
One Piece: Reincarnation

The Dragon King was feared by all the races, and loved by all. Only to die a pathetic death due to the greed of others. He wakes up in a world of pirates and marines. What will he do next, who knows? ----- Things I might not be good at - Grammar - Writing long chapters. ---- - On special occasions, there might not be new chapters due to reasons I wish to remain private. Anyways, enjoy!

Arceus_JPG · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Reintroduction

"Well then, brat. What kind of weapon do you want me to make for you?" Stoneheart asked me.

I thought about this long and hard. Suddenly an idea popped up in my head.

"Stoneheart, can you make a spear and a helmet? Just make the spear match my height and make its appearance simple. However, put a lot of effort into that spear. And as for the helmet, could you give me a piece of paper to draw it?"

He looked confused but eventually gave me a piece of paper to draw on. I drew the spear and made its appearance simple. Just a long spear with a shape iron top. As for the helmet, it made it big enough to make sure that it wouldn't cause any problems


A/N for the helmet appearance, I decided to go with Waron's helmet design. If you don't know what that is, search up, {Pitch Black Hen Ember Knight Helmet} Sorry I couldn't get the design better, I'm just not that good at describing armor designs. For this type of helmet, it has a small hole in the back. You'll see why later.


After I put the designs on the paper, Stoneheart shortly got to work on them.

"Hey brat, the forging will take a bit of time, so why don't you go outside and enjoy the weather?"

"Alright, then old man."

I walked outside feeling the wind blowing on my face. I wanted to try out something as well.

I uses the wind to flow in the direction I was going in, making me slightly faster. I did this multiple times and I found out that this made me faster.

I went back up to the hill and opened my mouth. A ball of compressed wind formed in my mouth, and I shot it.

It hit the ground and made a medium-sized crater.

I also tried to turn it into a beam-like attack, and it worked!

I then used the fire, water, and earth ability in the form of a beam. Surprisingly, they worked well. But they didn't make a crater the same size as the wind did.

I also wanted to try out [Draconic Summoning]

The skill description said that it summoned a dragon to help me in battle. I then said the name of the skill and a system prompt appeared.

[Skill, [Draconic Summoning] has been used]

[Dragon wishes to make a contract]

[Do you accept?]

"Yes, I accept the contract," I responded

[Dragon has revealed Its first name]

[The Dragon of Old, Munashiikami]

"That's...an interesting name. Could you come out into this world now?" I asked.

[Dragon shall now be summoned]

I looked around, but I still couldn't see it, until a heard a voice.

"Hey! Can you see me? Argh, why am I so small?!"

I looked down to see a small black dragon. The black dragon had 6 wings and blue eyes.

"You're... a lot smaller than I thought. Anyways, what can you do?"

"Yeah, well too BAD! Descending into the mortal plane takes away a lot of energy, But if someone attacks me, I am allowed to use my power to the fullest. Or if you command me to attack some small fry."

"Interesting. Anyways, Can you go back to wherever you came from?" I asked curiously.

"Sure. I can also talk to you through telepathy. Anyways, bye!"

I waved him off as he walked through a small portal suited for his size. I also wanted to see if the items I had requested were available, so I went back to Stoneheart.

"Oh, the items? Well, lucky for you brat, they are done. I put a lot of work into those 2 things. Wonder why you needed the hole in the back though."

I then put the helmet on. Using my Wind Manipulation, I made the hair tie up and go through the small hole, creating a long band of hair. I grabbed the spear and swung it a few times.

"Thank you for the spear old man. I've also got a question, are there grades for different types of blades in this world?" I asked.

"Yes, there are. There are four different grades. The first is the Supreme Grade, of which there are only 12 weapons in the world that are in that category. The second is the Great Grade, of which there are only 21 weapons in that grade. The third is the Skillful Grade, of which there are 50 weapons in that grade. And last but not least, there is Grade, of which there are an unknown amount of weapons in this grade.

The spear is in the Skillful grade, but I think if I had just put in more, it might've become a Great Grade weapon. Such a shame. Anyways brat, GET OUT!"

I was then pushed outside the shop and I heard a loud thank. And now, it's time to address the elephant in the room. Why did I choose these 2 items?

You see, this was the exact appearance I used in my previous life. Except for the white part, everything was the same. Now all I needed was a black cloak and everything was done.

I would rise from the bottom of the barrel. I would become the most powerful.

This world would know my name.

Anyone who stood in my way to the peak would die. Or maybe get crippled.

But still, I would rise to the top. I came back to my sister and ate dinner. Her eyes marveled at the sight of my new items, and she wanted to try them on. They were both too heavy for her, and she lost control quickly.

Fortunately, I made sure that she didn't get any injuries. I told Anna and Alex I would explore the earth. They were worried, but I told them that I would be fine.

As I was roaming around, I saw a ship. A massive ship. I stayed in the bushed quietly and waited for them to arrive on the shore.

The ship docked and a man with red hair jumped down. He also seemed to be holding a saber and also had lost his left arm. He looked around, not noticing my presence.

"Yasopp, I don't think there's anyone here. We should get our supply-"

"And who might you vagabonds be?" I said, interrupting them.