
One Piece: The eldest saiyan brother.

What if, on a dark starry sky, a little baby with monkey's caracteristics fell from the sky, was found and took in by a legendary hero who unknowingly raised a small troublemaker in a world where pirates seek a legendary treasure ? Follow the leisure life of a strange and calm Saiyan who was adopted by Monkey D. Garp. He will find brothers, friends, love and eventually discover the truth about his origins. //////////// here my discord, for whatever reason... https://discord.gg/kt9rAVC My grammar is not that much so I will make mistakes for sure, do correct me. (If you want to know, english's not my first language) For all those who already know it. Welcome back. For all those who doesn't know it yet. Welcome, I must warn you that it's boring sometimes... Hope you enjoy it, If not then...well what a pity... but still hope you find something good... (I don't own anything apart from my OCs) The cover too isn't mine, but someone else's.

VastoHeaven · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
163 Chs

Chapter 23: Training.

After having talked to Sengoku, Garp lead Edam to his new home.

"Whah...it's bigger than the last one." Edam asked in wonder. The last time he came they were situated at the opposite of here if he recalled well.

" I thought that it was a bit too hot where we were before, so I decide to move away." Garp put on his face his usual smile while saying this.

"Oh okay..." Edam replied while looking at the surrounding.

It was a rather luxurious japanese styled house with a garden despite the fact that it was closer to a training courtyard than an actual garden.

All around the house and training courtyard were wall surrounding it completely.

Seeing the training field Edam's eyes shone a bit in excitement as he really did want loosen up a bit as he couldn't do anything on the ship apart from reading and learning the Rokushiki's theory.

Learning something so cool without being able to pratice it was a real torture for Edam, a torture second only to starving to death.

But as Garp had to go to Sengoku, he would have all the time to pratice this superhuman art.

After setting down their baggages in their respectives rooms, Garp said.

" Okay, I'm going Edam."

"Okay, see you later." Edam said as he made excitedly his way to the training field.

Arriving at the center of the field, he thought.

' Humm...what should I train in first ? a movement technique or an offensive one ?

or even defense one ?

Tekkai seem to be pretty lame, It is a fact that I can become as hard as Iron but I have to take all the attacks of my opponent without being able to counter, I don't want to be a punching bag now do I ?

And I think that my fist are already doing their jobs pretty well so...it will be Soru first as it is the base of Rokushiki and then Geppo because it's cool to move in the air like that...I'll train in the others later.'

'Okay all I have to do is to kick ten time the ground rapidly was it ?'

He confidently thought and then gave it a try.

However he quickly understood that reading and praticing wasn't the same. It is indeed easier to read than to do it. He tried three time with no avail.

The first kick was okay to perform but the same couldn't be said for the other next kicks.

Everytime he would kick the ground his kicking foot would make a crack in the ground making him unable to kick a third time as the rebound that he should use to kick a third time was absorbed by the cracking ground. ( I hope I was clear...)

It wasn't that he was not strong enough but that he was a little too strong.

With the speed increasing a lot as he kicked a first time and then second time combined with his immense strenght was something really hard to control for him.

He then thought about it and tried what he thought was right.

"Okay, I have to decrease the strenght of my legs as every time they would kick they would also gain speed and so weight and so power..." He thought that as he tried again.

This time, however he suddenly found himself being ejected violently headfirst on the wall breaking it like a biscuit.

"Whooaah ?!!!" that was what he cried out in surprised before he broke the walls.

"Itttēēē !!! ( it hurts !!!) He made his way out of the of the walls fragments while yelling painfully and rubbing his head.

"It didn't even work, grandpa didn't gave me a fake book right ?!" he complain.

The other kids his age would alread be lucky not to end up dead after that but here he was complaining about it as if the Rokushiki was something that could be learn like that.

After only four try, he was only half way to completing it but here this little monkey wasn't satisfied with his result and even dare to complain about it.

If someone from the world government saw him praticing the Rokushiki as if it was only a normal training they would be shocked stricken.

Althought Edam knew that a normal person had to train a whole life just to do what he did...

The little monkey that he is didn't and couldn't care less about it.

There was something that he couldn't accomplished and that really did bother him.

It's not like he want to be the best at everything but he at least want to have some accomplishment in it.

Though, in this life, strenghtly speaking he couldn't possibly be under a lot of people but he didn't know that yet. Little monkey was destined to be someone great it seems.

After having complained he return to serious business and restart to train like that for an entire day, with the objective and challenge to himself of mastering Soru the same day that he started to learn it.


Meanwhile in Sengoku's office Garp and Sengoku were in an argument about something.

" To hell with that, I won't to go to Mary Geoise Sengoku !!"

"Yes you will go, It's your fault to begin with, if you didn't leave for an entire week you wouldn't have to go there !!"

"What did you say ?! it was only a tiny puny week, it's not like I've leaved for a entire year !"

"That's not my problem! Listen, just go there, you only have to go there two times in a year time. This year and the next one. After that it will be finished alright ?"

"Tchh, I will have to tolerate those scumbag of world nobles ?" He said out loud without a care.

"Garp, pay attention to your words..." Sengoku said seriously to Garp as the latter replied

" Or what they will put me to death ? Even though, my bones have become older, I think that they can still kick some ass pretty well." He said while smiling confidently as usual.

"Haah...Okay just go alright ?" Sengoku sighed in desperation.

"Who will go with me ?" Garp asked suddenly.

"Hah ? No one wanted to go there so..."

"Alright, I'll take Edam with me in that case." he said that while turning around.

"Are you sure ? the boy maybe won't appreciate what he will see there you know.." Sengoku asked.

"That's the point of me taking him there, I want my grandson to know that trashes can be found anywhere, even THERE."

"I want him to know that the word "Holyland" doesn't mean that everything in there is good."

"It will be my test to see what kind of man and marine he will become..."

"You !...Sigh..." Sengoku to say something but finally just sighed as Garp got out of the office.