
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
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44 Chs

Chapter 2: Understanding Logia Power…

~Kuro POV (8 years old) ~

I waited in silent patience as I hope to get some useful fruits for me and Cinder to use to get out of this Orphanage and please be a good element Logia…

I waited till I see the results I got from the system…

"[Processing from the raffles… done, you have received the following fruits from each category: Doa Doa no Mi (Paramecia), Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon (Ancient Zoan), and Hie Hie no Mi (Logia).]"

When I see the items, I got I was somewhat surprised at what I got, "Ok these picks are not bad to get from the rest, having some with the Doa Doa no Mi will pretty useful in getting away from a dangerous situation."

When I saw the Zoan fruit I was practically excited about this one, "Isn't this one an Ancient Zoan fruit, aren't they somewhat more powerful than regular Zoan's?... Why do I feel like I got a good one from this one fruit? Damn it!! I wish I still have all my memories I know this fruit is at the tip of my tongue, but I don't know what?"

I let go of the idea for now when I see what my Logia fruit was, I was standing there speechless at this Admiral power fruit.

When I was finally released from my shock, I think to myself, 'With this fruit I'm going to be pretty much be invincible if I'm not being careful, since Dust here can harm my elemental state can be harmed with its opposite or with gravity.'

For now, I took out the Hie Hie no Mi and ate it whole not wanting to leave any evidence that it was left here, nor did I want to take any chances that of the devil fruits being studied.

When I ate the fruit whole, I made a disgusted face, "Ugh… that was by far the worst thing I have ever eaten… but at least it was the most filling I ever eaten…"

I may have hunted yes but it was always not enough since the presence of Grimm are around, so I made do with all I have but now…

I see that my hand started to change into ice itself, "With this power I can most defiantly handle the grim in Mistral but first I should train this ability as much as I can and train Cinder as well since she is my only real friend."

With my new power its most likely possible I can protect her but the problem is she can't help herself just yet since she still just eight years old, "If I give her a Logia fruit her survivability will increase and I get a loyal as well as an pretty ally in the process Nya~."

But that would mean I would have to wait a month here again to get the raffle again and I can't exactly use the Shop system to get another Devil Fruit since its ridiculously expensive to even buy.

I just sigh at that, "Well at the very least I can practice my training… now that I think about it I don't think I have been training since I was low for food to feed me, I guess I should go hunt then."

With that I left the orphanage through the back gate of this building after going through the woods a bit I managed to secure a private spot for me to start, "Alright if I remember correctly Logia user are claim to be enabling the user to generate a near-infinite amount of a certain element and control it, the defining power of a Logia is the user transforming their body into that element but needs to be conscious to do it."

With that I stared to train my body to change into the element of ice at will in different parts of my body since I'm basically new to all of this.

While I was trying out on how to control my element around myself, I heard a cracking sound of a stick being broken till I see a Grimm behind me, "Gulp… great at least I have a sparring partner at least…"

The Grimm I saw is a local to everywhere in the Kingdoms of Remnant a Beowolf, they have the bone-like mask with red markings characteristic of most Grimm, as well as the bone-like spikes protruding from their arms, back, and knees.

Their hands and feet are also tipped with long, sharp, white claws. They can vary greatly in size, with the average specimen being about the size of a human.

And that Beowolf lunge at me while I concentrated where it was going to attack me when he hit me, I shattered into pieces of Ice when it hit me.

After that I concentrated reforming myself back together to see that the wolf was still here, "Ok the elemental of a Logia is not to be underestimated by no means… and this Beowolf can't harm me."

With that I steeled myself in fighting a Grimm the first time, but that was also the first time I saw my first mission that I ignored as I focus more on the Grimm ahead of me.

"[Mission: Welcome Devil Fruit User of Logia

Description: Welcome to your first fight in your life using a Devil Fruit as a weapon against the creatures of Darkness of Grimm.

Objective: Defeat your first enemy using your Logia Devil Fruit, show it the might of one of the strongest Devil Fruit Category of a Logia.

Reward: DFTL, 10,000 Lien, and awaken Observation Haki (Beginner).]"

With that I focus on my fight with the Beowolf, 'If I remember correctly, I should have Enhanced Body so how exactly strong is my physical strength is let's find out!'

