
One Piece: Reckless Obsession

On an uneventful day, a seventeen year old youth tired of the unfair and world gets hit by a truck and dies. He meets a god and gains a couple of abilities that came at a small cost. This is the journey of a man who begins to develop a dangerous lust for battle. -Haven’t decided if I’ll follow canon yet or go my own way, if y’all got any ideas leave them in the comment section to reviews, doesn’t matter to me, for now I’ll just be winging it and don’t expect all events from canon to line up -Will only be updated when I have free time or when I’m bored, so don’t expect too much -lastly, cover phot doesn’t belong to me; all credits to the person who made it -one piece does not belong to me either

Gang_Capone · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 6-Troublesome thoughts

-A few days later-

The calm bet-a place where pirates were unable to travel due to them never having any ocean currents or winds blowing. It was also a resting ground for the worlds largest sea kings. Should a ship happen to get stranded, it would spell instant death.

So, one may wonder how exactly would you safely travel with being attacked or stuck in place. The marines use self propelled ships in order to move, and seastone lining located at the bottom of their ships so sea kings won't notice their presence on the seas.

After a few days in loguetown, Garp had finished up his business and was ready to leave. Yami had also gotten bored of the town, so he was ecstatic to leave.

It was early in the morning when Yami, without a shirt on was covered from head to toe in sweat as he swung his sword. The sun had just begun to rise and seagulls began to sing.

*huff* *huff* *huff*

[Good~ Keep your core tight, and remember to focus your whole body to the motion. Mind and body should be one.] Null said inside his head.

Yami took the advice to heart and continued with the same movement. Each moment, he became more unified, as if the sword was made just for him. He slashed downwards with beautiful form and laser focus.

As a heavenly grade sword, null came with a specific technique in order to utilize it correctly. The technique was what Yami was learning currently.

In total there were twelve forms. However, he could only currently handle the first form; Tranquil Night. Null wouldn't reveal any other forms, until he mastered one and was able to use it proficiently in battle.

Null was in awe of how fast Yami was able to comprehend the first form and how close he was to completing it. It's old master had taken months to even reach the body and mind union Yami had.

Training a genius was a proud feeling, Yami's accomplishments felt like nulls own so it couldn't help but give its all for the session.

[Your grip is slipping, push your head slightly back, and raise your chin.]

Oddly enough, despite his body not the tiniest bit close to its limit, with each swing he felt as if the blade was increasingly got heavier. The more he could envision the state he was supposed to be in to execute the first form, his body felt as if pushed down by some sort of gravitational force.

'Push Yami push.' He told himself. He began to move like a man in the deepest of waters. Each strike suddenly took more effort than before.

[No way...]

Yami shut his eyes. He inhaled a full breath of air, and exhaled it in the form of smoke. He raised the sword above his head as his chest heaved again, and then brought it down with force.

[Ehehehe, great job wonder boy. Congratulations on your first break through, your now a third of the way there.]

When Yami opened his eyes. Far off in the distance he could see the waters separated a couple of inches deep. It wasn't much, but one could only chill at the fact that that attack was only a third of its full power.

After a few seconds of admiring the waters he collapsed to the ground. The muscles all over his body had tightened to such a degree that he couldn't even stretch them.

Thankfully, his regeneration was kicking in quickly and healing him.

"Hey Null, considering it's the first form, would it be the weakest?" Yami asked.

[Nope. Each form has its own different uses, some better than others depending on the situations.]

"Hmm." Yami let the winds whistles caress his ears and it's breath dry the sweats he had accumulated. His body wouldn't allow him to get up, and the atmosphere along with the silence made it perfect for relaxation.

The creaks on the ships floor caused him to turn his head towards their source. A couple of young marines seemed to have been inspired and began to train with vigor.

Their movements were sloppy and uncoordinated, but Yami smiled. "It's the effort that counts," he whispered with a satisfied expression. "Speaking of training, I need to awaken haki soon. Otherwise forget about becoming the strongest in the world, I wouldn't even survive a second against someone like katakuri or doflamingo. What do you think null?"

[I agree. Which haki do you intend on training?]

There was a brief silence as Yami started thinking. After he sorted his thoughts, he answered, "Observation haki."

[hoooo, why is that?]

"Well... first, I don't like getting hit. I like to do all of the hitting and bashing. And if my opponent had observation haki while I didn't, they'd have that much more of an edge over me, especially with something like future sight," he said.

[Thats true. However, what if perhaps, they use armament haki and its coated all over their body, how would you land a successful strike? In addition to that, there is also ryuo which is highly useful.]

"Hmm, that's what I have you for, remember? Your a black sword, basically indestructible and since your a walking armament haki sword you'd be able to do damage. Plus, there are still places they can't cover such as their eyes. As for ryuo... I don't have a counter for that yet. If push comes to shove I'll just escape, I want to be the strongest, not die foolishly in my pursuit of strength."

[Wise of you to think like that.]

Yami smirked. "I like to call it common sense. Anyway, I'll train both, and focus on the one I have more of an affinity with. Who knows, I might end up with a special form of observation haki like koby. That is... if I manage to awaken it at all."

[Yep. But aren't you forgetting one last form of haki?]

"Your talking about conquerers haki, right?" Finally regaining his strength somewhat, Yami raised his upper body and pushed himself to the walls of the ship. "It's very rare. And unlike the other two, there's not a way to train it or awaken that I know of. It's a problem I'll have to face and find a solution for before I ever face anyone with it."

He tilted his head as he went deeper into thought. There was so much he had to do before the world is once again thrown into even more chaos two years later. 'I have two years, two years... wait, why do I only have two years? There's no need for me to wait for the strawhats to start anything, I can just go at my own pace and do my own thing. But still, I needed to get stronger, quickly.'

"So troublesome."

[So troublesome.]

Yami and null simultaneously said.

-A few days later-

Garp stood tall with his three students behind him as they eyed an island incoming up ahead. The trees on the island were the size of towers. Beast roars could be heard on the ship even though they were a good distance away, scaring the younger marines and some older ones silly. The Scent of vegetation and blood lingered around the waters.

"Koby!" Garp yelled showing zero ounce of playfulness.

"Hai Garp-San!"

"What is the purpose of the marines?"

"To provide for and protect the people, as well as keep order on the seas and land."

Garp nodded his head. "Good... helmeppo!"

"Yes sir!"

"Can we do our jobs if we are weaker than our adversaries?"

"No sir!"

He once again nodded his head with closed eyes. "Yami!"


Garps eye twitched slightly. "Yami!"

"What is it?"

Garp turned around and rained his fist on Yami's head. This time he didn't fall over or whine, but a clear bump started to form on his top, and a single tear in the corner of his left eye.

"Hmph, I'll let it go this time. How do we gain strength to protect those who need to be protected, and provide order?"


"Exactly." Garp used his index finger to hint at Koby to come closer. When he did, he used that same finger and pointed towards the island. "You know what that means, right?"

"Yes. Sh-" before Koby could finish, he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and thrown far into the sky towards the island. Garp launched him high enough that he looked like a star.

Without warning, he grabbed helmeppo who seemed to have already accepted his fate and launched him into the air as well. He turned towards Yami with a malicious grin and glint on his face. "Finally, your the only one left."

Yami backed a few steps. "W-wait, let's talk about this eh?"

Using soru, Garp appeared in front of Yami and grabbed his shirt with an even wider grin than before, and eyes in a crescent moon shape.


He made sure to throw Yami with even more force than the other two, and deeper in the forest where the more ferocious beasts resided. "Good luck surviving, In the garden."