
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
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44 Chs

Chapter 33: Onward to Fanalis Village

~Salem POV~

As I was going to meet my members, I see through the door that Hazel and Silver were ready for their assignments good this makes things easier for me to give them the news.

When I go towards them, I see they bow down to me while I told them, "Rise, Hazel and Silver, I have the name of the child I need for to search for his a Faunus child with the name of Adam Shiori or Kuro White I trust that you are able to locate this child Silver."

I see her nod her head and activates her semblance locate by looking at her hand then she says the following to me, "Very well my mistress, now Locate: Adam Shiori on!"

With that, the light coming off her hand started to transform her aura into a sonar with the name of the target in a display for us to see and…

Well, this is certainly a turn of events if the location is right from what Silver has shown then… "This Kuro certainly doesn't waste time going around places from where I see his going to the Badlands. How curious for a child to go into that lawless place?"

Certainly, an interesting choice to hide yourself in child, but no matter where you go, I'll find you unlike you I have all the time in the world to search for you.

With that, I see Silver looks confused at the scene before me that causes me to frown and question her, "Silver what seems to be the problem you look as if your confused about what you're seeing in the sonar?"

Then I hear her response from her in a confused voice, "I… I don't know mistress from what I can tell it usually takes weeks to travel the Badlands by foot. However, at the speed this kid is going is ridicules as if he has a ride?"

I raised my eyebrow at that it looks like this Kuro is well prepared in advance of this plan but does that mean is he following someone else order but that would be impossible since no one else knows about me or Ozma forces.

Well for now those questions won't get me any answers today better ask the young child later but first I commanded a Seer to come over and say to Hazel and Silver, "Well whatever the case you must follow after them into the Badlands of that area I'll make sure the Grimm in that area won't harm you in any way while you are there."

They nodded their heads in agreement with me I saw Hazel already left but before Silver left, I told her, "Wait for one more thing Silver I have a gift for you my dear."

She stopped and looks towards me while I deactivated my Seer and handed it over to her and a new develop syringe filled with black and red color made by Watts at my request, "Here take the Seer here dear and this syringe if you ever become overwhelmed don't hesitate to use it, my dear Silver Fang."

While I gave her the two items to her, she asks me about the new experiment I asked the good scientist to make, "Mistress what is this syringe will it be helpful?"

I simply told her with a sweet smile on my face while caressing Silver face, "Yes dear this syringe is a strength booster for you if you feel like this is the last choice to win then don't hesitate my dear Silver."

With that she left and put the syringe into her pocket, I hope it does come to the point if I know Ozma he will send in his most trusted people after the Kuro and with that syringe…

Hahaha! I can't wait to hear how Ozma will react to a Grimm having aura when using a Human or Faunus as the catalyst of the transformation, but this still needs to be tested of course before I make more of this.

But still, this does cost a lot of my magic to accomplish this and I can only do this once a year since doing these multiple times won't get me a Grimm that has an aura, but why should I worry about that.

The only way that would stop this would be someone taking over the Grimm but last I checked there is no one in this world of Remnant that has this power.

~Third POV~

For the next few passing days, everyone in their own group factions was busy with their own agenda with Ozpin and Salem's groups trying to find a way to find Kuro while he and his group were busy getting stronger.

During the last few days of training in the Hungry-La Island, everyone in the Kuro group was busy training in all their fields of their expertise and using Kuro Ice logia's ability to make everyone cool down since the heat of the desert.

Kuro also had written all of them copied versions of the Rokushiki Techniques and Haki Training Manuel for the to train in except for Kagero since it already copied all the moves from Kuro already memorized.

Cinder was training the most to awaken her Armament Haki, work on her elemental Maiden powers, and further increase her physical strength thanks to the Haki Training Guide that everyone was following provided by Kuro.

Neo was training with Kagero to help awaken her Observation and Armament Haki with her Kuri Kuri no Mi training in the mix avoiding attacks and use her cream properties to burn chemicals and create some defenses for it.

Rem is training her logia ability with her Noro Noro no Mi to add to her light attacks the properties to slow things down further as well as train her body and weapon.

Ram was also discovering the specific properties of her new Extreme Model Zoan can do the current limit she can summon shadow warriors is 10 with the same abilities of the Kage Kage no Mi and she has the properties of the logia fruit of the Shakou Shakou no Mi intangibility but she has some problems going into her Zoan form.

However, Ram wasn't the only one that was having trouble going into their Zoan form Kuro also had the same problems as well since he felt the boost in his physical power but couldn't access the Mythical Zoan ability just yet.

Kuro was with Nora helping her train her Goro Goro no Mi since it was the cause that she was having headaches for a while now since the Hungry-La Island.

Kuro was the only one qualified to help Nora since not everyone is going to be immune to Nora lighting attacks and her powerful Semblance High Voltage increasing her strength making her Kuro match in strength if given enough time to build up the volts in her body.

Kuro group have been going at this for the past few days to get stronger and grow more as much as possible.

Until finally they have arrived at their destination at the Fanalis Village home of the hunters in that area as well as the potential new allies just waiting to be recruited.

From what the village looks like they have made homes made out of the mud and dried grass huts making a home for them while they have stone walls protecting them with a few other guards outside protecting the area.

There was only a few bit of Faunus living in the area since the environment of the desert area of Anima was not exactly a great place to be in and in the area of exile is the place where it's lawless and anyone can die in this place for being weak.

