
One Piece : The Voyager's Mark

In a world ruled by the merciless waves, a stranger emerges with a destiny he did not choose but is determined to redefine. The Voyager's Mark follows a young man reborn under mysterious circumstances into the vibrant and perilous world of One Piece. With memories of another life and a cryptic power at his fingertips, Kai Rifter stands at the crossroads of chaos and order. Haunted by flashes of his past and propelled by a system that binds him to unseen forces, Kai must navigate treacherous waters where allies and enemies blur. Each choice carves a path deeper into the heart of a world brimming with insidious powers and celestial tyrants. Will he be the harbinger of the change he seeks, or will the weight of his destiny crush him? Only the marks he leaves behind will tell. [System Alert: New Path Unlocked. Proceed with Caution. Unknown Consequences Await.]

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22 Chs

The Night When the Sky Burned

The last vestiges of twilight had barely clung to the edges of the sky when the Gray Terminal ignited. The night, typically a blanket of solace for the slumbering city, turned into a canvas of horror as flames erupted across the sprawling slum. It began as a whisper of smoke, a curling tendril that snaked into the cool air, almost delicate in its initial ascent. But the gentleness was a deceit, for behind it followed the roar of an inferno unleashed.

At first, the flames were mere flashes of orange against the darkening sky—a warning shot across the bow of night. They licked the edges of ramshackle buildings, greedily devouring the oil-soaked debris that lay scattered like kindling waiting for a spark. The fire's appetite was insatiable, and it grew, fed by barrels of gasoline and piles of gunpowder strategically placed by unwitting hands under duress.

The air filled with the acrid sting of burning plastic and wood, a pungent reminder of the lives intertwined with the clutter and chaos of the Terminal. Screams pierced the night—sharp, terrified sounds that cut through the crackling and popping of the flames. They were the voices of the forgotten, those who called the maze of makeshift shelters home, now fleeing a disaster not of their making.

The sky above the Gray Terminal turned a fierce, fiery orange, reflecting the calamity below. Embers danced wildly into the air, carried by the hot breath of the blaze, soaring high before fading into the darkness, extinguished by the very wind that gave them flight. Below them, shadows moved—figures silhouetted against the inferno, some staggering under the weight of possessions snatched up in haste, others clutching children or the hands of loved ones.

In the harbor, the water offered a stark contrast to the chaos ashore. It lay still and dark, a silent observer to the tragedy unfolding meters away. Here, the displaced gathered, their faces illuminated by the distant flames, their expressions a tapestry of fear, despair, and disbelief. Whispers of prayer mingled with soft sobs, a communal mourning for homes and memories consumed by fire.

The Bluejam Pirates, architects of the destruction under the guise of elevation to nobility, found themselves among the fleeing masses. Their plans, ignited by promises of grandeur, had backfired—literally and figuratively. The flames they had set to cleanse the city of its undesirables now threatened to consume them, too. Panic gripped them as fiercely as it did their victims, their earlier bravado extinguished by the raging fire that recognized no status, only fuel.

As the fire raged on, the structure of the Gray Terminal transformed. What were once homes and hideaways became towering infernos, pillars of fire reaching desperately into the sky as if in protest against their demise. The heat was intense, a wall of scorching air that pushed back the brave and the foolish alike who attempted to salvage anything from the wreckage.

Through the chaos, a lone figure moved with purpose. Kai, having returned after warning the harbor, darted between the flaming debris and crumbling structures. His face, lit by the fire's glow, was set in a mask of determination. There was someone he needed to find amidst the anarchy, a promise to keep, even as the world around him fell to ashes.

The night wore on, and the fire continued its merciless march through the Gray Terminal. By dawn, the once teeming slum would be reduced to smoldering ruins, its people displaced, its existence all but erased from the physical landscape of Goa. The first light of morning would reveal the full extent of the devastation—a landscape of ash and char, a testament to the destructive power of ambition unchecked by conscience.

But for now, the Terminal burned, and with it, a chapter of many lives turned irreversibly to cinder and smoke under the indifferent stars.

The night was ablaze with fury and fire, the heat pressing in on Ace as he and Luffy stumbled through the chaos of the Gray Terminal. The world around them had turned into a horrifying inferno, their paths illuminated by the violent dance of flames devouring their childhood haunts. Amidst the roaring fire, Ace's mind replayed the scene over and over—the moment when Bluejam, driven by broken promises and betrayal, revealed the depth of the nobles' deceit.

