
One Piece: Road To Admiral

Have you ever thought being marine in the era of Gol D. Roger, Rocks D. Xybec and Future Emperors? Well this is that kind of a story. This story will follow Black D. Dante who was born 35 years before Great Age of Pirates. 1500 - Starts Great Age of Pirates 1499 - Roger Became Pirate King 1486 - God Valley Incident 1465 - Dante was born. (Same year as Oden was born) ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, only OC in the fanfic is my creations.

Alekzi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Marineford - Marine Headquarters.

''Sengoku-san!'' A marine slammed the door open and yelled anxiously.

''What is it?! We have a meeting!'' Sengoku roared.

The young marine looked around him and gulped heavily.

In front of Sengoku, three awe-inspiring persons were standing, they took a slight glance towards the young marine, but ignored him shortly afterward.

''I-I-I am sorry for interrupting Sengoku-san, Murasaki-dono, Midorizaru-dono, Mikan-san,'' The young marine bowed deeply, while sweat threatened to start dripping from his forehead.

Murasaki was a middle-aged man with a stoic-looking face. He was wearing the usual marine cloak with purple-colored shoulder pads with huge words of Justice on the back of it. He was standing around 9m in height with a long sword strapped on his waist.

Midorizaru was a man with a slightly playful feeling surrounding him, he had his usual eternal grin on his face which either brings smiles to other faces, or faces filled with annoyances after seeing his grin day after day. His height was around 7.5m with the same justice cloak with green-colored shoulder pads with words Justice on back.

Mikan was a woman with medium-length black hair. Her height was around 3m, greatly shorter than the two men next to her. She also wore the justice cloak which fit nicely on her body. Her body wasn't one with great curves, it was close to petite type, even with her height she still looked very young and innocent. Her shoulder pads were with the color of orange with the words of Justice on the back.

Those three have very special identities...

Murasaki and Midorizaru are one of the Three Marine Admirals with Sengoku.

Mikan is a Vice-Admiral who is currently closest to receiving the spot of one of the Three Admirals.

''What is it?'' Sengoku asked with annoyance, he had a bad feeling ever since he got the news that Dante has been kidnapped.

And he knows that something bothersome will happen soon.

The young marine saluted and said. ''O-O-One of the Celestial Dragons got attacked in Sabaody!''

''WHAT!'' Sengoku roared.

The three figures in front of him also looked surprised.

Who was the mad man that did this?!

''WHO DID IT?!'' Sengoku roared and his heart started sinking, he prayed that it wasn't Dante.

''It was the Rocks Pirates! And we received a piece of information from one of the shipwrights from Sabaody that they had a young-looking marine with them!''

Sengoku sat down on his chair, he sighed deeply. 'I fucking knew it.'

''W-What should we do?'' The young marine asked with a pale face.

He knows the seriousness of the situation.

''I will go.'' Sengoku said.

The people present looked at him with surprised faces.

''Are you sure? I could go, I don't have anything to do right now.'' Murasaki said.

Sengoku sighed and nodded. ''I will go, prepare the ship.'' He told towards the young-looking marine.

''Aye, sir!'' He yelled and rushed towards the harbor.

''What a pain in the ass...'' Sengoku muttered, he stood up and his justice cloak moved alongside with the wind gently.

He walked out of his office, but he took the last look towards the three figures. ''If the 5 Elders call... Tell them that I am going personally.''

Murasaki, Midorizaru, and Mikan nodded.

Sengoku with heavy steps started walking in the corridors.

But before he even managed to take a few steps, a burst of laughter came next to him.

''GRAHAHA, I heard what happened.'' Garp grinned.

''This is no joking matter, if Celestial Dragons hear about what Dante did, he will be executed or worse, become their slave,'' Sengoku said with a serious tone.

Garp grinned. ''I will come with you.''

Sengoku widened his eyes. ''Absolute not! One Dante is enough, we don't need you there to fuck everything up!''

''I only punched that fucker once.'' Garp snorted.

''That fucker was Celestial Dragon! You were lucky that you didn't get executed!''

''His fault for putting that ugly mug near my face, his breath stink.'' Garp grimaced while remembering the fatty.

Sengoku sighed. ''This is going to be a long day.''

Garp patted his shoulder and said. ''No worries, at least Jack isn't going.''

''THANK GOD FOR THAT.'' Sengoku sighed a breath of relief.

If Garp and Jack are on the same island...

Sengoku shivers just from the thought.

''You didn't mention Jack right?'' Sengoku narrowed his eyes while looking at Garp.

Garp chuckled and shook his head. ''I haven't.''

''Good.'' Sengoku felt himself aging every time he talked about Jack.

Now his son joined the marines...

Garp and Sengoku walked towards the Marine ship which is ready to set sail.

''Let's sail towards Sabaody!'' Sengoku roared.

The marine's put the ship's course towards Sabaody and with a calm sea, they started making their way towards Sabaody with quick speed.


In the Sabaody.

''FINE!'' Xebec roared while pointing his sword towards Dante. ''You little shit! Look what you did!''

Dante rolled his eyes. ''Don't point that thing at me, it's so sharp~''

Xebec gritted his teeth. ''Dear Disciple, I am not only one who is going to get hunted, but you will also as well!''

''I am sorry Master, I was very impulsive.'' Dante bowed deeply, while a slight smirk stayed on his handsome face.

''Ah...'' Xebec scratched the back of his head, he looked at the unconscious Celestial Dragon.

''I am doing this for you!'' Xebec yelled and slashed towards Saint Charles which cut off his neck.

