
One Sword to Rule them All

A Young man from Earth one day wakes up in The Shire with Frostmourne on his back and a dozen gold coins in his pocket... How will the future of middle-earth change?! ------------------------------------ The Hobbit Male Si LOTR Male SI WoW Male Si (3rd person PoV, Omniscience PoV) ----------- I Don't Own things... Everything belongs to its respective owner.

TheMystic · Filmes
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49 Chs

Melkor Against The Valar

[Two Steps From Hell - Victory]

Varda's voice was filled with silent fury as she asked Melkor, "What happened to Arthas?"

Melkor looked at her with the same expression of evil jubilation, "I'm afraid that he is gone for good."

The surrounding began trembling as waves of star light filled with power coursed through Mordor, the source Varda. Her eyes were like the Twin stars in the night sky yet they flickered in grief and rage, her form changed as a dress of stars formed around her, her very being of light and power.

From above Mordor came a white light, it glowed so bright that some mistook it for the missing sun. White flames were the source of that light, carrying above them the Valar, Maia, and the might of Valinor.

Came a voice that shook all of Arda, the living beings cowered in fear, "MELKOR!!"

Frostmourne glowed as Melkor looked at the Valar with malice and hatred, "The time for my revenge has come..." He prepared in joy to battle the world on his own for it was inevitable.

The forces of Sauron had been mostly defeated after the fall of their Lord, The few Orcs remaining scattered and fleed, the dragons were no more as all were slaughtered by Ancalagon who's form cast a sinister shadow on Mordor.

The armies of Middle-Earth led by Aragorn, Thranduil, Thorin, Galadriel, and Valentin retreated when the world turned dark. Galadriel could feel the Darkness of Melkor in the air itself as the Valar returned once more.

She muttered to herself in worry, "Dagor Dagorath... Arthas..." She saw Ysildea beginning to move toward the Battlefield and stopped her, "It is not within your power..."

Ysildea frowned but stopped when she saw the armies returning to Minas Tirith, the form of the Black Dragon made her worry as it seemed to turn its gaze toward them, it stood on the mountains that separated Mordor from Middle Earth one wing was torn and its body filled with scars. Ysildea was confident in her king's power but when faced with the unknown dragon, she was at a loss.

Galadriel also frowned as she felt the gaze of the dragon holding Malice toward them as if Arthas was not its master anymore. But this time, there was no Eärendil to battle Ancalagon.

In Mordor, All who were upon the searing flame descended to surround Melkor who looked at them with a faint yet evil smile, as if imagining the worst for them. From afar, it appeared as if stars had surrounded darkness.

Manwe stepped forth, "Melkor, you who were cast into the Timeless void for evil sins, bound by the chains of Angainor, have stepped through the Door of the night to Arda once more. You have blackened the sun, cast the world into darkness; I, Manwe, King of the Valar, shall destroy you once and for all so that Arda may know everlasting peace."

A burst of wild laughter echoed in Mordor as a giant figure with flowing golden hair and an impossibly great body covered in glowing runes looked at Melkor, "Let us Battle!" Tulkas seemed rather excited.

Tulkas jumped forth as the land quaked under his feet, he rushed to grab Melkor only for his hand to be stopped Mid-air. Fierce winds rose as Melkor held Tulkas's hand easily and held the latter in place with immense strength, he said arrogantly with disdain, "Foolish brute, you think I am the same as before? You never stood a chance in the 1st place, if I was not weakened for bestowing my power on others, you think you could have bested me? ME?! The greatest of all?!"

Melkor seemed enraged by Tulkas as he lifted him up and smacked him on the ground with enough force to cause a massive crater to form. Tulkas didn't seem to mind as his wild laughter echoed around and enraged Melkor even more.

Suddenly condescend starlight formed a beam and descended on Melkor, the world grew so bright for a moment that no eye could see anything but light. Varda slowly flew up as light seemed to swirl around her, "You will pay for all the sins you have done." she said coldly to Melkor who wasn't affected by her attack, the ground had become Lava under the attack.

Melkor smiled in anticipation, "Then come make me..."

And Thus the other Valar attacked and the battle began.

Manwe commanded the winds of the world, the sky itself seemed to converge as fierce winds moved the mountains and clouds. Lightning danced in the heavens.

Ulmo moved the seas; Rain and water swirled as waves as tall as mountains crashed on Mordor and storms raged.

The Earth itself seemed to have come alive under the might of Aule as he wielded weapons to battle Melkor.

Trees emerged, their roots in the waves and Earth, moving to shackle Melkor. Orome tried to limit Melkor.

Tulkas began wresting with Melkor with wild laughter in the midst of the Chaos.

Varda commanded light as blasts and smites that could easily vaporize entire lands and kingdoms befell Melkor. It was as if the starry night had come to slay Melkor.

Darkness formed around Melkor as he used all his power to divert or absorb the attacks while he battled Tulkas and Aule with Frostmourne.

The Maia and others used their powers to move the battlefield and Thus the Land of Mordor was separated from Middle-Earth, with their power, Mordor moved toward Valinor...

From afar, it looked as if the world had come to an end as Earthquakes raged in Middle-Earth, storms appeared everywhere and lightning raged in the skies, lighting up the world covered in darkness.

The land of Mordor was ravaged as they battled for three days and nights. The land reached Valinor on the 3rd day as Mordor met the same fate as Beleriand; It sunk into the seas... The only sign that there ever was a Mordor, was perhaps the memories of those who once tread upon it.

The battle continued in Valinor as the two sides seemed to be equal in power. The once paradise-like land of Valinor was ruined under the destructive might of the Valar and Melkor. The Maia and all those who had come evacuated all in Valinor on ships toward Middle-Earth...

But Melkor had a smile all this time as if he was enjoying the battle and yet, in his eyes, a sinister black flame flickered, 'The time has come to end this war...'

Melkor raised Frostmourne, within his eyes were dark mirth, and shouted with crazed laughter, "RISE!"


Read Author's thoughts.

I decided that I will end this properly. I will only write when possible. 

It would be a pity to have a disappointing ending to this story, despite the flaws and plot holes I noticed when I reread it, It deserves a better ending.

The plot is different compared to what you read in 'The End' chapter; I am trying to fix some plot holes but the best situation would be if you just read it for enjoyment not to point out mistakes and ruining it for me and you.

I will release chapters when I feel like writing...

Thank you.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts