
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 347

"Hehe, you are dreaming!" Hearing this, Uchiha took the soil even more disdain, and the moment the frozen shuriken arrived, he directly included the part of his body that was about to be attacked by the frozen shuriken into a different space. .


  In a different space, flesh and blood splash!

  (For flowers! For reward! For monthly pass! For automatic subscription!)

The 610th chapter kills Uchiha belt soil

  Terumi Ming's frozen shuriken aimed at Uchiha's Hungarian chamber with soil, and at that moment, Uchiha brought his soil into a different space.

  After that, Qin Tian unleashed his supernatural power.

  Because Qin Tian is a perfect top, he can invade the different space of Uchiha.

  Conversely, Uchiha's soil-carrying body was unable to invade Qin Tian's alien space.

  This is the level suppression of the perfect top level as a half-and-half divine power!

  The soil of the Uchiha belt was cut in half in an instant, and quickly frozen under the force of freezing.



  With a squirt of blood, Uchiha took the soil and looked down at his Hungarian chamber. The corners of his mouth were trembling, and his eyes were confused. He looked at Terumi Mei again, and said in disbelief, "How...how could it be possible!"

  "How can't it be? Don't think that Shalulanyan is invincible in the world, the unknown in this world is far more powerful than you know!" Terumi Mei smiled slightly, and then vomited acid mist again. "Melting and super dissolving!" The thick acid mist immediately pounced on the Uchiha belt soil.


  Uchiha saw 01 with soil, hurriedly yelled, the writing wheel eye released a suction, and instantly covered his whole body.

  Suck it in.

  Qin Tian's thoughts moved, supernatural power!

  Terumi Ming's acid mist followed into a different space, and fell on Uchiha's body.

  "Ah one by one"

  "No! Madara, save me one by one"

  In a different space, the Uchiha belt soil quickly dissolved under the corrosion of acid mist, like a marshmallow lost in the water, it turned into a pool of water in a blink of an eye!

  "Teacher, is he dead?" Terumi Mei asked because he couldn't see the situation in the different space.

  "I don't know, but he should be dead. I can only feel him being dissolved,

  But I can't see the follow-up. This time, the ability he used seemed a bit strange, causing me to invade for a short while, and then automatically shut down. "Qin Tian said.

  "Then what should I do here?" Terumi Ming looked at the blistered Wuyin Village and sighed.

  "It's definitely not suitable to continue making water shadows. Ming, you are the most suitable to make this water shadow." Qin Tian said.


  A few days later, the Wuyin Village reconvened the Wuyin Conference.

  For the heinous crime committed by the four generations of Mizukage, Tachibana Yakura took the blame and resigned and returned.

  Hidden in the village.

  However, he was persecuted after all, so he was not sentenced to death.

  Terumi Ming's battle against Tachibana Tachibana Yakura and Uchiha brought the soil, which was witnessed by many ninjas in the village. Everyone knew that it was Terumi who saved the village and killed the secretly tricking Uchiha. Therefore, under the unanimous recommendation of everyone, Terumi Mei became the fifth-generation water shadow of Wuyin Village!

  At the same time, a notice was issued to the other four large ninja villages to announce that the new Mizukage succeeded to the throne!

  The upheaval in Wuyin Village shocked the Ninja World. No one could have imagined that the man Zhuli Tachibana Yakura who could perfectly control the three tails was actually caught by the young people in the village.

  People are defeated and replaced.

  Of course, this shock is not enough to pass Terumi Ming's shock point.

  The most shocking thing is the appearance of Uchiha belt soil!

  When Wuyin Village spread Uchiha's belt soil to control Kotachi Tachibana Yakura, and the spread of Uchiha's belt soil being killed by Terumi Mei, the entire ninja world was severely shocked!

  A dead person has resurrected!

  And it's doing bad things in the name of Uchiha Madara, and being able to control the shadow of a village, what a masterpiece!

  For a while, the whole Ninja world was secretly

  Guess who is standing behind Uchiha's belt soil, why is he doing things in the name of Uchiha Madara? Is it just because Uchiha Madara's name is big?

  Or is it for other reasons?

  However, despite this, no one doubted Uchiha Madara's head.

  After all, Madara Uchiha was a person with Senjuju for a period of time, and it stands to reason that it has long since turned into a habitat loess!

  For this matter, there is no more shocking point than Konoha Hidden Village. They have contributed more shock points than the other three ninja villages combined!

  There is no other reason, only

  Because the Uchiha leader and Uchiha Madara are both from their Konoha hidden village.

  Sarutobi Hizumi urgently convened a Konoha high-level meeting to discuss the matter of Uchiha's taking soil, and put the matter of Uchiha's extermination on the table again!

  This incident is not far away. It happened last year. At that time, apart from Uchiha Tsuki and Uchiha Sasuke, there should be no Uchiha clan surviving. But why is there another Uchiha belt soil at this time?

  Will there be other Uchiha family members?

  Various problems plague Konoha Hidden Village...

  Looking back at the fog

  In the village, because Terumi Ming took office, the common people were free from the oppression and panic of the past, and gradually walked out of the haze.

  Many capable Ren enthusiastically appeared one after another, to make contributions to Wuyin Village. Even the thick, bloody fog in the past has become extraordinarily fresh.

  In Terumi Ming's boudoir, Qin Tian had been thinking about one thing, and that was whether Uchiha had died or not.

  And whether Uchiha Madara has any other players.

