
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime e quadrinhos
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325 Chs

Chapter 79 : Rokushiki!

[Robin and Franky are brought back to Enies Lobby by CP9.]

Knowing that they were tasked with protecting Water 7 and their precious comrades, Luffy and the crew couldn't just stand by idly.

Even though Enies Lobby was heavily fortified and an incredibly dangerous place, there was no turning back!

Not only did Luffy and the crew decide to go, but the Franky Family and the Galley-La shipwrights also joined the mission!

And so, with the Sea Train at full throttle, they sped toward Enies Lobby...

Luffy boldly took the lead, leaping straight toward the towering walls that were said to never let any criminals escape!

Tens of thousands of Marines and agents quickly surrounded him...

They recognized that these intruders were the accomplices of the two recently captured prisoners, but their intentions were clear—they were here to rescue their comrades. Maybe they were looking in the wrong place.

"We may have nearly 10,000 people, and you dare come here alone? You underestimate the might of the World Government's Enies Lobby!" someone shouted from the crowd.

Luffy, encircled by foes, showed no fear. Instead, he extended his hand and lowered his hat gently.

"Being alone is more than enough to take you all down!" he declared.

With those words, Luffy initiated his rampage, unleashing a flurry of rubber attacks that rained down upon the enemy.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, they were soon overwhelmed, forced to retreat in the face of Luffy's sheer power.

However, Luffy knew that his real target was not these minor foes but the heart of Enies Lobby itself. He was determined to rescue Franky and Robin.

"I'll find Franky and Robin myself! Our true enemies are the CP9!" he shouted.

Simultaneously, the Franky Family members and the Galley-La shipwrights stormed in, their resolve unwavering.

"Luffy, leave this place to us. We'll break through the doors of Enies Lobby!" they declared.

With those words, they engaged the Marines, throwing the scene into chaos.

Seeing this, Luffy sported a bright smile and charged straight into Enies Lobby.

Little did they know that Enies Lobby, once seen as a symbol of the World Government's authority, was now under attack by individuals who weren't even pirates. 

Some were employees of shipbuilding companies. This event was a direct challenge to the World Government's power and authority.

"Damn it! These people are nothing short of a rebellion!"

"The very existence of Water 7 is in question. We should obliterate it using the Buster Call!"

"Daring to defy the might of the World Government, they all deserve to perish!"

Admiral Akainu watched the scene with a stern expression, his words reflecting the anger of the Navy's headquarters.

Even the admirals Kizaru and Aokiji, who stood beside him, reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Well, daring to attack Enies Lobby is indeed a path to their own demise," said Vice Admiral Garp.

"Using the Buster Call is a drastic measure, but it can be justified in the name of suppressing a rebellion."

However, even the Fleet Admiral Sengoku was troubled by the situation. As the leader of the Navy, his duty extended beyond capturing pirates and maintaining maritime peace. 

He was also responsible for protecting the World Government's authority from any infringement.

And now, Enies Lobby, the very symbol of the World Government's judicial authority, had been openly defied and infiltrated by a multitude of individuals.

"What has your grandson done, Garp? If not for him, all these people wouldn't dare to challenge Enies Lobby!" Sengoku scolded.

Garp scratched his head with a grin. "Haha, this kid, I can't control him. Otherwise, he might have joined the Marine, but you know him! Besides, I've noticed he's not exactly fond of Enies Lobby's ways, so he might just confront them..."

Sengoku was frustrated but didn't know what to say. After all, Luffy had a temperament of his own.

In the end, he sighed helplessly.

It seemed like father, like son, and like the grandson. The Monkey family had a legacy of going their own way.

In Water 7, Franky was initially stunned when he learned that they were being taken to Enies Lobby. However, when he witnessed his little brother's courage to storm Enies Lobby, he was moved to tears.

"You guys... you've really..."

"I can't help but cry!" While shedding tears, Franky pulled out his guitar and started playing a passionate tune. His younger brothers and even the two square-shaped ladies below him cried along with him.

