
One Piece : My system wants to play big

My system wants to play big , So I chose to make it big. [ A/N :- I'm a One Piece fan for 5 years , read many fanfics . So i had an idea to write my own fanfic. I can not guarantee excellent writing quality, so i will write simple words anyone can understand. As for the story , personally i like it but I've not completed it , the setting will start 30 years ago but i will stop the story when it catches up to the manga . But i still have 100+ chapter content which i think is good , so you can read it. ] [ Update speed :- I'm starting now so i think if i can write 2 chapters a week that would be preety good , but once i get used to it i will atleast post 4 chapters a week. ]

Anurag_Pandey_7669 · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

What is this system

Sea Calendar 1493

East Blue

[ A raft was drifting peacefully with a treasure box in the calm treacherous sea . A creature who was sleeping peacefully opened his eyes dumbfounded after hearing mechanical sounds. ]

" Huh "

" Who are you ? "

[ I am your system. ]

"Huh "

[ The creature noticed that he can't speak and didn't realize he has turned into a boy. ]


"Huh , so you are telling me that I've reborn in the world of one piece" Alex felt as if his life has been a lie and his brain cells are simply not enough to comprehend the truth, how could he accept it when he , the most punctual and honest government salaryman who was enjoying his youth with his good girlfriend was now simply reborn "Damn".

[ Don't worry about it host , life and death is preety common . Now host has the opportunity to make it big. ]

"How so ?" .

[Well let me explain ...

This omniverse has many worlds and it has many different paths to become stronger, One of those path is reincarnator .

Every time a reincarnator completes a world he gets world sources and after he get enough sources he can get a special transformation .

The path after transformation gets divided into 2 paths and every reincarnator can chose them

1. Path of reincarnation ( registered at the Headquarters of Reincarnation ) .

2. Path of system ( registered at Headquarters of system ) .

After registration you can freely choose world to reincarnate and communicate with the world will . ]

" so you're saying that i can become a god " .

[ there are chances . ]

" so how do i get one piece world's source ".

[ it depends upon how much you help the world or have influenced the world and other factors i don't know about .

Anyway it gets calculated by reincarnation coupon so you don't have to worry about being cheated . ]

" help, huh " Alex felt as if he has understood it like the one piece world is sick if he somewhat cures it then he can get good amount of WS or if gets super strong or super rich then he get some WS ."but what is reincarnation coupon?."

[ hah ... this coupon costs 1 million WS which reincarnates you .]

" why choose me ? ."

[ because your soul is compatible. And no i can't read your thoghts or control your body without permission, the coupon ensures that ]

" oh oh i get it , so do i get anything that can help me " Alex asked what he thought of as the most important question because how could he an ordinary person has the guts to fight those monsters .

[ Well i usually operate in different one piece and naruto worlds , so you can ask me anything worth 200k WS each . Other worlds i can get you but exchange rates are very bad , so it will be better to work with these .]

" how much do you have ?."

[ 113.2 million naruto WS , 127.7 million one piece WS . And also after the world completes if we get less than 3 million then its 80:20 ,between 3 and 5 it is 70:30 and if it is more than 5 million then 50 :50]

" how stingy " Alex felt as if he has been cheated after all he has read many fanfics ,there are so many systems which directly takes mc to fly and he is stuck with the system which doesn't even give him pocket change but wants all his money." Well , it's good give me hashirama inheritance "

[ it's not possible, chakra is foreign energy thats why it will be preety expensive.

I will give you some prices , skill's prices generally goes upto thousands and ten thousands, bloodline without chakra is in tens of thousands and bloodline with chakra is in hundreds of thousands and inheritance price vary but hashirama costs 1.5 million with chakra .]

"Oh , do you have any recommendations "Alex felt he should just ask the system and then decide what to do.

[ main bloodline family without chakra costs 50k , but i will suggest you buy ( senju+uchiha+Uzumaki ) bloodline it has three stages and after every stage your physique, self-healing, cellular level, spirit, quality and quantity of haki, tomoe of sharingan, vitality and endurance will increase and it only costs 120k. It's just that you can't use any jutsu.]

"Okay i will buy it later , but where are we" asked Alex as it will literally take him nowhere if he drifts in middle of nowhere , who knows if a sea king is lurking nearby .

[ Don't worry host , you will be adopted without a doubt .]

" well in that can seal my consciousness for a year , i don't want to be seen as a kid with mature eyes and recognized as a demon " Alex thought he can tell a lie or two but he cannot act like a child for a year. Even if someone doesn't notice it initially, they will notice gradually, it is better to be cautious. And who wants to see themselves as a kid , Alex wasn't because it will be too frustrating to live in a child's body as an adult for a whole year .

[ okay host ]


A/N :- well i was writing and i thought that i have written too much , so it might be somewhat abrupt.

Anyway if you know some special events/characters between 1494 to 1515 then share it in the comments.