
One Piece: The Navy Traitor

In the dark depths of Impel Down, Alaric, an enigmatic twenty-nine-year-old former vice admiral, has been locked away for over a decade. With a history shrouded in mystery and a will that defies time, he has endured confinement in the world's most feared prison, waiting for the perfect moment to claim his freedom. When opportunity presents itself in the form of a daring infiltration led by the infamous Monkey D. Luffy, Alaric is faced with a crucial choice. Alaric must seize every moment to escape and defy his fate. In a rapidly changing world, his release could be the spark that ignites a new era. I am not a native English speaker, it is my third language, this is a Spanish story written by me in my spare time. The characters do not belong to me except my Mc. All rights belong to the creator of the work Oda

RainHR · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

Imminent Escape

The echo of the explosion still resonated in the air as the dust settled in the dark level two of Impel Down. The tension between Alaric and Magellan was palpable. Both stood in the middle of a field of debris, remnants of their fierce battle.

Magellan's normally imposing and confident body showed clear signs of damage; wounds bled from his arm and shoulder, and his warden uniform was now stained with his own poison. Meanwhile, Alaric, with his increasingly deranged expression, barely resembled the man who had started the battle. Crimson scales were slowly covering his skin, a sign that his Devil Fruit was consuming him, yet at the same time granting him unparalleled power.

"This... can't be," Magellan muttered, breathing heavily as he watched Alaric. "I thought the poison would have taken you down by now."

Alaric, with his spear Phobos glowing intensely, smiled, though his expression was far from the calm demeanor he had at the beginning. Now, madness and rage consumed him. Every fiber of his being craved more fighting, more destruction.

"I've spent years in this prison," Alaric replied with a laugh that was almost a growl. "And you think a little poison would stop me?"

Magellan took a step back, quickly assessing the situation. Alaric's regenerative ability, fueled by the blood Phobos absorbed, was bringing him back into the fight with seemingly endless strength. Every attack Magellan launched, every strategy he employed, was anticipated by Alaric's Observation Haki, allowing him to see a few seconds into the future, moving with near-perfect precision to dodge the poisonous strikes.

"I can't let this continue," Magellan thought. "If he keeps gaining power, I won't be able to stop him."

With a swift motion, Magellan raised both hands and unleashed his most powerful technique: "Venom Demon: Hydra." Three gigantic serpents made entirely of acidic poison emerged from his body, lunging toward Alaric with incredible speed. The ground trembled under the fury of the attack, while the venom sizzled and corroded everything it touched.

But Alaric, his eyes filled with madness and the power of Ares, barely hesitated. With a quick and precise movement, he raised his spear Phobos, which now glowed with an even more intense crimson energy. The scales covering his body had expanded, forming a natural armor that protected him from the attacks.

"No more games, Magellan!" Alaric roared. "Ares... War Cry!"

With a shout that shook the foundations of Impel Down, Alaric released a shockwave from his body, disintegrating the venomous serpents before they could reach him. At the same time, the ground beneath him cracked as his power grew exponentially. The crimson scales hardened, forming an impenetrable second skin, and Alaric charged toward Magellan with devastating speed.

Magellan, seeing the incoming attack, prepared his defense, but his mind kept searching for a solution. He knew that Alaric's resistance was increasing as the battle went on, making his poison, lethal as it was, less effective. "There must be a weakness," he thought. "Someone who's lost their humanity like him must be neglecting something."

But Alaric was no longer the man who had fallen into captivity. Every move, every breath, was dominated by strategy and the instinct of war. His Observation Haki allowed him to see Magellan's movements seconds before they happened. With that advantage, Alaric weaved between the streams of poison and serpent attacks. The madness in his eyes only grew with every strike he dodged.

Suddenly, with a fierce yell, Alaric propelled himself forward and performed a spinning attack with his spear, sending a series of slashes through the air.

"Ares: Fire Claws!" he shouted, and from the spear, three lines of cutting energy shot directly at Magellan, who couldn't avoid the attack in time.

The warden fell to his knees, gasping, as the wounds bled profusely. Despite his immense power, Magellan was beginning to succumb to the brutality of Alaric.

Meanwhile, at the exit of Impel Down...

Luffy, Jimbei, Ivankov, and the other prisoners had finally reached the edge of the sea. However, their desperation grew as they realized the Marine ships were too far from the shore. The guards who normally watched the exit were either dead or incapacitated, but they still had no way to escape.

"We've got to get out of here fast!" Luffy exclaimed, looking out at the sea with a mix of frustration and concern. "We can't stay here any longer!"

Jimbei, observing calmly, saw an opportunity. A Marine ship was anchored not far from the coast, close enough to reach with the right help.

"Listen," Jimbei said with authority, "I can call the whales from the sea. If they help us, we can reach that ship and escape before more reinforcements arrive."

Ivankov nodded, trusting the Fish-Man.

"It's our best option, we've already wasted too much time here," he commented, glancing at Luffy. "But we still don't know what's happened to Alaric."

