
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]

One individual—one who didn't read the manga named One Piece—reincarnates into the world of said manga, with nothing but his knowledge from the Earth to rely on. - No Devil Fruit. - No harem. - Pirate MC. - Warning: If you are here for an OP MC who receives all those cheats and has 200 IQ and all that, this isn't for you. However, if you are here to feel the adventure full of One Piece vibes, maybe this is for you!

BravoBuds · Anime e quadrinhos
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53 Chs

Chapter 39


By the time the morning has arrived, Rowan, Nami, and Deuce were found back in Shooting Star along with Bartolomeo. Having gathered up, Deuce relayed them the information that he received from the bookstore owner.

Nami, full of concern, voiced her opinion,

"Just how big must the marine base be, if it uses one whole island?"

"And it isn't just about the size or the quantity of marine soldiers who operate in that base."

Deuce said solemnly,

"For a base of that size... its commander must at least be someone with the rank of rear admiral."

Bartolomeo questioned, "How do you know that?"

"...I read it from a novel."

As the three chatted, Rowan, listening to the conversation, was in a deep thought. Eventually, he ended his thought and spoke up,

"Anyhow, I realized that there are many improvements that we need to make before resuming our journey."

Rowan looked at each and every one of his crew.

"And there is no reason to rush."

Rowan gazed at the roughly drawn map that Nami purchased in the town previously. The island that was on the right of Apple island had the word 'G-11' written down.

"Perhaps we will find another way to circumvent around this situation than to face it head-on. If Carina can, we can. But even if we don't, that's also fine. We simply need to become strong enough to break through those obstacles head-on."

Deuce immediately caught onto what Rowan was about to say.

"You mean..."

"6 months."

Rowan stated,

"I'm thinking of spending around that much time in this island to prepare ourselves. After all, just as Nami said just yesterday, the conditions on this island is ideal to make a living."

Bartolomeo, in particular, seemed excited by Rowan's statement. The idea of getting stronger—such was his goal, after all.

"...I'm for it."

Nami nodded to Rowan's idea.

"Studying by books and physically experiencing were two different things. Though I did manage to warn a storm, it wasn't fast enough considering its size."

Deuce scratched the back of his head.

"Well... I guess I need to get used to the idea of fighting. Can't cower behind your backs forever, can I."

Rowan clapped his hands together, seeing that everyone in the crew agreed with him.

"Alright then, let's get into it!"


"Captain Smoker!"

A few days after his defeat against Rowan, Smoker was doing his daily workloads at his office in Logue Town.


"Lieutenant Ponpon identified Yordhai, the captain of Douchebag Pirates, in Logue Town just minutes ago! Soldiers are awaiting for your order!"

Frowning, Smoker stood up from his seat.

"Lead the way."

On his forehead were bandages that were tightly wrapped around. Touching said bandages, Smoker snarled, having received a dent in his pride during his last fight against Rowan.

"Grimheart... Rowan...!"

Little did he know, that as marines' focus were on said Douchebag Pirates,

"Nice work, Gambia!"

A novel pirate crew that was recently born, Spade Pirates, were monitoring the situation. Their captain, Portgas D. Ace, was grinning from behind the bars.

The thing is, no member of Spade Pirates currently held a bounty. Their arrival to Logue Town without the official form was thought of as the acts of thoughtless young adults, and were temporarily locked in the local jail cell.

However, what the marines didn't know is that Spade Pirates formed a truce with Douchebag Pirates. The premise of truce was simple: to arrive at Logue Town simultaneously, and use each other as decoys to enter the Grand Line.

Initially, Spade Pirates were locked down, which led to hurried actions from Douchebag Pirates. Due to this, the latter crew ended up receiving the full-blunt attention of Smoker, which gave Spade Pirates a chance to break out of jail.


After Ace's call, one member of Spade Pirates stood up. He, wearing a cracked skull mask on top of his face, took out a key from his pocket and proceeded to unlock the way out.


Ace whispered,

"Grand Line... we're coming for you!"

And that day, Smoker made another pirate crew slip by him.



[6 months later]

New World. It is known as the harshest sea among all seas in the world. Filled with bizarre climates and hazardous environments, it is the toughest place for information to travel back and forth.

'Red Hair' Shanks. He is one of the Four Emperors who's known as the current ruler of Elbaf, the land of giants.

"Oi, Beckman, how old is Luffy now?"

"Should be 14 by now."

"Then 15 soon, I see!"

Having acquaintances in East Blue, Shanks always made sure to read newspapers from said sea. However, getting a copy of East Blue's newspaper from New World wasn't an easy thing. To travel all the way to New World, there of course were delays, which amounted to 6 months approximately.

In Shanks' hands now were the copy of East Blue's newspaper from 6 months ago. Wondering what is happening this time around, Shanks opened it up with a grin—which immediately disappeared upon reading what was written on the front page.

Death of Buggy the 'Clown' and Kuro of a 'Hundred Plans' in Deathmetal Town.


Shanks couldn't believe what he just read.

"Buggy? As in, that Buggy whom I know?"


Beckman, the vice captain of the crew, noticed Shanks's shift in demeanour.


