
One Piece: The Pinnacle

Follow Dean as he embarks on a thrilling adventure in the world of One Piece, armed with a set of unique perks that will help him climb to the top. ps: It is the rewrite version of the other fan-fic. Just with slight changes.

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8 Chs

First blood

' What's up'- Thoughts

"What's up"- Speech

*What's up*- Sounds


Dean felt the salty breeze caressing his face, making his hair sway backward, while a sudden splash of seawater drenched his face.

His smile widened as he basked in the delightful sensation, murmuring to himself, "How wondrous it is to navigate these waters."

As he turned around, his gaze fixed upon the island that had been his home for the past seven months. He took in the sight, capturing every detail in his memory as if etching it into his heart one last time.

With a determined look in his eyes, he whispered softly, "It's time for a fresh start, to embrace new beginnings."


Dean maintained a serene rhythm, alternating between moments of rest and tirelessly propelling the boat forward. The days passed by, and with a stroke of fortune, he encountered no tumultuous storms or calamities that could have threatened both him and his vessel.

However, today, it appeared that his streak of good fortune had come to an abrupt halt.

The once serene sky above Dean's head began to darken ominously, as an assembly of foreboding black clouds congregated in a single location. The air grew heavy with an impending sense of unease.

The wind intensified, howling with such force that his improvised mast let out a high-pitched screech, its structure contorting under immense pressure. The elements seemed to conspire against him, testing the limits of his vessel's endurance.

Dean gripped the rudder tightly, his hand firmly planted to ensure the ship stayed on its intended course.

Nevertheless, the storm relentlessly approached, and the moment he had been apprehensive about finally arrived. The tempest, with all its fury, closed in around him, enveloping the ship in a swirling maelstrom of wind and rain.

"Damn it all!" Dean exclaimed, frustration and self-doubt surfacing in his voice. "Why does luck always seem to elude me? Despite my progress in swordsmanship and haki, I know I'm not skilled enough to deliver a flying slash, especially not with a makeshift wooden sword!"

Regrettably, he found himself powerless to resist the overwhelming force of the crashing wave. His small ship was swiftly consumed by the colossal surge, swallowing him whole and plunging him into the depths of the sea. The relentless power of the ocean had claimed both Dean and his vessel.

After a few agonizing minutes, the sea gradually regained its composure, its tumultuous rage subsiding. However, at the spot where Dean had once been, there remained only an empty expanse of water, devoid of any remnants or traces of his presence.



"Damn it," Dean lamented, his voice filled with frustration and regret. "I barely managed to withstand the force of that wave."

Miraculously, Dean survived the brutal impact of the wave, although his boat lay shattered and broken. Amidst the wreckage, the only item left intact was a plate that he had clung onto tightly throughout the ordeal.

"Though the boat may have been insignificant, I hope I won't have to wait too long for another vessel to come by," Dean expressed, his distress palpable in his voice.


As hours slipped away, his anticipation turned to a growing sense of unease. Despite scanning the horizon intently, there was no sign of any vessel in sight. The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out before him, seemingly endless and empty.

Exhaustion and hunger began to take their toll on Dean.

As his mind grappled with his uncertain situation, he found solace in organizing his thoughts and envisioning potential future plans. Lost in his contemplations, he suddenly caught sight of a faint black dot in the distance, barely discernible against the vastness of the horizon.

However, the nature of the approaching figure remained uncertain. As it drew nearer, doubts crept into Dean's mind. Could it be the long-awaited vessel he had yearned for, or perhaps an ominous sea king rising from the depths? Anxiety intertwined with his flickering hope, leaving him on edge as he prepared for whatever awaited him.

Since Dean had never encountered a sea king before, the mere possibility of its presence amplified his apprehension.

After an hour of balancing on the makeshift sheet of wood, his perseverance paid off. His keen observation and growing excitement led him to the conclusion that the distant black dot on the sea's surface was indeed a real ship.

As the ship drew closer, he could make out the upright mast with a flag fluttering atop it. The symbol or design painted on the flag, however, remained elusive, as the distance between them prevented him from discerning it clearly.

Though he couldn't care less.

Regardless of whether the approaching ship belonged to the navy, pirates, civilians, or merchants, Dean's determination remained unwavering. This could be his sole chance for survival, and he had no intention of letting it slip away!

Without wasting another moment, Dean gathered all his strength and let out a resounding shout, his voice echoing across the expanse of the sea.

Against the odds, luck appeared to be on Dean's side. Despite the low probability of his shout being heard, the ship continued to sail directly toward him. It was as if fate had intervened, aligning the vessel's course with his desperate plea for help.

