
One Piece : White Tiger Vice Captain

Due to a freak fishing accident, a young man found himself drowning in the vast ocean, instead of death he woke up finding himself in a young boy's body with a chain on his neck tied to the wall. This is my first time trying to write a story that is the way I choose to follow Luffy instead of creating my journey to ease me to write my first story. So the mc will not be making his crew and will join Luffy and the gang, I will try to change a few things from canon like introducing haki early on and other stuff. i am still undecided if I should expose mc knowledge to the crew or not, if you have any advice please comment.

MrApprentice · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 Syrup Village

The straw hat set sail to find their next Nakama and a new ship since they are sailing with 2 small boats for now, over the years Keny spent with Luffy, Luffy often told the story of Shank and their crew, so Kenny able to suggest to Luffy that they should invite Yasopp, son, to join them since Yasopp always talks about him. That is what. The Strawhats are heading to Syrup Village.

After hours of sailing, talking, and laughing, the Strawhats reach Syrup Village. They docked on the northern coast.

Previously, a bot Luffy's age ran from a horde of angry villagers. They were angry because he always lied to them. But as always, the long-nosed liar got away due to his immense running speed and durability. His hiding skill was impressive too.

The boy and his three loyal followers then notice the four pirates coming out of their boats. The long-nosed boy and his follower were known to be liars and cowards. So, their captain decided to try scaring the foreign pirate away.

"Hold on, pirate; this is the territory of the Usopp Pirates! I'm Captain Usopp, and I have 80 million men, so you better go back from where you came," the inexperienced pirate lies.

"80 Million? More like three," Nami spoke, seeing through their lie.

"They found out!" the three kids exclaimed, running away like rabbits.

"O-Okay, 80 million was an overstatement, but I'm still a mighty warrior of the sea, Captain Usopp!" the long-nosed boy stated.

"So you are Usopp! That's good; I've finally met you!" Luffy loudly said.

"You've heard of me? I mean, of course, you've heard of me; I'm Captain Usopp!" the boy lied again.

"You are Yasopp, son, right? Your dad always told me about you," Luffy said.

"Wait, you know my father?" Usopp asked, his interest arisen.

"Yes, he was in my village when I was young; he used to tell me a lot about you," Luffy explains

"If that is the case, how about I invite you to a meal?" he offered "there, you can tell me more about my father."

"Sound great," Luffy called, excited about the meal."By the way, I'm Monkey D. Luffy, future Pirate king."

In a small restaurant, the Usopp pirates and Strawhats pirates talked about what they've done, and Luffy told Usopp all about his father.

"...and that's how he left," Luffy finished. Usopp had stars on his eyes, admiring the fact that his father is one of Yonko's best men.

Zoro and Nami silently listen while still feeling unbelievable listening to Luffy's childhood.

Usopp then looked at his pocket watch, realizing he's got to go. he stood up, put some money on the table, and runoff. "I gotta go now, Can't say where!" he loudly exclaims while running at high speed.

His loyal follower, who came in a minute later, walked over to the Strawhats; they saw Kenny rubbing his stomach and assumed the worst.

"W-Where is our Captain?" one of them asked, scared at the Strawhats

"Your Captain," Kenny began to grin, " Was delicious!"

"AAAHHH! THEY'RE CANNIBALS!" they scream in unison, running for their lives.

"Are they for real?" Nami yelled, annoyed by their gullibility.

"Lets ook fo' Yusop! (Let's look for Usopp)." Luffy said with a mouth full of meat.

'Ugh, that glutton' both Nami and Zoro though, annoyed with their Captain bottomless stomach while Kenny still laughing at his prank.

On the other side of Syrup Village, there was a mansion where Kaya, Usopp's girlfriend, resides. Usopp went there every day to cheer her up with stories because she was sick and her parents died a year ago. However, her butler Klahdore AKA Captain Kuro, was against it, saying Usopp was a "Bad influence" for her.

This time, like many other times, Klahadore went to check the garden. He wasn't surprised to see Usopp there. "Miss Kaya, haven't I told you so many times to stay away from garbage?", he scolded, deliberately not addressing Usopp, due to him being disgusted by the lying boy.

"Klahadore, Usopp isn't garbage!", she scolded back, defending the boy she cares for.