"As if the scene marked a moment of life and death, the artistic style took on an unusual appearance...


However, Franky swiftly regained his composure, and his face began to radiate determination.

"Don't underestimate him. While he usually acts carefree, truth be told, he's truly intelligent."

Through the image before him, he had already discovered that his future self had revealed the hidden Pluto blueprints, and CP9 was lurking nearby...

"We can't remain in Water 7!"

"If I linger here any longer, I'll not only be unable to save myself, but also the blueprints entrusted to me by our master!"

Franky knew he had to depart from Water 7 as swiftly as possible, as the current CP9 had likely abandoned their disguises.

It was perilous...

They were heading in his direction!

"Open the hidden passageway immediately! Everyone must conceal themselves in the vicinity, and no one should emerge without my command!"

Upon Franky's order, the entire Franky Family's dock underwent a transformation.

It was as though they possessed magical abilities, vanishing from sight with astonishing speed.

Even their inventions were carefully concealed, leaving no trace of their presence.

As an apprentice of the master shipwright, Franky had honed incredible transformation skills, and the Franky Family had long been prepared for unforeseen circumstances in the future.

Franky's intuition proved correct!

With CP9 now unmasked, they were closing in, intending to capture Franky, who possessed the Hades blueprints.

However... their plans were doomed!

Meanwhile, in Syrup Village...

Robin and Usopp had resolved to leave and join Luffy and the others on their adventure.

Nami's presence was a given!

At this moment, Luffy and his crew finally had a pirate ship to call their own.

And by now, the Straw Hat Pirates had expanded their crew to five members.

With the sea beckoning, both Luffy and Usopp were brimming with excitement.

But they noticed something odd about Robin... She stood in place, gazing at the sky with a distant expression.

"Enies Lobby..."

"The Buster Call..."

In her eyes, a fleeting glimmer of fear passed by.

[Luffy bypassed numerous Marine guards, using his rubber abilities to bound between towering structures.]

[Even the Marines in his path couldn't stop him until...]

["Hold it right there!"]

[A hulking figure with hair resembling horns stood atop a rooftop.]

[Luffy looked at the man before him with a grin. "Oh, it's the barkeep! I didn't expect you to be the first one to show up."]

Blueno crossed his arms, looking down at Luffy.

"This is Enies Lobby, with tens of thousands of Marines stationed here, and CP9, directly under the World Government!"

"There's only one outcome for you here, and it's death!"

"So... how long do you plan to cause trouble?"

Upon hearing this, Luffy became deadly serious. "Until we rescue Robin and Franky!"

Blueno looked down with a mocking smile. "Then you've chosen death!"

Luffy showed no fear as he assumed a combat stance. "Alright, let's get it on!"

Speaking of which, Luffy unleashed a barrage of rubber punches.

Countless fists rained down like a storm, directed at Blueno.

Yet, Blueno made no effort to dodge, his expression filled with contempt.



Luffy's attacks posed no threat at this moment. 

Blueno's grin only grew wider.

"Give up. I'm using the Rokushiki!"

"Do you even know what Rokushiki is?"

"It's profound, beyond your comprehension. It's the most advanced technique I've ever mastered, and it took me decades of dedication to perfect!"

"In the end, you're going to die today. Hahaha..."

At the Marine Headquarters...

Watching Blueno's smug smile on the monitor, Vice Admiral Garp wore a puzzled expression.

"Uh... Is this thing really that great?"

The Marines wondered if they had underestimated the Rokushiki technique. After all, it was initially created as a joke, and Garp had passed it on to his students without much thought.

Little did they know...

CP9 regarded it as a precious treasure, studying it for decades to master it.

Sengoku couldn't help but find the situation absurd.

He wished he could rush in and tell Blueno that the Rokushiki he took pride in was created by the kid's grandfather, Monkey D. Garp.

What a charade!

Blueno was pretending to be superior in front of others...


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