After dying our protagonist Makeshi meets God who grants him two wishes and the chance of reincarnating in his favorite anime and manga one piece I don't own anything other than my OCS
Level mastery for haki:
From low to high
The only thing that changes from beginner to intermediate is proficiency, while advance for armament is merely internal destruction and harming an enemy without having to punch them, and for observation advanced is future sight.
One year until Gold D Roger's execution
In the first part of the grand line called paradise there is a marine warship sailing around aimlessly across the sea waiting to encounter some unlucky pirates or for HQ to assign them a mission, on the deck of the ship we can see a man of approximately 15 to 17 years of age doing handstand pushups with a single hand, '498..499.. and 500 hundred' once the push ups ended he did a backflip, landing smoothly he started thinking 'It's been fifteen years since I came to this world, and ten years since my new family died due to a pirate motivating me to become a marine and the final goal to be the Fleet Admiral, thankfully when he first joined the marine and started training in HQ, Admiral Sengoku noticed me and decided to take me under his wing and train me personally'.
One interesting thing about he found out is that Garp wasn't the only one to have a specific pirate rival, Sengoku usually dealt with Whitebeard seeing how his shockwaves could countered Whitebeard's, Z dealt with Big Mom due to his extreme control of advanced armament Haki (Ryou), while the third Admiral Haiiro Tori (Gray bird) who's real name is Kiroko dealt with Shiki before he was captured and put in Impel Down and let me tell you if you thought Katakuri had the best observation haki, well lets just say this guy makes the sweet commander look like a rookie, all of this while Kaido was left alone due to the fact he never came out of Wano and instead sent his subordinates.
While I was still back on Earth I used to watch a lot of theories about the admirals and their strength, a lot of people speculated that to become an Admiral you had to master both types of haki, that resulted to be the half truth to reach the position of Admiral one must completely master one type of haki while at the same time have an intermediate level on the other haki, this is the case for both Z and Haiiro tori (the previous paragraph mentions the haki they have mastered) while Sengoku has both of them mastered, something I wished to master while at the moment I only had both of them at a high basic level.
"ShoSho-san you're getting a call from Admiral Sengoku" turning around Makeshi nods at the ensign who told him this, taking this as a sign of dismissal the ensign salutes and leaves while Makeshi walks over to another marine who handed him his coat with the Kanji for Justice on the back.
Entering his office onboard the ship, Makeshi picks up the blue transponder snail "Hello old man what do you need of me" while most people would consider speaking to an Admiral so carelessly career suicide, Makeshi has known Sengoku since he was five years old meaning they had a strong bond so speaking this way of speaking was common for them, "Intel suggests that the Seagull pirates with a captain with a 110,000,000 berry bounty are close to reaching Sabaody, something that would make them a supernova which Fleet Admiral Kong doesn't want, so he's asigning you the mission taking down this crew, any questions?" "Any information you can give me about the captain?" "Only that the captain possesses a regular zoan type fruit which allows him to transform into a seagull, other than that there is nothing that would make him a threat to you" "Understood Makeshi out".
Once Makeshi reached the deck he started giving orders "Alright boy's set sail towards Sabaody were going hunting" to which the crew responded with a mix of salutes and cries of excitement for the chance to give justice to some pirate scum.
One hour later Sabaody Archipelago
The moment the warship got near Sabaody Makeshi jumped out of the ship and started using Geppo to reach and survey the island from the sky, and after a few minutes finally spotted the seagull pirate's ship, immediately he called the warship and told the to position it self so that the pirates wouldn't have an escape route.
Meanwhile on said ship the captain of the seagull pirates Jared also known as winged Jared suddenly felt like prey being stalked by an alpha predator, before he could voice his thoughts, one of the nobodies on the crew suddenly shouted "CAPTAIN THERE'S A MARINE SHIP IN FRONT OF US" hearing that he stood up with the intention of turning into a seagull and flying over to fight the marines, but before he can do that he starts sweating intensely while his knees buckle and shake as if he would fall any second, suddenly the pressure he was feeling disappears, looking around he notices all of his crew mates are lying on the deck unconscious, before he can go check on any of them he feels the deck shake, looking to his left the last thing he sees is black fist punching him in the face before he fell unconscious with a broken jaw.
Groaning at the lack of a battle Makeshi signals for the marines on his ship to come and tie the pirates up, while doing this he also calls Sengoku to inform him of the successful arrest of the seagull pirates, after finishing his report Sengoku says he will send a escort ship to take the pirates to Impel Down, after being congratulated by the Admiral Makeshi is told to stay in Sabaody a few days before returning to HQ.
Five days later aboard Makeshi's warship
Surprisingly during his days staying in Sabaody, Makeshi managed to capture a few more pirate crews, one of them actually made him use his devil fruit ability so he could have a proper sword fight. (Fruit information in the auxiliary volume).
After docking in Marineford he is instantly approached by a marine soldier telling hm that Fleet Admiral Kong has called an urgent meeting and his presence was required in it, raising an eyebrow at that but doing as the soldier said, and as he started walking to Kong's office, thinking why his presence was required but before he can come up with an answer he's already at his destination.
Knocking a few times on the door, he hears Kong's voice telling him to enter, doing as he is bid he opens the door, once inside he notices some familiar faces and ones not so familiar, these faces belonging to Kong, Garp, Tsuru, Sengoku, Kiroko, Zephyr, Sakazuki, Borsalino and Kuzan those being the familiar ones, the not so familiar ones were being projected on a screen and while not familiar with them he recognises them as the Gorosei the people with the highest authority in the world government and its branches.
While normal procedure dictates he should salute the Fleet Admiral, the elders were there as well so instead he opted for a bow while saying "Fleet Admiral, honorable elders" rising from his bow he sees both the Gorosei and Kong nodding making him realise he did the correct thing in bowing "Take a seat Makeshi" was the first thing Kong said, once he took his seat, the elder with the mustache started speaking "Now that we're all here we can start, this meeting was called because of the fact that Gold D Roger reached the actual last island, and in doing so he's learned the history of the void century something that cannot be allowed to spread, for if it does the very world crumble in on itself, though luckily Roger doesn't seem to want to do that instead he disbanded his crew" somehow all of the elders spoke in the same sentence without it sounding weird.
Once the elders stopped speaking everyone in the room became shocked at the fact that there was a island containing the history of the void century, well everybody except Makeshi who already knew about this, he was shocked because of another reason and that being the fact that he was being told this information when he was merely a fifteen year old Rear Admiral, the first to recover from the schock was Tsuru who asked how he managed to reach that island without a log pose because due to their Information the log pose stopped working after Lodestar island, to the question the the sword elder started explaining about the road poneglyph which Kozuki Oden could read.
After that the people in the room and screen started talking about how to make sure nobody could get their hands on all four, Makeshi spoke for the first time since entering the room "What if we take the one from Fishman island" once that was said they all stopped arguing and looked at Makeshi expectantly seeing this he continued "If we can convince King Neptune to give us his road poneglyph by arguing that once people find out about the poneglyphs they'll start attacking Fishman island to get it, and saying it will be safer with us, weed make sure that anybody wanting to reach that island would have to go through us to get it" once done, everybody in the conversation agreed to that.
For that idea the Gorosei wanted to promote Makeshi to Vice Admiral under the condition that he'd train for an extensive six months under Sengoku, something both of them agreed to, but before they can start his training the Gorosei assigned Makeshi the task of getting the road poneglyph a task he accepted with pride.