
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
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44 Chs

Chapter 40: The Truth

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

When I introduced myself to the three of them, they look more concern of what happens next with the intense atmosphere in the air but that was ruined when Ram question my name, "Kuro D. White? Uh… Kuro why did you add the D. in your name and when did you started to call us The Celestials?"

I drop to the ground in anime fashion while Summer, Qrow, and Hazel sweat drop thinking, 'Is this really the same kid that destroyed the Grimm Hybrid?'

God Damn it Ram!

This was supposed to be a serious moment not a funny one! And after I tried so hard to look intimidating damn it!

I reply to Ram with a clear twitch in my eyes that makes Ram nervous for ruining the tense atmosphere in the air, "Ram I gave it some thought to call us The Celestials with our family name having the D. in the middle to know who we are?"

Then Ram tries to argue with me with a letter change in the name while looking embarrassed, "Uh, if you wanted us to be called The Celestials wouldn't our letter be C. instead of D.? I can't help but feel that letter of the name is misleading somehow Kuro sir?"

I'm not giving up or changing the name damn it!

Because only I know the reason of the name as a contradiction since One Piece hinted that the people with the D. are either dangerous, destiny, or devil and with Celestial Dragons would be a good contradiction to it.

But before I could give a give reason, I heard Summer coughing to get my attention, "Cough… uh, Kuro as much as you want to argue the name but you did have business with us remember?"

Right, right I'll argue the naming our group later right now I have to deal with these three so with that I got back into my original position looking towards them again, "Yeah, sorry about that but first things first who exactly you three are considering two is from Ozpin and the other is from Salem."

Summer and Qrow narrows their eyes but Hazel looks calm good now we can begin with that Summer is the one to start things off, "Ok, first thing I would like to ask is someone is controlling you to do your acts if so don't worry we promise to help you and Ozpin would surely help."

I look over to Hazel to show that he growls at the name of Ozpin and quite frankly I agree with him to an extent but I look at Summer innocently to her and respond, "Yeah but hate to break this to you but everything that happen so far was all done by me and me alone with no one telling what to do."

Summer and Qrow looked shocked at my answer but then Qrow ask his question, "Alright then Kuro… how did you know where to find the Maiden and the Relic."

Now finally someone is asking those questions so with Qrow's question I respond to him while showing Raven's old weapon Omen, "You can thank Raven for that one Qrow Branwen… she told me her secrets thinking she can control me manipulate me into her thinking mentality for doing this for her tribe…"

I look back to Summer and Qrow who they both flinched quickly realizing how I knew about their secret was from a former member while I express a cold expression to them, "I hate that… I hate someone telling me what to do and more so try to manipulate me for their own gains…"

When I look towards the two of them I expressed a cold smile on my face that made them worried, "The first mistake that Raven tried to do was try to bargain me and my friend Cinder to join her… the second was trying to convince me and her to join her under protection while raiding innocent people that had nothing to deal with me and her…"

I kept on continuing about my encounter with Raven while guilt tripping them since it was there fault in not capturing Raven, "In the end however she did train me to the best of my ability to the point where I can defend myself and in return I paid her back in a form of an attack on the tribe completely wiping out the rest of the Branwen tribe…"

Then I waited slowly looking at the two of them as they show an expression of fear of me knowing about the last two, "… all except for two her brother Qrow Branwen… and Z- "

But that was when I was interrupted from Qrow assuming I'm going after the last remaining members alive, "Now hold right their squirt! I know what you're about to say but you can't just blame all of them not involve with a group of bandits?!"

I just raised my eyebrow at Qrow while sighing to him just to reassure him and Summer worried looks, "Look I'm not going to hunt the other one Qrow since from what Raven told me you left the tribe long before and her…"

I look towards Hazel but then I decided to keep Yang identity a secret for now I don't want them to go after them I maybe a cold bastard but that doesn't mean I want to cause them trouble.

Then Summer sigh out a breath of relief but she looks at me with a serious expression, "Alright, then can you please tell us where is the Spring Maiden? We saw that she left with you Kuro in the camera records so where is the Spring Maiden Blossom Sakura?"

Oh, I think she is talking about useless traitor well that one I can answer but I won't reveal her real identity, "Oh, you mean Sakura at the moment she is staying with me for the moment safe and away from Ozpin and Lionheart from keeping in prison in Haven Academy. Just letting you guys know right now I'm not returning her she is enjoying her freedom as we speak."

That seems to get them a bit angry, but Hazel looks happy at how the outcome is going in his favor from the looks of things of me getting the two of them a rise out of this.

