
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime e quadrinhos
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79 Chs

Chapter 27: Training Montage (Part 1)

(3rd Person: POV)

Standing upon the beach of an uninhabited island Roberts faced his crew.

Including Robin.

Who had been sailing as one of their members for over a month now.

During that time Robin and the crew got to know each other even more.

Roberts also dragged Robin into the crews training regimen, despite her protests our subtle attempts to avoid it.

For as the captain this was one decision he would not budge on.

Roberts wanted all members of his crew to be strong. Not only so they could protect themselves, but also so none of them would end up dead if he couldn't get to them in time. And given all his plans and ideas for the future that would lead him and his crew into one shitstorm after the next he knew that was vey much a real possibility, so he wanted everyone as prepared as possible.

The reincarnate has come to think of his crew has family, and that's why he'll do anything to protect his family.

Even force them to do things they don't want. Especially if its for their own good.

Like today.

His hands behind his back Roberts walked back and forth in front of his crew, eyeing them like a drill sergeant would eye a new recruit at basic training.

After pacing for a few more minutes Roberts came to a stop in front of the middle of his crew.

"Alright maggots, I hope you're prepared for today!" Roberts shouted.

"What?" Weisz questioned.

Roberts looked directly at him when he did. "I didn't give you permission to speak maggot, so shut your mouth!" He shouted, putting pressure behind his words.

This made Weisz stand at perfect attention without realizing it.

"Sorry." Weisz said.

"Good, there's hope for you yet maggot." Roberts spoke.

He then turned his attention back to all of the crew.

"Today marks the first day of a month long period where we call this island home and spend our days training." Roberts explained. "We will train all our skills. Whether it is haki, swordsmanship, devil fruit powers, individual skills, etc. For the next month you will think of nothing else but training. Whether your eating, sleeping, or using the bathroom, training shall be at the forefront of your mind. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes!" Bepo shouted.

"Sir." Weisz shouted.

Everyone else simply nodded their heads.

"Excellent." Roberts replied. "Alright then, let's begin. Devil fruit users front and center."

The moment he said this Law, Alfia, and Robin stepped out of the line they were in and closed the distance to Roberts.

A few seconds after they did so Roberts reached into a small sack he was carrying and took out a bracelet, falling to his knees the second after he did so.

"Roberts, what's wrong?" Alfia worriedly asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Roberts replied. "This is simply the effects of the bracelet I am holding. It is laced with sea prism stone."

"Why are you holding something like that?" Law asked.

"For training. Which is what all of us devil fruit users on the crew will be doing." Roberts replied. "For the next month when not training our devil fruit abilities each of us will wear a bracelet laced with sea prism stone." He explained.

Roberts had come up with this training method to help him and the crews devil fruit users build up resistance to sea prism stone. So in the event any of them were ever captured they wouldn't be weak and defenseless. He is also did so to help them build up their physical strength and unlock haki sooner.

Since he remembers how much stronger Kid and Luffy became while wearing sea stone prism laced handcuffs while working in the Udon prison mine during the Wano Arc.

Roberts also feels that if the devil fruit users on his crew cannot utilize their devil fruit abilities they will be better able to focus on unlocking their haki. Himself included, since he still hasn't grasp armament haki.

That's why he purchased these bracelets on the last inhabited island they stopped on before coming here.

"I am not forcing anyone to do this training mind you. But I promise you it will make you stronger in the long term." Roberts explained as he secured the sea prism bracelet to his left wrist.

He then held out the bag in the direction of Alfia, Law, and Robin.

They stared at the small bag for several seconds until eventually both Law and Alfia reached for it and pulled out a sea prism bracelet for each of themselves.

The instant this happened both of them fell to their knees, a weakness overtaking them.

Even so they pressed onward and secured their bracelets to their wrists.

Seeing this Robin said nothing. She just continued to stare at the bag.

"Understood." Roberts said. Looking at Robin as he did so.

He then pulled the bag back. Seeing that Robin didn't trust them enough yet to undergo such a training method.

Though Roberts hope with time that will change.

"Ok everyone, let's get training." Roberts spoke.

So with that the month long training period of the Thanatos Pirates officially began.


Standing alone in the forest near where the Black Pearl was docked stood Law.

In his hands he held his blade Kikoku, swinging it back and forth in repetition. A determined expression on his face.

The sea prism stone bracelet Roberts gave him two days ago secured to his left wrist.

Honestly Law hated wearing the damn bracelet.

But true to the words Roberts spoke he did himself starting to get stronger, and to Law that was all that mattered.

Getting stronger.

Not only to take revenge against Doflamingo and his family, but also to never lose anything precious to him ever again.

In Law's short life he had lost so much already.

His homeland, his family, and even his adoptive father-figure Corazon.

Every single time he survived while those he cared for died, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

'Never again.' Law thought.

Increasing the force of his swings with Kikoku as he did so.

He never wanted to have anything precious ripped away from him again.

Which now included his new crewmates.

Honestly when Law first met Roberts back on Swallow Island in the North Blue he thought he was a bit crazy. Which he still does. But Law also respects Roberts and sees him as a friend.

The same can be said for the rest of his crewmates, except for the newest member Nico Robin.

Though Law feels that with some time he will warm up to the woman.

Moving on.

Law is honestly grateful to be a part of the Thanatos Pirates. Although he would never admit it he enjoys the warm atmosphere of the crew and he doesn't have any regrets about losing the match that made him and Bepo become a part of it. He is truly starting to see his crew as another family.

That's why he wants to, no he needs to get stronger because he wants to protect them.

Law also realized he needs to tell the rest of the crew the secrets of his past.

But that is for a later. Right now he is going to take his captains words to heart.

Law is going to spend this next month focused only on training.

After all he is the vice captain. He can't allow the other members in the crew besides the captain to surpass him in strength. That would just make him look bad.

Once again Law increased the strength and ferocity of his swings with Kikoku.

As the young doctor did so he had no idea his willpower was becoming slightly stronger as the resolve in his heart strengthend.


A/N: Another chapter complete. The next couple of chapters will focus on each member of the Thanatos Pirates. A sort of introspection. It will also show them getting slightly stronger. Since I want to try and pace their strength growth as much as possible.

Until next time.

Also give me power stones and reviews or else I'll curse you with erectile dysfunction.