
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Chapter 37 : Well this was unexpected (3)

His insane smile widening, Kotetsu easily vanished causing the Marines to accidentally shoot each other. It was then the slim teen started his attack, his swords flashed out cutting into the necks of two Marines.

Spinning on his right heel he intercepted the sabre's of three Marine's with his own and then slashed out with his black katana, he watched with ecstasy as the black blade sliced into the chests of his victims, further wetting his face with their blood.

Then without any sort of warning Kotetsu jumped into the air, twisted his slim body midair and spun, turning his swords into spinning blades of death, slicing into the necks of several men before landing on his two feet.

"Blood Sword Style: Rain Crimson!" holding the blades of both swords behind him the madman charged at his opponents swinging both swords up, and laughed as his katana and the sabre sliced open necks and wrists.

While Kotetsu was having his fun spilling Marine blood, Naruto was deep under water in the process of unleashing a ship killing attack.

Hody ordered him to create such an attack when the time came for him to destroy any type of ship that dared to threatened their home, the technique was solid after hundreds of hours of water manipulation practices to create it, but there was one problem…he never actually hit a ship with it.

Falling into himself, Naruto concentrated on the flow of the water, forming and twisting it to his will. Once he was certain that he was in full control of his technique, the blond brought is arms out to his sides and started rotating. Immediately the water started to solidify, turning into a tornado around his body, and then spiraled upwards towards the ship.

Up on the ship Kotetsu sliced the neck of another Marine, blocked a rifle butt to the head, cut the offending Marine's belly open and kicked him away into a group of sailors before facing Captain Stark with about fifty men behind him with rifles aimed at him. 

"What was that? Fifty? Fifty-nine? Honestly I've lost count of how many men your unlucky unit has lost."

"Shut up you filthy criminal!" Stark bellowed, wagging his head so his jowls flapped against his neck.

"You will pay for the Iron Island massacre, and the deaths of Units Twenty-three, Thirty, and Twelve."

"And now Unit Thirteen."

"Over my dead body!"

It was a second later that Stark regretted that last sentence. Because the wooden deck below him burst into splinters, turning him and his men into nothing but shredded meat.

Kotetsu looked on in intense fascination as a water typhoon rose out of the ship in the resemblance of a gigantic spear tip, tearing everything asunder.

"Fucking awesome! I like you fish-guy," Kotetsu laughed in glee, but that was until the bow of the ship plunged into the sea taking him along with it, "Oh fish-guy, you're a fucking assho-" The foul mouthed man would have gladly finished his sentence, but sea water engulfing a Devil Fruit-user would stop and immobilize them.


"Ugh, oh my head."

"Well glad you're awake asshole." Naruto greeted the bound swordsman, and then he promptly threw a bucket of salt water on his already soaked body. "Good, we need to have a chat."

"Why did you throw a bucket of water on me?"

"To prevent you from using your fruity powers."

"…That only works if I'm partially or completely submerged in water. Spraying me doesn't work at all."

"Shit," Naruto sweat dropped. "Well, at least I have ropes to restrain you."

"…Right. All right, well I guess you want to know what the hell is going on here."

"Among other things. Now spill it, or you won't like me during this chat."

Shrugging helplessly, Kotetsu jerked his head to the right in order to get his hair out of his eyes. "All right, what do you want to know fishman?"

"First off my name is Uzumaki Naruto, remember it human. Now here is your first question. Why in the vast seas are the Marines after you?"

"Well, first off to you my name isn't human. I am 'Mirage' Kotetsu, Ensign of Unit Twenty-three under the direct command of Vice-Admiral Doberman."

He stopped after revealing his information and lowered his head.

"Or that's what I used to be until I killed them all."

"Killed them all?" Naruto leaned forwards and looked into the sandy-haired teen's eyes, "When I first fought you, you were dead on your feet and skittish.

But after I busted your nose you went batshit crazy and started talking in a high pitched voice, and your fighting style drastically changed. Care to explain that?"

"Well I…"

"Also," Naruto slid his two swords towards him, and indicated the katana now in its black scabbard.

"This is a pretty freaky-looking sword of yours. Now I've seen plenty of swords in my days, but this…it feels wrong."

"You touched my sword! Don't ever touch that katana!" Kotetsu hysterically screamed.

"Wow, easy there psycho. What's so special about that damn thing?"

"That sword is what caused me to become what I am…what emerged from me."


The Grand Line, one of the most treacherous places in the world. The Grand Line was divided by the Red Line into two halves.

