic. There's no way a grenade could have got in there as well, since there wasn't any windows built in to these storages. So someone who had very high access to the entire camp must have done this. "Now, we need to get to the bottom of this now don't we, captain?" The general asked me. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "Now! Who could have access to the entire camp!" he asked everyone. The superiors stepped up, Our medic stepped up, General, Lieutenant Hasashi , and Colonel Nemu. "Until me and the rest of the superiors find out who may have did this, Your curfew has now been turned from 12pm to 9pm." A loud sigh from the crowd could be heard as we we're dismissed. Kang approached our general and asked him "Sarge, you don't think it was one of them now do you?" Our general used to be our Sargent, after our last general died in the front line, he got promoted. "Most likely. But don't think about this too much, private. For now, you and the rest of your 'Party' should head back to your cabin." We saluted, and headed back to our cabin.

"It was obviously the General!" Hanzo told us as I shut the door behind me. We all gathered around and discussed the situation. "There's no possible way the General did it. We knew him the entire time we signed." Kang explained as Han sat down, and turn on his laptop. "But don't you get the vibe that he's hiding something? He would never approached our squadron ONCE. He only knew us as the underdogs of camp." Hanzo exclaimed. "And promoting Commander Toishi out of no where?" "Settle down, lads. It's getting late. We need to get some shut eye for now. Let's talk about this in the morning." My attempt to calm the two down. Han sat on his bed, and turned on his laptop, "Han, Lights out in 5. That's an order." I reminded him. He simply waved me in approval and replied "Yes sir. I just need to confirm a suspicion I have." Dawn hits, the usual routine was done. 50 laps around the camp, 10 sets of push-ups of 20 reps, squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, and the usual ' Punching the iron Tree ' type stuff. The usual Asian stuff. The team was exhausted, sweating like they just took a shower. "Drink up, we need the hydration." I gave everyone a bottle of water, except for Kang, he brought a bottle of some energy drink he like. "Come prepared, Kang. I respect that." I complimented his morality. "Yes sir. The scouts raised me well." He chuckled and took a sip from his drink. We decided to head back to the cabin, then out of the corner of my eye, I see him again. The tall man with the top hat, Takiuchi. I stopped for a second, I told my team that I'd be right back, and headed towards the end of the camp. "What are you doing back here?" I asked him, not at all happy to see him again. "I was right about the Blowing up thing, Wasn't I, Toishi?" He looked at me with a grin only a mother could love. "So you got that part right, no big deal." "Oh you're right, Kibo" he stared at me directly, without even blinking, "But that was just the first wave." Han tapped my shoulder, zoning me out of what ever I was in. "You okay, Sir?" he shook me back to the real world. Was I just imagining the whole thing? Or was that really the work of a God? "General Chikara is looking for you, sir."

Sure enough, as I got to our cabin, General Chikara was standing at our doorstep. "Captain, walk with me." He told me. We walked to The Center, the head quarters of the Superiors. At the entrance, Chikara slit a small cut on his thumb, and pressed it against the scanners. We entered, for me to see Monitors and computers galore, an elevator down to something I'll get to later, and in the center, was Lieutenant Hasashi, and Colonel Nemu surrounding a group of monitors. "According to the footage, Lt. Hasashi was the one who committed the incident. But as we look closer, he seems to be in some kind of trans." I look at the footage that the General pointed towards. "We're not so sure about what it is, but General Chikara figured you knew what might have caused this." Colonel Nemu exclaimed. "Hypnosis." I explained, "It's the type from the black market. The people call themselves the 'Off- Worlders' are masters of the art." I spoke from experience. A couple of years back, I saw one of my comrades use this technique to try and get a spy to budge. "That's not the only skill they mastered. They can also take the form of Anything and Anyone of whom they wish." As I explained further, Lieutenant Hasashi stood up, and asked for his forgiveness. "It wasn't your fault, Hasashi." General Chikara assured him. "So what are you telling us, Captain?" Colonel Nemu asked me to clarify. "I'm saying it could be any one of us, Ma'am. For now, we can't trust anyone." I bowed in respect, as I was dismissed from the meeting. I walked back to my cabin, and explained the situation to my squadran. "So there's like, a Loki among us, Sir?" Hanzo said humorously, in an attempt to lighten the mood in the room. "You could say that. So do not trust anyone you come across. Not even your closest friends. Understood?" I assured my team's safety as soon as they agreed. For now, I had a personal mission.