When Kuro saw the place of the village he only smiled at the scene in front of him when he was at the top of Re: Onigashima tower, "Finally it took some time to get here but finally we have arrived at our destination now it's time for a change of command of this place."

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

Well looks like we finally made it to this place with that I meet up with everyone again on the floor we have for dinner I see everyone is here.

Then I ask if anyone wants to come with me to the new village, "Hey does anyone want to go with me to check out the new village and help me become their leader Nya~."

I waited to see if anyone was coming to the two people that came over to me was Cinder and Ram, while the rest stayed behind saying they would like to train and play a bit more.

I nodded in understanding towards the others while I look over to Kagero and Rem and say to them, "Alright then in that case Rem and Kagero you two are in charge when me, Cinder, and Ram gets back from the Fanalis Village ok."

They both nodded their heads, yes and with that, I, Cinder, and Ram all went towards the outside while I use my floating abilities to float down, Cinder using her fire to fly down, and Ram using her shadows to construct wings on her back to fly down.

Well, at least I know that these girls have their own way to travel down in style but still what awaits us in this village.

When we traveled down I ask the two why they wanted to come Cinder replies to me, "Easy I want to see what this place holds and the heat won't bother me much considering I'm literal fire so the heat of the desert won't affect me at all."

I nodded at this since she is right being a logia does have its perks like complete immunity of your own elements like me I never worry again about being cold with my Hie Hie no Mi abilities.

Then I put gaze on Ram wanting to hear her answer for joining, "I came along to see if you two get into trouble and see if I can help out, but I also want to see what this place is made of really since this place values strength above else."

Yeah this sounds like a dog eat dog world for these people in the village that value strength.

With that out of the way I tell Cinder and Ram, "Well then I think it's time we begin our first step of conquering Remnant is by taking over this village are you with me!"

They agreed with me by nodding their heads clearly showing excitement and with that I open the door to the front of the guards clearly getting their attentions immediately and getting battle ready.

When we appeared, I say to the guards of this place expressing a cold look at them making them flinch, "Guards of the Fanalis Tribe I have come to challenge your village leader their right leading your village!!!"

With my yelling drags the attention of the other hunters in their village coming out and started to attack us then Ram snaps her fingers releasing 10 shadow soldiers out while saying with a cold tone, "You guards aren't worth Kuro time to deal with so you will deal with my shadows hunters."

Then I look on over to Ram while saying to her with a sheepish smile, "Just make sure not to kill them ok Ram? I kind of need them as my allies so don't go overboard ok?"

She nods her hand in agreement but that was then I noticed that they used arrows to attack us we didn't bother defending when we saw that none of them were aura coated so we were fine from the attack.

As the hunters were attacking Ram shadow soldiers, they were making sure that they were knocked out and not dead and even when they destroy a part of the shadows it only regrows again in seconds ready to fight.

When they noticed that their attacks didn't harm our clothes, they were extremely panicked at they saw us unharmed with our natural Logia defenses then they try another wave of arrows to attack us again, but this time coated them with aura this time Cinder took action.

As the wave of arrows were coming towards us Cinder used her fire logia abilities and just pointed her hand at the direction, they were coming at us and released a big wave of fire burning the arrows in a second when it made contact with Cinder's fire.

I listen in over to hear Cinder say to herself while silently nodding my head in agreement, "Yeah… no if those lessons with Raven taught me anything is that anything coated with aura is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with."

With that the hunters try again to attack only to be stopped when we all heard a scream from the entrance of the gate, "STOP!! HUNTERS I COMMANED YOU TO STOP THIS AT ONCE?!!"

I see that young red-haired Faunus girl must be the one I heard from Rem and Ram a few days back to see her as the leader of this tribe.

I clearly see that her hair is cut short, almost like an apple cut, layered with a ponytail on the left side with red cat ears showing. The ponytail on the left side is much longer than her normal hair. She wears a white dress with a unique ornament such as a feather on its belt but when I looked closer it looks like she was holding blades.

When the tribe of the Fanalis leader appeared, she looks angry that her hunters were easily defeated then she asks me but with caution from where I stand, "Tell me stranger what are you doing here in my village…"

I reply her question with my answer full of resolution behind my words, "I came here for one reason alone… I want to become the leader of your village in order for me to achieve my dream!! May I ask who you are?"

Finally, I get to know the leader of this person name is while she growls at me, "So you came here for a challenge of my position stranger? Fine you wanted one you got one then and the name is Morgiana that is the last thing you will ever remember."

With that I get myself into battle position myself I want to see how strong this Morgiana really is in that case I'll only need my Rokushiki and Haki skills for this and this way the Faunus here will support me more if I do it this way since they treat the strong with respect.

With that in mind I decided to return Morgiana my name as well, "Ok then Morgiana when I'm done you will follow me and the names Kuro White the Faunus you will call leader."

She just scoffs at me while she gets her two wing shaped blades at me, "Sure thing stranger that is if you survive first!"

With that we both clashed our attacks causing sparks to fly off our attacks impact!

I use my Armament Haki on my fists to counter her aura coated blades and with that starts my battle against the leader of the Fanalis Faunus Lion Tribe of Hunters Morgiana begins!


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, Cure Remover x7, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Kobu Kobu no Mi, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi

Lien: 2,001,492,544