The first half, stretching from Reverse Mountain to the polar opposite point of the Red Line, was known as "Paradise".

It was kind of ironic that is was called that due to all the immense dangers of the sea, and mankind alike.

The second half, however started beyond the second Red Line point to the backside of Reverse Mountain, this was known as the "New World". Not much was known about it, except the terrifying accounts of deadly seas, unspeakable sea monsters, and the most terrifying pirates in the entire world.

It was in the Paradise half that a fifteen year old 'Mirage' Kotetsu of Unit Twenty-three was scouting out the island his unit landed on the orders of Vice-Admiral Doberman.

He had been to several different islands in his time as a Marine, but they were modernized, but this Iron Island, man it was different.

For nearly a half an hour landing on the snowy rooftops of tiled buildings, he looked at the various buildings. They were made completely out of bamboo, wood, and tile. While they were looked primitive to some people, he found them enticing, hell he thought they were comfy looking.

And the people, they were dressed in heavy wool kimono's or in gray heavy plate-armor along with demonic-looking helmets and face masks and surprisingly four swords on their hips. But what he enjoyed the most were the "Three Wolves" mountains, which in actually looked like a single mountain that was naturally shaped over the centuries. It was as majestic as it was fierce-looking.

"I believe I have all I need." He said to himself before turning towards where his ship landed and then disappeared.

Landing on a roof near his ship he carefully jumped down and headed towards the ship. It didn't take long to tell his Captain what he found, but then again there wasn't much to report, the people seemed friendly enough, the buildings were simple, and it was cold as hell.

After he was dismissed the sandy-haired teen passed by the 'Slop Hall' as the Marine's called it. It was around lunchtime and old Daggory should have served up whatever "Healthy" food by now.

"That Kotetsu is a pompous daddy's boy!" An angry voice stung his ears. What the hell? "How old is he, fifteen? And already an Ensign.

That little bastard joined six months ago as a Seaman Recruit, and after he begged Vice-Admiral-" The sound of a fist hitting against flesh, and the sound of a chair and a body falling to the floor echoed down the hall.

"Shut that damn mouth of yours Ben," Another voice echoed voice echoed down the hall. "I know you don't like the boy, but there is no need to spread lies about his status."

"Bah! Well how did he become an Ensign, while I, a Marine veteran of fifteen years am a mere Chief Petty Officer?"

"Well other than the fact you're corrupt and lazy," A third voice said. "You never slew one of the most terrifying pirate Captains of the Grand Line."

"And yer telling me that boy did that? Bullshit!"

"Really, you didn't hear about this? Before he was transferred here Kotetsu was with the Fortieth Unit, and from the reports they encountered the Moon Pirates."

"Bullshit!" A sixth voice bellowed in surprise. "The freaking Moon Pirates? You're telling me that they took them on and survived."

"Well duh, or else he wouldn't be here."

The second voice deadpanned, "The Fortieth Unit engaged them, and…well it was a slaughter on both sides. They fought for hours, bodies piling on the decks, falling into the sea; it wasn't until that boy killed 'The Butcher of Bayou Island' Morgan 'Moonscar' McCrite did the battle finally end."

"He killed Morgan 'Moonscar'? (1)" Ben gasped in surprise. "Wasn't he worth one-hundred million beli?"

"Yea, and from eyewitness accounts he used his Devil Fruit powers to distract both him and his crew for a long while.

He saved many Marines, but despite his valiant efforts many still died that day. Now this is where the story gets fuzzy, now I heard that old Moonscar blew his best friends brains out.

And soaked his entire face in his blood and brain matter.

"And then he suddenly went all loco, screamed louder than any of the wounded men on that day. And then proceeded to assault Morgan 'Moonscar' with both his sabers, he cut the guy up something fierce.

I mean he disappeared, leaving mirages and shit and slicing into his skin. The cuts were deep, but they weren't fatal, I think he wanted to inflict the most pain on the pirate Captain. It wasn't until he sapped the man of all strength did disappear one last time and stabbed him through both lungs and let him suffocate to death."

"Was that what promoted him to the rank of Ensign?" the fourth voice asked.

"What do you think?"

Shaking his head to shake the memories of that day, Kotetsu quickly activated his Devil Fruit power and quickly disappeared from the spot he was standing, his appetite long since destroyed.


(1) If you know who he is, then you had an awesome childhood and can declare yourself awesome for the month!


there is 9 chapters ahead of the public release

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