I walked town to the Workshop, to see if the thing I asked to be made was finished. As soon as I entered, I was greeted by our Blacksmith slash Inventory, Konny. I like calling her Koneko, because of the amount of Cats in her office. "Ah, Kibo! You're back!" She exclaimed as I walked through the building. "How's it been, Koneko. Is the thing done yet?" I asked casually. She zipped down from her office, and brought a case the size of a firearms case, down to me. I never knew she was so short, she was only until my shoulders. "Here's what you wanted." She opened the case to reveal a set of boots, made out of a mixture of Carbon fiber, Titanium, Galium, and a hint of Gold . A pair of gloves made out of the same material, but replacing the Gold with Honako leather. Which was a leather that could withstand an explosion of a nuclear bomb. "Now it wasn't easy to make these, and it wasn't hard to forge as well." She told me with her dirty little look. "Didn't you take a shower yet, Koneko?" I asked humorously. "I have, Yes. But do you even know where I work, Toishi?" She laughed at the joke. "Was thinking a lot about 'The legend of Zelda' while making these. Also a hint of Boku no Hero Academia as well you know. Plus Ultra!" Still being her quirky self as usual. "Weeb" I teased her as I batted her head. She told me how much they reminded her of me so much. How adventurous I used to be, and how "I always charge in to battle without anything but my Fists and good motives. Such a Mr, goody two shoes, You are." She teased me with that. "Yeah yeah Yoda, no need to rub it all in my face." We laughed for a second. Then silence, as she looked ad the scars on my arms and hands, seeing I haven't been taking it easy lately. "You still haven't recovered since you last had this kind of Adventure, have you, Kibo?" She asked me. I took the case, and bowed in my gratitude for her favor. "I'll be fine , Konny. There's nothing to worry about." I exited the building, waving back at Konny. I gripped my arms as a burning sensation started to consume the scars on them. As this was going on, I had Visions of, people. It was blurry at first, but sure enough, there stood Takiuchi. Looking at me with that grin on his face. I snapped back to reality, only to find myself lying in the rain, in a puddle of mud. I wasn't sure what all of that was, but I couldn't let it stop me from my mission. I returned to our cabin, and dawned my jacket, and casual pants. I wore the boots and gloves for safety, you never know what happens out there. I told the team I was heading out to find something. "Han, you're in charge until I get back. Make sure no one does anything stupid when I get back." I told my team as I exited the camp sight.

I loved to walk a lot. I always got that comforting feeling when I venture out in to the world. So I walked out of our subdivision, and in to another that was over run with people you'd rather not speak of. We called the place "The Forgotten" due to the lack of morality around it. No guards standing by, that was new. I entered as usual, and mayhem was so loud, you could hear it from both ends of the great Wall. None the less, I headed to my destination. There was no law, nor order around here. Just pure savagery. If you thought that Japan had public sex restrooms before, you'd be surprised how low women's standards get. I entered the place I was intended to go to. "Madam Yoon's Parlor: Prepare to be amazed." Seems like they changed the name a bit since I last dropped by. I entered, and I was greeted with nude people, some drunk veterans that were retired, and some members ot the Osaro Clan. We didn't have that much of a good history, so I did my best to avoid them. Despite my Efforts, I was caught. "Well well, Look who we have here!" the smallest one of the four stepped up to me. I've never seen him around here before, nor do I know him. "If it isn't little Toishit. What brings you here? You know our history don't you?" He looked at me with a smug face. he had brown and red eyes, that's a start. And his arms were extremely bigger than his lower body. "Sorry, I don't remember Popeye being a part of the Osaro Clan. Where'd you find this one Yoko?" my attempt of a rebuttal. "A funny man, aye? I see you dyed the top of your hair white! What? didn't have enough money for the rest of your hair?" The little squirt laughed along with the rest of the Clan mates. "Well at least I know how dress myself properly." I bent down to his level so much, I swore my back was at it's limit. He was at least 4'10. I was 6'4 at the time. "Now why don't you run a long to your mama, and ask her for the drinks you and your friends had." I patted his head to add insult to injury. Two of the largest in the circle approached me. Both had the body of a freaking Titan. Their voice was as deep as the Mariana trench. "Back up, squirt. Or there will be blood." One of them said. The other one had such a smug look that only Johny cage could like. "Hm, Four on One. Seems fair fellas. Well, Ladies first." I taunted the gang, as both members swung two massive fists towards me. I leaped on to one of their heads, seeing it was the perfect place to land. "Nice swing. But needs a lot of work on accuracy tho." The marksman of the circle shot an arrow at me, it caught me off guard and hit my jacket. "Nice shot, you actually got me there." I broke the arrow from my arm, no blood was spilled. "Why you little shit!" Both the Titans ran directly at me in both directions. "You sure wanna do this fellas?" I ran in to one with my fist and the other with a side kick. "Super, Normal Punch!" I exclaimed as both of them went flying in opposite directions. The marksman charged at me with a blade in hand, and brought it down on me. It almost had me by an inch, if I hadn't stepped away. I stepped on the blade, shattering it. "Oooh, tough luck buddy." I kicked the marksman through the window, and out to the lot. Now it was little Popeye's turn. He barraged me with punches so fast that I was the only one who seem to see then. "Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!" He exclaimed as he contacted throwing punches. I intercepted them with my own, but I didn't put much force in to them. "Jesus, is everyone a weaboo in this town?" With a quick leg sweep, I grabbed his head and slammed it in to the stone floor. The floor cracked, but he was fine. "That's enough, Kibo. They've had Enough." a voice called out to me in the sea of people watching this unfold. Out emerged Madam Yoon. Just the person I was looking for. I bowed in respect to the owner of the Pub, and the master of Trickery. "Madam Yoon, I've come to ask for your assistance." I told her. "Step in to my office, young Soldier." We entered a small room with a desktop in the center. Everything else was just books galore. "Where's Hikaru? Didn't she come in to work today" I asked her. Hikaru was her assistant that was with her for the past century. I wasn't used to seeing the room so empty. "Oh she took a vacation. She deserves it. Please, take a seat and tell me why you seek me once more." We sat down, and she prepared some coffee for the conversation. I told her about the entire situation at the camp. She nodded, and set her coffee aside. "That is a technique I forbid my students from using for anything. But there was always this one student who would never listen. He dreamed of being a soldier like you one day. Maybe even a General." She explained to me. I could feel my skin turn pale as she said those words. "He was one of my best students. Always talking about how much he loved seeing your work. Especially the one where you ended the gang war of 20XX. He's obsessed with you." she went on to show me the collection of photos he kept. Some were posters, and some were extremely disturbing. "What was his name, Yoon?" she showed me a picture of a man, Who was around his late 20s, with brown hair, and crimson red eyes. "His name is Yoru. The Night to all things bright." She handed me the picture, and wished me good luck on my way out. "Be careful, Kibo." She bid me as I left her Parlor.

