
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 1: One Piece in Remnant

~??? POV (Age 8 years) ~

"Stupid Animal."

"Waste of Space."

"Just throw him out away already."

"Shut up! Do you want that freak to beat us up again?"

Ok, another insult of the day in this stupid orphanage seriously I know I was reincarnated into this world but did I seriously have to lose some of my identity in my previous life God… well I guess I could be thankful that I still have some of my memories intact.

I really should be lucky that I'm still alive in the world of Remnant at the age of 8 still a miracle from what I've been through.

It's really interesting to know everything here looks the same in my previous world more… real life in a way.

Why did I have to be born here in Mistral of all places, the only few things I did remember in my past life were some hunter and defense training, family, amines, and manga's in my past life.

From what I remembered in my past life I died from a disease from which I have no idea watching my favorites which are apparently One Piece and RWBY before I died.

If that wasn't enough, I happen to meet God giving me one wish that being the One-Piece System which will open when I turn eight today… should have asked him where to be born but having a system is still good.

When I was born into this world, I was a white-haired Faunus kid with white cat ears and even a tail which was odd in this world, and red eyes I even resemble Neferpitou from Hunter x Hunter but otherwise, I was named Kuro White and yes, I'm a guy.

I still have a problem with the naming system in Remnant why does it always have to be a color at the end whatever, I was raised here since I was three years old abandoned by my human parents who were surprised racist humans just my luck right?

Well at least they took care of me till dropping me off but still good, I guess…

Anyway, the last five years were how to say horrible that I was lucky to survive at all at this racist place the caretakers teaches how to be a prick to Faunus 101 with live testing being me, but only the kids do it since the adults can't risk me being so emotionally negative here to attract Grimm.

The caretakers let's just say if I ever get my system today… there will be blood to pay, killing is something I got used to when I had to hunt for my own food and avoid Grimm since the people here over worked me and made me starved the same with my friend.

The Grimm here in real life are seriously horror incarnate I had to calm myself down just by seeing one before I hunt again some real nightmare fuel there.

When I first came to this orphanage in Mistral let's just say that I will not be bullied or let others hurt me, when one of them tried to get any funny ideas I guess some memories of my past life kicked when I saw that I was a trained soldier from a previous life.

Whenever they try to harm me, I just act on the instinct of the previous moves I used to in my past life and fight back but leads me into a lot of time trouble for rebelling after that point I was shunned by the kids but one who I became good friends with.

She was my only friend in this place and was treated the same as me when I was apparently the first person to show her kindness to and in return, I show her how to hunt just so that we don't die from starvation.

Who is this friend I keep mentioning all this time is… "Kuro! Are you fine?"

When I was walking and thinking to myself, I see the eight-year-old Cinder care about my wellbeing, "Yeah don't worry I'm fine as always Cindy Nya~."

Cinder was in the same boat as me for a different reason than she was bullied and abused just because the people in power can and show to her… every… single… day… it frustrates me to no end, I can even understand why Cinder became the way she is.

Even though I remember that Cinder becomes the main antagonist in the series that doesn't mean I can let my friend go through that fate for her… I don't give a fuck about cannon I may be a kid thinking this, but I will make sure no one suffers from this… ever.

I bring myself into reality saying to Cinder expressing a smile, "Don't worry Cindy I'm always fine so don't worry so much Nya~."

Yes, I do the Nya~ sound at the end of my sentences at times I don't know why but it seems to soothe me at times maybe my past life was a huge cat fan or something whatever.

I see Cinder is relieved from her worrying, "Sigh… don't scare me like that Nero, or else the caretakers would do something drastic to you… just be ok alright?"

I nod my head to her I look at the clothes I have was a simple white tank top and short pants in the winter season thanks to the caretakers thinking I die from the cold, "Well at least I have a new pair to wear… despite this place being cold… Berhhh…"

All in all, I went back to my room that only consisted of a bag of my clothes, some books about this world, insults drew in my room, and a normal bed with only a blanket, "Well looks like I'll just wait for a bit till the system is here or I get hunting in the woods."

After that, I waited only for half an hour till I heard the voice I smirk at this, "Talk about being late their system?"

"[One Piece System Synchronizing with host Kuro White… 1%... 32%... 68%... 89%.... 100%.]"

"[Hello, Host Kuro White, I'm the One-Piece System, I'm here to help you along your journey in the world of Remnant or otherwise known as the world of RWBY.]"

I smile at the screen in front of me and say with a smirk, "Hello their System I would like to see your status first if you don't mind and while I'm asking what your functions are first."


