
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 93

Qin Tian is not Nami, he will not have mood swings due to seeing dead people, and will not show any kindness to these vicious pirates!

  As for why we want to capture Chloe and Zangao alive, it is also to make Nami happy~

  Remember that in the original book, Klow offered a reward of 16 million Baileys and a reward of 9 million Baileys, which adds up to a huge sum of 25 million Baileys!

  Although it is a few years earlier than the time period of the original book, the two people must have a 20 million Bailey together! Still a huge sum of money~


  Nami was still vomiting. When did she see so many broken limbs, she only felt that her stomach was going to turn over.

  Qin Tian constantly patted and caressed Nami's Xiao Xiong, and comforted him with pity: "Nami, it's okay, we Nami is the bravest~"

  "Teacher... vomit—" Nami seemed to be trying to say something, but she opened her mouth and retched again, and the things in her belly were already vomiting clean~

  Qin Tian looked dumbfounded, the teacher...vomit?

  Although he knows that Nami is not vomiting him, but this connection is too painful~

  "Xiao Nami, don't talk first, stabilize your emotions before talking." Qin Tian kept patting Nami's Xiao Xiong.

  After a long time, Nami finally calmed down. She said aggrieved: "Teacher, killing is so terrible, do you think I'm a bad boy?"

  "Why?" Qin Tian immediately retorted, "We Xiao Nami killed all bad people. If you don't kill them, they will kill the innocent mother and daughter. You are now saving the good people and killing them. Bad guys, what you did is absolutely right!"

  Hearing that, Nami turned her head to look at the pair of mother and daughter, only to see the young mother holding her daughter tightly in her arms, so frightened, but when she saw Nami looking at her, the young The mother immediately burst into tears and knelt to the ground to express gratitude to Nami: "Thank you! Thank you for saving my daughter's life! You are a good person, and you have been grateful for our great kindness in this life! "

  0 ooooooooo ask for flowers ooooo oooo

  At this time, the reaction to the mother and daughter is too important for Nami.

  If they are indifferent to Nami, it may cause Nami to suspect that her method of killing the pirate is wrong.

  But now they are so grateful to Nami, enough to convince Nami that she had done nothing wrong just now.

  And Qin Tian also took the opportunity to immediately encourage him: "Nami, not only did you save the mother and daughter, you also saved many kind and innocent people."

  "Ah? Teacher, why do you say that? Didn't I just save the two of them?" The little girl didn't understand the principle, and asked suspiciously.

  "You think, if you don't kill these nasty pirates, they will rob more people and kill more innocent people in the future, right?" Qin Tian moved out his old remarks.

  Nami frowned her little nose in thought for a while, then nodded, "Yeah, yes."

  "So, if you kill these bad people now, then they can't kill those innocent people. The lives of those people are like you saved them, right?" Qin Tian asked back.

  "Well, it seems like this..." Nami nodded her head again, and the confusion in her heart became clearer and clearer.

  "Nami! You saved so many people this time, you are really great! For this, the teacher should reward you well!" Qin Tian saw that he was almost relieved, so he started to coax the child.

  "Really? What reward does the teacher want to give me? Is it Bailey?" When she heard the reward, Nami's financial fan attribute was automatically activated.

  "It's Bailey, and it's a lot of Bailey!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

  "Really! How many are there!" Nami asked excitedly with her little face flushed.

  "Put your little ears up and listen," Qin Tian smiled mysteriously, and then said every word: "Two! Thousands! Ten thousand! Bai! Li!"

  It was the first time to hear such a large amount of Bailey, Nami drew it cautiously, and suddenly fainted with excitement~

  "Hey, Nami!"


Chapter 174 is not good, the colonel jumped into the sea! (4/8)

  After a while, Qin Tian finally woke up Nami~

  The first sentence the little girl woke up was: "Teacher, I didn't expect you to be a rich man! So rich!"

  "What are you thinking about!"

  Qin Tian knocked on Nami's forehead, then smiled and pointed at Ke Luo and Zangao, "Hey, these two people together are worth at least 20 million Baileys!"

  "Ah!? Teacher, do you want me to be a trafficker?" Nami immediately exclaimed.

  Qin Tian knocked on Nami's forehead again and corrected: "Teacher, how could I teach you to do that kind of bad thing? These two people are more famous pirates in the East China Sea, so there is a reward order from the navy. We As long as they are taken to the navy branch, they can be exchanged for the corresponding bounty."

  "It turned out to be like this..." Nami softly rubbed her small head, and it hurts after being knocked a few times, so she pouted and said aggrieved: "Teacher, you can't "three, three, zero" lighter, knock. People hurt so much~"

  "It's painful to remember!" Qin Tian stretched out her left hand, and Xiao Nami suddenly made an evasive expression.

  The mother and daughter on the side looked dumb~

  Crowe and Zangao are dumbfounded~

  What's the situation with this little girl?

  Was it insane because of just killing someone?

  Knock on your head for a while, and avoid it for a while, this... schizophrenia?

  "Hello teacher, people thought I was a silly girl~"

  Nami also realized that several people around her were watching her, and she became more aggrieved.

  "Well, I will spare you today." Qin Tian didn't want Nami to be too embarrassed, so he said, "By the way, let these two people go first, we have to clean up the scum of the navy!"

  Compared to pirates, the scum in the navy is even more outrageous!

  Because the pirates are at least on the bright side, when the people see the pirates coming, they at least know to hide!

  As for the scum of the Navy like Colonel Mouse, they are in the dark, and on the surface they are still good-looking people.

  It's like killing without seeing blood!

  It's like this mother and daughter, if they knew that Colonel Mouse and the navy were bad guys, then how could they fall into the trap and almost killed them in the end?

