
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime e quadrinhos
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303 Chs

Disagreements and 'Negotiations'

_________ POV Narration_________

The marines around Enel were getting rowdier and rowdier by the second.

Enel himself was starting to wonder if a fight was truly unavoidable at that point. Well, a fight wouldn't be a good term for it.

Aokiji himself was preparing to freeze the sea around them once more, to prevent any of his men from drowning after Enel sunk their ship.

In the end, Enel decided to remind the marines that he wasn't exactly a pirate they could afford to fight with so little preparation.

He simply clapped his gauntleted hands together with a smile, as the clouds released a large lighting laser towards the sea extremely close to the ship.

The lightning seemed to strike the sea with anger, the sea themselves roared, as if in pain.

Great waves rose and pushed the marine warship to the side, shaking every marine on board as they all struggled to hold onto something.

The lightning beam was large, and it was visible from far in the distance, which also made the other warships turn around, Enel paid them no mind though, as they were too far away to reach him in time...

Enel stood straight as the entire ship shook, the seas weren't calming down at all, a large hole was left in the sea, and water quickly started filling it in, the sea was healing fast, but that healing created a huge whirlpool.

Enel didn't react much, but Aokiji simply crouched down a bit, ice seemed to extend from the spot he touched and over the railing, rather quickly, the entire whirlpool was frozen, and their ship was completely stuck.

The marines aboard could finally take a breather and relax a bit, at least for a few microseconds, until they realized that the one that caused such a phenomenon was still on their ship...

"Don't make this more difficult than it has to be..." Enel said as he stared at the flabbergasted marines, as his bored expression didn't change one bit.

After all, Enel originally could throw around lightning beams like that effortlessly, now he also had a lot more stamina thanks to his consistent training.

This much wasn't even close to a warm-up for Enel, but at sea it was enough to take out just about anyone.

Still, although he was now considered a criminal, Enel was not quite keen on injuring the Marines. Most of them didn't exactly deserve to die, at least in his eyes.

The ones that indiscriminately killed and enslaved civilians on the World Government's orders were a different breed, but Enel knew that it wasn't fair to all marines if he put them all in the same basket.

The marines were mostly silent now, many of them pondering whether or not they would be able to survive that type of attack.

They had all remembered Enel being powerful from the War, as the events were still fresh on their mind.

Still, all of them were confident in facing Enel, they had quite a few high-ranking marines with them, but that wasn't the biggest reason...

The biggest reason why the marines had been confident enough to speak up was that Aokiji was also there with them.

The Ice Admiral was considered the Hero of the Summit War, having been the one that routed Enel in the end and forced him to retreat.

The problem with that logic was that they were assuming Enel was truly trying his best during that war.

After all, Enel had many tricks up his sleeve, many of them were deadlier than what the marines had seen at Marineford.

A good example of that would've been if Enel used the attack he had used on Jack The Draught.

If he had used that in Marineford, most of the marines there would've died, if not all of them. Even the strong ones were unlikely to survive.

A ball of plasma of that size was a rather good replacement for the sun, the heat contained within that sphere would've burnt most of the people unable to escape it alive, but the radiation it would've released might've made Marineford unlivable afterwards too.

But Enel hadn't exactly used any deadly attacks in the war, at least not against the marines.

Enel still considered some of the people there his friends, so he wasn't about to start killing people all willy-nilly.

But, if he needed to kill a few marines to get his hands on Bonney, then he was forced to do so.

Her devil fruit was simply too strong for him to allow her to be captured by the World Government for even a short while.

Aokiji was the only person that was able to keep his cool, once more. He already knew that fighting Enel at sea was suicide.

The Ice Admiral was a bit glad that Enel hadn't just directly sunk them to the bottom of the sea and retrieved the 'special prisoner'.

"Very well..." Now that the marines were silent, Aokiji simply accepted the former Rear Admiral's demands. Not like he had any other choice...

"Glad we could come to an agreement... Bring the pirate here, and I'll just take my leave with her." Enel then simply sat down on the railing of the deck and crossed his legs.

Aokiji didn't take his gaze away from Enel for one second, only signalling a marine with his hand to bring the prisoner to them.

The atmosphere was tense, no one spoke a word, and the marines no longer tried to protest the situation either, even after calming down a bit.

Enel's earlobes swayed from side to side as he hummed a bit, breaking the atmosphere for a second as he looked at the frozen sea around them.

"I guess you guys will be stuck here for a few minutes..." Enel said as he laughed a bit at how strained the atmosphere was and how most of the marines were looking at him like he was a weirdo.

"We'll manage..." Aokiji said as he narrowed his eyes a bit. He had heard that Enel had an odd sense of humour, so he at least knew that Enel hadn't really been acting when in the marines...

"I'm sure you will. How are Sengoku and Garp? I've not really been able to contact them since the War, I was rather tired after all..." Enel said as a smile stretched on his face.

Aokiji was becoming more and more confused with the conversation, not really understanding what Enel was after.

"I don't-" Aokiji opened his mouth, only to stop himself and sigh a bit as he remembered that Enel was supposedly their friend.

"They are fine... The two of them are fine." He ended up saying while looking away from Enel for a bit.

"... You're lying, aren't you?" Enel tilted his head a bit, his eyes sparkling a bit as he started thinking about what the World Government was doing.

Aokiji simply sighed. 'Maybe he can actually be of help...' The Ice Admiral thought to himself as he turned around for a bit.

"All of you! Get to your jobs! I'll speak to Enel in private for a bit..." Aokiji shouted as the marines around quickly scrambled, giving Enel one last suspicious look before they ran in different directions.

The higher-ranking marines also walked off, giving both Aokiji and Enel an odd look as they departed.

Aokiji then turned back to Enel, looking the former Rear Admiral in the eye as he took off his sunglasses and started speaking in a serious tone.

"Bad news, and bad news only... I won't waste your time too much." Aokiji said as he took off his round sunglasses and stared at Enel with a serious gaze.

"Sengoku is fine, for the most part. He just lost his position and the 5 Elders no longer trust him." Aokiji said as he walked a bit closer to Enel, checking his surroundings for a bit before he finally spoke again.

"Garp, however, received the short end of the stick..." Enel started paying attention at about that point, looking at Aokiji with a raised eyebrow.

'I'm not going to like this... Am I?'


Hope you liked the chapter! Just got home, so I didn't have a lot of time to write this.

Once again, thank you all for the stones :))

I still have a vacation planned for next week tho, so I can't double upload this week :((( Sorry

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