
One Piece : White Tiger Vice Captain

Due to a freak fishing accident, a young man found himself drowning in the vast ocean, instead of death he woke up finding himself in a young boy's body with a chain on his neck tied to the wall. This is my first time trying to write a story that is the way I choose to follow Luffy instead of creating my journey to ease me to write my first story. So the mc will not be making his crew and will join Luffy and the gang, I will try to change a few things from canon like introducing haki early on and other stuff. i am still undecided if I should expose mc knowledge to the crew or not, if you have any advice please comment.

MrApprentice · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 Alvida and Coby

Luffy and Kenny began their journey; Kenny has grown to a height of 6'5" while Luffy stopped growing at 5'8"; Kenny theories that Luffy's growth was affected by his Devil Fruit somehow, the Gomu-Gomu no mi stall his growth. But it is just a theory.

Kenny is now wearing a black v-neck long sleeve shirt with dark blue pants and black boots; he also wears a bucket hat with a Tiger paw logo.

Luffy, on the other hand, wears his iconic outfit consisting of his red vest, short pants, and sandal, accompanied by his Strawhat.

In the sea, just like Canon, Luffy and Kenny encounter a whirlpool that manages to destroy their ship. Still, unlike the manga where Luffy lost all of his stuff and stuck himself in a barrel, now Luffy and Kenny manage to take their supply that fills their backpack and use geppo to escape.

Luffy and Kenny see a cruise ship and decide to land there, but instead of finding people, they find pirates in the middle of raiding the ship.

Without thinking much, Luffy and Kenny began to take down the pirate easily; while doing so, Kenny then saw a Little pink hair boy trying to hide; Kenny then approached and saw the frightened boy." Please don't kill me, I'm not a pirate" the boy begged.

Kenny knows who it is; it is Coby.

"Then what are you doing here," Kenny asked.

" I was captured by the pirate and had been forced to be their cabin boy for the months," he said as he began to cry.

After Luffy finish with the cannon fodder, he too joins Kenny listening to Coby.

"Who are you guys?" Coby asks.

"I'm Monkey D Luffy, future king of pirates!" Luffy proudly declared.

"King of pirates? No way, impossible! You cant become king of pi- " before Coby finishes his sentence, Luffy gives Coby Garp's signature Fish of love on his head.

"Ow! Why did you hit me?"

"Because you said I couldn't become king of pirates," Luffy spoke.

"Yeah, sorry.." Coby muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"What is your name, kid?" Kenny ask

"My name is Coby, and I am not a kid; I'm 16 years old."

"Do you hate this life?" Kenny asks again.

"Yes, I hate this life. One day, ill become a great Marine, and when that day comes, ill arrest all the pirates, including Alvida!" Coby declares.

"Who are you going to arrest?" suddenly, a fat woman appears from the shadow.

"A-Alvida!" Coby screamed. He was really scared.

"Coby, Who is that ugly fat whale?" Luffy asked, mocking Alvida.

Coby, Alvida, and her subordinates were in shock hearing Luffy.

"Luffy, you cant say that," Kenny said.

Alvida is looking at Kenny, instantly lovestruck, but before she can speak

"How can you speak ill of a whale? I think even the ugliest whale is still good looking if it compared to her, Kyakyakyakyakyakya," Kenny laughed.

"Shishishi" Luffy join in.

"How dare you, you brat! Coby, who is the most beautiful pirate in the world?" Alvida let out.

"Uhm, Uhm..." the pink-haired stuttered, hesitating, but then Coby saw Luffy and noticed him nodding.

"Alvida is the fattest, ugliest hag in the world!!!" Coby yells out, making Both Luffy and Kenny laugh.

"COOOBBYYYY!!!" Alvida shouted, enraged about hitting Coby with her mace.

'Even if I die, this was definitely worth it.' Coby thought.

Before the overweight pirate could hit Coby, Luffy used soru to place himself in front of the pink-hair boy. At first, Coby feared that Luffy would die, but to his surprise, Luffy wasn't even hurt a single bit. Instead, he had the widest smile the kid had ever seen.

"I'm a rubber ma; hitting me with that weak weapon won't help you," Luffy said proudly.

"Man attack! Kill them all!" the overweight pirate ordered.

But they, the Alvida Pirates, were nowhere near the level of Luffy and Kenny; they beat every single of them, without haki or even their devil fruit. The last one standing was 'Iron Mace' Alvida.

"Die!!!" She yelled, charging at Luffy.

"Gomu Gomu no Bazooka" Luffy exclaimed, launching Alvida off the ship.

Coby gasped for air. Never in his life had he seen such strong people. Now that Alvida is defeated, he is finally free.

"How did you do that?" Coby asks.

"I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi; I can turn my body into rubber," Luffy explains.

"So you still planning to be a Marine" Kenny asked.

"Yes," Kenny answered.

"Then you can come with us; We are going to Shells town; I remember there is a Marine base there," Kenny said, offering to take Coby.

Coby accepts their offer but realizes that both Alvida ship and the Yacht can't sail anymore.

"Hey, look!" Coby shouted, "There is a boat there, and someone is inside; maybe they can help take us to Shell town."

Kenny then use his Observations Haki, where he notices a familiar aura in that boat.

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