
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
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44 Chs

Chapter 23: Family

~Third POV~

Kuro and his crew are heading towards the City of Mistral where at the summit they'll find the place they are looking for.

On the way to their destination Kuro was talking to everyone with him in the tower talking about some topics of training and what was happening in the Anima continent.

Kuro talked to Kagero first since he wanted to know what his current power level is it's at, "Say Kagero what level of strength are you like are you Rear Admiral Level or border line Admiral Level?"

Kagero didn't look at Kuro while he was busy moving some stuff around in the room where Rem and Ram collected over the years, "Kuro sir I would probably be at Admiral Level sir. Since I still have my combat data of facing Admiral Kizaru to be able to produce Light Blades but after that I can't seem to remember other than an explosion sir."

When Kuro heard its response, he was surprised and thought to himself in shock, 'ADMIRAL LEVEL?!! I didn't think he was this strong already, but I guess having a robot strength admiral is good, but we can't repair him if Kagero takes too much damage…'

With that Kuro left Kagero alone to his own devices for the time being and went to Ram to talk more on what happen around Anima.

When Kuro arrived at in one of the towers floors, he saw Ram and Rem with her preparing some food to eat so he asks the two of them while helping as well, "Hey Rem and Ram! Can you tell me anything that has happen around the Anima continent or the Kingdom of Mistral Nya~?"

They noticed Kuro but nodded and appreciated the help Rem was the first to say, "Alright where do we begin, let's start with how the increase of talented people all around Anima are being recruited to Atlas from their soldier scouts."

Kuro raised his eyebrow at the mention of Atlas scouts being here in Anima and questions Rem, "Why are they recruiting people from Anima? Don't they already have talented people in Atlas already joining them in their schools?"

Ram was the next to speak to answer Kuro confusion, "Well we overheard the scouts saying that Atlas are searching only talented individuals for them to join their group and I quote 'We need talented humans like yourselves for our cause I hope you join our cause' end quote."

Kuro doesn't know what to feel about that one he certainly felt insulted thinking humans alone would be need so he asks them, "So they didn't bother recruiting any Faunus I guess?"

Rem shakes her no but replies to Kuro, "Not exactly Kuro sir. They certainly tried to talk to the Faunus, but they seem to be annoyed with their presence, but they maintained their behavior I think?"

Kuro just accepts the answer, but he asks the two of them, "Ok so have you two unlocked your Semblance yet if I remember correctly you both said they were hereditary Semblances known as Tempest right Nya?"

When Kuro says that the both of them smirk at that letting Kuro know that they have unlocked expressing a smile to the twins, "Nice job unlocking your Semblance you two but what exactly is Tempest anyway?"

Ram was proud to explain their hereditary Semblance Tempest to Kuro, "Hugh! Very well Kuro since me and Rem have the same Semblance Tempest allows us to create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunderstorm, rainstorm, ice storm, strong windstorms, or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm etc."

When Kuro heard that he had to admit that their hereditary Semblance sound strong but...

He asks the twins with clear doubt in his voice, "Ok that sounds strong but what are the draw backs of your Semblance?"

Rem responds to Kuro the drawback of their Semblance while Ram loses her proud look, "Well the drawback is it consumes our auras at an incredible rate that it leaves us vulnerable and exhausted after a while Kuro sir."

Kuro nodded in understanding after all if it sounds strong then there might be a weakness that goes along with it.

After helping them out he decided to go talk to Neo and Nora next since he still has a promise to comment to after all as he was going to the both of them in one of the floors in the tower, he saw Cinder coming towards him.

Kuro asks Cinder while he was searching for Nora and Neo, "Yo, Cindy how you are doing?"

Cinder looks at Kuro and smiles while she answers, "Nothing much Nero just showing the newest members around I was wondering if you are planning to let them know your 'real' semblance yet…"

Kuro shakes his head no clearly showing he isn't ready just yet, "No… not yet anyway Nora is still a kid I'll wait till she grows up to give her fruit I have in mind for her at maybe 8 or 9 years old and as for Neo…"

Kuro took his time to consider his opinion of Neo, "…she still doesn't trust us yet despite her being the same age group as you and me plus looks like she had some bad experience so I'll wait till she happily joins us but for now no plus I don't have a specific fruit ready for her yet?"

Cinder stops in her tracks with clear surprise shown on her face, "Wait… you mean Neo is someone our age! But… but she looks like the same size of Nora!"

Kuro just laughs at Cinder sudden realization, "Hahaha! Oh man you should see the look on your face its hilarious Nya~!"

Cinder looks embarrassed enough to blush at Kuro but before she could do anything, they see Nora and Neo coming down from the floor above and are surprised to meet Kuro and Cinder.

When they meet Nora was the first to say to Kuro, "Hello mister Kitty and Cinder it's nice to see you again."

Neo just nods her head at the two while she and Cinder were snickering at Kuro twitch in his eye when Nora called him Kitty but maintain his composure.

With that Kuro says to the two of them placing both his hands-on top of their heads while saying to the both of them, "Just as I promised to the both of you, I'll begin to unlock your auras when you join under me ok."

Neo and Nora nod their heads while Kuro begins his chant to unlock their auras, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

With that there was pink related aura light coming off from Neo and Nora notifying the change in their unlocked souls.

Neo is surprised to see her aura was already healing her wounds and look towards Kuro with a look of gratitude shown on her face for unlocking her aura.

When Kuro opens his eyes again and showed a tired smile, "Whew… unlocking the both of your auras was draining but worth it, so how do you two feels to have your auras unlocked Nya~."

