
One Piece: Transmigrated with Beyblades (On Hiatus)

Alexander is your ordinary guy with nothing special going on with his life. Sadly before he could even do something with his life, it abruptly ended before he reached 20. When he opened his eyes again, he was in a white room where he encountered a strange man. The man gave him a new chance at life, as well as a wish of his choice. His wish wasn't anything grand or extraordinary it could even be called laughable. If people knew what he had wished for, he would have been mocked and made a laughing stock. It's his new start, and he did what he always wanted as a child to do, so why not just make the most of it. (He won't join Straw Hat heads up) -------------------- Discord ID: GTXEpBfZHt A discord server for it's the gallery that shows my "OC" characters and how they look. -------------------- {I don't own the picture in the background, so if the owner of the image wants me to take it down, I'm all for it.} {I'm from Sweden, so my English isn't the best, so bear with me if I make spelling mistakes.} {Disclaimer: This is just a FanFic I do not own One Piece or Beyblade.}

StrayGod · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


"Let's go, buddy." he said when he released Earth Eagle.

Nojiko always gets amazed at how a little metal can become a big eagle out of nowhere.

Alexander quickly gets on Earth Eagle, and then he takes his hand out towards Nojiko.

"Princess, your escort is here." he said with a playful look.

Nojiko hearing him just started laughing, but she took his hand and got up on Earth Eagle.

"Well, let's go then."

As they neared the fleet of 4 ships, the fleet began to open fire at them.

"Nojiko, I will take down the three ships except the bigger on so that we can use the last ship for training real combat experience." he said with a slightly stern tone.

Out of all the four ships, there was one ship that stood out because it was slightly more prominent than the other ships, with both size and style.


"Well then, with that said, let's get this party starting."

After saying that he took out Vulcan Horuseus and launched it in front of him, a loud cry comes as Vulcan Horuseus was launched.

"Vulcan Horuseus do Mystic Zone around us before taking down the ships but spare the bigger one." he said as he looked towards, the bigger ship.

Vulcan Horuseus looked towards the ships and walked a few steps forward in the air and raised his staff, and a barrier covered in talismans appeared from thin air and surrounded them.

The marines seeing this became slightly fearful because there weren't many marines in Paradise that didn't know about what had happened in Enies Lobby, so they had heard of what that creature could do.

When the Marines noticed that the thing came out from the barrier, a few cowardly Marines had already jumped off the ship and swim as far away from the ship as they could before disaster arrived.

Many Marines noticed the others jumping, but they couldn't just jump off like them. They had pride that wouldn't let them.

Vulcan Horuseus raised it's staff and closed its eyes for a moment before opening them again.

The things the Marines had heard about but didn't believe before now appeared before them.

Spheres come out from thin air in front of the ships growing bigger and bigger as time went devouring the ships whole without any evidence that the ships even where there in the first place.

Seeing this, even the most prideful and arrogant Marines jumped off the ships in fear and terror.

When the ships were already gone, Vulcan Horuseus put down the staff before turning towards Alexander and Nojiko to take down the Mystic Zone.

Alexander noticing the barrier going down looked towards the fleet and saw that it went as he wanted, so he took back Vulcan Horuseus before flying towards the last ship.

When they arrived near the ship, they heard a loud voice.

"So you spared little me, so what are you too going to do now? Kill me too?"

When Alexander looked towards the man that talked, he saw some weird looking middle-aged man standing before him.

'And this person is? From what I can remember, there was never such a person in it. Maybe he wasn't irrelevant enough to the story to be remembered.'

Alexander jumped off Earth Eagle and helped Nojiko down, but he kept Earth Eagle out just if something were to go wrong.

"To be honest, we are going to use you for training, so don't worry, we have no plans of killing you well; that is if you don't do anything rash." he told Yurisugi as a threat.

'Did he tell me he will use us for training? Has the kid gone insane? He's nothing without that weird power too of his.' Yarisugi thought silently with slight disbelief on his face.

"So Nojiko, do you want to go first?" he said as he looked towards Nojiko with a slight smile.

"I want to go first." she said with slight eagerness in her voice.

When Yarisugi heard the little lass talking about that she wanted to be the one using him for training, he began to laugh in his mind.


Yarisugi didn't even get to ready himself before Nojiko dashed toward him.

He looked at her and noticed that she didn't use any weapons other than her fists, so he quickly unsheathed his sword to block the incoming punch.

Just as her punch landed on the sword, he noticed just how powerful that punch was, and he had to take one step back to stabilize himself from the power from the blow.

Without thinking anymore, he slashes toward her with his sword.

But he noticed that all the slashes he throws towards her are getting dodged with just a centimeter away from her.

"Is this Haki?" he said in disbelief when he thought about her weird dodges that were always close calls.

But he didn't want to surrender cause of that, so he got serious.

He used Shave to teleport behind Nojiko instantly, and just as he began to slash towards her, he added something to his sword that made it a little darker, but it wasn't that noticeable if you didn't look at it up close.

But Alexander quickly noticed that and understood immediately what kind of power he was using.

'So he has learned Armament Haki seems like that's something I have to get before we leave.' he smiled while thinking that.

Nojiko didn't know where he disappeared to, so she pushed her Observation Haki to the limit and noticed that he had gotten behind her, so she quickly tried to dodge the attack, but she could only narrowly avoid the slash coming for her.

So the slash only made a small cut on her arm.

Alexander noticed the cut that began to bleed a little began to become angry even he got a bit worried at how quickly he seemed to get mad, so he tried to calm down a little.

But it seemed to be something that didn't want him to calm himself down.

As the fight continued, Nojiko got more and more cuts on her body. Still, Alexander knew it was necessary for her because even as she got cut, she made fewer and fewer mistakes and improved significantly as well.

But Alexander seemed only to go more insane with all this hatred that he couldn't control.

Yarisugi hated being treated as a plaything used for training. This feeling grew more and more as they continued to fight and noticed that she had grown tired of the constant fighting, and Yarisugi himself was growing fatigued.

So he made his move just he pushed his body to the limits and Shaved behind her, and Nojiko noticed that and quickly turned around. When she did, Yarisugi vanished again and appeared right behind her and slashed vertically towards her neck while smirking.

Nojiko could only sense the attack coming behind her, but she couldn't react to it.

Alexander noticed that she wouldn't be fast enough to block, and he madly dashed towards Yarisugi while wildly screaming.


Is this the legendary Dao of Cliffhangers? Have I finally learned the secret art?

I hope you like the chapter!!

StrayGodcreators' thoughts