
Progress through the years

Three years later

Inside a large and luxoiuruous off ice in G-7 we can see Makeshi thinking 'Its been a productive three years, the first thing I did once I took over the base was root out all corrupt marines by sending them on suicide missions, and you my dear reader are probably thinking, "How did he find out which ones are corrupt?" it's quite simple actually I merely asked the Gorosei if they can send a few CP-5 agents to spy on my men seeing as how that's their divisions specialty, once all those idiots who ruined the marines name I started pushing all of the remaining soldiers to their extreme limits by making all of them go through some navy SEAL training to make them break through their physical capabilities, and once they reached an adequate level I started teaching them some rokushiki, making sure every one could use two of the rokushiki techniques efficiently'.

Barging into the room a marine captain says "Makeshi-sama the second division commander of the Iron pirates is attacking a village near here" hearing that Makeshi orders for the captain to get his warship ready, complying with the order the captain leaves the room to do as told.

About half an hour later Makeshi and his crew with the addition of his new second in command Gion arrive at the island, "Stay here and make sure nobody tries to escape the island" was the last thing Makeshi said as both he and Gion jumped out of the ship heading towards the island.

"So how do you want to do this" were Gion words to Makeshi "I'll deal with the main guy and you deal with all the grunts" huffing at that Gion answers "I can deal with a second division commander to the weakest Yonko" "No you can't this guy is a logia user, and while you may know armament haki its not yet strong enough to deal some real damage to this guy".

In the center of the village we can see a crazy looking guy laughing maniacally while lifting a young woman by the throat, lifting his other hand that held a machete in it, he tried to slash the woman in half but before he could do that, he heard someone saying saying "Ara, ara I would appreciate if you would put the girl down" hearing that he turns around to look at a tall guy being at least 6"9 with another shorter but extremely beautiful woman next to him, both of them having marine coats hanging from their shoulders, "I would recommend you leave, pigs" he said towards the marine duo, which made bot of their eyebrows twitch "Well I guess peace is no longer an option" Makeshi sighed before appearing before the second division commander punching him with a haki coated fist, making him fly away while dropping the young woman, lifting the woman of the ground Makeshi tells her to run which she gladly does so, and before one of the grunts could block her escape, the grunt got his neck broken courtesy of a kick from Gion.

Standing up the second division commander yells "You Bastard do you know who I am, I am Kurogo the second division commander of the iron pirates I have a two hundred million berry bounty on my head, a no name marine like you can't hope to take me down" raising an eyebrow at his introduccion Makeshi says "Oh I've never heard of you" hearing that Kurogo yells out [Acid sting] while shooting some green needles out of his fingers, waving his arms around in a Dr Strange like matter Makeshi creates a shield in front of him blocking the acid needles, waving his arms around a bit more the shield turns into a rapidly spinning saw, that is then thrown at Kurogo barely avoiding the attack, he yells out "OY who the hell are you, and how come my acid did not melt your shield" "My name is Makeshi the Vice Admiral in charge of G-7 and the last opponent you'll ever face" finishing that Makeshi starts throwing haki imbued knifes at Kurogo, who was dodging them with the help of his observation haki, while he was preoccupied with the flying daggers coming towards him he wasn't able to see Gion absolutely massacring his subordinates.

'God this guy is a tough opponent, honestly how come he keeps dodging the knifes like nothing' were Makeshis thoughts, 'Well I guess it's time I get serious' finishing those those thoughts Makeshi creates a sword in each hand, running towards Kurogo both of the start engaging in an impressive display of swordplay, even though it was obvious to everyone watching that Makeshi's level with a weapon was far superior to Kurogo, mostly due to the fact that he wished that proficiency from god, but nobody needed to know that, after a few more blows Kurogo jumps back calling out an attack [Sludge wave] finishing his words a huge wave of acid rushed towards Makeshi melting everything in its path, seeing the incoming attack Makeshi uses soru to avoid the attack, seeing him dodge his attack Kurogo says "It seems I've been underestimating you boy, not any more get ready to see a logia awakening in action" true to his words the entire ground starts turning into acid making it impossible for Makeshi to step on the ground, but luckily for him he was capable of using geppo, now in the air Makeshi lifts his arm up making a sixty meter dark gold lance appear on his hand throwing it downwards towards Kurogo while saying [Holy lance of judgment] jumping to the left in attempt to doge Kurogo was half successful quite literally seeing as how he lost his entire right arm in the process, the pain of losing an arm makes Kurogo's awakening cancel, allowing Makeshi to land safely on the ground, but before he could fully touch down Kurogo runs towards him with a completely black fist seemingly imbued with all of Kurogo's remaining haki, raising an eyebrow at the last effort attack Makeshi starts speaking "Seeing how you used your awakening I guess I'll use mine as well" the moment he finished his words Kurogo was only a few centimeter away from him, swinging his own arm towards Kurogo, Makeshi calls out the name of one of his most powerful attacks [Full counter] saying that all the power behind Kurogo's attack transforms into some kind of energy hitting Kurogo with double the original power behind his attack. And just like that the second division commander of a Yonko crew lost his life, at the same time making Makeshi's name gain an even larger reputation.

What do you think of Makeshi's wakening?

He will also be able to do the thing Hela does in the MCU by creating huge spikes out of the ground.

david_bierzcreators' thoughts