  "Are you going to kill again..." Hearing Qin Tian's words, there was some hesitation in Nami's voice.

  Realizing that Nami was a little scared, Qin Tianzheng taught: "Well, you just saw that those navies are bad guys. If they don't kill them, more good people will be persecuted by them. So should they kill them?"

  "It's time to kill..." Nami nodded. She thought of what happened to the mother and daughter, and thought that the mother and daughter had just told her that their families were all killed.

  Suddenly, Nami strengthened her belief in hatred and hatred!

  "Teacher, but let's leave the mother and daughter and the two bad guys here, will they be in danger?" Nami is kind in her heart, so she raised her concerns.

  Although Crowe and Zangao are bound by the wind, what if there is an accident?

  "Well, Xiao Nami, what you said makes sense!"

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian raised his left hand, and the small wind blade flew out, snapping off the hamstrings of Ke Luo and Zangao in an instant.

  In this way, even if there was an accident in Wind Bound, the two of them would not have the ability to hurt the mother and daughter.

  "Damn, you little witch!"

  Crowe and Zangao have been pirates for many years, how could they not understand what they have experienced at this moment, and suddenly howled in grief.

  With all his hands and feet gone, even if he was not caught, he would never be able to make a comeback again!

  This life is completely over!

  Of course, they never thought about how many ordinary people "finished" because of their cruelty!

  "Auntie, they don't have the ability to hurt you now. You and your little sister will wait here for a while, I'll go to destroy those navy scum, and I will send you home when I get back." Nami said to the mother and daughter. With a sound, the whirlwind kicked into the air.


  The young mother exclaimed!


  A warship removed the camouflage, revealing the words of the Navy G-16 Division.

  On the deck, Colonel Mouse ordered the people to open the treasure chest of filial tribute to Crow, and carefully counted it. It was full of gold and silver treasures, worth about 2 million Baileys.

  "Colonel, this Crowe is still sensible, and one shot is 2 million Baileys, which is quite a lot!" The adjutant on the side said flatly.

  "Squeaky, yeah, more sensible than that Creek!" Touching his beard, Colonel Mouse smiled happily.

  "The bastard of Crick, because he has many people and ships, he dare not put our colonel in his eyes. He is really a bastard!" The adjutant filled with indignation.

  "Huh! Sooner or later, when I get promoted, I will bring more warships to destroy the bastard Crick! Let him know if I dare to take the initiative to honor my fate!"

  When it comes to Crick, Colonel Mouse is angry, and he has never profited from Crick's hands.

  A gust of wind blew towards the face, blowing the cloaks of several people with exaggeration!

  "It's windy! Colonel, shall we enter the cabin?" the adjutant asked.

  "Squeak, what a small breeze is, move my baby in first, I'll blow the air here~"

  As soon as Colonel Mouse finished speaking, a stronger wind blew towards him, and with a snap, he slapped him even more, shaking his face~


  His navy hat was suddenly removed~

  "Damn! It's so wicked, there was no wind just now!" Colonel Mouse showed his fragile hair, and immediately bent over to pick up his hat.

  However, as soon as his hand touched the hat, another gust of wind blew his hat to the edge of the deck, hung it on the fence, and was about to fall.

  "Damn! What the hell! Why do I recite like this today!"

  Colonel Mouse's face turned gloomy, and he almost wanted to hit someone. He chased him with a stride, and reached out to get the navy cap again.

  Seeing that the navy hat floated out of the fence, Colonel Mouse had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched his arm out of the fence and grabbed the navy hat that was about to fly to the sea. 3.7

  "Squeak, want to escape from my palm? No way! No one in the entire East China Sea wants to escape from my palm! Not even a hat!"

  Even picking up a hat can pick up a sense of superiority, this guy is no one~

  But just as he was triumphant, a more violent wind slammed into his back waist.

  Such a strong sinking force made Colonel Mouse lean forward~


  Wow, Colonel Mouse fell into the sea.

  The navy on the deck was stunned!

  Everyone watched Colonel Mouse chasing his hat alone. After a few times, he finally caught up. Then... he jumped into the sea?

  "Not good! The colonel jumped into the sea!"

  Suddenly, someone exclaimed!

Chapter 175 Why is this thunder staring at us? (5/8)


  Above a dark cloud, Nami smiled from ear to ear, "Teacher, it's so fun!"

  "Of course it is fun to clean up the bad guys, but this guy is swimming on the warship, don't let him swim up!" Qin Tian ordered.

  For people like Colonel Mouse, Qin Tian must let him explain here today.

  The deck of the warship was busy. When the navy soldier saw that the colonel had jumped into the sea, he quickly threw the lifebuoy hung on the fence into the sea.

  There are also many navy soldiers who want to flatter themselves and jump into the sea, ready to come to a "rescue" to claim credit.

  The sea is terrible, and Colonel Mouse fell into the sea panicking. He quickly grabbed a lifebuoy and immediately swam towards the warship.

  Before long, he swam to the vicinity of the warship~

  A whirlwind blew him, blowing him nearly ten meters away from the warship...

  "Squeak! What the hell is going on! Where's the damn wind!" Finally, it was almost here, and now it was blown back, Colonel Mouse looked dumbfounded!

  "Colonel! I'm here to save you!"

  "College 09, I was the first to jump down and save it!"

  Several navy soldiers swam up to Colonel Mouse and swam around him towards the warship.

  Qin Tian saw this scene and said to Nami: "Give them some thunderstorm~"

  "Yeah!" Nami nodded her head and responded with a smile.

  Subsequently, she controlled the water element to condense on the top of the warship.

  Above this sea, there is not much, just water! As many as you want!

  The heavy rain poured down immediately.

  There are too many elements of water, so the rain is like no money.