  If after he left, Uchiha Madara sent someone to deal with the village of Wuyin, what about Terumi Mei? After all, no matter how strong Terumi Ming is, in the face of illusion, he still has

  Some passive.

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian sighed and said: "It would be great if the teacher's exclusive reward could be given to students 647."

  The system immediately reminded: "Host, the ability of the teacher's exclusive reward cannot be given to the students, but the props are possible."

  "Props are okay?"

  Hearing this, Qin Tian immediately opened his eyes, revealing a touch of excitement.

  Isn't the Ten Thousand Talisman Bing Breaking the Precept and the Ten Thousand Bing Bing Mending two weapons he got before?

  These two weapons couldn't be better against illusion.

  As for Qin Tian himself, he can

  Use top-level cloning to directly clone Zhuanyan without fear of illusion. Thinking of this, Qin Tian's mind moved, Wan Fu Bing must break the precept, and the Ten Thousand Defects Bing Mending appeared in his hands.

  "Teacher, this seems to be your weapon against Uchiha's soil~" Seeing two strange weapons appeared in Qin Tian's hands, Terumi Ming looked over curiously.

  "Well, yes. Ming, these two weapons are more redundant for me, so I will give them to you. To prevent one day if I am not by your side and you meet a master illusionist, you just have to hold these two weapons, no matter what Whether it's the opponent's illusion or the illusion that is applied to you, it will be self-defeating!" With that, Qin Tian handed these two weapons to Terumi


  But Terumi Ming did not pick it up immediately. Instead, she shuddered, her beautiful eyes stared at Qin Tian, ​​and she said with a red face, "Teacher, are you leaving me?"

  (Seeking flowers! Seeking rewards! Seeking monthly tickets! Seeking automatic subscription!),

Chapter 611 Terumi Ming Qualified!

  "No...No, how could the teacher be willing to leave you?" Qin Tian smiled and stroked Terumi Ming's hair, coaxing.

  There are some things, it's too early to say, Qin Tian hopes Terumi Ming can be happier every day~

  Half a month later, Qin Tian's face was buried in Terumi Ming's rabbit, and a systemic voice suddenly came from his ear.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the shock point has reached 500,000 points!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the third student of Naruto World is qualified!"

  "Congratulations to the host, I won a teacher-exclusive reward! A student-exclusive reward!"

  "Host, are you going to draw a lottery now?"

  wipe! This reminder was really not the right time, Qin Tian was speechless and said, "I'll talk about it later, I'm busy~"

  An hour later, Qin Tian watched Terumi Ming fall asleep peacefully in his arms, and then he ordered: "System, now you can draw a lottery."

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the teacher-exclusive rewards one by one and don't go to the gods twice!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! Receive student-exclusive rewards one by one in the ultimate version of Stealth Fruit!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! Naruto World's physical authority completed progress 3/5!"

  Another day


  This reward surprised Qin Tian~

  The other gods are the ability that Uchiha Water Stop Kaleidoscope gets when the eyes are opened. The cooling time is super long, but the effect is strong and terrifying!

  It can change a person's mind and will in an instant, making him a permanent buddha of the surgeon.

  That's right, you can do whatever you want the other person to do, it's so awesome~

  Rewarding the other gods twice means that Qin Tian can permanently control the two people.

  "It's too BUG!" Qin Tian couldn't help but exclaimed secretly. This ability is better than any super magic or ninjutsu.


  Afterwards, Qin Tian took a look at the student-exclusive reward, the Ultimate Edition of Stealth Fruit~

  Regarding the Stealth Fruit, what Qin Tian knew was basically the ability used by the petty lion in Pirate World. As for the effect of the Ultimate Edition, Qin Tian didn't know.

  "System, is there anything more awesome about the Ultimate Edition of Stealth Fruit?" Qin Tian asked directly.

  The system replied: "Host, the ultimate version of the stealth fruit can not only make the body and the things it touches invisible, but even breath, temperature, energy, etc. can enter the invisible state." "Even energy can be invisible? I wipe, then. Would not it be

  Killing invisible? "

  After hearing this, Qin Tian was not calm anymore~

  For example, the Chakra of the Naruto World will send a chakra shuriken and fly over. People don't know. Isn't it the only way to be passively beaten?

  The system answers: "Yes. However, due to its particularity of energy, when it comes into contact with the target body closer and closer, its stealth effect will become worse and worse."

  In other words, as long as the perception is strong to a certain level, and if you concentrate on it, you can still perceive the energy attack.

  Well, even so, that's awesome!

  After that, Qin Tian will be the ultimate stealth fruit

  The version was held in her hand, and then she gently pressed Terumi Ming's fart and merged into her body.

  "Ding! Host, since your third student in Naruto World has passed, the system will now randomly select the fourth student who will be possessed for you."

  "Now you have two choices.

  "The first option is to go directly to the fourth possession option. The system will automatically throw the things you want to leave to the students in front of the students."

  "The second option is that you can temporarily have long-term appearance rights, and you can personally give things to students.

  Then you start the fourth possession option. "

  "Pick the second one." Qin Tian said.

  During these two months, Qin Tian no longer urged Terumiming to practice, but lived a happy life with her almost every moment.

  Of course, Qin Tian also drank the blood of Phoenix to Terumi Ming, so that she could stay young forever.

  However, happy times always pass quickly.

  Before I knew it, two months passed. On this day of parting, the setting sun is like weeping blood, sad and sorrowful~