So, I turn my attention towards Hazel and ask him a question since he seems to be enjoying the scene before him, "So then who are you big guy? I can assume you are with Salem considering that Qrow and white hood is with Ozpin, right?"

Then I hear from Summer respond to my question saying her name to me while I ignore her, "Just for the record the name is Summer!"

Hazel looks toward my gaze and responds to my question with a calm voice with a calm expression, "I can see you have done your work Kuro. I'm Hazel and I work for Salem she tasked us to get you to our side but as you can see you already finished off my partner Silver Tooth when… well you already know the answer since you did kill her."

I just nodded pretending to know I did kill her but I wasn't in control but this works for now but then Summer tries to convince me to Ozpin side, "Kuro I know you can't trust us but were the good guys here I know that being with Raven…"

I turn my attention towards to Summer trying to convince me to Ozpin side, "…wasn't the most pleasant for anyone to be with but you can trust us with Ozpin help he can guide you and your friend to a better future for the both of you! I know that you miss the other kids in the orphanage since – "

But that was when I interrupted Summer on that wrong info, so I made sure to clear that up immediately, "Orphanage? Friends? Sorry but those scum in the orphanage deserve it after all I did set up to make sure they attract the Grimm to that place when they notice the caretakers are dead, I bet they must have been very scared when they attacked."

When I told Summer that the three of them went silent from my correction of what truly happen to the kids in the orphanage, I noticed that Summer fist started to clench up saying to me with a surprised look, "Sorry you did what?"

I simply stayed quiet till I finally speak to them with a sad look shown to them while I say in a sad voice, "Tell me Summer, is it possible for a kid Faunus like me to survive in Mistral for a place that is highly racist people everywhere around that will harm me with no rules to stop them I only did the logical thing for me and Cinder…"

Then my expression turned cold with my voice also having cold tone while giving them an answer, "… we survive and get our revenge on the scum that wronged us for our unfair treatment…"

That seems to get Summer and Qrow to be more at a loss of what they would do with me but then I turn my head to Hazel as well as Ozpin's allies and give them my answer, "As for joining Salem and Ozpin I don't want to join neither of them."

When I said that I caught the attention of the three but I continue speaking while releasing sparks of electricity around me, "A person who would sacrifice their allies for their cause is someone I can't see but an enemy since they have their hidden agenda and one more thing is I don't trust those two at all."

I see that Hazel agrees with what I said but then Summer was the person to speak next in Ozpin defense with Qrow as well, "No your wrong! We trusted Ozpin every time before he told us everything, he knew about Salem an evil that must be stopped!!"

Then Qrow was the next to talk to me defending Ozpin since he was accepted to him when no one else wanted him, "If you know who they are then why aren't you helping us with Ozpin here kid?! Look you may have your issues with Ozpin, but Salem would stop at nothing to destroy Remnant and that means you too kid so why not help!"

I see Hazel gets angry at the two, but he retorts the two with his own reason why they are too flawed into thinking as Ozpin is a good guy, "Tch! As expected from Ozpin's dogs they don't know the evil that man has caused and are ignorant to the truth while Salem has shown me that she can't be stopped she is a force of nature at least she told me the truth."

Well not exactly since she did withhold some secrets of her own considering that their war is pathetic and sad since they keep on dragging other people into their silly war that who knows how many lives they destroyed.

Before the Huntsmen can do anything, I smile at the scene before them while I say to Ram and Morgiana with a clap with both my hands, "CLAP! Alright exactly your reasoning is right and wrong at the same time! Before we continue Ram and Morgiana can you do me the favor to leave the hut for a few minutes I'm going to use the Relic and what I'm about to reveal is going to shock you to the core I promise to explain when you're ready to hear the truth ok."

Ram and Morgiana both looked unsure of what was happening, but they nodded their heads to me before they left Ram says to me, "Kuro I hope you know what you're doing."

I bring the relic of Wisdom towards me while I think to myself, 'Yeah you aren't the only one thinking of that Ram I hope I know what I'm doing as well.'

With that I bring the Relic up close to me while I give the three of them a harsh check in reality that they have been blind to following, "Very well then you guys want to know why I don't trust those two. Well let's just say be careful of what you wish for because the truth sucks, Jinn!"

~Third POV~

When Kuro said the word to summon Jinn the three humans Qrow, Summer, and Hazel were shocked to see everything stopped in place then see the relic transform into Jinn.

Everyone except Kuro was shocked to see Jinn but she looks at Kuro again and says to him with a smile on her face, "Hmm… Oh looks like I was summoned again. Hello again young Faunus child what question would you like to ask this time you have two remaining."

