
One Piece : The Blood Emperor

The world thats full of danger and twist! 'Who is this guy? Marine for fun?' 'Whitebeard is fighting again to be the strongest man in the world with a skinny man who turned into absolute unit at noon!' 'I have a neighbor who loves rapping out of tune saying he has eight tails, where's the tail though?' Join Luke as he travels the world of One Piece as one of the Straw Hat Crew!

ParziVee · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Chapter 031

A/N : Majority voted on Non-Harem. However, Luke's nature pertaining to opposite gender is questionable based on his past records. (He likes playing around with women in his previous world.) He may also play around with women characters of One Piece but it also comes with valid reason since he's a man with complicated background. So he only need one woman to 'move' him or maybe the other way around. (Who knows?)

Additional Tags here. It's pinned in every chapters for a reminder.




After dinner, Luke and Luffy stood face to face at the marine ship.

Everyone including Fullbody and his men observed the two men in training. Especially Fullbody, he was kinda wary of these two men that easily subdued him and his men.

Fullbody swore that he will surely go as far away as possible when meeting these freaks in the future.

Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji and others in training took off their blindfold as they want to witness the training with full interest. They want to know how far they were left behind in training.

Meanwhile, Liz started healing the men one by one including Fullbody and his men since they are still needed for the next day's training.

"What I want to teach you is the next evolution of Armament Haki. Show me your fist while coated with Haki." Luke instructed.

As Luffy did that, Luke continued,

"Punch me. Just punch the air in my direction."

"Hm? Will that mean I can't hit you?" Luffy asked in confusion.

"Yes. Try it first." Luke smiled as he raised a palm to be Luffy's target.

"Here I go!" Luffy assumed a horse stance while punching the air and just like he expected, it didn't affect Luke in any way. Maybe a slight breeze of air.


"What's Luffy doing?" Nami was puzzled through and through.

"I don't know, he just punched the air." Johnny said his honest opinion.

"Hmm. There's something we didn't know about. There's probably more to it than meets the eye." Sanji was focusing himself at the men in training.

"Yeah. But why does Luffy's fist looks a bit dark?" Usopp muttered as he got confused.

"Of course it looks dark since it's night time." Sanji replied.

"Really? Strange.." Usopp narrowed his eyes to slits trying to see if Luffy's fist does look normal. The more he focus, the more Luffy's fist was getting darker.

"Man I'm probably tired. Luffy's fist is totally dark in my sight." Usopp shrugged as he prepared to rest for a while.

"You're not wrong, Usopp."

Suddenly, everyone heard Luke's comment from the other side.

"Eh? Am I?" Usopp asked back at Luke in surprise.

"Focus at my fist." Luke smiled as he presented his fist that suddenly coated by Armament Haki.

Usopp focused more as his eyes went wide in shock.

"Wow! Luke! How did you do that!? Your fist turned dark just like Luffy."

Usopp's comment made the rest puzzled.

"Haha! Nami, you've lost. Usopp awakened his Observation Haki first. You owe me 100 thousand berries." Luke laughed as he stared at Nami.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nami got puzzled and wary. She didn't understand how she lost the bet.

Zoro and Sanji frowned. Usopp actually awakened his Observation Haki first than them?

"A sign of awakening the Observation Haki is to see the Armament Haki." Luke explained.

"Does that mean I'm more capable than them?" Usopp slowly straightened his back as he raised his proud nose to Zoro and co.

"Like I said before, Observation Haki is not only about battle sense, it's also about how sharp your vision is. Usopp is our sniper, his keen senses is obviously higher than most of us." Luke explained.

"So that's how it is." Sanji finally understood. But he was disappointed that someone does better than him when it comes to Observation Haki so he light a cigarette to ease his mood.

"That's cheating, Luke! You clearly knew in the first place whose the winner in their training!" Nami whined as she hate the idea of losing money.

"Well, you started the bet. I just played along. Ready your payment later." Luke chuckled in amusement.

Luffy was still punching the air until Luke stopped him.

"Now, go on defensive stance. I will punch the air now."

"Yosh!" Luffy crossed his arms in front. He knew if Luke presented him something, it must be really fascinating.

Luke punched the air lightly.


"Woah!" Luffy's felt something heavy strucked him as he took a step back.

"This is another form of Armament Haki that's considered as the first awakening. It's called Emission." Luke explained how the Emission works and how to train it.

"You will practice Emission from now on. But if you want something better, I got another one."

"Let's have an example again. Punch me using your Armament Haki and I will block it. Don't hold back too." Luke beckoned at Luffy.

Luffy's eyes lit up as he cleched his fist real hard while being coated by Armament Haki. He took some steps back as he flashed before Luke at lightning speed.

"What speed!" Zoro and Sanji's vision blurred after Luffy's show of speed.


"AHHHH!!!!" Nami, Fullbody and his men covered their ears as if they heard two clashing heavy metals up close.

The marine ship rocked hard from the impact but nothing happened to it after that.

"Nani?" Luffy was surprised when he saw his all out punch got neutralized by a single finger of Luke. He was sure that his punch can decimate few ships but he felt all his momentum was suddenly blocked by an unknown barrier.

"This!" Zoro and others felt like their blood were pumping with excitement. What Luke presented was really simple yet very unfathomable.

Luke's face paled a bit as he explained, "This is Color of Arms Haki. The pinnacle form of Armament Haki."

"Amazing!!" Luffy's eyes were full of stars as he couldn't wait to train it.

After Luke set Luffy's training plan, he went back to Going Merry.

"You alright, Luke?" Sanji knew that Luke was currently forcing himself. Even he would probably be split in half by that punch of Luffy.

"It's fine. Just need a little rest." Luke waved his hand as he continued, "Man, I'm getting old. My back is hurting these days."

With that, he went to his reclining chair to relax.

"Uh, Luke, how about I massage your back for a day and we call it quits?"

Nami who eavesdrop at Sanji and Luke's conversation approached Luke as she offered. She doesn't have any money left in her after donating everything to the villagers. She loves money so she will cherish every penny she had at the moment.

"Hm? What kind of massage that expensive? You know anyone here can pound my back as a massage. How about you sell that extra Devil Fruit you have?" Luke squinted his eyes at her as he suggested.

Nami's eyes shone with berries sign in them. That's right! Why not sell that thing so she can have money?

"Say Luke, how much that Devil Fruit Nami worth? It should be expensive, right?" Usopp tagged along in their conversation as he asked.

"Hmm. Due to rarity of Devil Fruits.. The initial price of a Normal Devil Fruit at auction is 100 million berries in minimum." Luke rubbed his beardless chin as he contemplated.

"One-One hundred million berries?!" Usopp started to count his fingers of how many digits that price. With such money, he could buy a land and put a grand mansion in there.

"That's not right. Isn't Nami's extra Devil Fruit is rarer than normal?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah. Since no one is going to eat that Devil Fruit, I'm gonna spoil it's details." Luke smiled as he saw the group huddled around him.

"If one ate that fruit, he or she can practically control and gather gold at will. Meaning it's worth is thousands of times higher than a normal Devil Fruit. In fair estimation, it's price should at least starts at 100 billion berries."



Everyone's eyes popped out when they heard Luke.