
One Piece : White Tiger Vice Captain

Due to a freak fishing accident, a young man found himself drowning in the vast ocean, instead of death he woke up finding himself in a young boy's body with a chain on his neck tied to the wall. This is my first time trying to write a story that is the way I choose to follow Luffy instead of creating my journey to ease me to write my first story. So the mc will not be making his crew and will join Luffy and the gang, I will try to change a few things from canon like introducing haki early on and other stuff. i am still undecided if I should expose mc knowledge to the crew or not, if you have any advice please comment.

MrApprentice · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 Changing Canon Part 2

Another thing that Kenny wants to change is Conami Island Future predicament; he can't just let Arlong take it over.

So Kenny makes his way to Conami Island and Cocoyashi Town and stays there until Arlong comes. In Cocoyashi Town, Kenny keeps practicing his Devil Fruit. He wanted to master Partial Transformation, but he still cant.

He also practices using his Naginata while in his Hybrid Form because he still can't use the big weapon in his Human Form. He is still too small for it.

After spending Months in Cocoyashi town, Arlong and his crew finally came; a lot of Fishmen terrorize the Town; Kenny can't let the innocent people die because of the Fishmen, so he transformed into his Beast Form and decided to bulldoze all the Fishmen, Kenny slash, pound, and bit every Fishmen he sees that terrorize the city, he then stops after noticing that Arlong is already near Bellmere home.

Kenny sprints using his Beast Form, trying to stop Arlong from killing Bellmere. Just as Arlong tries to aim his gun, Kenny comes crushing toward Arlong.

Arlong's officers were shocked to see a Tiger that came toward Arlong.

One of Arlong's officers tries to shoot Kenny with the water bullet he shoots from his mouth. But Kenny was able to avoid it. As Arlong gets up, he shouts at Kenny in his White Tiger Beast Form.

"You stupid cat, how dare you to hit me. I will kill you and feed you to my crewmate."

"Kyakyakyakyakyakya.....Crewmate? You mean these fish that I gut back in town," The tiger spoke, shocking Arlong and his officer.

"You are not a cat; you are a devil fruit user," Arling realize.

"You are correct," Kenny said as he transformed to his Hybrid Form.

In front of Arlong is now a Hybrid between man and white tiger that stands tall at 8"8', the same height as Arlong.

Kenny then takes his Naginata from his back before taunting Arlong.

But it is not Arlong that came rushing, but his officer did.

A Fishman that wear a martial art gi and has a ponytail comes rushing toward Kenny. As he starts using Fishmen Karate on Kenny's "Hundred Tile True Punch" he shouts his move.

But unfortunately for him, Kenny has been trying training and has been punched much harder by the old man in the past, so Kuroobi the Fishmen punch feels weak compared to the old man.

Kuroobi realizes that his punch did not damage Kenny, but as he is winding up his next attack, Kenny then uses the back of his Naginata to slash Kuroobi, sending him flying.

Two of Arlong's officers came toward Kenny as the Octopus Fishman called Hatchi came slashing Kenny with his six swords while the other Fishmen called chew kept shooting water bullets at Kenny.

Kenny defends the six vertical slash by Hatchi by using his Armament Haki on his hand and taking the slash head-on.

Hatchi's six swords all break, And Kenny proceeds to give a Sparta kick to Hatchi, sending him flying toward Chew.

Arlong keeps getting angrier seeing his crew defeated.

"Come on, Arlong, Proof to me why you, Fishmen is ten times stronger the Human; proof your so call strength," Kenny taunt as he approaches Arlong.

"You fucking cheater," Arlong shout as he takes his saw blad and runs toward Kenny.

"I'm not a cheater, Arlong; it is you who is weak. You run away from the grand line; It is you who Target the weak because you are too much of a coward to Target, the true perpetrators." Kenny's word triggers Arlong as he remembers getting his ass kicked by a Marine Vice Admiral Borsalino.

Kenny defends Arlong's attack with his Naginata; every time Arlong attacks, his saw blade gets more and more damage until it snaps.

Kenny uses his Naginata and slashes Arlong's arm clean, "Your time is up, Arlong; I can't in good conscious let you go because I knew that you will only find a weaker place to flee and do all of this again."

"You are right. I will never co-exist with you, ant," Arlong said his last word as Kenny chopped his head off.

After the battle, Kenny sees that Nami, Nojiko, and Bellmere are still shocked seeing him, and then seeing the situation clear, Kenny changes back into his Human Form.

"Hey, you!" Kenny shouts to Bellmere.

"Yeah," she stutters to answer.

"Please don't eat my mom," Nami suddenly said.

"Huft..." Kenny shook his head. "I'm not going to eat your mom, I need her to use a den den mushi and try to contact the Marines.

Bellmere finally gets up and takes Nami and Nojiko to their house; seeing around, Kenny realizes that Kuroobi, Hatchi, and Chew have already disappeared with Arlong's head and body. The only part of Arlong left is the arm that Kenny chops. Using his Observations Haki Kenny then feel that The surviving Fishmen are all leaving the island.

Not long Bellmere came back to Kenny without Nami and Nojiko and told him that the closest ship had already on route.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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