When Summer saw this she wanted to ask something to Jinn but Kuro stops her by saying, "If you want to ask your question go ahead I won't stop you but don't forget that we only get two questions if you want to know why I won't Ozpin so much…"

Kuro stops for a moment to express a smile to Summer's face just wanting her to ask the question instead of Kuro, "… just say what is Ozpin secret that will pretty much get you the same results of what I would say."

Summer takes a moment to think about this she turns over to Qrow to he says to Summer just as confuse as she is, "Summer… think what you believe is right I'll support you no matter what the outcome is."

Hazel looks over to Jinn but stays silent wondering what Summer question is after the talk with Qrow Summer thinks for a bit and wonders, 'Still as much as I would want to know Ozpin secret is… it doesn't explain how Kuro knew all of this…'

After thinking for a bit Summer asks Jinn her question while showing a smirk across her face while thinking she had Kuro, "Jinn who exactly is Kuro White?"

But to everyone surprise Kuro didn't panic at all when that question was asked, he simply put his hand over his head in annoyance, "Sigh… out of all the questions you ask you had to ask that question? Well that's one question wasted."

Summer was confused on what Kuro meant but she got her answer from Jinn who responds to Summer question but is soon disappointed of the short answer, "Very well let's see who this person named Kuro White… is a reincarnated person with little to no knowledge of his previous life and is surviving the best he can with his fragmented memories but his memories will return after a few years. Now then what is your last question?"

But that only further confuse the three adults when Jinn saw this she further elaborated the reason why, "Sorry but this the only answer I can provide you with since my power is to know the answer to any question and knows any secret or knowledge that other people possess or have witnessed, but in Kuro's case however his the exception."

The three adults were now interested as to why Kuro is the exception for Jinn, "Even though his reincarnated before I need to know the original name of Kuro is his past life since no one in Remnant knows who he is originally and his memories are fragmented with his first life name lost means that I don't have access to his past life knowledge and only give an answer that is currently acceptable in this time."

When the adults heard the reason, they never expected that Kuro was really a reincarnated person but that also means they still learned nothing from the question to Summer's disappointment.

When Jinn was done explaining Kuro took this chance to ask Jinn the question that needed to be asked in the first place, "Since Summer question was a disappointment, I think it's time to show you three how deluded you are following Salem and Ozpin. Jinn for the last question I want them to know what is the ex-married couple Salem and Ozpin secret that they are hiding in their own groups."

When Kuro asked his question to Jinn, she smiles at this and replies to Kuro with a smile on her face, "Ok now that question is easy to accomplish now it all started in a tower long ago with a maiden trapped in a tower named Salem…"

After that everything went all according to Kuro had planned since he already knew Ozpin's secret from the show with his previous knowledge but when he heard Salem secret was to kill everything that Ozpin was trying to create he wasn't that surprised at that but what caught his attention was Salem actively hunting the Silver Eyed warriors…

When everyone saw this Summer just froze at the spot of what Salem is doing to the Silver Eyed people using them as experiments and test subjects finding a way to get over the Silver Eyed warriors' bloodline by corrupting them even Kuro couldn't believe what was happening.

During the scene when a Faunus Silver Eyed warrior was being experimented Hazel looks away ashamed from what Salem is doing to him injecting him from the Grimm pool into his eye forcing the Silver Eyed warrior to transform to what Kuro believed he saw the origin of the Hound from Volume 8…

After that was done with seeing the origin story of Ozma and Salem Jinn returned into the Relic of Wisdom that was when Kuro put it into his inventory and looked at the defeated faces of the three adults in the room.

Kuro decided to break the ice to everyone in the room with frown shown on his face, "Now you see the reason why I won't ally myself with the both of them now? Now that you know the truth what will you three do now?"

Summer was the first to respond to show a defeated look on her face with a blank look in her eyes, "What's the point… Salem is looking for us or more specifically Silver Eyed warriors and she is unkillable what was the point of fighting her… I need to protect my family from her…"

Qrow shows a frustrated expression on his face and slams his fist to the ground causing his knuckles to bleed, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! That bastard Ozpin and Salem screw them both to fucking hell?!! When I thought I was needed! When I thought he cared he only saw me as a useable pawn OUM FUCKING DAMN IT?!!!"

Hazel just released a small chuckle of defeat in his voice and says to everyone present while tearing up at the end, "Hahaha… just when I thought I would get my revenge on Ozpin… my own sis wouldn't be proud of me now if I was working with Salem now knowing what she is doing to people she experimenting… the people I help hunt…"

When Kuro saw the defeated looks of the three adults in the room, he can't help but see how pathetic they are he couldn't help but say, "You three are just pathetic so what if Salem is unkillable and Ozpin lying to you. You three are giving up way too easily if you don't want your fate like that then fight for it."

