
One Piece The Path To Be King

MrHokage_09 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Salty air mixed well with the sound of waves crashing up against Kuro's small boat. He took a big breath in through his nose, "I'm Kuro D. Dragon, and I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" He shouted to his friends and family waving him goodbye back at the port. He looked back, then thought to himself, there's no point in going back now. From now on, I look ahead and Keep looking forward. Kuro was set on becoming king of the pirates, and nothing is going to stop him. Millions of thoughts buzzed around inside his head, and for a moment, Kuro didn't know what to do next. But it soon came to him, "I'm tired! I'm gonna take a nap..." He sank into the small boat, let his hair cover his eyes, and drifted to sleep.

Kuro's boat slid onto shore, and Kuro felt the waves stop pounding up against the boat. He wrenched his eyes open and sat up wearily, "I'm Here already? Wait, Where am I?"

"You're in Shells Town" A strange voice answered

Kuro jumped up and looked around, "Who was that?" Cautiously, Kuro stepped out of the boat and walked a few feet forward. A hand tapped him on the shoulder and Kuro turned around in time to see him standing there, "Don't worry, I'm not going to attack. My name's Dragon W. Harp, what's yours?" Harp explained

"I'm Kuro D. Dragon, nice to meet ya!" Kuro shook his hand. Weird choice of clothing, he's wearing silver pants, a silver sleeveless jacket, and he has very wild, black hair and sandals. "Wait, are you related to the Yonko of stamina, Sai D. Dragon!?" Harp asks, half expecting Kuro to say yes. "Nope! I've never even heard of Sai D. Dragon!" Kuro answers,

"Okay, you guys have the same last name so I assumed you're related to him."

Kuro jumps out onto the sand and runs into the village, "Lets get something to eat, I'm starving!"

Harp follows quickly behind, his speed matching Kuro's, "Race ya!" Harp challenges, "You're on!" Kuro races ahead, but Harp catches up with plenty of energy to spare, and at this point, they're within sprinting distance. Harp takes the risk and bolts ahead, leaving Kuro behind. Kuro races up next to him, burning his legs up in the process. They're about to reach the door, when someone walks up to the door and opens it, taking their time while doing it. Both Kuro and Harp realise they're going too fast, so instead of running through the door and ending the race, Kuro stops dead in his tracks and Harp slams into the back of him.

While Kuro and Harp bicker in the background, the stranger takes a step back, closes the door and walks away. Harp and Kuro stand there, watching the infuriating sight with their jaws dropped to the ground. Soon after, Harp and Kuro make a final dash for the door, moving in sync they both slam into the door. With their mouths pressed up against the glass, they mumble, "That hurt..." Harp and Kuro step away from the door, then agree to go in one at a time. Kuro walked in first, Harp followed eagerly behind. The two walked to the counter, ordered their meal and sat down at a nearby table and talked, "Hey, you wanna join my pirate crew!?" Kuro asks, "Yeah, sure. I don't have anything better to do around here," Harp replied. "Yeah! I have a... What are you?" Kuro wondered, "I'm a swordsman, that's why I have these swords," he answered, "What's your style?" Kuro asked curiously, "Two sword style, I only have four of them so if I decide to turn it up a notch, I can use them," Harp explained.

A waitress brought their food over and Kuro happily payed for the meals. The two started eating at their top speeds, finishing the meals within seconds. "Hey, isn't there a marines base here?" Kuro asked, "Yeah, I think so. We could go up there and beat 'em up, what do you say?"

"Yeah! Lets do it!" Kuro agreed. The two ran up the hill that led to the marines camp that was overlooking the small village. There was a bricked fence with a wide, tall gate that wouldn't open. Kuro improvised and started to climb the tall wall, Harp followed next to him. They would soon reach the top of the wall, jump over it and sneakily infiltrate the marines camp, "How are we gonna do this?" Harp asked, "We try and find the marines captain of this camp and take him down" Kuro whispered back