"He is, he is the son of a pirate, a pirate! These criminals should all be thrown into prison, and never be allowed to get out again!", he shouted.

"Hey! At least my father is a proud man!", Usopp yelled, defending his father's pride.

"A pirate's pride isn't worth anything, they're all dirty-", he was about to say, until he was interrupted.

"AAAAAAH!", a bunch of people screamed, who came flying over the mansion's fence. They were Ninjin, Tamanegi, Piiman, Kenny, Nami, Zoro, and Luffy.

"Oh no, even more unwanted intruders.", Klahadore muttered.

"Captain Usopp, you're alive!", Ninjin, Tamanegi and Piiman exclaimed, happy to see their captain.

"What? Of course I'm alive, who told you I was dead?", Usopp asked.

"I-I thought you were eaten!", Ninjin cried.

"Eaten by this scary man!", Piiman cried, pointing at Kenny.

"We thought we lost our captain!", Tamanegi added, almost crying.

"Ahem, I've had enough of all of you! You all leave now and leave this house and Miss Kaya alone!", the butler ordered.

Usopp wanted to punch him, but Kenny held him back. "Leave him Usopp, he's not worth it."

Straw Hat Pirates decided it would be the best if they left. Despite Usopp's heavy protests, he took him with him and left Kaya's property. After leaving, Usopp wanted to yell at Kenny, but he told him other things.

"Why did you stop me from punching him? He insulted my father! And worse than that, he insulted my father's pride!", Usopp yelled, furious at Kenny.

"He's not worth it Usopp.", Kenny just said. "People like him aren't worth the energy and time you would waste on them."

"But-", the long nose began, but Kenny interrupted him.

"We can talk about this later, how about a walk to the cliffs to calm down?", he suggested.

"Yeah alright.", the sharpshooter mumbled.

Kenny take Usopp to the near cliff while Luffy, Nami, and Zoro take Usopp the loyal follower back to the restaurant.

After some minutes of walking and a few discussions, Usopp started to laugh again. He quickly forgot the event with the fake butler. But his happiness was short-lived. As they were on the cliffs, they looked down to see Captain Kuro and his first mate Jango. The two pirates were talking about their plan consisting of killing Kaya and the entire population of Syrup Village. After that they would rob all their belongings and escape.

Usopp felt rage building up inside of him. Kenny felt it too, but he didn't express it. To prevent Kuro and Jango from hearing them, Kenny put his hand in on Usopp's mouth, closing it effectively. Despite heavy protests from Usopp, Kenny held his future sharpshooter crewmate mouth shut until the two top Black Cat Pirates disappeared. Then Kennyy took his hand off Usopp's mouth.

"WHY DID YOU PUT YOUR HAND ON MY MOUTH?", Usopp angrily asked, just as Kenny expected.

"What would you think would happen if they heard us?", Kennyy asked back.

Usopp was calm. "I guess you're right, but I've got to warn my people, they're in danger, especially Kaya!", the sniper spoke.

"Don't bother.", Kenny began. "They wouldn't listen to you, since you're known as the liar of the village… WAIT, THAT'S IT!"

"What is it?", Usopp curiously asked.

"Run through your village and yell 'Pirates aren't coming tomorrow at sunrise from the northern coast!'. Since they are not going to believe you, they will prepare themselves.", Kenny said.

"Yes, you're right, I will just use my lies! Thanks for this idea, you're a genius!", Usopp exclaimed.

"Yosh, go to your village now, and I'll go tell my Captain and crewmates.", Kennyy spoke, running off.


"What bullshit is this rascal talking again?", a villager angrily asked to his neighbor.

"He's saying that pirates aren't coming tomorrow at sunrise from the northern coast, but that's surely a lie.", the neighbor answered.

"But if that's a lie… Oh no, quick! Tell everyone to arm themselves and be at the northern coast at sunrise!", the villager shouted, fearing for his village.

Kenny already told his nakama about all this and observed the situation from a hill above. 'Oh Usopp, you're the best liar I've ever seen!', he thought.

The next day was pretty calm. Everything was silent, nobody was to see. Captain Kuro marched down the road down to the northern coast. From the furthest depth of the horizon, a pirate ship approached it was the ship of the Black Cat Pirates. After some time, the ship landed. First mate Jango came out of the ship to meet his captain.

