
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Omake 1

Hey everyone!! Since it's gonna be a while until I upload the official chapters, I thought it would be nice if I made Omakes for you guys while you patiently wait for my ass, and what better way to start off then a lemon scene!

I hope you enjoy it!!

-A few days before the invasion-

It had been a busy couple of weeks for Typhon as he had been preparing for the demonic invasion, training rigorously with King, helping Uta raise their kids while also taking care of Ulti and Yamato, learning the ropes of being a future king, helping with wedding plans and so on.

It was safe to say that the young Lunarian had been physically drained and stressed out, but Typhon managed to ignore his need to rest as there was much that still needed to be done.

Under normal circumstances, Typhon wouldn't be so out of it, but he had been really pushing his training to such lengths that it had been worrying his loved one.

Any attempts to knock sense into him had proven ineffective, as when Typhon set his mind to something, there was no stopping him; it was a trait his loved ones admired and despised simultaneously.

The Lunarian felt bad about worrying everyone, but his need to get stronger and ensure they won the war overruled his guilt; thus, he pushed on.

However, a certain redheaded ex-mercenary decided if they couldn't get him to take a break, she would at least help him relieve some of that stress.

After looking around for a while, Maia eventually found the Lunarian sitting over a desk, doing a much of paperwork while looking like he was about to lose his shit.

Sensing someone enter the room, Typhon looked up to see Maia leaning against the door.

"Hey Maia, what's up?" The Luanrian greeted, attempting to sound lively but failed miserably and gave the redhead a tired smile.

"Not much. You look like shit," Maia pointed out bluntly, with amusement evident in her tone.

Typhon's normally well-kempt ebony locks were a wild mess, and his usually bright crimson orbs were empty and bloodshot with eye bags underneath them.

"Wow, really, I hadn't noticed," he retorted while rolling his eyes. "Besides pointing out the obvious, did you need something? If not, I'd like to finish this paperwork as soon as possible."

"I just wanted to say hi," Maia walked over to him and looked at all the paperwork on the desk. "What's all this?"

"Oh, you know, just some important records, bills, forms, all that jazz that helps keep this kingdom running," he sighed.

Maia looked at him, confused. "Why are you doing this?"

"Are you forgetting what happens when I marry Celestine? You know the queen..."

Maia, realizing where he's getting at, the redhead mentally faced palmed. Once Typhon marries Celestine, that will make him King of Eostia.

How the fuck did she forget that?

"Ah, right, I kinda forgot about that..." She chuckled sheepishly. "So, a king, eh? Nervous?"

"No, not really. Just not looking to the paperwork."

"You know you're allowed to have an assistant, right?"

"I'm aware of that. Unfortunately, I won't be able to overly on them due to how sensitive some of the information can be, plus I don't like half-assing things."

Maia nodded in approval but lightly frowned. "It's good you don't wanna half-ass things, but you need to remember to allow yourself a break every once in a while. How long has it been since you've relaxed or rested, for that matter?"

Typhon for a moment and shrugged. "Uh, a few days, I think....I don't know if I'm being honest. I haven't been keeping track..."

"How the fuck are you still conscious?" She asked, completely bewildered by his response, making the latter scoff.

"Through sheer fucking willpower and a metric ton of caffeine. It's gonna take a lot more than physical and mental exertion to knock me out."

"That may be so, but you should at least take a small break. You fucking need it."

"You're not gonna stop bugging me until you do, aren't ya?" He asked despite already knowing the answer.

"Nope," Maia grinned, making him a sigh.

"Very well, I'll take a break, but only an hour," Typhon gave her a look that held no room for argument.

The Lunarian would've put up more of a fight, but he had a very good feeling about what the redhead was planning, and if he was correct, then he had no issue taking a small break.

Giving the Lunarian a suggestive smile, Maia dropped to her knees and began to undo Typhon's pants, slightly surprising him.

"If you wanted to mess around, you could've just said so," Typhon commented, sounding amused and internally happy he was right about his assumptions.

It had been a while since the Lunarian had gotten laid, and if he was being honest with himself, he really needed it.

Besides, sex was one hell of a workout.


"And what would the fun be in that?" Maia questioned rhetorically before pulling out his member and gasping at the size of it. "Holy shit!! Your cock is the biggest one I've ever seen..." She began to drool, and her cheeks were red.