Kuro and Harp snuck around the marine base for a while, not even knowing where they where going, until they reached the top of the massive building that was perched atop the camp. They walked out in the open, for all of the marines to see. The marines crowded around them, "Who are they?" "What are they doing here?" Was all the two could hear around them. "Execute them!" The captain ordered, "You take down all of the marines, I'm going for the captain" Kuro told Harp. Harp unsheathed two of his swords and held them still. He flexed his muscled as hard as he could and focused on a big group of marines, "Seven Deadly Slashes!" Harp shouts as he slashes wildly at the group of marines, "There, I've taken care of the marines, go get the captain Kuro!" Kuro bolts towards the captain and fires a punch into his shoulder. Before the heavy punch had time to hit, the captain had blocked it with a shell, "What was that!?" Kuro yelled, "It's called Shell-Shell No Mi, it lets me create seastone shells on any part of my body," the captain explained, "And you should know who's about to kill you. My name's Captain Marrow The Undying," Marrow told him, "Fair point, my name's Kuro D. Dragon." He has an interesting choice of fashion. He has glasses, always seems to have a cigarette, wears a blue and white-striped vest under his marine jacket, blonde hair, and uh... "You have wings!?" Kuro exclaims, "I'm a Skypiean, I was born with these wings and can use them to fly," Marrow explained. Kuro seized the opportunity and landed a punch on Marrow's chest, with which he followed up with a kick to the shins, "Stretchy-Stretchy Focused Gatling!" Marrow covers his entire body with seastone shell while Kuro charges the attack. Kuro pulled his arms back to inhuman lengths and held them there for a moment. Before long, Kuro had enough power to crack the shell into pieces and send Marrow air-born. Kuro fired his hands forward into Marrow's chest and kept punching in a barrage of Gatling shots focused on his chest. Kuro's barrage of punches ended quickly, doing the job efficiently and thoroughly, sending him air-born as planned. Kuro cycled through his list of awesome finishing moves, "Got it! Stretchy-Stretchy Million Fist!" Kuro's hands launch behind him, then nearly instantly fired forward and repeated the barrage of Gatling shots, only this time the punches weren't directed at any body part, his whole body took the hits. Kuro grabbed Marrow and stretched his arm up as far as it would go, then started bringing him down as fast and as hard as he could, "Play Dead!" He exclaimed angrily as he smashed Marrow into the ground. Marrow broke through the top of the building, crashed through the bottom.

"Well I say we get outta here!" Harp shouted. One half of the building was drifting apart from the other as Kuro and Harp ran down the side of it, "What devil fruit did you use?" Harp asked, "It's called Stretchy-Stretchy No Mi," Kuro answered. Before long, Kuro and Harp had reached the base of the structure and were dashing to the gate, "Nice moves out their," Kuro complimented, "Thanks"

Harp and Kuro reached the gate, climbed the bricked fence and made a run for the village. They got there in time to see the building above the camp collapse onto the base, "That was awesome!" Kuro and Harp exclaimed in unity. They ran to a nearby restaurant to buy some food in celebration of their awesome victory. They sat down at a table and waited for their food, "So, we've done everything fun on this island, where should we go next?"

"You're not going anywhere!" A weary voice yells from the door. Harp and Kuro look to see who it is, then their expressions turn from happy to serious. Marrow was back to try and finish Kuro and Harp. Harp unsheathed his swords, this time using two in each hand. Kuro readied his arms for an attack by pulling them back behind him, stretching them as far as they could. Harp Held his swords in place readying himself as well. Together, they fire their attacks at max power, "Seventh Deadly Ring!" They exclaimed together. Harp uses his Seven Deadly Slashes, while Kuro uses a move Harp hadn't seen yet. Kuro twists his arms in a ring-like way, grabs Marrow and untwists his arms, spinning Marrow rapidly in place, leaving him vulnerable for Harp's Seven Deadly Slashes. Harp seizes the opportunity and uses the attack with all of his energy. Each hit pierced more than it would have because he was spinning, making the hits all the more deadly. "I'm gonna be king of the pirates, and you're not gonna stop me!" Kuro exclaims. Marrow lands on his face, gets up, "Is that... All you... Got?" He managed to get out. Marrow unsheathed a spear from his back and lifted it to strike. He held it for a moment, gaining strength for the attack. He brings it crashing down, but before it hits Kuro and Harp, he falls.

"Going to be king of the pirates are you? Well, aren't you ambitious? If you are worthy of that title, I'll see you on the grand line" A strange hooded figure says. He stands there for a moment, holding the bloody knife he used to finish Marrow with. Before Harp or Kuro could think about asking questions, he was gone.

"Well that was weird, wonder who he was?" Harp asked, "Beats me... So anyway, where are we going next!?" Kuro asked, "How are you ignoring the fact that we just saw someone completely unrelated to us that saved our lives!?"

"Well, it's easy! I just don't care!"

Harp's jaw dropped to the floor, "I don't know how you've gotten by in life living like this..."

"So anyway, where should we go next?" Kuro asked,

"Uh... Lets go to Loguetown!" Harp suggests, "Okay then!" Kuro and Harp start towards the ship, getting there faster than they expected. They jump onto the small ship, brought up the anchor, and set course for Loguetown, "We're going to Loguetown!" Kuro exclaims.