
One Piece : White Tiger Vice Captain

Due to a freak fishing accident, a young man found himself drowning in the vast ocean, instead of death he woke up finding himself in a young boy's body with a chain on his neck tied to the wall. This is my first time trying to write a story that is the way I choose to follow Luffy instead of creating my journey to ease me to write my first story. So the mc will not be making his crew and will join Luffy and the gang, I will try to change a few things from canon like introducing haki early on and other stuff. i am still undecided if I should expose mc knowledge to the crew or not, if you have any advice please comment.

MrApprentice · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 Orange Town

After a long trip, The Strawhats arrive in Orange Town. To them, the town seemed empty, which was almost true. After Buggy pirates took over, they drove all inhabitants away.

"Hey captain, what are we going to do with that clown," Zoro asked.

On their way to Orange Town, the four were attacked by 6 pirates who work for Buggy, the clown. Unluckily for them, Luffy and Zoro beat them easily while Kenny stayed back with Nami. After the event, the injured pirate was tied down.

"Let's make them guide us to their Captain; I want to meet Shank, old crewmate," Luffy said with excitement.

"Dan u orr Hapt'n Bugi bil meak you pe! (Damn you, our Captain Buggy will make you pay!) canon fodder 1 cursed, his face swollen and purple.

Kenny then came to the cannon fodder that was cursing and gave him his Fist of love shutting him up.

After some running and climbing, They reach Buggy the Clown. The Clown certainly wasn't happy to see his men beaten up." Do you dare to hit my flashy crew? Don't you know who I am? I am the Might Buggy the Clown," Buggy roar.


The red-nosed man then sighted Luffy's hat. He knew it was linked to Shanks. Whi he cursed."You're straw hat," he remarked.

"Yes, my straw hat, I got it from Shanks as a kid, cool guy; I look up to him," Luffy said with a big smile.

"I know that straw hat was linked to that red hair bastard," the clown shouted.

"Shank told me about you; He said you are a funny idiot. Shishishishishi' Luffy spoke.

" What, I'm gonna kill him!" The red-nosed clown yelled, anger burning in his eyes.

"Kyakyakyakyakya..... He is a Yonko of the sea in Grandline, while you only a coward stuck in the weakest sea," Kenny spoke, laughing.

"If you're underestimating my power, you're making a huge mistake. Now look at this; after that, you won't be such a big mouth anymore, Domingos; load the Buggy Ball!" Buggy shouted.

The Superhuman Domingos put a cannonball in the canon; the 'Buggy Ball' was powerful enough to level a city block. One of them lighted the fuse. Shortly after the Buggy Ball got fired, Luffy made a quick move to reflect the lethal weapon.

"Gomu Gomu no Fuushen," Luffy exclaim as his whole body expands like a balloon. The cannonball was forced back to Buggy's men, knocking out most of them. The black-haired boy then returns to his normal form. he had a serious look on his face. "Buggy, I can't let you hurt my Nakama."

"Wait, you have devil fruit power?" Buggy exclaimed, surprised by the teen who inflated his body like a balloon.

"Yup, I'm a Rubber man," Luffy answered.

Zoro and Nami were speechless, watching Luffy's behavior while Kenny just watched back and laughed.

"So you choose to fight, well you are not the only devil fruit user. I ate the Bara Bara no Mi, i can split my body and immune to swords. Speaking of swords, Cabaji bring me their head! You too, Mohji!" Buggy yelled, summoning his best fighter.

Mohji is a primitive-looking middle-aged man. His hair has ears like a teddy bear, and his chest is covered with fur. He has a pet lion that Richie is big, has green fur, and a purple mane. Richie is the beast, and Mohji is the tamer.

Cabaji is a young man with a strange hairstyle z he has along, blue and white checkered scarf. He is a swordsman who rides a unicycle

"Its looks like it's our time to shine, Zoro. You can take the swordman while I take on the beast and its tamer. Nami, why don't you help this lovely pirate here and liberate their treasure." Kenny spoke, giving Zoro and Nami orders.

Cabaji then attacks Zoro. "So you're Roronoa Zoro, the supposedly best swordman of the East blue. You don't look much to me!" Cabaji mocks Zoro.

"Likewise shitty acrobat!" Zoro taunted Cabaji. A tick mark appeared on the latter.

"Shitty Acrobat? will you say this after I slice you like a lemon? Kyokuhi! Yukemuri Satsujin Jiken!" Cabaji shouted. Disappearing in a cloud of dust.

The old canon Zoro might fall for Cabaji sneak attack, but this Zoro has been training his Haki, so it is not much for him to locate Cabaji.

"Santoryu: Oni-giri" the dust got blown, and so is Cabaji as he fell from his Uni-cycle with blood spurted on.

While Zoro fought Cabaji, Mohji approached Kenny with Richie, but before they began their attack, they were shocked seeing Kenny, as Kenny transformed to his Hybrid Form and released a roar to Richie and Mohji.

Both are shivering in fear; Richie runs away while Mohji falls, screaming, "MONSTER!!!". Kenny then kicks Mohji sending him flying.

Luffy and Buggy are still fighting, mostly Luffy avoiding Buggy's attack while laughing.

" You bastard, stop laughing and take this seriously."Bugge exclaim in anger.

"if you don't take this seriously and let me end this, Bara Bara Festiva!" Buggy said as a dozen of his body part started flying toward Luffy.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling gun" Luffy counter punching all of the parts away, and luckily some of the body parts flew toward Kenny, and then he collected them and started to tie them together.

Buggy then reacts to assemble his body part again, but to his surprise, only his hand, feet, and torso are back.

"W-Where did my other part go?" he panicked and looked over one of Strawhat's members. "You thief," he shouted as he saw Kenny holding a rope that tied his remaining body part while laughing.

"You like to talk about flashy things, right Buggy?" Luffy spoke to Buggy, getting his attention. "How about I give a flashy flight? Gomu Gomu no Bazooka!"

And so, chibi Buggy flew of, cursing Luffy once more. "CURRRSSSEEE YOUUUUU MUGIWARAAAAA!!!"

After the fight, people began to approach the Strawhats.

"Are you people of this town?" Luffy asked.

the people nodded, one man spoke up, " I am Mayor Boodle; who are you? and did you just defeat Buggy, the clown?"

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, Future King of Pirates," Luffy answers, "and yes, I just send him flying."

"Thank you very much; the people of Orange Town suffered greatly under Buggy, he forced us to leave our homes and lives in the forest, but now we can finally return," The mayor said as he began to tear up.

Nami then appears back, joining the Strawhats with a big bag filled with treasure.

"What did I miss?" she said as she was beaming with happiness.

The Strawhats then began their preparation to set sail, the town people even nice enough to give them all their food supplies for free.

The Strawhats then sat sail leaving Orange Town.

"Our next destination, Syrup Village. Lets gooo!!!"

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