"Will this even be able to fit?"

"I can make it smaller if you don't think you can't handle it," Typhon replied teasingly.

Maia glared at the young Lunarian and growled. "Shut up. I can handle it."

"Prove it."

Maia, not wasting any time, grabbed his monstrous member and gently dragged her tongue from the bottom to the top of his shaft.

Then, she repeated the process, although in the reverse order, and when her organ moved upward.

However, it didn't return to the top.

Instead, Maia dragged her tongue all along the teen length, targeting all the most sensitive spots of the young Lunarian's shaft.

Maia wasn't much for giving blowjobs as she found the taste of a male's cock and semen to be unpleasing to her taste buds; thus, she would normally skip the foreplay.

But for some reason, the redhead really wanted to blow Typhon, and oh boy, was she glad she did.

Typhon was sweet yet not overly so, and it had a subtle saltiness to it, which further enhanced the flavor of the already tasty treat.

Maia couldn't get enough of it and wanted to take her time savoring the beautiful cock in front of her.

Another big bonus was that the cock was easily over ten inches in length and had a thickness that would reach every sensitive spot within a woman's womb.

Maia knew the moment that Typhon went inside her, she would be ruined, and no other man would ever be able to satiate her urges.

That alone was enough for her juices to flow out of her lips and run her legs.

Using the hand that wasn't preoccupied with the Lunarian's cock, Maia slipped her finger into her pants and used them to tease her nub causing her to moan.

Typhon threw his head back, letting out a loud groan that caused Maia's immense enthusiasm to skyrocket further.

This was easily the best blow job to receive, easily topping Uta in every conceivable way, which was impressive considering he felt like his soul was leaving his body whenever she went down on him.

However, with Maia, it felt like he went to the afterlife, and what made it even more unbelievable was that she hadn't put his cock in her mouth yet!

All she did was aggressively and sensually slather it with her saliva and press her soft, plump lips against it.

He guessed he should've expected this, considering he was aware Maia was an experienced woman, which kinda sucks, but the results more than made up for it.

Finally, after five minutes of just licking and kissing, Maia dragged her organ to the tip of the Lunarian shaft and took the tip into her mouth.

She pressed the tip of her tongue against the slit of the top and gently moved it back and forth before swirling her organ around the tip and taking the entire thing down to the bottom of her throat in a single swoop.

Typhon was heavily panting as he was gripping the edge of his chair and violently shuddered as Maia took his entire cock into her warm tight throat.

The Lunarian would be lying if he said he didn't nearly cum down her throat, but with immense willpower, he was able to prevent himself from orgasming.

Maia continued to deep-throat the tasty piece of meat for a few more seconds until she returned to its top half and went to work.

Every time Maia bobbed her head up and down, the redhead made sure to lick every inch before she went further down and engulfed one of his cum producers while stroking the hard member in hand at medium pace.

After Maia was done coating both of the Lunarian's fleshy orbs with her saliva, she went back to the tip of the length, giving it the same treatment she gave it earlier before she effortlessly engulfed it.

This pleasurable process lasted over ten minutes, and Tyophon felt his end nearing.

Warning Maia of this, she increased the pace, and a few moments later, rope after rope of baby batter went down her throat.

Maia's eyes rolled back to her head as the taste of the Lunarian seed brought her to a soul-draining and mind-numbing orgasm.

If the flavor of the Lunarians cock tasted great, then his seed was absolutely divine.

The seed was overwhelmingly sweet, incredibly creamy, and thick, but the flavor of it also had another element to it that Maia couldn't properly put into words; all she did know was that she loved it and that the mysterious addition only increased the deliciousness of the Lunarians life-giving essence.

Internally the busty redhead berated herself for not making a move on the teen sooner because if she knew his cum would've tasted this amazing earlier, she'd be jumping his bones at every opportunity she got.

Oh well, she would more than makeup for her stupidity because, as of today, she'd be sure to drain his balls every time she saw him for the rest of her life.

When they both recovered, the two looked into each other's eyes lustfully.

"So, how was that?" Maia asked, giving Typhon an infuriatingly sexy smug smirk.

Growling, he replied. "Not bad, but we're not done yet, not in the least."

Moving faster than she could react, Typhon ripped off all of her clothing, and when the teen was done with that, he grabbed the redhead by the waist, making her yelp, and sat her on top of his desk.