On my way back to camp, my arms started to feel that burning sensation once more. "What is this?" I yelled out in the silence of the night. The vision I saw was undescribable. My cabin in Flames, the screams of my squadran echoed through it. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. Then I jolted back to reality. It was pouring again, but I didn't mind. The vision was telling me something. So I ran back to camp in a snap, I was extremely relieved when my Cabin was still in one piece. As I entered, Han was the only one awake. He was on his laptop once again. "Han, Shouldn't you be resting those eyes?" I asked him, wanting to find out why he was still up. "General Chikara died in the front line trying to disarm a bomb in 20XX." He replied. He showed me the file, confirming my suspicion. "Sir, That's not our General. And whoever came back from that fight, isn't him." I could see the disappointing look Han gave me. The man we grew with, wasn't who we thought it was. I assured him that all of this will be over in the morning. I had solid proof on who did this. The next day, I Told my team what I was going to do. Kang didn't agree with me at first, due to the circumstances we were in. But, it had to be done. I asked the General to gather everyone at the remains of our Barracks. He did, it was game time. "Everybody. I've figured out who did this to our barracks. Through research, and experience." I pointed at the general. He was shocked, and so was the other soldier. "That's a bit ridiculous, Captain don't you think?" He asked me. "Back in 20XX, May 26, Who won the feather weight title? Me or Billy Cage?" I asked in return. He chuckled, as the rest of the soldiers laughed thinking it was a joke. "You didn't fight Billy Cage for the Featherweight Title, you fought Tenko for that in 20XX 5th of April." He replied. That's was an underground match that I didn't register in my Background file due to personal reasons. "I never put that in the Recruit files, nor is it public. You can reveal yourself Yoru." Silence. The general looked around, and sighed. His form began to change in to exactly what I thought. Brown hair, and crimson red eyes. The soldiers started to Mumble. Han simply sighed in disappointment. "I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Hanzo yelled, followed by him being hit in the back of the head by Kang. "Sure I did it. But I only did it to try and get It. Hasashi back for having suspicions!" He explained to us. "Do you know how stupid you sound right now, Yoru?" I told him in disappointment. He did that out of attention? And with no reason what so ever? "It's not like that! I just wanted to know you better, Kibo! If Hasashi got rid of me, I wouldn't be able to do that! Colonel Nemu and I were going do dismiss him today for you!" He explained as he grabbed my hand. I pushed him away in annoyance. The troops, and the Superiors were in complete disappointment. "You are the stupidest Villain I've ever seen in my entire life." Han exclaimed as the troops started to laugh. He looked around, hyperventilating. He was having an anxiety attack. "Why, Kibo? You were supposed to support your fans no matter what!" he begged me to help him out. But trying to sabotage our weapons wasn't so good for us, and the country. "We're at way, Yoru. And you blew up our barracks? How stupid can you be? I'm sorry but I can't forgive you for that. Forgive me." His face of pure embarrassment. Turned in to utter rage. "I will rain a thousand blades upon you, Toishi. I will make you feel the pain and betrayal you made me feel today. MARK. MY. WORDS!" He screamed his lungs out. It wasn't just a shout. He released such a bright light from his body, it nearly blinded all of us. As the smoke cleared, he was gone. Vanished with the wind. "Sir, you don't think-" I cut Kang off, "That was a solar flair, Kang. We're dealing with something I wish I'd never find again." the troops stood up, and applauded my work. I didn't even do anything. A few moments pass, we decided to head back to our cabins. Then, I hear a familiar voice, "This is just the beginning, Toishi." A cold hand grabbed my shoulder, and I flicked it of and stood my ground. It was just Lt. Hasashi and Co. Nemu. "That was smooth detective skills, Captain." Hasashi bowed in tradition of admiration among Shaolin. I bowed in respect as well. Colonel Nemu did the same, and she then proceeded to pull me and Lt. Hasashi to the side.

"Captain, Our scouts found something out in the Nagasaki wastelands while returning from their mission in Europe. You might want to come and look at what we found."