
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

The war begins!*

Robin and Victor sat in a large bedroom in the Sanchez Tower, they had some coffee as they did their own thing. The former was reading a book while the latter experimented with his new devil fruit powers. Currently, his four clones were scouting above the island as they used observation haki and telescopes to monitor any suspicious movements. He can share their view and knowledge in real-time while sitting in the room, the amazing part was his Observation Haki range was increasing at a slightly faster rate. His observation range was approximately 50 meters but currently has increased to 52.

"Victor, do you really want this war? Are you prepared to kill another person?" Suddenly Robin asked while putting down the book she was reading.

Victor who was sitting in a meditative posture slowly opened his eyes, "Peace without war is not an option! I don't have any lofty dreams of liberating the world and becoming some hero, I was not a good person to begin with. So yes, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that any threats to my interests are eliminated and the war is kept away from my territory and people. Killing the innocent is where I draw the line, I don't want to lose my last bit of humanity."

Robin nodded with understanding, it's not as if she had not killed before so she can relate to his words. Many pirates, marines, and bounty hunters chased her but she was the one who came out alive, her hands were also dyed in blood. "People will look at you differently after this Victor but I know you are a good person."

Victor looked into her eyes and found her staring back at him, both felt the tension in the room. "Do you regret making the contract that day Robin?"

"I'll tell you the answer when we turn 60, but since you have kept true to your words I'll also try my best to help you in these five years. So from the next time I want you to tell me about your plans, It doesn't feel nice to wake up one day and discover my husband is going to fight a war, that too from another person." Robin said with a sigh. 

"Well, I wasn't trying to hide it or anything, it was a sudden opportunity. Anyway, You could've just called if you wanted to talk! I even gave you my number." Victor said as he looked at her.

Robin was silent for a while and replied, "I was worried you'd get disturbed during your training so I waited for you to call first."



"See, You are a little silly!" Victor teased playfully, it was the first time they had been talking for so long and sharing the same room at night after his transmigration. It's already late but none of them had gone to bed yet.

"Hmphh! It's too late, let's go to sleep. You take the left half of the bed and I'll use the right" She said with a cute pout and thought to herself. 'Sneaking out with Zala was fun too you bastard.'

"Don't snore at night," Victor said as he went to bed causing Robin to raise her eyebrows. Has Victor been so brazen?

'T...This bastard..'


Vice Admiral Tsuru was sitting in her office in the marine HQ while reading various intelligence reports on Dolflamingo's activities. She has the feeling that he is behind Donquixote Rosinante's murder but there are no leads at all. She has made it her lifelong mission to send that demon to the Impel Down.

*Beru Beru Beru* *Clink*

"Vice Admiral Tsuru, It's Vice Admiral Amakiji speaking!"

"Yes Yamakiji, How can I help you?"

"Madam Tsuru, the West Blue has become turbulent again, the Underworld is going on a war. Capone Bege along with the other three families are currently heading towards Sanchez territory with a fleet of more than 50 warships and 8000 men. According to our intel, Bege himself is also present at the scene."

"So the Sanchez family is going to fall now! Well, let the scums fight amongst themselves, this shouldn't be the reason you called me personally."

"Yes Madam, Victor Moriarty is also present in Rosemary Islands in the Sanchez HQ. We were monitoring his movements when we discovered this intel. It seems like both the families have allied to defeat Bege."

"Did the Moriarty family also join the war?"

"No, Only one reinforcement ship has arrived, there's no large-scale movements."

'What are you planning Victor? Are you trying to fight a losing battle and weaken Bege using the Sanchez?'

"Closely monitor the situation, this war will decide the fate of West Blue. Also, keep a fleet on standby to rescue the civilians if necessary."

"Should we intervene? We can kill three birds with one stone." Yamakaji suggested.

"If one goes, another will take its place, the underground world is not something we can control without the support from the higher-ups above the red line. Keep me updated on the situation and try to gather any video feed of the battle."


In a dimly lit bar:

Capone sat on a sofa, beside him there were two more individuals in the room. His strategist Vito and the bounty hunter, Daz Bones.

"Sir, the cannon fodder fleet has arrived and as per your request, the other three families have sent all their men and ships for this attack. They will not know what hit them until it's too late."

*Evil Laughter*

"I am curious what expression will they have later." Bege knows that the opponents are expecting him to come from the sea, they will probably try their best to drown him in the seawater. So he cunningly staged a distraction with the fleet but he had already sneaked into the Sanchez territory weeks ago as disguised himself as a bartender. When the Sanchez forces dwindle after the naval battle, he will sneak attack from the rear. 

"Mr. Daz Bones, I have already paid you half of the bounty. You will receive the latter half after you bring me Sofia's head. I hope you give it your all."

"I have never failed a mission in my life, keep the money ready else I will have to chop your head off too." Daz Bonez said coldly without giving Bege any face. Everyone was flesh and bones before his blades.

Vito instantly drew his pistol and aimed it at his head.

"I'd suggest you put down the guns otherwise you'll regret it dearly." Daz Bones answered menacingly as his arms turned into a sharp blade.

"Vito! Stop." Bege ordered after releasing a puff of smoke. "Mr. Daz Bones. Your money is ready, now go and do the job." Daz didn't reply, he stood up and quietly left the bar.

"We'll deal with him later Vito, let's go and give Mr. Moriarty a present." Bege stood up and left the room.


Meanwhile in Sanchez Mansion:

Victor woke up very early morning only to discover someone hugging him like a panda and deep in her sleep. He slowly got up without waking her up as he focused on his clone's POV which had detected the enemy fleet approaching from above the clouds. Those wind power ships will still take a few hours to reach here so he let Robin get more sleep. He softly got up from the bed as he started to prepare himself mentally and physically for the upcoming war, he plans to end this ASAP. Using his observation he had also noticed Bege and Vito were not present in the fleet so he had to use Plan B and wait until he noticed any suspicious movements on land.

A few hours later:

As the sun started to rise loud sirens rang on the island of Rosemary as more than 50 warships with Capone Family Jolly Roger were visible on the horizon. The Sanchez family navy with 23 warships was also stationed in defensive formation as they nervously waited for the enemies to reach their attack range. On the shore, lines of artillery was positioned defensively along the shores. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

WeedSmokahcreators' thoughts