
One Piece: Soul Possession System

After he crossed over to the world of One Piece, he became Roger's younger brother. Gol-D-Roger, who was in his fifties at the time, was taken aback to learn that he had a younger sibling. However, he was very frail. To his great good fortune, at the age of sixteen he discovered that he genuinely possessed a soul possession system. Through the powerful skill of the Hundred Step Flying Sword, he had tied himself not only to the master IP man but also to the White Phoenix and to Ge Nie. I f you believe that he is only able to buy these, then why? You are mistaken about it! As long as there is money, any soul can be Purchased, Pain Itachi, Ichigo Kurosaki. DISCLAIMER: This is translated version of the original novel One Piece Soul Purchasing PIrate.

Benevolent_Sage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


At precisely the same time as he was thinking these words, a blood-red vortex began to form in the user interface of the system.

Rogen then noticed a man approaching him with a solemn expression on his face. The male only rushed into his body in the following instant after that.


Rogen's thoughts were racing, and he had the distinct impression that he had transformed into someone else.

In point of fact, he had not changed into another person; rather, he had learned all of the martial arts moves that the mysterious man had used, and he had witnessed the man's life flash before his eyes.

Since childhood, this individual has been studying various forms of martial arts, including pacing exercises, practicing with swords and Marksmanship, boxing, and training with wooden poles every day and night.

After defeating a large number of Japanese generals, that master eventually settled in Shanghai, where he also instructed Bruce Lee.

It was the legendary master of martial arts, Ip Man, who was known for his profound personality.

In a shorter amount of time than it takes to take a breath, Rogen's attitude changed to one of seriousness, and the look in his eyes conveyed an air of greatness and majesty.

"What could possibly be wrong with this child? One of the men who arrived to catch him said, "All of a sudden, he turned into a terrifying opponent."

"Don't worry about that, and just catch him. Then we'll earn his prize, and that will be enough for us to become wealthy."

"Hurry! Seize the opportunity, this is your one and only shot at being rich!

After hearing this, the audience went into an even higher state of excitement; brandishing their blades, they charged Rogen.

Rogen dragged the younger woman Lolita along behind him. He appeared to be quite intent.

"Huh, Having been overcome by greed. You have the intention of murdering your instructor's brother for financial gain!

"You used to bow down to my brother as if he were your Sensei, but now you wish to take my life. You traitors."

"There will be no pity shown to you!"

After he finished speaking, he took a step forward and got his fists ready for the fight as soon as the final syllable left his mouth.

It was a huge oversight on this kid's part to challenge all of us, as he is completely insane.

Those individuals were laughing while displaying utter disdain in their eyes at the same time.

But the very next second, right after they had brought their swords up at Rogen, they began yelling at him.

Rogen made a move toward the left side of the group of swordsmen, he raised his elbow and punched one of them directly in the nose, causing it to bleed, then he slid his elbow down and slammed a hit into the chest of another man.

The man was immediately brought to the ground, and in addition to this, he shook twice and lost the ability to move.

At this incident, everyone who was there was shocked, and some of them even left the circle to express their disbelief, isn't this guy so weak that he can't even beat a small girl!?

Those two victims might have been taken down with relative ease.

At this point, Rogen gave the come get some gesture with his right hand and encouraged the audience to "Go on, keep coming!"

"Damn you kid!"

Everyone in the crowd was infuriated, and they charged towards him brandishing their swords.

Rogen made his way to the head of the pack in a matter of seconds.

He had a serious look in his eyes, and these men were falling more quickly. After all of these years of practice, his body didn't hold him back in the fight, despite the fact that he had no prior combat experience.

Now, armed with his physical fitness and the knowledge of the master Ip man's martial arts, he is prepared to fight against them. And the five opponents that were standing in front of him were shortly vanquished.

Ip Man was a master of self-defense; yet, street martial arts were not all that he had to offer; every hit he delivered was critical, which stunned his opponent.

After Rogen's assault against another two men, in which each hit was a one-shot, he raised his hand and promptly punched out with his palm at every individual who came at him, which caused them to take a few steps backward.

When Rogen observed that these folks were running away, he brought his palms together and clenched his fists.

After a minute had passed, the folks on the other side heaved great sighs, appeared to be having trouble breathing, and raced up again.

This time, Rogen looked directly into their eyes before taking a step forward in the conversation.

"Boom bang bang…"

After then, there was a flurry of punches thrown.

At each of his steps, two other men would trip and fall on the ground next to him. They were all exhausted from the long hike, and his fists were giving them a lot of pain.

Some of them were bleeding from the nose, some had their arms dislocated, while yet others had their bodies severely disfigured.

Rogen did not exhibit any pity, and the ferocity of his efforts caused several of these individuals to be incapacitated for far over six months.

"You! You are not Rogen! What is your name?

As these individuals were down on the ground, they stared up at Rogen in shock since, according to their recollections, he had never been this powerful before.

"I'm Ip Man!"

Rogen gave the man who had questioned him a brief glance before turning away, seizing Lolita, and hurriedly departing from this location.

In the time it takes to bat an eyelash, the two were no longer in anyone's line of sight.

As they ran, Lolita kept looking back at Rogen with eyes that were completely perplexed.

"What could possibly be wrong with you?" Rogen couldn't stand her gaze.

"You! What exactly is the nature of that change? Lolita asked blankly "...." Rogen did not answer

"I'm Rogen, you idiot, and all I wanted to do was scare them," Rogen said.

"But I feel you are not the same as before!" in her perception, the prior Rogen wasn't as powerful as this one. "But I feel you are not the same as before!"

He rolled his white eyes and said, "I was possessed by another person's soul utilizing a method." After saying this, he shook his head.

Rogen and Lolita were seeking for some safe passageways that were not simple to discover, and they went around the main road, which may have been a waste of time but was highly secure.

This was because the marines were patrolling all across Loguetown, making it impossible to leave.

After fifteen minutes, as the two were exiting a back alley, they were surprised to see a marine standing there.

As they looked at each other, they were both taken aback. "Rogen is here!" the marine exclaimed in a loud voice as soon as he saw the other man.

Rogen was infuriated and muttered profanities in a hushed tone. There was a distance of ten meters that separated them from the marine. Rogen dove forward and hit him while he was in the air. Because the marine was knocked to the ground so quickly, he did not have time to draw his weapon before the attack.

At this moment, there was the sound of footfall approaching from the opposite direction of the road. More than ten marines had suddenly materialized and were able to observe him.

"It's Rogen! Put a bullet in him!"

The head of the marine group gave the immediate order for everyone to begin shooting without any hesitation.

They were forced to go in the opposite direction, so Rogen grabbed up Lolita and dashed through the alleyway from which they had emerged.

"Bang, bang, bang…!"

The sound of gunfire was quite audible. Rogen was almost struck in the foot by one of the shots. The gunfire caused the stones on the road to scatter in all directions.

"Go! "I know of another way," the little girl whispered hastily, her voice was trembling but she did not appear terrified.

Rogen nodded, "Alright!"

Rogen grabbed Lolita by the shoulders and started running down the road that Loli had described to him.

The marines were interested in following them, but they were unable to determine where they went.

"Inform the other squads, and have them keep watch over this region; they can't have ran very far!"

The leader took a thoughtful look at the path ahead of them before giving orders out loud.