
One Piece: Starting with a Brain-Brain Fruit

Mtl Over the past eight hundred years, the throne suspended in the sky has been impacted by figures of the past like Lox, resulting in a faint crack. Ambitious individuals are also beginning to stir. Who will ultimately claim the throne? The Four Emperors? The Navy? The underground emperors who operate in secrecy? Or the deeply established superpowers? Perhaps even the all-encompassing World Government that hovers above the nations of the world? No, it's none of them! The final victor will only be me, Caldo. The imminent Summit War approaches. As the king, Caldo commands his legions, taking advantage of the turmoil across the seas while the Navy and the World Government are preoccupied. With the speed of lightning, he engulfs the entire South Sea, altering the world's course and facing off against the World Government.

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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Rebooting Genetic Experiments

In the luxurious palace,

Caldo was in discussions with a group of ministers about recent events.

And also,

The path that the Kata Kingdom would take in the future.

Piece by piece, the reports from cities across the Kata Kingdom were submitted to the ministers, who then reviewed and approved them before submitting them to Caldo for final review.

Sitting on the throne, Caldo scanned through them casually and swiftly for review.

At times he furrowed his brows, and at times he smiled –

The terrifying power of the Paramecia-type Devil Fruit was evident at this moment.

The numerous documents from various regions were reviewed in less than ten minutes.

During this process,

There was not a moment of hesitation or pause.

Once the approvals were done,

The documents were handed over to the attendants, who delivered them to the ministers gathered below the dais.

The ministers were well accustomed to this routine.

Receiving the documents after Your Majesty's review, they would then gather to study them. Once everyone agreed, they would step aside.

They waited silently for Caldo's address –

Caldo wasn't interested in discussing the matter of genetic experiments with these seasoned ministers.


Caldo was an extremist.

In this world, his belief was in overpowering everything with extreme force.

All developments in the Kata Kingdom were to serve the military, with military being the priority.

As for considering the people or making decisions based on their welfare, those were far too distant concepts for Caldo.

"How are the negotiations with various factions going?"

"Is the slave trade proceeding smoothly?"

From the throne above, Caldo absentmindedly inquired of the ministers below.

"Your Majesty Caldo, we have dispatched personnel to receive representatives from various major factions."

"The specific transaction figures should be completely finalized within the next two days."

"Our officials have already arranged for representatives of various major factions to stay in the guesthouses in the capital."

A minister below replied.

"Chris Toph"

As the leader elevated by Caldo to command the various civil officials of the Kata Kingdom,

One beneath, ten thousand above.

He was unfailingly loyal to Caldo.

The officials under him were in control of various crucial aspects of the empire, including economics, education, reforms, and more.

Their influence and power were immense.

On the other hand, Caldo personally controlled the independent authority of the military.

Separating military and politics prevented the situation where civil officials could manipulate power.

In many major kingdoms, nobles and officials each controlled a portion of military forces.

But not in the Kata Kingdom.

The privilege of the Kata Kingdom's nobles was abolished long before Caldo's ascension to power.

They now served as mere mascots.

They could enjoy the high dividends within the empire but held no real power, and their positions were not hereditary.

Although thoughts of eliminating these individuals crossed his mind from time to time,

Caldo did not go against the prevailing trend.

Instead of eradicating all members of the noble class, he advocated for titles to be earned through military achievements.

Because Caldo himself was already from the "greatest" noble family.


He sometimes hesitated on this matter.

"Then let's proceed as usual."

"All the women will be sent to the empire's 'service establishments' to provide new recruits for our army to relax!"

"The men will be sent to the royal laboratory in batches."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing Caldo's words, Chris Toph answered promptly.

He didn't find anything improper about this matter; it had always been done this way in accordance with tradition.

Although he sensed it,

This monarch before him might be considering reopening human experiments.


Chris Toph refrained from asking without considering the situation.

Absolute obedience to orders didn't only apply within the military; it was the same in the eyes of their kingdom's ministers.

Don't meddle in matters that aren't your concern.

Never let curiosity kill the cat.

Chris Toph was the leader of the civil faction, and offending His Majesty wasn't advisable.

Such an action would implicate the entire interest group of civil officials.

And the rough soldiers of the military wouldn't hesitate to act.

Because the growing influence of the military posed a significant threat to the various ministers who constantly advocated for cutting military expenditures.

Thus, they wanted to trim the military's budget in order to boost the economy of the Kata Kingdom.

But the muscular military commanders, who had brains in their biceps, couldn't be easily swayed by their words. They would curse right back at them, much to their frustration.


Their Majesty wasn't swayed by these ministers' opinions. Hence, the military's power continued to expand rapidly.

"If there's nothing else, apart from the commanders of the military units, everyone can return to their posts."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Led by Chris Toph, the group of ministers responded promptly to the orders from King Caldo on the throne above.


Except for the commanders of the various military units, everyone orderly filed out of the opulent palace that symbolized imperial power.

As they walked out of the palace, some officials complained to Chris.

They said that His Majesty seemed to be intentionally keeping them in the dark about the human experiments.

They felt they weren't being treated as insiders.

However, some smarter individuals noticed Chris's increasingly somber expression and refrained from complaining like the others.


Upon hearing the complaining officials talk non-stop, Chris finally couldn't take it anymore.

He shouted loudly,


"Just focus on your own jobs."

"What's the matter? Do you still want to manage His Majesty Caldo's affairs?"

"Do you think the blades of those people in the military aren't sharp?"

"Do you idiots not realize? Those military folks have long wanted to make a move against us."

"I'm just not giving them an excuse."

"Do you believe that what you're complaining about today will be on His Majesty Caldo's desk tomorrow?"

"You bunch of fools, do you really think Ellie Lena's intelligence department is a pushover?"

Chris vented his pent-up frustrations, his face turning pitch black as he yelled at the officials next to him.

He, Chris Toph, had to take care of this bunch of idiots like a parent.

"If I had known they were so old-fashioned, I wouldn't have recommended them for office."

"I thought all these people were capable, but it turns out there are still some fools."

"I guess I need to clean house sooner than later. Otherwise, if the military finds any leverage against us, it won't end well."

Chris couldn't help but think in his heart.

The group of complaining officials were dumbfounded by his outburst, shivering and keeping their mouths shut.

The atmosphere fell into silence.

Apart from the footsteps of people walking, there was no other sound.

Meanwhile, those smart officials who refrained from complaining chuckled behind their hands, relieved they hadn't stepped into a hornet's nest.

Inside the palace symbolizing imperial power,

King Caldo was discussing future matters with the commanders of the various military units.

The most central topic was the rebooting of genetic experiments.

The Kata Kingdom had already procured a large number of slaves and numerous live sea kings from various major factions. They had sent them into the kingdom's territory.

They had sufficient materials and resources to support this extensive experiment.

Once completed, everyone present, as well as the kingdom's military, would reap the most significant benefits.

In the empty space below the grand hall, the commanders of both the land and sea forces were expressing their thoughts and differing opinions on the upcoming experiment.
