
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 26: I won’t Stand for Betrayal

~Third POV~

In the middle of the night in Haven Academy lies the Spring Maiden Blossom Sakura crying in her room of the unfairness of her powers she was granted with.

Blossom Sakura is a 12-year-old girl with fair-skinned and thin teenager who is of average height. She has long, light pink hair, which she wears in a braid, she is wearing her flower theme pajamas.

While Blossom was crying, she heard a door open to reveal a Faunus young boy and what she though was an Atlas Knight Robot and said to the both of them with a clear voice of fear, "Who-o are you-u two…"

Kuro introduced himself to the young Spring Maiden and said, "Have no fear Blossom Sakura I was just wondering if you would like to leave this place and join under me."

When Blossom heard that she can't help but be glad that this is her ticket out of her prison while not caring what the group would do to her, "Now miss Blossom while your under our protection I will provide you a place to stay as well as provide food if you can help me screw over Lionheart and Ozpin."

When Blossom heard the condition, she froze on the spot when the mention of Lionheart and Ozpin the two people that changed her life for the worse.

Lionheart for keeping her captive in Haven Academy while saying it was for the safety for Remnant and for herself and the other Headmasters following Ozpin to make sure to keep the other maidens safe.

With Ozpin holding a high seat in political power in the Council Seat, Blossom would only be captured for only amount of time without anyone to help her so when Kuro appeared, she took her moment.

When Kuro provided Blossom a way to screw over Ozpin and Lionheart for all the crap she was forced to endure she couldn't help but smile at the idea introduced to her, "Alright then Kuro I'll join you and I want to screw over Ozpin and Lionheart do you know how?"

When Kuro heard that he smiled and used his Doa Doa no Mi to open the Door Dimension and provided her a way to escape but she panicked and say, "Wait I need time to pack my things and – "

However, Blossom was left speechless when she saw Kagero go near her belongings only to suddenly vanish in front of her eyes while Kagero says, "Don't worry miss Sakura, I already got all your belongings inside me so we must hurry along."

With that Blossom nodded her head and jumped inside the Door Dimension followed by Kagero and Kuro inside and the door behind them closed.

Blossom asked who the duo was who rescued her, "Ok who exactly are you guys and how did you know about the Maidens?"

Kuro gives her an answer while heading towards the library section of Haven Academy, "Oh, just someone who knows about Salem and Ozpin little secret and a future conqueror of Remnant but otherwise no one special?"

Blossom stopped looking at the 10-year-old Kuro had this big ambition, but she didn't believe it for a second and why should she after all she is hearing it from kid…

A kid that she will betray at the very least, why would Blossom follow a kid the second after they are done, she will show Kuro his place and force him to open a way out… or at least that was she thought…

Blossom plans to use Kuro as a means to an end since she thinks she will survive more on her own than a kid with a weird robot since she has a power of a Maiden even if badly trained can still put up a fight.

This went noticed from Kuro since he used his Observation Haki to tell the emotion of the Spring Maiden.

The second when Kuro sensed malicious intent towards him from the maiden, he knew what he has to do, 'Well looks like you have ill attention towards me huh Blossom… I gave you a choice to join me and since you have bad attentions towards me, I won't need you to hold that power…'

While Kuro thought that Blossom would be useful the second, she had any bad intentions towards him sealed her fate.

Kuro does need the power of the Spring Maiden; he needs it to belong to someone else since Blossom had malicious attentions to which made her a lost cause to form any alliance with so he would just have the power to someone loyal to him to hold it.

When Kuro senses Blossom Sakura he felt that she was useless to him since he could tell that she was acting with him just waiting for a chance to attack him after giving her choice of the kindness in his heart, 'I guess there will be some ungrateful people thinking they can take care of themselves till the real world hits them… hard…'

When they were walking to the library Kuro looked around the area to be sure there wasn't any cameras luckily there wasn't any in the area so and there were no people inside so he open the door and gave Kagero a command, "Kagero make sure to clean the library dry of everything since they would be essential down the line got it."

When Kagero left through the door Blossom talks to Kuro, "So then kid your Semblance there is pretty cool so how do you exactly make Ozpin and Lionheart pay exactly?"

Kuro doesn't bother to answer which makes her irritated but kept quiet since she was waiting for a chance to get her freedom then Kuro opens his door to let Kagero inside after getting all the books in the library clean.

After that Kuro orders Kagero with no emotion in his voice, "Ok next stop is to get the relic from the vault after that we can leave from this place and that's when I need your help Blossom is to open the vault ok?"

Blossom had her eye raised but nodded in agreement soon they reach the entrance to the statue of Jinn and entered out of the Door Dimension into the real world with only Kuro and Blossom.

Kuro made sure to wear a disguise hiding all his physical characteristics since there were cameras in the Grand Hall while Kagero was observing from the Door Dimension.

As soon as they got out Kuro took out the pocket watch and placed it on the chest of the Jinn statue then it started to glow a bit revealing itself to be an elevator leaving Blossom surprised and said, "How… how did…"

But Kuro didn't answer and motioned her to come over to the elevator and then started to go down into the vault holding the relic of wisdom.

Like the other academies, Haven is also in possession of a Vault. It is a large cave under the school, accessible via a hidden elevator in the Grand Hall. The Vault formerly housed the Relic of Knowledge.

When the Spring Maiden is present, the circles on the ground and the Relic chamber's doorway glow brightly. When the Relic chamber's doorway is unlocked, it leads to another dimension with a vast desert and a path where the Relic of Knowledge rested on a stone pedestal.

