
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Hound bites back

"Fire that n*ke right now or I'll have your head when you get back," commanded the figure on the screen.

"No, I will not fire it. I won't be a hound for you people. I didn't work my ass off to become a captain just for some idiot to dictate my every action. I won't be your dog," Damien defiantly replied.

"That is enough from you. You are nothing more than a captain who hasn't even held the post for a whole day.You are just as you said, a hound.You shall bark and bite when I say so and never at me. Soldiers, apprehend him, and whoever is next in charge, fire that n*ke now," ordered the figure to the soldiers behind Damien.

Listening to the command, one person stepped forward and ordered the others to capture Damien. Facing them all with an expressionless face, Damien turned around, staring at each person and finally at his second-in-command, who had just given the order to apprehend him. The soldiers slowly surrounded Damien, their guns at the ready.

"You guys don't have to be that afraid. I'm not going to do anything. I'll just stand bere," Damien said calmly, raising bis hands above bis head, facing the screen with a cold gaze.

His second-in-command bad already prepared the firing sequence and reported to the figure, "Sir, the sequence is complete and ready to fire."

"Good, you may fire," the figure said.

With a nod, the second-in-command flicked the firing switch. As the countdown began, Damien's smirk turned into laughter. "Hahaha..."

Everyone, including the figure on the screen, focused on Damien, puzzled by his laughter. Reigning in bis amusement, Damien looked at the figure and said coldly, "Did you really think I had no idea that the soldiers ander me were all listening to your command? I came here knowing this would be my first and final voyage as a captain. After all, for the people killed under your orders, the least I could do was to end your miserable life."

The figure felt a sinking realization as Damien continued, "You feel something is wrong, don't you? And you're very much right because I needed time for the location to recalibrate alongside the tracking done on this call. So, the n*ke you just ordered to be fired isn't aiming where you wanted but in a very strange place from where this call seems to have originated. Somewhere in the middle of the Sahara. Now, what would be there in the middle of a desert where even animals are absent? There can't be some sort of secret base, now, would there?"

With each word, Damien's smile grew wider, contrasting with the figure's growing desperation. Without a word to Damien, the figure abruptly stood up and started to run. But before he could reach the door, it was engulfed in flames after a deafening BOOM.

Damien watched the explosion before the screen cut off, bis smile replaced by a cold look. Slowly turning around to face his 'former' subordinates who were aiming their guns at him, "We are sorry. But we can't let you live," said bis 'former' second-in-command.

"Don't be hypocritical. We both know you're not sorry. I woke up today knowing this would be my final day. So stop talking and just get on with it," Damien replied, closing his eyes, ready for what was to come.

All he felt then was the sound of guns firing and the pain assaulting him. As he felt his life slowly slipping away, all he could feel was regret at not even being able to enjoy his dream of commanding a ship through the rough seas for even one full day. With that thought, his consciousness slowly slipped away to what he thought would be eternal sleep.

However, Damien now finds himself sitting in a chair in a white room, facing an uncertain future.