Grabbing his hard member, he gently pushed the tip of his cock against her soaking wet slit making the older female shudder.

"F-Fuck..." Maia moaned as Typhon teasingly dragged his tip up and down her sensitive pussy, which infuriated her. "S-Stop teasing me and put it in already!!!"

She attempted to impale herself on the Lunarian's cock, but Typhon pressed his, held her back, and moved his erection to the side, earning him a fierce glare from the redhead.

Typhon leaned toward her ear and growled, making the redhead's spine shiver in excitement and fear. "I decide when it goes in. Understand bitch?"

"Y-Yes, sir," she moaned/stammered.


Typhon put the tip back against her slit and teased it again, much to the pain of Maia. After a few more seconds of teasing, Typhon slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside of the redhead.

Maia let out a loud sexy moan at the heavenly sensation of being penetrated by the Lunarians impression cock.

Unfortunately for her, Typhon was in teasing mode as after only three inches of his third leg entered the redhead, he pulled out, earning a whine from his partner.

He entered her and pulled out as soon as three inches of his cock made its way inside the busty mercenary a total of three times.

Deciding he had had enough teasing her, the winged teen rammed his entire monster into the redhead's warm, velvety walls.

Maia let a shriek of pleasure as she felt the tip of the Lunarian's monstrous cock kiss her womb, and with a mind of their own, her long sexy legs locked around his waist.

Grabbing Typhon's head, the ex-mercenary pulled the Lunarian into a passionate, sloppy, tongued-filled kiss.

Typhon then began to pump his length in and out of the redhead's tight cavern, causing the latter to moan into the lip-locking and her walls to further constrict around the large piece of meat inside of her, earning a groan of approval from the teen and for to increase the speed and power of his thrusts.

Within twenty seconds, Maia was brought to her second orgasm and was squirting all over the teen's cock.

Maia's eyes were rolled to the back of her head due to the intensity of release, and her mind was on cloud nine.

As the redhead predicted earlier, she was utterly ruined for any other man after being brought to orgasm in less than thirty seconds, and she was absolutely ok with that.

None of her previous ten partners were able to make her cum before, much less than thirty seconds, so if she had to settle, she was glad it was a hunk of Lunarian who would treat her right.

Typhon continued to pound Maia over the desk for ten minutes, and within the duration, the redhead had come a good couple of times.

However, he wanted to change positions, so he spun her around and fucked her in the reverse cowgirl position.

Not wanting to be a lazy partner, Maia meets his powerful thrusts by bouncing enthusiastically on it while gyrating her hips simultaneously.

This action caused the Lunarian to become hypnotized by her ass, enjoying how it rippled each time her backside made contact with his pelvis.

Coming back to reality, the Lunarian shook his head and dug his fingers into her firm yet soft ass, and went back to rearranging her insides.

The two fucked well past an hour, and during that time, Maia had been brought to more orgasms than the redhead could remember and was put in every position she or Typhon could think of.

The ex-mercenary would have to see Celestine after her session with the Lunarian, or otherwise, she wouldn't be able to fight in the incoming war effectively due to pussy being so sore.

Currently, Maia was on top of the Lunarian in a squatting position, riding him as if her life depended on it.

Feeling his cock throbbing inside her, the redhead increased her pace and didn't stop until she felt his seat coat her womb with his hot seed.

(Lemon End)

After he unloaded everything into her, Maia collapsed on top of Typhon.

"Wow...that was...that was awesome," Maia said between breaths.

Typhon chuckled. "Yeah, it was...thank you...I needed that..."

Maia smiled. "No problem."

They stayed in that position for a while, enjoying each other's embrace and company, but it eventually had to end.

Sighing, the Lunarian said. "I should properly get back to work. God knows how long we've been at it," he joked.

Frowning, Maia looked at him. "No. That can't you need to sleep."

"You know I could just rip you off me, right?" Typhon quirked an eyebrow.

"You could," Maia had no delusions that she could physically overpower; it was just factual. "But you won't."

"Why do you say that?"

Maia laid her head back on his chest and smiled. "Because we both know I won't leave alone until you agree to go to bed."

"True..." Typhon sighed. "Fine, I'm too tired to argue about this anyway."

After that conversation, the both of them left the office and went to bed.