When they reached down towards the floor Blossom was shocked at the scene and Kuro looks around the room of the vault furrows his brows, 'Shit I guess they have security here as well I guess I made the right choice of leaving Kagero inside the Door Dimension better make this quick then.'

With that Kuro drags Blossom to the circle while the maiden was getting annoyed with Kuro actions but still tolerated it when she sees her chance.

When Blossom finally reaches the circle, it started to glow showing the vault door glowing and was now opening the to reveal that it was holding a lamp that was surrounded in the dessert.

The Relic takes the shape of a golden ornamented lamp with a blue sphere in the middle. Its size can shift according to the user, keeping the same ratio.

When Blossom saw the relic of Wisdom, she can't hold but say in disbelief then to anger at the object, "You mean to tell me… that my whole reason for here was to open up a stupid LAMP?!!!!"

Kuro only nodded his head and quickly grabbed the lamp then tied it to his waist and was smiling happily from this as well as he got the mission completion for doing this.

"[Important Mission: Acquire the Spring Maiden

Description: You have made it to Haven Academy one of the places known to have the Relic of Wisdom an item created from the God of Light as well as the other three he left in the hands of humanity to use. Haven Academy is a place where Huntsmen and Huntresses are here to train to become the next defenders against Grimm.

Important Risk Bonus: Acquire the Relic of Wisdom from Haven Academy but be warn you will attract them…

Objective: Recruit the current Spring Maiden Blossom Sakura into your group.

Reward: 2,000,000,000 Lien, Loyal Ally, Cure Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, and Skill: Voice of All Things.

Important Risk Bonus Reward: Soru Soru no Mi, FIT, and Training Haki Guide but be warned for accepting this Important Risk Bonus you will have the Ozma and Salem faction will not stop on trying to figure out who was the person who took the Relic of Wisdom and Spring Maiden.]"

"[Skill Gain: Voice of All Things.]"

Kuro couldn't wait anymore since he heard the sounds of alarms going off in the vault which meant it was time to go so, he grabbed Blossom and open the door leading to the Door Dimension.

Blossom saw what happen and when she was finally inside the Door Dimension, she was yelling at Kuro with Kagero next to him, "What the hell was that for you stupid animal bastard!"

Kuro finally spoke to Blossom and say to her, "Alright as promised for now on you will now serve under me but first how about we leave ok?"

Blossom only gritted her teeth and nodded her head yes although very reluctant so after a while they finally left the area of Haven Academy in a few distances away from the Academy in the state of chaos.

When they finally returned to the tower Blossom took this moment to rob the Relic from Kuro and when she took the Relic, she was demanding Kuro with the threat of breaking the Lamp with her Maiden powers, "Alright listen here brat! If you want this Relic safe in your hands, then I suggest you hand over everything you have in that tower and I'll let you have this Lamp."

When Kuro saw this, he sensed the emotions of the people that were already viewing this inside of Kagero body because of his Devil Fruit ability of the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) were downright furious of what the maiden was doing.

When Kuro and everyone were planning to capture the relic and the maiden, they all agreed to be inside of Kagero with its new Devil Fruit abilities to hide them as a last resort in the case of Kuro being overpowered then everyone inside Kuro would come out and attack.

Plus, with Kagero new ability it was easier for it to make carrying the library books easier to get and get the positions of the Maiden in a few seconds without Kuro revealing too much of his real abilities as a safety precaution.

But they didn't anticipate that the maiden would try to betray them since Kuro tried to help her but the minute, she was safe, and Kuro made an offer to her for safety she snatched the relic and was demanding from her savior for everything Kuro owns.

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

When I look at the Spring Maiden trying to rob me, I couldn't help but feel very pissed off at her demanding things from me when I try to save her…

Well I'll give her one last chance if she refuses this offer then I no longer need her to be loyal to me anymore, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that Sakura, but I will give you one last chance you can either join me willingly again or… well let's just say you'll wish that you did."

When I saw she wasn't going to budge she replied back to me with clear anger in her voice, "Serve under you? Kid don't joke around you conquering Remnant is just a dumb dream that will never happen how can a kid like you even hope to accomplish a foolish dream!"

That right there just sealed your fate I didn't even need to give Kagero a command before it suddenly was behind Blossom and pin her down before she could've fought back and he procced to break her arms and legs.

I could hear her screaming at me to stop the pain while I take back the relic, I ask Kagero, "Kagero can you release Cinder and Rem out I would like Cinder to have the power of the Spring Maiden than this traitor."

Kagero nodded and complied then suddenly Cinder was out of Kagero inner castle and was glaring at Blossom Sakura who aura was already trying to heal her and I say to her, "You know this was probably the dumbest thing you can do? I gave you a place to stay and food to eat after I help you and you return that by betraying me huh?"

I look at Blossom with a clear look of being merciless towards her while she was now being sorry about her regret, "Listen here Spring Maiden I don't need you personally Blossom Sakura I just need the Spring Maiden power… they only need to die and see the death of the last person they thought about before dying that has to be a girl… Rem and Cinder please do it."

With that I saw Rem slow Blossom down to look up at the face of Cinder and kill her as she was the only person, she could have saw at death in a slow pace making her an ideal candidate for her to receive the Spring Maiden power.

When I saw Cinder, she was glowing a blue aura and I was smiling at the idea of having a powerful ally and I saw the system confirm this which made me happier.

"[Cinder Fall has gained the power of magic of the Spring Maiden.]"

With that I look towards everyone and say to them, "Alright everyone the next stop is the Hunter Village of Fanailas with the Lion Faunus to the Badlands!"


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie, Neopolitan

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, FIT x2, Soru Soru no Mi, Cure Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Relic of Wisdom

Lien: 2,001,492,544