
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 12 : The First Years


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It was the very next day Jinbe introduced Naruto to the pride of Fishman Island.

It wasn't Coral Hill, the Gyoverly Hills, or even Water Wheel Town. No, it was the Fishman Karate Dojo one of the most revered and respected places that taught the soldiers of Neptune's military, Jinbe, the legendary Fisher Tiger, and even the king himself.

The entire outside structure was intimidating it was made out of red coral while the gigantic doors that blocked them from entering were made out of pure iron.

Undaunted by the appearance Jinbe pounded on the iron doors, making an eerie gonging noise that no doubt alerted every person within the dojo.

Almost immediately the doors were pulled open by two fifty foot tall blue whale fishmen, and with respectful bows they granted them inside the large building.

Naruto fully expected to find the place full of broken posts, destroyed walls, and the broken and battered bodies of student and teachers alike. To his surprise however everything in the dojo was intact, clean, and peaceful.

As the two fishmen entered the gigantic dojo the blond immediately took in the professional feel of the place, from the various fish and to his surprise mermen meditating in the zen gardens, to the sound of the students shouting out at they went through their katas.

"Magnificent isn't it?" Jinbe gestured his right hand at the dojo. "This entire area is just for the beginners, when you advance in rank you'll get to see more of this entire place until you reach a certain level."

"What happens when I reach a certain level?" Naruto asked in sincere curiosity.

"That depends. My former crew mate Kuroobi reached level forty before leaving the dojo. Most of the palace guards are either level twenty-five or thirty practitioners before they leave, honestly Naruto-kun it depends on the person's will to continue in this place."

"Then what level are you Boss?"

"I am level a level ninety practitioner Naruto-kun." The whale shark fishman answered. "I have high expectations for you to one day surpass me, so train hard okay?"

"You're not staying?" Naruto asked in a slightly surprised tone. "I thought you would have an active hand in my training."

"And I will my pupil. But you have to understand that my duties will force me to leave the island for extended periods of time, weather it is guarding nations in times of war to keeping pirates in check."

"Will you ever take me with you on one of your assignments?"

"When I feel that you're ready Naruto-kun." Jinbe gave his student his toothy smile before ruffling his hair up. "But don't worry too much about it; I have a feeling that you'll travel with me much sooner than later."

After the pep talk the two arrived at what the blond would the registering station, the Shichibukai signed his student into the beginner's class. After wishing his student luck and promising him that he would visit him, and telling him to visit the family as much as he could the whale shark fishman left Naruto into the care of his teachers.

After being given a white gi with a matching white sash the tiger shark fishman guided into a room filled with nine other students, and their teacher.

While the students were of the various species of fish, the teacher…he was something else. He was an extremely tall puffer fish fishman, had small gray round eyes, sharp jagged teeth, and long orange hair that reached into his back with some pinned up at the top.

He had six thick green stripes on his round face. Attire-wise, he wore a black gi and sash with white training tape wrapped around his forearms and hands.

"Finally our last student has arrived. Now we can finally begin."

The fishman's watery voice echoed throughout the room, sending shivers down the student's spines.

"Students I am Suikazan Fuguki, one of the many instructors of this dojo. Here you will learn a number of devastating moves for both land and sea combat, water manipulation, and personal adaptation for your fins, teeth, and so on.

"Now I'm not going to lie, this will probably be the harshest experience you will ever face in your entire young lives.

And I fully expect more than half of you to drop out. But for those who stay I will warn you that I will make you bleed, sweat, cry, and one more than one occasion break your bones.

You will come to hate me, but in the end you all will thank me.

" After finishing his speech Fuguki leveled his gaze at his new students, many of them were shaking in their gi's, but the blond tiger shark was meeting his gaze with the fire of determination blazing in his blue eyes.

'Well lookie here the adopted brat of the Royal Family has some fire in his eyes. We'll see how long that lasts.

 The puffer fish fishman thought to himself before pointing at the biggest student in the room. He was twice Naruto's age and several feet taller as well.

But unlike the new meat he had a killer look in his green eyes that went along with the several scars running along his black upper body and white under belly. "You there! What is your name!"

"Skorca sir!" The killer whale fishman introduced himself.

"I want you and…" He steeled his gaze at Naruto and gave a toothy smirk. "the new arrival to spar against each other so I can see what I have to work with, the rest will follow soon after."

The two fishmen nodded at their teacher and after the remaining students cleared the way for the upcoming fight.

Naruto leveled his eyes at the killer whale that stood several feet taller than him; his opponent bared his sharp teeth as some sort of threatening gesture, the blond only glared as he tightened his fists.

Fuguki raised his right arm, and cut it downward. "Fight!" He barked at them.

Being the smaller of the two Naruto immediately sped at the killer whale fishman

Skorka immediately tensed the muscles in his right arm and took a swing.

Fully expecting that maneuver the blond hopped to the left and using his previous experiences in the pits jumped at his opponents exposed opening, reaching his arm back he delivered a devastating punch to Skorka's ribs.

The killer whale fishman gritted his teeth in pain, but undeterred he immediately spun on his left heel, and despite his giant size he proved to be pretty fast as he delivered a spinning back fist onto the back of Naruto's head.

His eyes opening in surprise Naruto found himself flying forward, skipping off the tatami mats three times before hitting face first into the solid coral wall.

A loud cracking sound caused the students to cringe as they heard the cartilage in the tiger shark fishman's nose break, but after gnashing his teeth together the tiger shark fishman immediately fell onto his feet, turned around and sprinted towards his opponent.

Skorka seeing this immediately threw a wild haymaker, but to his and everyone else's surprise Naruto skidded under the punch, and flew in-between his legs, not wasting a single movement he hit the coral wall feet first and used the friction to rebound off the wall and fly at his opponents back.

The blond extended his fists and hit Skorka right in the kidneys, as his opponent cried out in sudden shock and pain, Naruto bent his knees, let his feet hit the floor and jumped straight into the air.

For the finishing move he somersaulted once and began descending downwards, his momentum building up the tiger shark somersaulted two more times before bringing his right leg out, and delivered a devastating axe-kick to Skorka's bald head.

The killer whale fishman felt nothing but his brain boggling inside his skull, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, and fell forward unconscious to the world.

Fuguki raised an eyebrow to suppress the shock he felt towards the match he looked over his panting student.

The adopted son of Neptune and Otohime looked to be a little out of breath, he had some perspiration running down his face, but he didn't seem to feel the blood running down his broken nose that was now coating the front a nice crimson color.

"Impressive boy." The puffer fish fishman nodded at him. "I never expected a green horn to pull off combination moves like that on his first day."

"This isn't my first fight Fuguki-sensei, especially against someone bigger than me." Naruto responded before he brought his right hand to his nose.

Wincing a bit he brought his thumb and index finger on the opposite ends of his nose respectfully, and a loud crack was heard as he set the broken ends back into place.

"I fought a lot until I was adopted; I just hope that I showed you that I still got the stuff for the school."

"Your form is sloppy, you have a lot of wasted movements, and you seem to be the bull headed type." Fuguki listed off the obvious faults Naruto had. "But you have decent enough reflexes, an unorthodox way of fighting, and most importantly fighting experience. I think you'll fit right in boy." The puffer fish fishman smirked.