
One Piece: The dragon of the Strawhats

After dying pacefully after a long time, a soul from earth reincarnates into the body of a young Isaac Stone and suddenly awakes on a peculiar island in the East Blue. Being reborn in the one piece world might seem dangerous for many reasons but thankfully, he has a system and while not as quite powerful as the other ones he had read in novels and fanfictions, having a Yakuza series skill system seems quite enough. MC with a mix of the Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami leveling up systems and combat styles. No harem (i personally don't like them)

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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Of Fishes and Rats

"Yo... How we doin'?"

Looking at the man and woman that went up to them, the crew was wondering the words of the man.

"Who are you guys?"-. Waking up and standing Luffy asked.

"Name's Isaac Stone and this is Nojiko, Nami's sister"-. He Introduced himself and Nojiko while approaching them.

Suddenly gaining heart eyes, Sanji did a little twirl.

"Uwooo! She's so cute!"

Shaking her head Nojiko crossed her arms under her chest.

"Look, don't meddle with Nami anymore, it's best that you all leave this village... I'm going to tell Nami's story but... I'll also tell the same thing i told this guy here, you can't win against Arlong's crew"-. Nojiko said seriously.

"So you are going to tell us why Nami is with those Fishmen right?-. Usopp asked.

Nojiko nodded but before she could begin.

"I'll pass"-. Luffy said

Protests were made as to why Luffy wouldn't listen to her past but, in the words of him, "Was just not interested".

"I'll pass too Nojiko, no sense in hearing the same story twice, ill catch up to you guys later"

Leaving the surprised people behind, Isaac made his way up and eventually caught up to Luffy.

Turning towards him with a questioning look Isaac just shrugged.

"Meh, i wanted to take a walk too, and besides"

Grinning and looking at Luffy in the eyes.

"You aren't planning on leaving this place without her, right?"

Luffy just smiled and looked ahead.

Together, both men made their way towards the village in silence.

There was a great disturbance around the village, people looked fearful and moved out of the way, parting the masses, was a battalion of marines lead by a weird guy with whiskers and ears on his marine hat that followed a scarred man in a brown uniform. A peculiar pinwheel sat on the man's hat.

With a frown, the scarred man turned to look back at the marine.

"What business do the marines have with Nami?"-. The man asked seriously.

With a sick laugh the marine responded.

"Nihihi, you should just stay quiet snd escort us for your sake"-. The marine smirked.

Passing the villagers in silence, this was watched by two men.

Isaac saw this and remembered that they were here to take Nami's hard earned money away and gained a serious look, turning towards luffy he saw that he also had a serious look, but because much diferent reason.

Sweating, Luffy asked seriously

"That man... Why does he have a Pinwheel on his head?..."

Fighting the urge to laugh Isaac turned to look at him, equally serious.

'"I don't know... it's one of life's greatest mysteries"

Luffy just noded seriously and looked back at the marines.

Shaking his head, Isaac started to walk after them.

"Anyways i think we should go, they are here to take nami's tangerine trees"

Looking a bit confused, Luffy started to follow him.

"Nami's trees?, why would they want to take that?"-. Luffy asked catching up to him.

"Well long story short, those trees are Nami's treasure..." He turned towards Luffy "And they want to take it"

Luffy turned towards the front, walking in silence.

In the house just beside the large tangerine grove, Nami went out the door, stretching her arms she put on a determined face.

"Mhaaa, that was a good sleep, now, i just need one more steal and then... we're free"-. Nami said while preparing to make plan.

Steps were heard coming towards the grove, startling Nami which turned to look and saw many marines, even more surprises, the scarred man was with them.

'Huh? Marines and why is Gen-san with them'-. Nami tought cautiously.

"Nihihihi, are you the female thief, Nami?"-. The rat looking one asked.

Widening her eyes Nami turned towards them.

Gaining a cruel smirk the rat man said with a condescend tone.

"Well, well, According to the reports of our investigations, you have gathered quite the large amount of money... and since it's all stolen... i think we'll take care of it since theft is still theft, that money is now goverment property, go ahead and hand it over! Nihihihihi"-. The rat man said while laughing.

"Hey this isn't... what the hell are you-ghu!-. Gen tried to say something only to be gut punched with the stock of a rifle.

"Nihihu, now girlie, just give the treasure to us... and we'll be out of your way!" Seeing as Nami wasn't bulging he planned something else "Alright then... c'mon men! start by ripping those trees off so this girl gets the hint."-. The guy said to his marines.

"Stop that" A voice was heard from the side.

The marines turned to look at a strawhat wearing teenager and a man with a brown leather jacket.

"Nihi? who the hell are you guys?-. The Marine asked.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan"-. Isaac said Bane style.


"The plan to kick your asses all over the place that is, especially you rat boi" *Crack* *Crack*-. with a good 'ol knuckle crack isaac switched onto [Brawler]

"What he said *Crack* you wanna take Nami's treasure... well too bad"'-. Luffy said with shadowed eyes and a hand crack.

Gaining a tic mark, the rat marine shouted at them.

"Huuh?!, i am Nezumi, Marine captain of the 16th Branch here in the east blue, to go after me is to go after the goverment itself!!"


"Huh?!, what's so funny huh?!" Nezumi exclaimed.