"Is everything going as planned?", Jango asked.

"Yes, they didn't realize anything. Now call all men, we're ready to attack!", Kuro ordered.

The villagers who watched from the woods stared at Kuro in disbelief. All this time they haven't suspected 'Klahadore' of being Captain Kuro.

As the Black Cat Pirates started running up the road that leads to the village, the inhabitants of Syrup Village blocked their way.

"We have seen everything, Captain Kuro!", a villager snarled, spitting the last two words out like they were venom. "We might not be as strong as your crew, but we will defend our village to the last man!"

"Hahahaha!", Kuro laughed. "Defending your village? What a futile attempt! But since you've discovered my true identity, I will have to kill every single one of you insects in cold blood."

"You won't lay a single finger on them!", a male teenage voice yelled from the shadows.

"Who is there? Show yourselves immediately!", Kuro angrily ordered.

Eight people came out of the shadows. They were the Usopp Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates, their captains leading their nakama respectively.

"Ah, it's just you brats! Just thinking alone of being somehow able to defeat us is an insult for me, this especially applies to the Usopp Pirates!", Kuro spat.

"Don't you ever make fun of me again! I might not have 80 Million men or been to the sea once, but I am a proud warrior who will save his village and defeat you once and for all!", Usopp declared.

The inhabitants of Syrup Village didn't think much of the village's liar before, but this time, they were truly impressed by his courage and love for his home.

"Don't make me laugh! You're nothing but filthy garbage, just like I told you yesterday at Kaya's mansion.", the 16 Million Berry man snarled.

"The only garbage here is you, Klahadore."

The voice came from a blonde girl Usopp's age, who came walking down the road in a big coat. Kaya.

"Well well, if it isn't my main target!", Kuro laughed. "Tell me, what did you see when you stepped in the living room?"

"My loyal servant Merry covered in blood, thanks to you, Captain Kuro.", she coldly said, pulling out a flintlock, shocking everybody.

"Now now, take that down Miss Kaya, weapons are not toys.", he mocked her.

"Did you kill my parents?", she asked in a rather loud tone, but hiding her anger.

"As much as I wanted to kill you, your parents really died due to sickness.", Kuro explained.

"Why did you want to kill me, Kuro?", she asked, tears coming out of her eyes.

"Do you remember the beautiful memories we shared, Miss Kaya? Remember when we went shopping, ate the cakes you made, and sang together? They were beautiful memories – to you. To me however, all of it was an ordeal. Three years ago, I came here to give up my life as a pirate. I've had enough of being chased by the Marines. At first I made Jango hypnotize a crew member of mine to believe he's me, Captain Kuro. Luckily, he was looking similar enough, so that the stupid Marines actually believed he was me. When a Marine ship attacked us AGAIN, I killed everyone on board except one, former Lieutenant Commander Morgan. I ordered Jango to make him believe he captured me. So he brought my lookalike, Nugire Yainu, back to 153rd Branch. After Yainu was executed under the name of Captain Kuro, Morgan was promoted to Captain. To really make people believe I am dead, I came here to live a new life, as butler of your family, Miss Kaya. Now I ask you something: Can you imagine the painful humiliation a pirate captain who was once worth 16 Million Berry had to suffer after becoming a servant of a spoiled little girl? To recompensate my suffering, I have to kill you and gain your inheritance.", Kuro coldly answered.

Everybody looked at Kuro as if he was a monster. Kaya just dropped the weapon and sank to her knees. It was almost impossible for her to digest the hurtful words that came out of this monster's mouth. Usopp, seeing how he hurt his precious girlfriend, couldn't control his feelings either. He lashed at Kuro with his fist at full force, giving his cheek a red mark.

"How dare you do this to Kaya, you monster!", he yelled at Kuro.

Kuro, already angry, finally lost control. "You insolent little rat! You're gonna pay for laying your filthy hand on my face. I sentence you to death."

Usopp was shaking in fear. Kuro was getting out his claws, which were beyond deadly. After attaching his claws, Kuro prepared to slash Usopp's face, but Luffy anticipated.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!", Luffy exclaimed, hitting Kuro with his arm stretched forward.