''Master...'' Dante looked at him with teary eyes.

Xebec walked towards him and patted his shoulder. ''Even though you basically killed me, you are still my dear disciple.''

''I AM SORRY MASTER, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!'' Dante cried out and fell down on his knees.

''It's alright dear Disciple, there is a way I might survive,'' Xebec said solemnly.

''W-What is it?!'' Dante looked with a hopeful gaze.

Xebec sighed and looked away. ''It's something impossible to do... but maybe with your help... It might succeed.''

''I will do it!'' Dante said and stood up.

Xebec looked at him with a gentle smile. ''You need to have a baby with Linlin, and with help of the baby we might be able to escape.''

''WHAT THE FUCK?!'' Dante cursed. ''It doesn't make any sense! The baby would be born 9 months later!''

Xebec sighed out of disappointment. ''Dear disciple, do you believe in me?''

''No,'' Dante said.

''Haahh...'' Xebec sighed deeply. ''If you have a baby with Giant, it will be instantly born and it will be as strong as Marine Admiral.''

''WHAT REALLY?!'' Dante looked with widened eyes.

''So... Will you have a baby with Linlin... It might be our only chance.'' Xebec said.

Dante looked at Linlin's voluptuous figure and saw her beautiful face.

He looked straight at Xebec's face and said. ''Fuck no.''

With those words, he turned away and started running away.

''YOU USELESS DISCIPLE, COME BACK HERE!'' Xebec roared and started chasing Dante while swinging his sword.

Linlin, Edward Newgate, and Kaido looked at the scene without expressions.

''Shouldn't we run away?'' Kaido asked.

''Probably,'' Edward said

''Yeah... The Admiral will arrive soon.'' Linlin said.

''Should we tell them.'' Kaido pointed towards Xebec who caught Dante and was currently beating him up.

''Probably,'' Edward said.

''Yeah... I think we should.'' Linlin said.

But the three figures didn't move, instead, they sat lazily in the chairs while looking at Xebec beating up Dante.

Dante was desperately trying to block the sword strikes with his seastone cuffs.

But Xebec easily directed his sword and hit the body of Dante with the sword hilt.

Dante's body was getting filled with bruises.

''Alright!'' Dante roared and fell down on the ground on his butt.

Xebec shook his head. ''This is another lesson; always listen to your master or get your ass kicked.''

''Fucking tyranny.'' Dante cursed while rubbing his painful spots.

Xebec pointed his sword towards Dante's neck and asked. ''What did you say?''

''What a lovely lesson; I think I saved a world in my last life to get such wonderful master,'' Dante said with a poker face.

Xebec nodded with satisfaction. ''You are indeed my best disciple. Stand up.''

Dante groaned in pain and stood up.

''I have a favor to ask.'' Xebec suddenly said.

''What is it?'' Dante asked.

''We don't have a lot of money right now,'' Xebec said solemnly.

''...Ok,'' Dante said without expression.

Xebec sighed sadly and said. ''You destroyed our new ship which was created with blood and tears.'' Tears started to come out of Xebec's eyes.

''Ok,'' Dante said without expression.

''It was also very expensive.'' Xebec wiped the tears out of his eyes.

''Ok,'' Dante said without expression.

Xebec grabbed Dante's shoulder, he turned his head and looked at his eyes. ''That's why... We need money... And that is when you come...''

Dante raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.

''I know a great place for young handsome men like you to earn some good money,'' Xebec said with an innocent smile.

''YOU ARE SAYING THAT I SHOULD SELL MY BODY?!'' Dante roared, he took Xebec's hands off his shoulders.

''Don't be like this dear disciple... You should listen to your master, remember?'' Xebec narrowed his eyes, while his fists started itching for another beating.

Dante gritted his teeth and was about to argue.

''Captain! The Marines are here!'' Kaido yelled while looking at the distance towards the sea.

And a group of 4 Marine ships appeared.

''Our talk isn't over!'' Xebec said sternly.

''Our talk isn't over, blah blah, I am Xebec and I suck ass.'' Dante mockingly said.


But then he found a sword resting close to his neck.

Xebec looked at him and asked. ''What did you say?''

''I said, understood Master!'' Dante gritted his teeth and replied.

''Good.'' Xebec nodded and looked towards the Marine ships.

''Do you know who is coming?'' He asked Kaido who was currently using Telescope.

He saw an awe-inspiring figure in the front... while a grinning black-haired man was standing next to him.

Kaido stopped using a telescope and with a slightly pale, he looked towards Xebec.

''Admiral Sengoku...''

''Oh, I think we can survive then.'' Xebec grinned.

''And Garp.'' Kaido finished.

Xebec stopped talking and looked at his crewmates.

Newgate, Linlin, and Kaido looked at him.

Xebec opened his mouth...

''Let's run away.''


A/N: I got slightly bored while writing my original novels, and suddenly I felt like writing my first actual story.

This is a chapter in which I only spent 1 hour, so I don't know if it is good and I could barely remember what I wrote in previous chaps, but whatever.

I hope you enjoy and please check out my Martial Arts System original novel, it has currently 63 chapters and interesting things are happening on it.

And I am currently writing a new novel, It has a few chapters, but I am not planning to release it anytime soon.

The world will be about Heroes Vs. Villains.

But the MC will be a villain instead...

It is not like My Hero Academia, it is very different.

I feel like the story is going in a good direction and in my opinion, it is very interesting, but I am not going to release it anytime soon, maybe when I have 30 chapters written.