When I see the Beowolf charge at me I quickly went underneath its head put my all in my physical strength into it as I punched it under its head.

I see I was able to knock it away a few inches off of me and shows signs of being in pain, 'Well looks like I can harm it with my physical strength now let's try my Hie Hie no Mi ability.'

With that I remember some of the moves used by the previous user of the Hie Hie no Mi Kuzan, I stretched out my arm with my hand open directed towards the Grimm in front of me as I though out the attack, 'Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!'

The attack I created was a massive wave of ice in the shape of a pheasant in a single blast going straight towards the Beowolf as it charges at it.

When I see the attack hit the Beowolf it shattered into pieces but the ice inside the pheasant left the Beowolf completely incased into solid ice, without waiting I quickly rushed on over to hit the ice sculpture of the Grimm.

I see that the ice sculpture of the Beowolf turned into dust when it was destroyed, I sit on the ground with my arms and legs supporting me.

I breath in and out slowly, "I guess… that took… a lot out of me… but with this strength I can defiantly… become stronger… but for right now I should get going…"

I heard I completed the mission, but I didn't care since I was tired from the fight, but I still had enough in me to hunt… still the reward is nice…

When I gave myself enough time to rest, I got up again and hunted any animal that was nearby I managed to look around and captured some rabbits with me incasing them in ice just knocking them on the head for a silent kill.

After that I skin them just for the meat and out them in a bag and hid them in a nearby hiding spot, I made a while back, and returned the same way I left from the orphanage already turning Nighttime.

And once again me and Cinder were in our rooms without anything being fed to us Cinder looks at me saying, "Hey Kuro did you found anything in your hunt today and sorry for not helping you since the care taker was being a slave driver to me… again…"

I look at her at direction with a smile across my face with a peace sign, "I managed to get some rabbit meat for us to eat down and Cindy I want to give you an offer later tonight Nya~."

I see the look on her face was happy to get something to eat and interested in my offer I suggested for later when everyone is asleep.

When time passed till it was the late of night me and Cinder sneaked away from the building and I grabbed about 3 rabbit meat from inside the bag I kept and started to cook it.

I see Cinder is drooling at the food I mean I would do if I was starved as well… I mean I'm still hungry but getting this meat is good enough for tonight.

While I was busy cooking the food Cinder finally says to me, "So then Kuro what is the offer you want to make with?"

I see her eyes are filled with interest so I just say what is on my mind, "How about we just live from this place I know I can defend for the both of us but I need one month time for some practice with my new power and get you something."

I see her expression turned to fear since how is a kid is going to survive in this orphanage in the middle of nowhere since that was pretty much only forest filled with Grimm and wildlife really.

Then I see her expression change to confusion when I mention a new power, "Kuro, what do you mean you have a new power?"

I smirked at Cindy and showed her my new ice logia devil fruit powers at her and to say she was amazed that I can control ice, "The best part about this is I don't even feel the cold anymore, but I need some time to control my new power cool right Nya~."

Cinder looks a bit hesitate but asks, "You said you have a gift for me… I guess the gift won't be ready yet I'm assuming right Nero?"

I nodded my head since I also need to wait for a month so that I can open the Devil Fruit Raffle Logia category again which was a drag but what can I do about it.

I look at our dinner and bring her attention back to the food, "Ah, looks like the food is ready Cindy chow down and enjoy from your favorite chief Nero Nya~."

I see she giggled at my performance that is good to know that I can cheer her up its always nice to see a girl smile.

When we were eating, I say to Cinder, "Hey Cindy how about we train a bit when we have free time together that way, I can help you defend yourself when we leave?"

I see she is thinking about the offer and she nods her head, "Yes… I don't want to stay here anymore… I want to be free of this place… I want this place to pay…"

I show an evil smirk of my own, "Of course will get our vengeance Cindy just leave that to me, just give me some time to practice my moves in a month and will get our revenge right Nya~."

I see she looks surprised but shows her smile kindly at the idea… I did make a promise that I would make them pay now didn't I.

I wouldn't be an honest person if I lied now, I was never taught to lie only… just act or speak out honestly.

With that we both finished our dinner of rabbit meat and return back into the orphanage to sleep for the night while I think of a plan to rob this place of everything dry.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi

Inventory: Curse Remover x3, DFTL

Lien: 110,000