Shanks, reading through the newspaper, stood up and began walking. Beckman immediately followed without any words, and Shanks said,

"I need to make a visit to East Blue."

Beckman asked, "...Is Buggy dead?"

Shanks didn't say anything more. In silence, Beckman thought,

'There aren't many who can kill Buggy in East Blue. If his killer were not to be some super rookie, then the possible culprits are either Kuro of a Hundred Plans or... Grimheart Rowan, who disappeared for 2 years after his loss against White Hunter Smoker.'

In Shanks' eyes, there were a mix of sorrow and confusion. In grimace, he knew that he will only get to know the full detail of what happened after reaching Deathmetal Town himself.


"And so, 6 months has already passed by."

Two blades clashed against one another. It was Rowan's sting against a fine blade of blacksmith.

"Haki is something that only improves during the adversity. A simple spar like will never be sufficient to hone it. However,"

The blade passed right above Rowan's face. Dodging the attack with an incredible reflex, Rowan and the blacksmith clashed blades at a rapid speed that seemed blurry in the eyes of commoners.

And at last, the blacksmith retracted his blade with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"At least you are now quick enough—for you to move in accordance with your Observation Haki."

Sheathing Sting in its short sheath, Rowan grinned pleasantly.

"Thanks, old man."

Turning around, the blacksmith stated,

"Make that sword of yours famous. That's all that I'm asking for."

As the blacksmith walked away, Rowan shouted for one last time,

"This may be the last time we're meeting! What's your name?!"

The blacksmith stopped momentarily. Turning his head, he replied,

"I discarded my name since 17 years ago. Now, I'm nothing but a blacksmith of Apple island."

That was the final words between the two. Standing at his spot, Rowan mumbled to himself,

"...How humble."

6 months wasn't a short time. However, it wasn't a long time either. During this time, Rowan, as the captain of the crew, mainly focused on improving the overall strengths of him and his crew.

To Nami, Rowan taught her the basics of how to wield a bo staff, after seeing that she felt most comfortable with that weapon among all.

To Deuce and Bartolomeo, Rowan gave an advice on a training routine to improve stamina and physical capability.

With there being not much experience, Rowan didn't know if they were ready or not. However, he felt that staying on Apple island for longer won't lead to a dramatic improvement from where they are currently; the time to sail has returned, he thought.

Making those trivial thoughts of what he's been doing, Rowan made his way back to Shooting Star, which hasn't moved for 6 months.


It was during their final meal time before the departure.

"W-What even is this?!!"

Bartolomeo, after taking a munch out of the fruit salad in front of him, immediately threw up, which caused Nami to yelp and run as far away as possible from Bartolomeo. Wondering what was wrong with Bartolomeo, Rowan took a bite out of his own, and too threw up back on the plate.

"What is wrong with you two?!!"

Rowan, drooling as he shook his head to forget the taste he just experienced, turned and asked Nami,

"Nami... what did you put in this?"

"Huh?" Deuce tilted his head, "Mine tastes just fine. Is food not fitting for you two?"

Nami too said in confusion, "I didn't put anything strange! Why are you like this all of a sudden?"

Rowan scratched his head, wondering if it was him and Bartolomeo who's gone weird. He tried to take another bite, before Bartolomeo called him at the next moment.


Rowan turned to look at Bartolomeo, and was rendered speechless.

In front of Bartolomeo was... a transparent wall?

"What the fuck?"

Nami snapped her fingers, having solved the mystery,

"Devil fruit! It must've been a devil fruit—wait."

Her face turned pale.

"A-Are you saying... that I could've died just now...?"

Deuce and Bartolomeo's jaws dropped in realization. Rowan paused, with his mind having gone blank for a second. Then, he stated,

"No more fruits in this ship. Never again."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

And they learned something new today: an ordinary fruit can turn into a devil fruit.


Rowan then pointed it out as he looked at his hand,

"How come Bartolomeo got the ability but not me?"

"It must've been because Bartolomeo ate first, captain."

Deuce said astutely.


'So I was seconds away from getting a devil fruit for myself?!'

"W-Whoaa, look at this, all of you! I can make barriers! Oho, captain! You should try hitting this!"

Rowan felt like crying for a moment there.


"Man, this feels strange."

With a hand above his eyes to shield them from the sunlight, Deuce remarked,

"It's already been 6 months since, and this place feels like my second home. And we're leaving this place now, about to head straight into marines' lair..."

Nami, whose eyes were on her log pose, stated,

"Remember our plan! We don't know how long it will take for log pose to record that island! So in order to do that, we'll have to infiltrate their base and pretend as if we're one of them!"

On the other hand, Bartolomeo was busy exploring what his devil fruit abilities could do.

"Barrier! Barrier! Barrier... huff... huff... damn, doing this feels no different from sprinting!"

With a foot on top of the railing, Rowan confidently grinned at the vast horizon in front of them.

"I've been waiting for this day. My body's itchy...!"

He then ordered,

"Set sail! It's time to get moving, and this time around, we won't be stopping for a long time!"

Though Rowan knew what lied just ahead of them, he felt the excitement in him—as he thought of what kind of adventure they'll come across at the marine base G-11.

It certainly wasn't the thought process of a normal man.