Dean's contemplation was interrupted by a growing realization—the ship was steadily drawing nearer, closing the distance between them. Each passing moment brought the vessel closer to him, bridging the gap between desperation and potential salvation. Excitement and relief coursed through his veins as he understood that rescue was within reach.


Dean squinted his eyes, attempting to discern the approaching ship's type.

As it drew closer, he noticed the unmistakable sight of a pirate ship, adorned with a menacing skeleton flag painted across its sails.

Dean couldn't help but notice the absence of a strong presence emanating from it. It seemed unlikely that anyone so weak could navigate through the treacherous waters of the Grand Line without being annihilated. With his advancements in observations haki and swordsmanship, he had come to understand that the calm Blue Sea, excluding the Grand Line, held no immediate dangers.


Not far away on the pirate ship, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The crew members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of excitement and hunger.

"Captain," the vice-captain reported, "someone is clinging to a wooden board. It seems their boat or ship has been destroyed, possibly by another ship with malicious intent or the raging waves. How should we proceed?"

"THAHTHAHA, let him come on board, I lost my last plaything anyway," the captain replied, a sinister undertone coloring his words as he licked the tip of his sword.

It didn't take long as a rescue rope was thrown in Dean's direction, allowing him to grasp onto it and pull himself up.


Once Dean's feet touched the surface of the pirate ship, he instinctively began surveying his surroundings.

As he continued his observations, his perception sharpened, allowing him to sense the underlying intent of some of the crew members. It became apparent to him that this pirate crew, consisting of approximately twenty individuals of varying ages, was not composed of benevolent souls.

"Kiki-Kikiki, captain, when you're done, can we play with him as well?" yelled a crew member, his tongue sliding over his lips suggestively.

"THAHAHAHA, I'm a kindhearted captain. You will enjoy him after me," the captain chuckled, his laughter tinged with a chilling undertone.

Dean, consciously choosing to deflect from the disturbing conversation, focused on a different topic, engaging the pirates in a seemingly unrelated question.

"Are we in the North Blue right now?" he asked, directing his gaze towards the crew members.

The pirates glanced at each other, briefly taken aback by the unexpected shift in conversation. One of them, a seasoned member with a scarred face, stepped forward to respond.

"Oyyy, brat! We are currently discussing the order in which we will enjoy you, so shut up!" he shouted, his voice laced with malice.

As Dean reflected on his experiences, both on the abandoned island and in his previous life, he couldn't help but feel a stark contrast in the way he valued politeness and decency. Spending over seven months in isolation reinforced his appreciation for respectful interactions and the importance of treating others with kindness.

Now, confronted with the impolite and disgusting behavior of the pirate crew, Dean felt a deep disappointment. The stark contrast between his own principles and the actions of these individuals was disheartening. However, he knew that the world was filled with diverse personalities, and not everyone he encountered would align with his own values.


An invisible sphere emerged from his body, its presence undetectable to the naked eye. With an eerie silence, the pirates succumbed to its effects, collapsing in a heap with foam foaming out of their mouths.

Out of the twenty members present, only four were able to maintain their consciousness amidst the chaos, their willpower proving strong enough to withstand the overwhelming power unleashed by the conqueror's burst.

"W-What have you done to my crew?!" the captain exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and concern. He stared at the fallen bodies of his comrades, their condition perplexing and alarming. Fear and disbelief gripped his heart as he awaited an explanation for the unfathomable turn of events.


Time seemed to slow down as Dean lunged forward. He snatched up a gleaming sword that lay nearby. The blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, finding its mark in the captain's throat.

A gasp escaped the captain's lips, but no sound followed as his eyes widened in shock.

Despite Dean's prowess in killing various beasts on the abandoned island, he never took the life of a fellow human being.

As he contemplated the aftermath of taking someone's life, he couldn't help but question his lack of emotional response. "Why don't I feel anything after killing him?" he pondered. "Could it be because he was outright evil and a disgusting individual?"

"Captain?!" cried out one of his crew members.

"I won't ask again, where are we right now?" Dean inquired once more.

"A-And how can we be certain that you won't kill us afterward?"

"RAHAHA! Who do you think will sail the ship?" Dean retorted, laughing.

"A-Alright, we are currently in the East Blue," the pirate said nervously.

'Yes, yes! RAHAHA! Is God blessing me once again?' Dean thought gleefully, a big grin spreading across his face.

"I'm hungry as hell! Go, go, bring me something to eat!" Dean commanded.

"Aye-aye," responded the pirate, acknowledging Dean's order.