Luffy gritted his teeth. Though they had just met, his concern for Alaric was genuine. He felt like they couldn't just leave him behind, but he knew time was crucial.

"Alaric will come," he said with conviction. "We'll meet him at the exit!"

Jimbei nodded before diving into the water. Moments later, a deep song echoed through the sea, and within minutes, enormous whales emerged from the depths, swimming toward the shore. With impressive skill, Jimbei guided the prisoners onto the whales, who swiftly carried them toward the Marine ship.

Meanwhile, Luffy couldn't help but look back at Impel Down, hoping to see Alaric appear at any moment.

Back in the battle...

Magellan, now gravely injured, struggled to stay on his feet, but the battle had been too much for him. Meanwhile, Alaric, with his scales covering most of his body, looked more savage than ever. His spear Phobos glowed intensely, and his gaze was completely consumed by the madness of combat.

"This is your end, Magellan!" Alaric shouted, his voice booming like thunder.

Magellan raised a hand, trying to gather his last strength to unleash one final wave of poison, but Alaric had already anticipated it. With a swift movement, he disappeared from Magellan's sight, using his Observation Haki to move at superhuman speed.

"Ares: Strike of Destiny!" Alaric exclaimed as he appeared behind Magellan, his spear charged with crimson energy.

With a single devastating blow, Alaric broke through Magellan's defenses, sending him flying across the room. The warden crashed into a wall, unable to move, defeated.

Alaric breathed heavily, his body still trembling from the adrenaline of the fight. Though he had won, the madness of Ares still consumed him. But deep down, something kept him grounded. The promise he had made to himself to escape so he wouldn't disappoint her.

"This... this is for her, I can't let the madness take over," he murmured, as his body began to relax and the crimson scales receded.

At the exit...

Luffy and the other prisoners were already aboard the Marine ship, ready to set sail. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the chaos of Impel Down at great speed. Alaric, with a calm expression, appeared on the shore.

"Alaric!" Luffy shouted with a big smile. "I knew you'd make it!"

Jimbe, Ivankov, and the others looked at the former vice-admiral with admiration and respect. Though his eyes still reflected the chaos he'd just endured, Alaric seemed more determined than ever.

"You made it," said Ivankov, crossing his arms. "We've stolen a ship and are ready to go!"

"No time to waste," Alaric said as he climbed aboard. "Let's go before reinforcements arrive."

As the ship sailed towards the Gates of Justice, everyone knew they were just one step away from their long-awaited freedom. The gigantic gates loomed before them, and the sound of alarms filled the air.

The ship sped ahead, but the ominous sound of the Gates of Justice beginning to close echoed loudly. What had once seemed like a promise of freedom quickly turned into a scene of despair. The prisoners, who had just moments ago felt the euphoria of escape, now watched in horror as the giant steel doors slowly began to shut, blocking their only way out.

"This can't be happening! No, no!" Buggy screamed, his face twisted in panic as he clung to the ship's railing. "We can't get trapped here, not after all this!"

The prisoners around him started to murmur, some with tears in their eyes. Some knelt down, others clutched their heads in desperation. Even the strongest among them, like Ivankov, showed signs of distress as they watched the doors close inexorably.

"Come on, come on! Faster!" Ivankov shouted in desperation, while Luffy, standing at the front of the ship, stared at the gates with a mix of confusion and rage. He couldn't believe what was happening, not after they had come so far.

Jimbe, usually calm, frowned as he saw the gates slowly closing. He knew they were depending on a miracle now, but deep down, he understood something the others had not yet realized. "Someone… someone went to great lengths to make sure we could escape," he thought, his heart heavy.

Just as the last sliver of light was about to disappear between the gates, something impossible happened. A metallic creak reverberated through the air, and suddenly, the gates stopped moving. And not only that—they began to open again. The wind, which had previously resisted their passage, now seemed to welcome them.

Everyone's faces filled with astonishment.

"What the hell is happening?" Buggy whispered, eyes wide, as the prisoners around him began to shout with joy.

Jimbe, however, didn't share the immediate euphoria. His expression hardened as he realized what had really happened. He walked over to Luffy, who was still staring at the gates, baffled by the sudden turn of events. The fish-man placed a hand on the young captain's shoulder.


Hours earlier, while they were still deep inside Impel Down, as chaos reigned and prisoners fought for their lives, Jimbe had stepped aside for a brief moment to speak with Bon Clay in a quiet corner. The okama, with his usual energy, was organizing the others, making sure no one was left behind, but Jimbe sensed something different in him—an air of determination that went beyond mere duty.

"Bon Clay," Jimbe called, his voice grave but soft.

Bon turned with a big smile, always exuberant, but his gaze betrayed something deeper. The okama's smile was bright, but his determination was unshakeable.

"What's up, Jimbe? This is our time to shine!" Bon said with his typical enthusiasm.

Jimbe narrowed his eyes, studying his friend closely. He knew what Bon was thinking, even if he hadn't said it out loud.

