
One Piece :The straw hat adventure reborn

What would happen if Luffy had the chance to modify his story? An enigmatic old man, holder of the powerful Open Open fruit, offers him a unique opportunity: to go back in time and alter his destiny. Luffy accepts the challenge and begins a new adventure with more allies by his side. LuffyxHarem! Rated M for sexual content and strong language..

Smith_Novels · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs

CH 30

"Who?" Sanji asked as he was about to walk into the door. He looked over to see Nami as well.

"Nami. She's my navigator and friend and...where'd you go?" Luffy said before he looked back to see Sanji presenting a rose to Nami.

"It must be fate that we meet like this Miss." Sanji said.

"Oh...hello." she said in quiet voice before she turned to Luffy. "Friend of yours?"

"He's our new cook." Luffy said with a grin as he walked towards.

"I'm not your cook!" Sanji said before something clicked. "Wait. Our? As in, she's in your crew?"

"Yep." Luffy said. Sanji looked back at her before he closed his eyes.

"Fate is a cruel Mistress. To be so close, yet so far." Sanji said.

"What is he talking about Luffy?" Nami asked.

"He doesn't want to leave the restaurant, but I refused his refusal."

"That doesn't make any sense." Nami said.

"SANJI!" bellowed Zeff's voice from inside the restaurant, snapping Sanji out of his daze.

"Shitty geezer." Sanji mumbled as he walked back into the restaurant. Both Nami and Luffy watched him leave before looking at each other.

"I don't think he'll leave Luffy." Luffy only grinned.

"He will, because we're not leaving until he comes with us."


It was awhile after Gin left and Luffy hadn't given up. He would ask Sanji to join and Sanji would refuse. Nami's mood brightened a bit watching Luffy annoy Sanji. Sanji was giving free meals to Nami after she charmed them out of him, which caused the other chefs to yell at him. Zeff and Sanji even got into a fight after Sanji refused to listen to Zeff, who told him to get out of his restaurant. Sanji told him that he wouldn't leave no matter what. This kept happening until a ship appeared on the horizon.

"DON KRIEG!" somebody shouted. Everybody looked out to see a huge galleon bearing Don Krieg's Jolly Roger. Everyone was terrified despite the fact that the galleon looked like it went through a hurricane. The galleon pulled up next to the restaurant as everything seemed to grow quiet. Footsteps could be heard as a huge man was approaching the door. The doors opened to reveal Don Krieg being held up by Gin.

"Please...I need food." Krieg said before he collapsed. Gin was asking them to bring Krieg food and that he had money this time. However, most of the chef's laughed, stating that they knew about his reputation. Krieg was bowing his head, begging for food as Gin cried for him to stop.

"Move Patty." Sanji said as he kicked Patty out of his way before placing some food and drink in front of Krieg, shocking the chefs. As Krieg ate, another chef named Carne told everyone what he knew about Krieg before Krieg finished his food and slammed his drink onto the floor.

"Sanji! DUCK!" yelled Luffy. Sanji looked confused but did anyway, leaving Krieg to swing his arm over Sanji, missing him completely before he stood up. Everyone looked back at Krieg before the customers ran out of the restaurant as Krieg looked at Luffy and Sanji.

"Nice reflexes cook." he said.

"Don Krieg! Why did you attack him?" Gin asked in shock before Krieg hurt his shoulder and dropped him to the floor as he eyed the restaurant.

"This is a nice ship. I'll take it." Krieg said with a grin. "My old ship is on the verge of sinking, so I'll be needing a new one. As for you cooks, get my men some food. I've got 100 men starving over there, so hop to it." Sanji started walking towards the kitchen, only for all the other chefs to block his path. Patty knocked Sanji to the ground before pulling out a shellfish looking cannon and shot at Krieg, asking if he wanted dessert. The smoke cleared, showing a pissed off Krieg before he stated that the dessert was terrible. He then pulled out a bunch of weapons from under his wootz steel armor and fired on the cooks. After he was finished, he began to rant about how his weapons and manpower made him the strongest.

"The strongest huh?" Luffy asked as he was shoving his face with food that the customers left in their panic. Everyone looked at him as some sweatdropped.

"How can you eat when Don Krieg is threatening to kill everyone here?!" one of the cooks shouted. Luffy just looked at them all with his cheeks puffed out with food.

"Simple." Luffy said before swallowing. "It's because I'm not scared of Krieg or his crew." Everyone froze as stiff as statues for what felt like forever.

"E...eh...EEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" came from almost everyone on the ship. Krieg, however, looked pissed at his statement. He was about to show Luffy why he should fear him, but was stopped when a big bag was placed in front of him by Zeff.

"That's 100 meals worth of food." Zeff said. "Take it and leave." This caused the chefs to ask why Zeff gave him food.

"You're...Red Leg Zeff?!" Krieg said in quiet shock as Zeff turned and walked away. The other chefs asked why he did when that would give them the strength to fight.

"Maybe...but will it give them the will to fight?" he asked before he looked back at Krieg. "Well? Did your will survive defeat?" Krieg just stared at him as the other chefs realized what he said.

"Not even he could do it." Carne said in disbelief. "A fleet of fifty ships couldn't get through the Grand Line. Krieg's eyes widened and became bloodshot in realization that Zeff was alive. Zeff said that was correct, but he chose the life of a cook. Krieg laughed before he explained what he knew about Zeff. How his kicks turned bedrock to dust or left footprints in solid steel. How he got the name 'Red Leg' or 'Red Foot' due to his enemies blood coating his shoes. He then said it was a pity that Zeff couldn't fight anymore since he lost his leg.

"I don't need to fight. I'm a cook. As long as I have my two hands, I'll be fine. Enough talking. What is it that you want?" Zeff said. Krieg stated his desire: Zeff's logbook. Luffy asked if Zeff sailed on the Grand Line, which he knew the answer was yes. Zeff confirmed Luffy and Krieg's questions, saying that he did have a logbook of his time on the Grand Line. He also refused to give it to Krieg, stating that it was the pride of the crew he sailed with and too important to give to him. Krieg didn't like this answer at all.