Soon everyone looks to Kuro this was just the opportunity that he was waiting for them to finally listen to him to activate the Kobu Kobu no Mi to encourage their hope again he turns his attention to Hazel, "Hazel you wanted revenge for your sister don't you want to take vengeance on the both of them or die trying I know your sister would considering she follows her dream to the end yes?"

Then Kuro turns his attention to Summer who was defeated from the harsh truth from what Jinn provided, "You two worked for Ozpin for a long while now you are just going to give up like this? Summer don't you have a family waiting for you then make sure to fight for them when Salem comes knocking or better yet fight for your kids so that they don't have to!"

Kuro turns his attention to Qrow as he was defeated from the truth, "Qrow as much as you don't like me please believe that your curse in this world you're in you are wrong there will always people in this world that will need someone one day you will meet friends who cares about you. You just have to find them in this big open world!"

With each words of encouragement to Summer, Hazel, and Qrow suddenly filled them with a new spark from them as if they regained a new spark of hope for their own futures thanks to Kuro's words and his Devil Fruit helping him convince the three to his side.

But Summer was the first to ask Kuro with doubt in her voice, "How… how… how can you say these words to us when we are defeated knowing the truth of Ozma and Salem that you still have the will to defy them…"

When Kuro heard that from Summer, he simply just laughs at her face confusing the three adults as he explains why, "Hahaha! Why should I care for what these two immortals thinks? I know that one day I will face the both of them and win because I won't let their actions chain me my freedom!"

Kuro continues to look at the three of them with a determined expression showing that his will won't be wavered from the truth and declares to the Summer and Qrow, "So what if Salem can't be killed there are more than one way to win against some who is unkillable!"

Kuro gaze goes over to Hazel with a determined expression, "So what if Ozpin can reincarnate, I'll destroy his soul first before he gets a chance to escape!"

Kuro finally looks at the three adults who were getting more impressed of Kuro the second of his will to defy Ozma and Salem, "Where there is a will there is a way to win against the odds it's just, we haven't found yet! But here this now for I Kuro D. White have a dream! The Dream to one day unites Remnant into one bringing peace and freedom to all while getting rid of people or gods who would harm it!"

The more they listen to Kuro words they thought he was going crazy but the more words he says they can't help but accept thinking that he might be the one to do it then Kuro finishes his speech to the three adults with a bow to them, "I wish to bring peace to Remnant one day but I ask you three Summer, Qrow, and Hazel to help me in my goals to unite Remnant and help defeat Salem and Ozpin by conqueror Remnant through revolution would be the only way for everyone to know peace!"

After a few seconds of silence Summer was the first to respond almost too happily believing Kuro words, "Very well then Kuro if my little rose can grow up safely one day, I won't hesitate to fight for a cause that is truly right!"

Qrow was the next to respond although hesitate but regain his resolve to help Kuro after thinking for a second to screw Oz over, "Alright then kid… you have me hooked if you can give me a little time to beat up Oz then I'm in."

Hazel was the next to say after Qrow with a regretful voice to match his expression, "I would like to join Kuro as well. I want to make all the wrongs I did to the Silver Eyed warriors right after witnessing what Salem has done to them and get a piece of Ozpin for creating the system of how it is right now."

When all Summer, Qrow, and Hazel all agreed to join Kuro he heard three people joined him as loyal allies to which he was really happy about.

"[Congratulations you have made a loyal ally: Summer Rose, Hazel Rainheart, Qrow Branwen.]"

Kuro nodded his head in agreement while he was smiling at them but for the different reason as his plan to convince them worked like a charm and with the relic showing the truth only made it easier for him to work.

Kuro intentionally wanted all three of them to be a defeated depressed state for his Kobu Kobu no Mi to take effect just some words of promise and encouragement while they are there most vulnerable even the most experienced Huntsmen are still people suspectable to emotions to which Kuro will take full advantage of.

Kuro just made three valuable allies during his talk with Summer, Hazel, and Qrow to his side sometimes the use of words and encouragement alone can be the deadliest weapons at times and with the Kobu Kobu no Mi it can be used to brainwash people into believing them if they listen at their most desperate and vulnerable hour in their lives.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User), Summer Rose, Hazel Rainheart, Qrow Branwen

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Relic of Wisdom, Yomi Yomi no Mi

Lien: 4,001,492,544