"You're going to stay, aren't you?" Jimbe asked directly.

Bon's smile faltered for a moment, but it didn't fade completely. Instead, he let out a light laugh, though it was loaded with emotion.

"Someone has to make sure the Gates of Justice open, right?" Bon replied in a carefree tone, but his eyes gleamed with unwavering resolve.

Jimbe sighed deeply. He knew he wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise, and though the idea of losing such a valuable ally pained him, he also understood the sacrifice Bon was willing to make. He had witnessed many sacrifices throughout his life, but this one was particularly bitter.

"You don't have to do this, Bon. I can try to open them from somewhere else or find another way," Jimbe suggested, though deep down, he knew Bon had already made his decision.

Bon looked him directly in the eye, and for the first time, his expression softened. There was deep sadness in his face, but also a satisfaction that only those who live for their friends could understand.

"Don't worry about me, Jimbe. I've… I've found something I always wanted," Bon said, his voice now lower, more introspective. "I've found true friendship, something worth risking everything for. And if I have to stay behind so everyone can be free, I'll do it without hesitation."

Jimbe stared at him, his heart tightening with understanding and respect. He knew there was nothing more to say. Bon was determined, and the gratitude he felt for him enveloped him in a way he couldn't express with words.

"You're a true hero, Bon Clay," Jimbe said, bowing his head in respect. "We'll never forget you."

Bon smiled again, this time with more warmth and less theatricality. His usual exuberance was there, but so was something deeper. In that moment, both knew this would be their final goodbye.

"You, Luffy, and the others... keep moving forward!" Bon said, raising his fist. "I'll be supporting you from here!"

End of Flashback.

Back to the present.

"Luffy, someone stayed behind to do this for us," Jimbe said, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and respect.

Luffy looked at him, surprised, but before he could say anything, Jimbe handed him a Den Den Mushi. Seeing it, a sudden realization flashed through Luffy's mind. With trembling hands, he brought the snail closer to his ear.

"Luffy... can you hear me?" Bon Chan's voice came through the Den Den Mushi, with a soft laugh, but also a tone of farewell.

Luffy's eyes widened as he recognized his friend's voice. His heart sank as he realized what this meant.

"Bon-Chan! What are you doing? Get out of there!" Luffy shouted in desperation, gripping the Den Den Mushi tightly. Around him, the prisoners, who had also heard Bon's voice, fell silent. They all understood what he had done.

From his position at the controls of the Gates of Justice, Bon Chan laughed again, this time with more serenity.

"I... I can't leave, Luffy. But it doesn't matter because... I'm helping all of you escape. That's my reward," he said, his voice filled with so much determination that some of the prisoners began to cry.

"No! Bon! Wait!" Luffy tried to speak, but his voice broke with every word.

Alaric, standing at the edge of the ship, darkened. Through his Observation Haki, he had known all along what Bon Chan was doing. He had seen the sacrifice before Luffy and the others realized it. His usually calm demeanor was clouded with subtle but deep pain. He didn't say a word, simply looking back towards Impel Down, knowing another life had been left behind for their freedom.

"Muggy-chan, keep going," Bon continued, his voice trembling, but still strong. "You have greater things to do... and I couldn't be more proud of you. So keep fighting, and save your brother, my friend!"

The prisoners, with tears in their eyes, began shouting their thanks into the Den Den Mushi.

"Thank you, Bon-Boy!" Ivankov's voice could be heard among sobs.

"You're a hero!" other prisoners cried, tears streaming down their cheeks. They all understood the sacrifice Bon had made, and the weight of that act settled over them like a heavy burden of sadness.

Luffy, his eyes brimming with tears, tried to say something more, but the words caught in his throat.

"Bon... we're leaving! Thank you for everything!" Luffy finally shouted, knowing there weren't enough words to express what he felt.

The Den Den Mushi was silent for a moment, before Bon's cheerful laugh echoed one last time.

"Take care, Muggy-chan! We'll meet in the okama paradise someday!"

The call ended. The silence that followed was overwhelming. The wind whispered among the prisoners, who now stood motionless, staring at the horizon with lumps in their throats. Luffy, fists clenched, kept his gaze fixed on the Den Den Mushi, unable to let go.

The Gates of Justice were fully open now, and the ship, carried by the tide and wind, began to pass through. Alaric gazed at the vast expanse of sea ahead of them, but couldn't shake the weight in his chest. Though he was strong, he knew he couldn't change everything alone. Freedom was within reach, but the price was always steep.

As the ship crossed the giant gates, a wave of gratitude and sorrow swept over everyone. They had won their freedom, but what they had left behind would resonate in their hearts long after they left Impel Down.

The wind carried away Bon's final words, and with them, the prisoners sailed towards their new destination, free but mourning the sacrifice of a true friend.

I make some changes to the dialogue, so that it is not so same as the canon, so that it is more entertaining, because if everything is going to be the same as the manga, the fanfict would not make sense.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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