"Really? You parents decided on naming you Nezumi, the you went on and dressed as a rat while acting like one, c'mon boi, have some self respect at least hahahahaha"

Pointing and laughing Isaac couldn't handle it in anymore.

"Shishishishi" A certain rubbery captain agreed that was funny.

"That's it! Men, at them!!!"-. Nezumi shouted commanding the other marines.

Lining up in rows, the marines opened fire at them, Isaac and Luffy rushed them, with luffy taking shots and repelling them and Isaac skillfully evading using observation.

"Gomu gomu noo.. Whip!"

Extending his leg, luffy took care of 5 marines on the left, them going unconsious instantly from the force of the attack.

Doing a Flying Dropkick that sended 2 marines flying, Isaac started doing some combos, landing a straight finisher he changed instantly to beast.

Some were startled when he glowed with a yellow flame.

"Wha-ugh!!" A marine exclaimed when Isaac caught a hold of his clothes.

Using his body like a ragdoll, Isaac hit more marines in a circle before letting go and trowing his bio-weapon.

Seeing his men utterly defeated, Nezumi took out a weapon not before an elongated arm snatched him up and brought him down onto the ground.

"Well, well, it looks like we caught a little rat, eh?" Strolling up to him Isaac grabbed his shoulder.

"It's time for pay back don't you think?"

"Ueeh?!"-. Nezumi exclaimed scared.

Performing a Beast Heat Action Isaac Grabbed and rotated him around in the air like a doll, then doing a jump, Nezumi's head came crashing down completly straight.

Silence permeated the place.

"Sugooi!, Isaac you were glowing blue, then yellow, and you were lifting those guys like nothing, you are really strong! wooo"-. Luffy got a little excited.

Smiling, Isaac turned to look at Nami.

"See, this guy isn't going to go anywhere without you, girl"-. Isaac said while pointing a thumb at luffy.

Tsking, Nami turned her head to look away from them deep in tought.

Sensing numerous people gathering outside the grove Isaac turned to look at Gen.

Gritting his teeth Gen turned to the guys.

"Thanks for the help, i couldn't do anything to help nami... not in the past and not in the present... but this has been an eye opener for me... this ends today.."-. Gen said while turning around and running out to the front.

"Wa-wait Gen-san!, you can't possibly mean, wait!!!!"-. Nami runned after him.

Looking at one another, Isaac and Luffy went to the street aswell.

Seeing numerous people carrying brooms, torches, hoes, shovels and pitchforks, it looked like a rural revolution.

"Eight years ago... we said that we'd never throw our lives away... As long as Nami was fine... but even now, Marines!!... the one supposed to protect us against evil.. tried to take what Nami has hardly worked for... I SAY NO MORE!!!, TODAY WE FIGHT FOR OUR FUTURE!!!"

Doing a heartfelt speech Gen turned around to lead his people but was stopped by Nami.

Trying to maintain a happy face, Nami talked to the people reunited.

"Everybody... it's alright!!, the money's fine, i'm fine! There's no need to do this, just give me more days to-" "Don't be stupid Nami..."

Looking at her in the eyes Gen said seriously.

"It is pretty clear the plan those marines had, taking your treasure for themselves.. only to make you start again... It's also obvious who set them up to do so..."-. Gen said angrily.

"But... But.."-. With tears starting to slip out Nami eas engulfed in a hug from the taller man.

"That's enough..., We know.. what futility is like... Arlong never had our freedom in his plans when he enslaved you.... You fought well, for our sake.

You are a strong girl Nami, just like your mother was..."

Leaving the hug Gen said to her in a fatherly voice.

"I am proud, Nami... Leave this Island, live your life... the one we took from you"

With tears in her eyes Nami took out a knife and pointed it towards Gen.

"Stop it, everyone!, you'll get hurt and i don't want to see that anymore, You!.... YOU ALL ARE GOING TO DIE!!!"-. Nami broke down desperate.

Going up to her and laying a hand on her knife Gen uttered two words the shook Nami to her core.

"....We know..."

Turning around and brandishing his sabre, Gen commanded his army to march towards certain death but instead of fear, there was grim acceptance and marched on quietly.

Nami slid down to her knees, shocked and broken at what just had transpired here, those people, willing to give their lives away so that she could live... Why... why did this happened to her, why did she had to suffer so much, lose so much.... It was all because of Him...

"arlong... ARLOOONG!!!"

Going to stab her own shoulder a firm hand stopped her... It was Luffy's"

"Ngh... What are you doing here?!"-. Nami asked crying.

Looking down at her, luffy remained silent.

"You... you don't even know what has been happening here these last 8 years..."

"Yeah, i don't"

"Just leave... Leave, didn't i tell you to leave this island and never come back, if it wasn't for you pirates Bell-mère wouldn't have died!!!, if it wasn't for you pirates, all would be fine and no people should have to die anymore, if it wasn't for you priates... i... i wouldn't have gotten the money i needed for my goal..."

"Luffy.... Help me"

Taking his hat off and putting it on her head luffy turned back, gathering some air he shouted with resolution.


Nearby, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp were waiting for the command of their captain, which he calmly provided.

"Let's go"


Before they could leave, Luffy turned back one last time.

"Well, are you coming or not?"

"Oh you bet i will!"