"Make you a noble," Ace muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with scorn as he recalled the words promised to Bluejam. The reality of their situation was grim—trapped in a death trap laid out by the very people who promised salvation.

As they navigated the fiery labyrinth, a sudden explosion nearby sent a shower of sparks into the air, briefly outlining the desperate figures of the Bluejam Pirates. Their ship, once their escape, was now engulfed in flames, sealing their fate alongside the slum's. The realization hit Ace like a physical blow; there was no way out—not for them, not for anyone caught in this blaze.

Suddenly, the harsh glare of a pirate's lantern fell upon them. Ace's heart skipped as he and Luffy were roughly seized by the remnants of Bluejam's crew. "The treasure, boy! Where is it?" Bluejam barked, his face twisted in a grimace of pain and rage.

Ace's jaw clenched, defiance sparking in his eyes even as one of the pirates drew a sword, pressing it dangerously close to Luffy's face. A thin line of blood trickled down Luffy's forehead, a stark red against his pale, frightened face. In that moment, something within Ace snapped—with a primal scream, an unseen energy burst forth from him—an overwhelming wave of Conqueror's Haki.

The pirates surrounding them, already reeling from the chaos, were struck by the intense force of Ace's will. One by one, they collapsed to the ground, unconscious, their bodies lying scattered amidst the debris and flames. The only one left standing was Bluejam, his expression a mix of shock and rage, visibly shaken but still a threat.

With a roar, Ace's fist connected with the nearest pirate, his sudden burst of strength catching them off guard. It was more than just physical power; it was the unleashing of his will, his spirit, his raw desperation. One by one, the pirates fell, overwhelmed by the ferocity of a brother defending his own.

But Bluejam was not so easily defeated. With a brutal kick, he knocked Ace to the ground, standing over him with a pistol aimed directly at his head. Ace's breaths came in ragged gasps, his body tensed for the final blow.

It was then, through the curtain of fire and fear, that Kai emerged—like a phantom borne of the flames themselves. His presence was a tempest, his features twisted in a visage of pure wrath. His eyes burned with a lethal promise, a tide of killing intent that washed over the scene in palpable waves.

"Go, Ace! Take Luffy and run!" Kai's voice was a harsh command, slicing through the noise of the battle. His presence was like a force of nature, unstoppable, as he moved towards Bluejam with a fury that seemed to push the very flames aside.

With a heart torn between battle and brotherhood, Ace hefted Luffy onto his shoulders. Every fiber of his being screamed to stay, to fight alongside Kai, but the resolve in Kai's voice propelled him forward. As he turned to flee, he caught sight of Dadan and her band of Mountain Bandits rushing towards the fray, weapons drawn, faces set in grim determination.

Ace didn't look back. Carrying Luffy, he ran towards the safety Dadan promised, her figure a beacon in the swirling smoke. The sounds of battle faded behind him, replaced by the pounding of his own heart and the heavy breaths of his burden.

As they escaped the fiery hell of the Gray Terminal, Ace's mind was a tumult of emotions—relief, sorrow, and a burning anger that promised retribution. But above all, there was a deep, unyielding gratitude for Kai, whose intervention had saved them in their darkest hour. The image of Kai, standing against Bluejam with the wrath of the storm, would be etched in his memory forever.

[System Notification]


Achievement Unlocked: Conqueror's Haki

Host: Kai Rifter

Source of Power: Marked Individual - "Portgas D. Ace"


- Base Ability Unlocked: Conqueror's Haki (Haoshoku Haki)

- Multiplied Effect: Enhanced Intensity

- Current Intensity Level: 3x Standard Conqueror's Haki

- Potential for Growth: Yes

Description: You have unlocked the rare and formidable ability to exert your willpower over others, causing those with weaker spirits to faint. This ability stems from the remarkable feats and latent power of your marked individual, Portgas D. Ace, enhanced through your System's multiplier effect.

Current Mastery: 20% (Initial Activation)

Mastery Progress: Unlock further mastery through training and high-stress confrontations.

Warning: Overuse can lead to mental fatigue and temporary loss of ability. Exercise caution.