"Ah, a devil fruit user!", Kuro called. "Time to attack, men! Kill everybody who's in your way!"

The Black Cat Pirates attacked. The normal pirates fought with the villagers and easily overpowered them. Nami helped the villagers and knocked some normal pirates out. Zoro fought with the Nyaban brothers, but easily defeated them due to his haki and technique.While Kenny takes on the rest of the canon fodder while still in his Human Form. Usopp and his nakama ran away protecting Kaya. And Luffy fought with Kuro himself.

"I will not let you thwart my plan! Nuki Ashi!", Kuro shouted.

'To others he may seem extremely fast, but in my eyes he's moving like a snail.', Luffy thought. He then dodged him.

"You're fast, but not as fast as me! Creeping Cat!", the former butler shouted, determined to take the strawhat down..

Luffy dodged him again and again, due to the fact that his techniques are slower than CP9's Soru.

"If sheer speed alone can't defeat you, I'll use my deadly claws! Shakushi!", Kuro yelled.

His technique was the same as before, only with claws. Luffy easily grabbed his hands and crashed his claws deep in a rock. The 17-year-old then stomped his hands on the ground, breaking the claws.

"No! My claws!", Kuro yelled in anger.

Luffy then jumped high in the air to execute his final attack. "Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling!"

Feet came down in Kuro's face like rain. It felt like one thousand anvils hitting him. Captain Kuro then went down as the loser, much to each spectator's shock.

After defeating Kuro the villagers started cheering for Luffy. "You saved our village!", they cheerfully exclaimed.

Kaya however, cheered for Usopp instead of Luffy. "You're my hero, Usopp!", she spoke, making the lying sniper blush.

Kenny, Nami and Zoro just watched the scene. 'What a strong captain we have!', they thought, somewhat happy to be Luffy's nakama.

"Let's have a banquet for our saviours!", a man loudly suggested.

"Oh yeah, that sounds great!", Luffy exclaimed, excited about all the meat he's going to eat.

Later that day, the Usopp Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates visited Kaya who had invited them. She wanted to give them a special present for what they've done. Merry was with her. He was there to show them the present.

"WOW!", Kenny, Luffy and Usopp exclaimed with stars in their eyes.

Nami and Zoro were impressed too, but they decided to keep it silent.

"I have designed it and am proud of it, although it's not the greatest ship.", he further explained. "Miss Kaya is giving you this as a present. There's also some food inside, so that you have something to eat while overseas."

Luffy then turned to Kaya. "Thank you very much, it's so great!"

"My pleasure.", she said after shyly giggling.

The Straw Hat Pirates got on their new ship to admire it and then set sail. Their captain walked over to the rear side of the ship. "Oi Usopp!", he exclaimed. "Come with us!"

"Whaat?! You want me to come with you?", he asked, staring at Luffy in (positive) disbelief.

"It's not a request, it's an order! From now on you're the sniper of the Straw Hats.", his new captain answered.

"But I can't leave, Kaya is-", he began, but was interrupted by the girl he mentioned. "Usopp, I will stay to become a doctor, once I'm healed, I will be able to look after myself. And you can become the brave warrior of the sea you always wanted to be."

"O-okay!", he shouted, running to his house to get his stuff. One day he promised Kaya to become a brave warrior of the sea, and he didn't want to break his promise.

A few minutes later, Usopp came back with his stuff. His own Nakama were unhappy due to their captain leaving.

"Captain Usopp, I know we can't stop you, so please become a brave warrior of the sea!", Tamanegi cried out, tears flowing down his eyes.

"Captain!", Piiman and Ninjin cried.

"Usopp Pirates, from now on *sob* this crew will be disbanded, so always look after yourselves!", the fourth member of the Straw Hat Pirates shouted, crying.

"Ready to set sail!", Nami exclaimed, addressing Luffy.

"Leeet's goo!", Luffy cheerfully exclaimed.

Kenny Laughing, Zoro was just smirking and Usopp still had tears in his eyes.

While slowly sailing away, the five pirates waved their hands at their friends.

*Note :

Sorry for late update, i was enjoying creating thjc chapter , Over 3000 word and when i was planning to post it i remember i forgot about orange town, so i need to write it before releasing this