
One Piece: Shiragami no Tenshi

Chapter Release | 7th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A lone man traveling all around the world. In his travels he help them as much as he could but never in a way that would be noticed by the people who were saved by him. Like a guardian angel, he walks among the people of the Blue Sea! He's always there observing all the time and helping out when needed. He's been a thorn in the eyes of the World Government. The Marines have split opinion about him, some say he brings justice for the people and some say he's taking law into his hands. The Pirates are also split, as he always will interfere if the pirates went on for murder spree and hostage taking. But all the top powers in the world don't know who he is. He is the Unseen the Unknown! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

1 | Execution

The Marines thinking that they would make an example of him to prevent others from becoming pirates, brought him back to his birthplace, Loguetown, to face his execution in front of a large crowd.

A lot of people have came to see the greatest pirate of all time, and in the crowd of people lots of youngsters were there too. All of whom will be known throughout the world within a decade or even just years from this day. And everyone just flocked around the execution platform without noticing a peculiar boy, a boy that looks to be in his late teens was standing and looking at the execution platform where the Marines have brought Roger. The boy, stands out in the crowd, not because of his height or anything, simply because he have brown skin and white hair.

The Cipher Pol agents who were in the vicinity were about to kidnap the boy with them because of his skin and hair color. But they didn't because the boy did not have any kind black wings as that is the characteristic of a lunarian. Because if they kidnapped a normal human in the middle of the town, they will be seen as the villains so thru decided to wait for some time. Just as they all decided that, the memory of the boy cleared out of their brains without anyone noticing.

Just before Roger was about to meet his end, someone from the crowd asked him by yelling so that Roger could hear the question "Where did you hide your treasure?"

Hearing that question, Roger smiled and yelled out:

" My treasure? If you want it, I'll grant it! Search on! All the world had to offer, I left in that place!"

Just as he said that the whole crowd went mad as that was the biggest piece of news that they got besides Roger's execution.

Immediately after that, the swords of the executioners fell, and the greatest pirate of them all died.

Unknown to Roger, his legacy has been among the most impactful legacies left by one person in history. Although the World Government intended his execution to send a message against the institution of piracy, Roger's final words created the opposite result. Numerous people from across the world began to set sail as pirates in the hopes of finding Roger's treasure, with the general view that whoever next made it to Laugh Tale and acquired the One Piece would assume Roger's mantle of "Pirate King".

Right after Roger's execution, the white haired boy moved towards a red haired boy on the other side of the crowd. Reaching him, he called out "Shanks, let's go. Captain is gone."

Shanks just nodded and went towards where the white haired boy was moving with one last look towards his ex-captain.

As they were walking through the crowd, Shanks asked the white haired big "Where are you going now, Tsubasa?"

"Nowhere, I'm just going to go around the world from now on." Tsubasa, the white haired kid said.

Shanks wiped his tears from his eyes and said "Then, if we meet again in your travels let's drink like captain and others did."

Tsubasa nodded back and said "When we meet again let's party with your crew that you will be putting together soon."

Shanks nodded and boarded the a ship that they had used to come to Loguetown. Then they set sail towards West Blue one of the four blues on the planet, for that they needed to pass through the Red Line and they did without any kind of trouble finding them.

For both the boys a new and different journey awaited in the West Blue.

❌❌❌❌Chapter 1 End❌❌❌❌