Nora looks really happy and says to Kuro, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Kitty, I feel like really strong now so thank you very much Kitty!"

Neo also took this moment to respond with a smile shown on her face, "Yes thank you very much Kuro sir…"

Kuro nods his head and says to the two of them, "I told you two before for anyone that joins me, I will treat them like f- "

But Kuro was interrupted from Nora saying to him and everyone around her in shock, "Family right Kitty! I mean you treat everyone nicely and do big things for them and make a place where we belong right?"

Cinder looks worriedly at Kuro since he was stopped dead silent while he was thinking to himself, 'Family… family… yeah… I guess I did make one I guess…'

Kuro looks over to Nora and smiles at her while patting her saying, "Yeah… I guess in a way were family, now aren't we? But don't forget were all friends as well you better get ready to eat for dinner ok you too Neo Nya~?"

With that Neo and Nora left happily while Cinder looks at Kuro in shock asks with a smirk on her face, "So now were a big happy family ready to help you take over Remnant huh, Nero?"

Kuro looks embarrassed at Cinder with a clear blush on his face as he tries to defend himself, "W-wait I mean we technically are aren't we! I mean help create a place for us right a group of outcasts helping each other out alright Cindy Nya~!"

When Cinder was done joking around, she asks Kuro with concern, "But still be honest with me Kuro do you think were a family like that Nora girl said because you..."

Kuro place his hand in front of Cinder while he holds his other hand at his head, "To be honest with you Cinder? Yeah, I think I see that way at least after all in the orphanage we both used to wish that we would be part of a family right, but you know what my family did to me right Nya~?"

Cinder shakes her head no and looks at Kuro with true care for him while putting a hand on his shoulder, "I think your previous family didn't understand what they truly threw away always remember Kuro I have your back got it."

Kuro gives Cinder a smile for her sentiment and says, "Yeah thanks I needed that. How about we get dinner soon Rem and Ram would be done soon enough."

With that they both quickly go to the floor were dinner was starting soon later at nighttime that they finished eating their dinner with all kinds of commotion to go around the table while enjoying their time together.

When Kuro saw the scene before him, he thinks to himself while expressing a smile eating with everyone, 'Yeah… I guess Nora was right on that mark... I guess I'll take Donflamingo and Whitebeard route if anyone dares go after my family there will be hell to pay and to conqueror the world with family makes it better…'

With that in mind Kuro enjoyed the night with his family till it was the next day when they finally arrived in the City of Mistral

Mistral is a large city built on two mountains within the Kingdom of Mistral.

Various buildings cover the mountains from the summits to the foothills. Haven Academy lies at the top of the city spanning across the peaks of both mountains, which themselves are part of a wider mountain range. Stone stairways act as the main routes in the city.

The Mistral Trading Company, or MTC, is a mining company which focuses primarily on the extraction and refinery of Dust. It was primarily active in Vacuo following the Great War but abandoned most its stations after the kingdom's resources were expended.

Mistral is divided into multiple levels; the higher one goes, the nicer it gets. A massive platform in the middle of the city acts as an elevator to descend and ascend through Mistral.

The city is full of various buildings and vendors selling merchandise legally and illegally. Haven Academy rests at the top of the tallest point.

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

I saw the view from the top of the Re: Onigashima tower in the Door Dimension but damn I have to admire the view in front of me, "Whew… Dang the view from here looks great from this vantage point but first things first is to find the Spring Maiden and Lionheart pocket watch to open the elevator to the vault."

With that in mind I see that I also have a mission pop for me I see closely what it details.

"[Important Mission: Acquire the Spring Maiden

Description: You have made it to Haven Academy one of the places known to have the Relic of Wisdom an item created from the God of Light as well as the other three he left in the hands of humanity to use. Haven Academy is a place where Huntsmen and Huntresses are here to train to become the next defenders against Grimm.

Important Risk Bonus: Acquire the Relic of Wisdom from Haven Academy but be warn you will attract them…

Objective: Recruit the current Spring Maiden Blossom Sakura into your group.

Reward: 2,000,000,000 Lien, Loyal Ally, Cure Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, and Skill: Voice of All Things.

Important Risk Bonus Reward: Soru Soru no Mi, FIT, and Training Haki Guide but be warned for accepting this Important Risk Bonus you will have the Ozma and Salem faction will not stop on trying to figure out who was the person who took the Relic of Wisdom and Spring Maiden.]"

When I look at the mission, I read this was basically a power up I need against to get an arm up on those two but…

This is clearly going against me from how the system is putting it on me god damn it really…

But still I know why this mission would be important impact if the relic and the maiden would be gone this early in the show it would definitely drive Ozpin and Salem to search for the person who did this or each other.

I guess I should have seen this coming considering they will notice that their artifact has gone missing and that I was going to use it to get some Lien.

The price of the risk though… "Still the risk is very high if I did that, I would get a great power up of an Emperor Devil Fruit like Charlotte Linlin and that training manual of Haki would be helpful as well…"

Damn it I still need a way to increase my own power as well as increase the fighting power of my group as well and I was still going to steal the Relic of Wisdom anyway but this time it's either I don't go for it or remain this level for a bit longer…

With a smile across my face I finally decided, "Why should I care? For all that I know they could be targeting each other or after me but I know for sure Salem will find me first but… with the Soru Soru no Mi would I turn those Grimm to be my allies or would they rebel…"

Still though I think it's time to check out the place but first I have some preparations to make before I make my move for the relic and the maiden.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User), Kagero, Nora Valkyrie

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Shiro Shiro no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, FIT

Lien: 1,492,544