
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Chapter 48 : Why do I attract these sorts of people? (5)


Just like before Kuro disappeared and caused nothing but destruction for what ever got in his path. He cut into the dead bodies of his crew, destroyed the rails of the ship, he even came close to cutting both Naruto and Kotetsu on one occasion. He finally got to the back of his enemy, Kuro brought his right arm out to cut his enemy in half at the waist.

Suddenly Bashura's tail shot out and caught Kuro by his waist. Despite having injured legs he spun in circles several times until he released the Black Captain. His targeting was perfect, Kuro flew and hit the giant mast with a loud crack of bone and wood.

The Black Captain choked out in surprise as he slid down to the deck, the glasses upon his face falling completely off and onto the deck.

Bowing his head towards his deceased opponent, Bashura turned his back and slowly limped away from the scene of battle.

He didn't notice that Kuro shakily stood upon his legs, that last blow broke something in his back, either he slipped a disc or something Kuro didn't know. But the bloodlust now completely overwhelmed him, the thought of a no-name navigator defeating him, and ruining his plans finally drove him over the edge.

Drawing into the last of his strength Kuro launched himself as Bashura, his claws flashing in the light, his eyes burning with murderous intent.

He lashed out with is left arm.

And was clothesline by a tanned, tiger striped muscular arm. Kuro's neck bent at an awkward angle with a loud snap of bone as he fell to the bloody deck of his own ship, his expression taking on a puzzled look as the life finally left his eyes.

Hearing the thump of a body hitting the deck, Bashura turned to see to his surprise a tiger shark fishman. His stomach growled in hunger at the thought of fish, but he crushed that notion right away.

He was wounded, and this stranger was fresh...or fresher than him if the gauze on his body was any indication. He looked down at the body of Kuro and raised a furry eyebrow. "Thank you."

"You're welcome...Catman?" Naruto said, unsure of what to call the thing in front of him.

Bashura chuckled in mirth, it was a good name but completely wrong at the same time. Deactivating the powers bestowed upon him the giant panther shrank about two feet, his fur, claws, ears, muzzle, and tail retracted into his body. It was then Naruto was greeted with an eight foot tall human with dark brown skin, and yellow eyes.

His entire face was devoid of hair, four golden looped earrings were pierced through his ears; two on each side, two rested upon his earlobes and two more nearing the cartilage area. His entire body was packed with hard muscle from years of heavy lifting, and his entire torso and face were covered in bizarre tattoos completely in black ink.

Naruto couldn't make heads or tails of them, they were in a language he couldn't understand. Upon his chest was a circle with what looked an ancient calendar with various lines trailing across his chest to his shoulders and biceps.

His stomach area had two thick lines going across his abs and stopping in the middle with eleven black dots of various sizes resting a few centimeters over them, and various more going down his abs until they disappeared below his wrists held various, thick black lines that trailed up his forearms while all ten of his fingers trailing from near the fingernails to the knuckles.

Hell he even saw the same black spots on both his elbows! But it was his face that was purely terrifying, for it was covered in the same thick black lines that covered his chin, mouth, cheekbones, and even where his eyebrows were supposed to be, and even an inch above them. The dots were there too, four going from his forehead to the bridge of his nose, and ten going in between the middle the the two lines arching upon his face.

But in spite of his terrifying appearance, Bashura smiled and greeted Naruto with a low, but friendly voice. "My name is Bashura."

"Uh, Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto blinked in response to the greeting.

"And I'm Kotetsu." Kotetsu greeted the big man with a smile and wave. "It's so good to see another friendly human being!"

"He's not a human, the man's a werepanther." Naruto said in annoyance.

"Dude, sorry to burst your bubble but he's a devil fruit-user like me." Kotetsu said, all too happy to pop the fishman's bubble.


A few hours later the Bezan Black was completely clear of bodies and ready to sail. Naruto figured it would not be a good idea for them to head into the island, from the Catman's information they; or at least one would recognize the ship, and that would give them more problems then they needed.

While it was in good shape, the ship was pretty damaged during the fight between Bashura and Kuro, the inside of the ship was a complete bloodbath.

The cannon rooms had the torn bodies of various crew members that could only be picked up using a fork, blood stained the walls of the ship along with deep claw marks that made the place look like a horror house from hell.

On the positive side however, minus it being a huge mess and needing a good bleaching, the ship was in great condition. The cannons were still fully functional, the kitchen was well stocked and completely undamaged, the munitions room was also undamaged, albeit a little depleted. And there was space! Oh such glorious elbow room and a freaking bathroom!

However there was one thing that did not set right with Naruto at all. "Are you sure you're not a werepanther?" He asked the giant man.

"Hahaha! Oh no I'm not, it's as your friend said I ate a devil fruit called the Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Black Panther." Bashura assured the blond with a gigantic smile.

"How the hell does that work? I mean this insane bastard," He pointed at Kotetsu, who was helping them piling the bodies into the gunboat. "Flashes all over the place, I could barely hit him like I did with Ace."

"Ace? You don't mean Portgas D. Ace, do you?" Kotetsu asked after hearing the name.

"Yes, he and I fought some time ago. One hell of a fight too, but he kicked my ass real good." The blond admitted, he wasn't ashamed of it. After all he did declare the man his rival after all, even if he was a human.

"I'm not surprised, he did eat a Logia-type fruit after all."

"A what now?" Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you serious? You grew up in the Grand Line! How did you not know this stuff!?" Kotetsu demanded.

"Well sorry for growing up on Fishman Island where my species never ate some stupid fruit." Naruto retorted before tossing Kuro's glassless-less and gloveless body onto the gunboat with the other meat sacks.

"Where I come from we swim in the ocean to survive, if you can't swim you're as good as dead. So that's my reason for not knowing what these "types" of devil fruits are."

"Ugh, all right since we're done tossing the bodies into the boat, allow me to teach you something that will save your life one day." Kotetsu offered to teach him about the ins and outs of devil fruits.

"Yea, no thanks. I rather not learn something as pointless as overpowered fruit assholes." Naruto said, waving a hand dismissively.

Ignoring the comment the swordsman tried it from a different approach. "I can also teach you their weaknesses."

"Submerge them in water, and boom they're done." The fishman said in a dismissive manner.

"That's not the only way." Bashura said, alerting the both of them. "You only learn if you listen." He continued to prove his point as he poured lantern oil on the bodies, getting them ready for a nice viking funeral.

"Ugh, fine. Whatever." Naruto groaned in defeat as he sat down on the deck. What harm would come of learning something new? After all it could give him an edge over Ace in their next fight.

"All right. First let's start with the classes..." Kotetsu started out.




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