Kuro White: Malnourished

Race: Half Faunus and Half Mink White Cat

Inherit Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting

Haki: None

Devil Fruits: None

Lien: 0]"

"[The One-Piece System has four functions those are Status, Mission, Inventory, Shop, and Devil Fruit Raffle.]"

"[The Status function of the system tells about how the host information about himself as well as provide the skills he has under his disposal to know what he has as well as provide info about how many Lien he has.]"

"[The Inventory function of the system is unlimited to put inside any items to be stored but they have to nonliving the only exception are devil fruits can be stored inside for obvious reasons.]"

"[The Shop functions lets you buy all sorts of items inside the Shop that ranges from skills, items, and devil fruits but they cost about 500,000,000 Million Lien for just a basic Paramecia one while Logia's are based on 1,000,000,000 Billion and Mythical Zoans are for doubled a Logia fruit amount.]"

When I heard about the ridiculous pricing for this, I take a spit take while thinking to myself, 'What the hell last I check I'm an orphan where the hell can I get that much Lien from?!?!!'

After that, I listen to what the System was saying soon after.

"[The Mission functions lets you get rewards depending on what the mission is like if you change the fates of canon characters you get a lot of points, skills, items, and even some Devil Fruits Raffle tokens.]"

"[The last function is the Devil Fruit Raffle function does what it says, you participate on the raffle to get a devil fruit using Devil Fruit Tokens or DFT for short. Each of the DFT will have the following of each category of Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan fruits after it has been used once in every category it will lock up till a month has passed for it to be open again.]"

When I saw all the functions, I knew this was going to be difficult, "Alright I see that using the system will be beneficial to me but why am I half Faunus and half Mink?"

"[Answer, is that God thought it would be fun to see you be different from the start as well as give you an enhanced body to survive considering he knew you were going to be a Faunus here in Mistral.]"

I just blinked at that while I had a sheepish expression, "Well now I seem really inconsiderate now… hey random god I met I'm sorry for what I said earlier today Nya~?"

With that out of the way I shake my head and say hoping I have a starter pack, "Uh, System I would like to get the starter pack if you would mind please?"

"[Starter Pack:

100,000 Lien, Curse Remover x3, DFTL (Logia), DFTZ (Zoan), and DFTP (Paramecia).]"

When I saw the pack, I could practically almost scream in joy… almost…

I think to myself in joy, 'YES?!?! Finally, I can get a power-up and leave this godforsaken orphanage and leave it in ruins for all the crap they put me and Cinder through!'

While I was thinking of this, I checked the Curse Remover item, and to my surprise, it will be useful down the line for me or others that follow me.

"[Item: Curse Remover

Description: This item potion will remove any devil fruit curses in the host body so that they can consume as many as they like but they must consume the potion second after you eat a devil fruit.]"

When I saw this, I finally decided what to do with my eyes narrowed, "System what can I do to unlock my Mink Inherited Skills?"

I was thrown for a loop when I heard the response from the system that I fell down to the floor.

"[You must be hit with high enough Volts of electricity to awaken you inherited skills and for the Sulong Form just a strong enough memory of the moon in your previous life would do since this world moon is cracked.]"

I was annoyed at that; I don't even remember the moon at all in my previous life, "Hmm… maybe I can awaken my memory if someone looks into my head…"

I scrunched my face up at the idea, "…but they will be after my knowledge in my previous life if they were greedy people or they can sell me since I'm unique than the rest of the Faunus… not liking my odds here not one bit."

I sigh out loud but I returned with a smirk on my face, "Oh well I'll think about it when the time comes, for now, though what should I even do now is the question?"

As much as my previous self like the show I only remember some of the One-Piece powers till the special where Luffy was facing another pirate first time fighting with Haki and I remember the whole plot of RWBY and their secrets.

I say to myself only to hear, "This world is mess up in all the wrong places and with Salem and Ozma fighting this world just became more mess up and there are those Gods…"

While I was thinking I made a smirk across my mouth, "Who cares what they do? Why should I care about them those three made the mess in this world I'm now in… it's decided this world needs to be brought to order so who else other than a conqueror."

With that I was standing up nice and proud, "Will I let those fools control the world, no I want to make this world right even if there are those who get in my way…"

I look at my hand all closed up showing a fist, "I have about 13 or 15 years to accomplish all of this in that time for cannon of Volume 1 starts, I will make my own path to the top so that I can help those who can't… and finally put an end to all this crap."

With that I open the screen of the system and go straight towards the Devil Fruit Raffle depositing my three tokens, "System I use the Devil Fruit Raffle to get three new Devil Fruits of the following categories."

With that I waited in suspense of what I get… I hope that they were at the very least useful for me…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting

Devil Fruits: None

Inventory: Curse Remover x3

Lien: 100,000