
One Piece: Reign

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure like no other in the world of One Piece with Gale D Magnus, the most audacious pirate to ever sail the Grand Line! Inheritor of the enigmatic Will of D, Magnus is no ordinary pirate. Feared by even the lofty Celestial Dragons themselves, his exploits make the legendary Pirate King seem tame in comparison! But Magnus isn't just in it for the plunder and glory. No, he's on a mission to defy the very gods themselves! Escaping the depths of Impel Down's Level Six, he's determined to challenge the World Government and snatch their prized possessions right from under their noses. And what's more prized to the gods than their own women? Join Magnus as he builds his own harem of fearless beauties, plundering not just gold and riches but the hearts of the wives of supposed deities! From daring heists on celestial palaces to steamy encounters with divine consorts, Magnus proves that he's not just a pirate – he's a legend in the making.

True_Seeker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


Far away on Grove 66, in the bowels of the Sabaody Marine Base, panic erupted like a wildfire.

The visual transponder snail feeding them live footage from the Celestial Dragon's guest house had abruptly gone dark. Moments before the feed died, the Marines had witnessed a scene ripped straight from their nightmares – guards and Marines outside the residence, frozen in mid-air, their faces contorted in a grotesque mask of terror. Weapons clattered uselessly to the ground as an unseen force, like a raging storm, ripped through their ranks.

The sole captain-ranking Marine, a portly man whose face had drained of all color, trembled as he addressed the assembled troops.

"What in the blazes is going on!?" His voice cracked under the pressure of the unthinkable. "No one, not even the most audacious pirate, has ever dared confront the Celestial Dragons! And now… someone's invading their rest home!?"

He slapped himself, the sting serving as a pathetic attempt to ground himself in reality.

The whole situation felt like a twisted fever dream.

Luffy, that straw-hat bastard, had already caused enough chaos by punching a Celestial Dragon – a sin that warranted execution a hundred times over.

But at least, his motives, misguided as they were, seemed rooted in a desire to protect those sickly marine folks.

Now, however, they were facing something far more sinister – a full-blown assault on the Celestial Dragons themselves.

The other Marines buzzed with a similar brand of terror. Sabaody wasn't the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, but the Celestial Dragons were considered gods everywhere. Even the most hardened pirate wouldn't dare invade their residence!

This was a crime beyond comprehension, a transgression so severe that even wiping out the perpetrator's entire bloodline wouldn't be enough.

"Captain! What are our orders?!"

A female commander, a scar etched permanently onto her cheek from a past skirmish, barked out.

The question hung heavy in the air.

With the war at Marineford raging, they were already stretched thin on manpower. Every elite Marine worth his salt was currently facing off against Whitebeard and his pirates. The only ones left on Sabaody were the dregs – barely trained recruits tasked with maintaining order and controlling the massive crowds flocking to witness the war.

"Captain?!" the female commander pressed, her voice laced with urgency.

The captain's face was a mask of sweat, his throat dry as sandpaper. He swallowed hard before finally rasping out, "Inform the Holy Land! We need reinforcements, and fast. And in the meantime…"

He paused, his gaze flickering across the nervous faces of his men.

"We head to the residence. We show these… these criminals that Marine justice knows no fear!!!"

The Marines jolted upright, a flicker of defiance replacing their earlier terror.

Teach criminals a lesson?!

Are you for real!?

Pirates and ruffians cowered in the face of Marines, but the current situation was different. These weren't your average thugs.

These were people who dared to defy gods. Yet, the Marines didn't dare voice their doubts. Refusing a direct order, especially when it involved the Celestial Dragons, was a one-way ticket to a watery grave.

With grim determination, they grabbed their weapons and filed out of the base, heading towards the looming chaos at the Celestial Dragon residence.

Meanwhile, on the balcony, Saint Rosward and his son, Saint Charlos, gasped for breath. Their faces, once flushed with rage, were now pale and glistening with sweat. Snot dripped from their quivering nostrils, a testament to the suffocating pressure that pinned them to the ground.

The sight, if witnessed by the outside world, would be deemed heretical – the gods themselves reduced to such a pathetic state.

Saint Shalria, the only one unaffected, glared at the hazy figure of Magnus, her fiery spirit refusing to be cowed. Unlike her brother and father, she held her tongue, the raw power emanating from the figure a stark warning against impulsive pronouncements.

She was a beauty, a stark contrast to the grotesque figures before her. Her dirty blonde hair, styled in a voluminous bouffant, framed a face partially obscured by a sheer veil. Light orange-tinted shades concealed her eyes, but a pair of heart-shaped earrings dangled from her earlobes, glinting defiantly in the sunlight.

Shalria's veins ran with the blood of the world's creators. She wouldn't be threatened, wouldn't be forced to kneel like her pathetic relatives. Yet, a sliver of rationality held her back from hurling insults or threats. The fate of her father and brother was a cautionary tale.

"What is it you want?!" she demanded, her voice laced with a dangerous edge.

Criminals they might be, but they had to have a motive for this madness.


If so she could stall for some time!

"Oh my, frightened and yet acting so mighty!"

A voice purred from beside the hazy figure. It was Sadi, her lips curved into a sadistic smile as she cracked her whip.

"How dare you look down upon my Master!"

The whip lashed out, a cruel red streak against the white backdrop, coiling around Shalria's shoulder before yanking her down with a sickening thud.

She crashed through the balcony railing, landing in a crumpled heap at Sadi's feet.

The dominatrix smirked, her gaze filled with a chilling dominance.

Just an hour ago, she and Magnus had been enjoying the thrills of the amusement park when he'd abruptly announced his intention to visit the Celestial Dragons. Fear had gripped Shalria despite her domineering personality. These were gods, after all!

But Magnus had merely looked at her and said, "If you are frightened, you can leave. I have no need for cowards who consider mere humans as gods."

Shalria's eyes, usually glinting with devilish glint, had flashed with a fierce defiance.

"Master!" she declared, her voice ringing with a steely resolve. "I even betrayed Impel Down and Magellan for your sake! World Nobles are nothing in comparison!"

A surge of exhilaration coursed through her veins. Defying the highest authority, something that would have been unthinkable as the head guard, was intoxicating.

Bullying prisoners had been a tedious chore – they were powerless and craven before her position.

Now, she was anonymous and unleashed, and this unexpected adventure was the first taste of that freedom.

"Oh my!"

A jolt of excitement shot through her as she saw Sadi's face contorted at her feet.

Toppling a World Noble to such a state!

Her pussy became wet from excitement.

This was truly dangerous and exhilarating!

Maybe it would lead to her demise, but at least she would die with satisfaction!